Evan Holloway, Dialectic , Cinder blocks, plaster, steel, brass, lighting, and lighting controller, 22.3 x 189.2 x 279.4 centimeters, 2006, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago , Illinois
Tags: EvanHolloway , dialectic , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , MuseumofContemporaryArtChicago , NYTimes , Florida , crowd , neighborhood , LakeWorth , campaignsigns , lastdayofearlyvoting , battlegroundstate , longlines , Texas , IVOTED , stickers , Americanflag , votingcontinued , stateSupremeCourt , deniedefforttothrowout120000ballots , Wisconsin , polling , PresidentTrumpistrailing , inkeynorthernstate , hewonin2016 , women , raisedhands , cheering , ballotdropbox , VOTEHERE , KeySwingStates , SetUpShowdown , AsRaceNearsEnd , BidenPollingAhead , in4Battlegrounds , JosephR.BidenJr. , holdsclearadvantageoverPresidentTrump , bolsteredbysupportofvoters , whodidnotparticipatein2016election , Philadelphia , BothCampaignsVieforPennsylvania , nationalearlyvote , climbspast93million , Pennsylvaniahas20ElectoralCollegevotes , Pennsylvaniacrucialtovictory , chart , NewYorkTimes/SienaCollegepoll , ArizonaFloridaPennsylvaniaWisconsin , WashingtonDC , InEraofTrumpFictions , TrustLoomsasCasualty , "alternativefacts" , democracy , duringfinalweekendofcampaignrallies , Mr.Trumpsowsdoubt , aboutvalidityofelection , OnVenezuela , U.S.StrategyRunsAground , JuanGuaidó , youngoppositionleader , recognizedbyPresidentTrump , StateoftheUnionspeech , Florida'sLatinovoters , Venezuelanexpatriates , CubanAmericans , Trumpadministration'ssanctions , failedtooust , NicolásMaduro , ChineseRussianIranianinterests , morefirmlyentrenchedinVenezuela , ACityatOdds , OntheMoment , ToOpenSchools , SanFrancisco , thirdwave , coronavirus , debatehowtosafelyeducate , low-incomeandminoritystudents , Henderson , Nebraska , InNebraska , Seeking4MoreYearsofBelonging , Trump'sRuralBackers , SpeakofaKinship , peoplesay , PresidentTrumprepresents , theirdeepconvictions , stronglyheldbeliefs , goodversusevilframework , verywindy , gusts40to50m.p.h. , cold
James Van Der Zee, Whittier Preparatory School, Phoebus, Va., Gelatin silver-toned print, 5.75 x 7.5 inches, Negative 1907, printed 1974, Williams College Museum of Art , Williamstown, Massachusetts
Tags: JamesVanDerZee , portraiture , gelatinsilverprint , WilliamsCollegeMuseumofArt , NYTimes , orangebluemap , schoolchildren , classroom , greentables , stand-ins , ANewMap , ReducedBlackRepresentation , GeorgiaCounty , OpeningFreshRacialFissures , interior , framedportraits , clock , doorframe , currentmembers , SumterCountyschoolboard , hadaBlackmajority , untilnewvotingmap , newvotingmapcreatedseatsBlackswereunlikelytowin , Blackstudents , makeupnearlythreequartersofstudentbody , VotingRightsBattle , SchoolBoard'Coup' , Americus , Georgia , NewYorkCityBoardofElections , earlyvoting , ShakyRecord , ForOverseersOfCity'sVotes , ElectionsBoardIsRelic , PatronagePolitics , WashingtonDC , TrumpApproachToVirus , FaultedInNewOutbreak , 5onPenceStaffSick , WhiteHouseContinuestoDefyCaution , AmidJumpinU.S.Cases , coronavirus , pandemic , African-AmericanNamedCardinal , MakingHistory , PopeFrancis , nnamedArchbishopWiltonGregoryofWashington , CatholicChurch , forcenturies , excludedAfrican-Americansfrompositionsofpower , MapofDonors , RevealsaSplit , OnClassLines , JoeBiden , outraisedPresidentTrump , twocandidatesfinancingcampaigns , fromtwodifferentAmericas , BeyondBiden'sClimatePlan , Reality: A PiecemealApproach , PackedAgenda , WouldMakeItHardtoAct , $2trillionplan , fightglobalwarming , footballfield , blueuniforms , nighttimepractice , AnOfficer , aCoach , aHealer , InthewakeofthekillingofGeorgeFloyd , CharlesAdams , hadtosquarehisduties , withthePoliceDepartment , MinneapolisNorthHighSchoolfootballteam , mostlycloudy , humidinthemorning
Beverly Buchanan, Three Families (A Memorial Piece With Scars) , Wood with paint, charcoal, and metal, Overall dimensions: 17 x 32 x 10 inches, 1989, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: BeverlyBuchanan , wood , paint , charcoal , metal , sculpture , threefamilies , memorial , scars , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Virginia , NYTimes , women , domesticinterior , sandbags , pilesofwood , cots , bedding , Armenians , secludedinbasement , apartmentbuilding , Stepanakert , Nagorno-Karabakh , ResignationandDespair , StokeArmenianConflict , BattleWithAzerbaijanIntensifies , CallstoSuspendFighting , GoUnheeded , disputedterritory , CaucasusMountains , whereEuropemeetsAsia , brutalwarofattrition , Azerbaijanidrones , TrumpStaysUpbeat , CampaignTurnsGrim , SoberingView , SpreadsAmongStrategists , asElectionNears , thrice-a-dayrallyschedule , finalweeksoftherace , HowAgendasFill , LocalNewsVoid , ClientsPay , forFavorablePoliticalCoverage , MaineBusinessDaily , fast-growingnetwork , nearly1300websites , aimtofillvoid , vanishinglocalnewspapers , builtonpropaganda , voters , TheySpurnedClintonin2016 , ButLikeBiden , "IidentifymorewithBiden--" , ThomasMoline , independent , HillaryClinton , JosephR.BidenJr. , Haiti , FromanOrphanage , totheRoseGarden , AfterOrdeal , NewLifeforBarrettChildren , earthquakehitHaitiin2010 , childrenfromorphanage , boardedcharterplane , Americanhumanitarianeffort , tostartnewlives , inanewcountry , withnewfamilies , blackandwhitephotography , TheEastVillage , OldandNew , tourtheneighborhood , theRamones , rockband , wheremanyhaveheldcourt , Beijing , VirusinCheck , China'sEconomy , BouncesBack , Chineseeconomysurged4.9% , July-Septemberquarter , vigorousexpansion , settodominateglobalgrowth , mostlycloudy
Afruz Amighi, His Lantern , Shadow installation; plain weave: polyethylene, hand cut, 100 x 70 inches, 2006, The Cleveland Museum Of Art , Ohio
Tags: AfruzAmighi , lantern , shadowinstallation , polyethylene , handcut , lightprojection , pattern , weave , TheClevelandMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , Beirut , SursockPalace , builtin19thCentury , DaringtoDream , Rebuilding , interiorbedroom , frescoes , harborscenes , ships , August4thblast , rubble , chandelier , destroyedbedroom , ownersvowtorestoreit , Olyphant , Pennsylvania , CanTrumpWringMoreFromHisWhiteBase? , AroundPennsylvania , PotentialRoute , toRe-election , frontyard , informalsigndepot , Republicans , DaveMitchko , lifelongDemocrat , jobloss , disability , 2020 , registeredasRepublicanforfirsttime , "Iopenedmyeyes" , Mr.Mitchkoexplained , CourtNomineeIsConservative , RootedinFaith , BarrettFollowedRarePath , totheBench , JudgeAmyConeyBarrett , outsider , unbendingconvictiononsocialissues , NotreDameLawSchool , DonaldF.McGahnII , "WenowaffectionatelycallherJudgeDogma" , BattleLines , RepublicansandDemocrats , offerclashingimages , ofAmyConeyBarrett , Democrat'sHaul , ShattersRecordForSenateRace , $57MillionQuarter , NationalSurgeinGiving , LiftsRivaltoGraham , SouthCarolina , JaimeHarrison , BeatingCovid , OnlytoBeLeft , WithBrainFog , Covid-19 , troublingcognitivesymptoms , basketball , LakersAreGolden , LeBronJames , wonhisfourthN.B.A.championship , poweringLosAngelespastMiami , Jerusalem , ByDefyingMideastTruisms , TrumpGotWinsandSetbacks , movedAmericanembassytoJerusalem , withdrewfromIrannucleardeal , orderedkillingofMaj.Gen.QassimSuleimani , brokeredtreaties , betweenIsraelandtwoArabstates , Schoolchildren , StalledforMonths , GrowingLaptopShortage , coronaviruspandemic , PoorerDistricts , LoseOutinBattle , tobuycomputers , shipmentdelays , cooler , periodicrain , heavyattimes
Mathilde ter Heijne, 1, 2, 3, …10, Wie Niet Weg Is, Is Gezien , Radios, CD players, central control unit, 1 + 1 AP, 70 x 220 x 200 centimeters, 2000, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst , Zurich, Switzerland
Tags: MathildeterHeijne , mixedmedia , installation , audio , radios , CDplayers , speech , sound , MigrosMuseumfürGegenwartskunst , Zurich , NYTimes , BlackSuburban , reflectivesurface , windows , PresidentTrump , wavestocrowd , briefouting , somemedicalexpertssaid , reckless , endangeredSecretServiceagents , TroublingFacts , FromPhysicians , UndercutTrump , Steroid , MaySignalSevereCase , Covid-19 , dexamethasone , reservedforsevereillness , TakingRiskyRide , ProjectOptimism , WalterReedNationalMilitaryMedicalCenter , doctorsrewrote , officialnarrativeofpresident'sillness , CredibilityLost , president'sphysicianconfessed , hehadmisledthepublic , losingtrustofsomepeers , Humility'sBenefits , positivetests , amongpresident'sallies , showwhypoliticiansadvisedtobehumble , WashingtonMemo , NYC , AdoptsTargetedShutdowns , HotSpotsEmerge , RollingBackReopening , 20Neighborhoods , Brooklyn , Queens , MajorSetback , experiencingrisingpositivityrates , blackemptyfoldingchairs , greenlawn , WashingtonNationalMonument , Seating , ThoseWhoAreNoLongerHere , OrganizersinWashington , setup20000chairs , tohonor200000victimsofCovid-19 , Doha , Qatar , ItWasTheirFathers'War , TheyAimtoEndIt , childrenofmen , playedkeyrolesinSovietconflict , 1980s , fourdecadesofviolenceandloss , FacingLegaciesofStrife , AfghanPeaceTalks , Afghangovernment , Taliban , BidenFacingQuestions , AboutTesting , beyondpublicexamples , safetyprecautions , Mr.Biden'shealthprotocols , remainedlargelyunderwraps , SenatorKamalaHarris , Americanflagbackground , VicePresidentMikePence , setfordebate , UniversityofUtah , PreparedtoGrabtheReins? , ADebateGainsinImportance , Mr.Trump'sdiagnosis , potentiallylethalvirus , at74yearsold , Democraticrival , JosephR.BidenJr. , at77yearsold , starkreminder , eitherMr.PenceorMs.Harris , couldendupbeingpresidentthemselves , passingmorningshowers , afternoonsunshine , seasonable
Tags: AlessandroMendini , giacca , jacket , sculpture , goldenmosaic , paintedmetalfurniture , President'sTaxes , ChartChronicLosses , AuditBattle , IncomeTaxAvoidance , goldcoin , goldslotmachine , jackpot , goldgolfclubs , goldWhiteHouse , goldescalator , PresidentTrumppaidnoU.S.incometax , formuchofpasttwodecades , Theyearhebecamepresident , hepaid$750 , I.R.S. , auditingtaxrefund , Trumpclaimed$72.9milliontaxrefund , AtlanticCitycasinocollapsed , TheApprentice , brandingdeals , Financialpressureonpresidentgrowing , Trumpreportedlossesonsignatureproperties , earnedmillionsinlicensingfees , $3millionfromthePhilippines , $2.3millionfromIndia , $1millionfromTurkey , vastwrite-offs , fuelagildedlife , YearsOfTrumpRecords , Long-ConcealedReturns , PointtoLoomingFinancialThreats , DirectConflictsofInterest , hundredsofmillionsofdollarsindebtcomingdue , portrait , Americanflagbackground , ThepresidenthasfloutedWhiteHousetradition , shieldingfinancesfromthepublic , RansomwareMayThreatenElectionNight , OfficialsFearHackers , WillSowChaos , Texas , TylerTechnologies , cyberattack , federalofficialsfear , groupstrytofreezevoterregistrationdata , electionpollbooks , computersystemsofsecretariesofstate , WashingtonDC , VotersWantPauseonCourtSeat , HighlightingRisk , G.O.P.Push , SupremeCourt , Trump'snomination , JudgeAmyConeyBarrett , TumakaruIndia , VirusClosedSchools , World'sPoorestChildren , WenttoWork , TakingDangerousandIllegalJobs , surgeinchildlabor , coulderodeprogressachieved , schoolenrollment , literacy , socialmobility , children'shealth , coronaviruspandemic , NYTimes , FondationCartierpourl'artcontemporain , Paris , France , showers , afternoonsunshine , humid
Tags: RichardAnuszkiewicz , InnerRed , painting , oilonlinen , abstraction , 1960s , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , ANation'sAnguish , DeathsNear200000 , neighborhood , redflags , whiteflags , grass , sunshinethroughtrees , ShaneReilly , artist , Austin , Texas , plantedplasticflaginyard , tohonoreachpersoninstate , whodiedasresultofcoronaviruspandemic , ClosetoaMillion , HavePerishedWorldwide , "Whatwillhappennobodyknows" , CatherineTroisi , infectiousdiseaseepidemiologist , UniversityofTexasHealthScienceCenter , Nearly900poster-sizephotos , coronavirusvictims , filledmemorial , BelleIsle , Detroit , Spainhonoredvictims , eternalflame , orangefire , risingfromblacksteelbrazier , Madrid , Crossesandballoons , placedastributes , CopacabanaBeach , RiodeJaneiro , redballoons , GrimReminders , HardtoEscape , MichaelDavis , dazedandgrieving , wifediedofcoronavirus , "Everything'scoronaeverything'scorona---that'sallyouhearaboutallthetime." , AdversariesGird , BattleBrews , OverCourtSeat , TrumpWantsFastVote , BidenSaysWinneroftheElection , ShouldPicktheNewJustice , futureofSupremeCourt , mourning , RuthBaderGinsburg , championofwomen'srights , herototheleft , AbortionFight , volatileissue , politicalrisksforbothsides , Mankind'sFeats , PlaceCaliforniaAtClimateRisk , thisyear , state'sworstwildfireseasononrecord , manufacturedlandscapes , tremendousgrowth , $3trillioneconomy , abundantsunshine , cool
Clarissa Tossin, Spent , Porcelain and trash, Dimensions variable, 2009, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: ClarissaTossin , castporcelain , trash , detritus , white , installationart , HarvardArtMuseums , NYTimes , ash , yellowbrown , rubble , desks , twistedmetal , fragmentsofwood , Californiawildfires , destroyedBerryCreekElementarySchool , studentsequipped , remotelearning , RelentlessBlaze , EngulfsTheWest , InSmokeAndFear , SchoolsAdaptPlans , SecondCrisis , WindsGainStrength , RisksIncrease , red-orangebackground , firefighter , watching , out-of-control , BearFire , BigBend , California , "massivewalloffire" , SanFrancisco , climate-changedisaster , SenatorJeffMerkley , DemocratofOregon , "Idrove600milesupanddownthestateandIneverescapedthesmoke" , Trump , BoldClimateDenier , ConfrontsaCharredCalifornia , WashingtonDC , acresofscorchedearth , ash-filledskies , AmericanWest , rolledbackregulations , weakeningfederalpolicy , tocombatdangerousemissions , HowNewYork'sPoliceUnions , EmbracedTrump , LeadershipDoesNotReflect , DiversityofLowerRanks , PatrickJ.Lynch , PoliceBenevolentAssociation , ThousandsstrandedinLesbos , Greece , firerazedrefugeecamp , LivinginMisery , AfraidoftheFuture , familiesdisplaced , red , blue , yellow , grey , waterbottles , IsraelisSenseMideastShift , Jerusalem , normalizeties , UnitedArabEmirates , Bahrain , back-to-backagreements , ScientistsUrgeTransparencyonVaccines , IncreasePublicTrust , coronavirusvaccine , AstraZeneca , Pfizer , vaccinerace , mostlysunnyskies , lowhumidity
Tags: JasonRohrer , passage , videogame , software , bluescreen , lines , figure , player , frontporch , bluedoors , concrete , Americanflag , student , pinkgreycamouflage , backpack , MarshayMcKinley , Chillicothe , Ohio , atschool , manyothersathome , ANewLevel , First-DayNerves , studentsaroundthecountry , tryingtoresumeeducation , duringapandemic , Philadelphia , SafetyShapesPlans , FortifyVotingStations , RecruitingHelp , TimeRunningShort , pollingsites , ElectionDay , TrumpTakesAim , Biden'sLead , InHomestretch , GapNarrowsSlightly , FocusonBattlegroundStates , AmidUnrest , Pandemic , portrait , DonaldTrump , speaking , Trumpcampaign , targeting , whiteMidwesternvoters , WashingtonDC , BidenJourneyOnChina , HasAHardTurn , TheLongRun , FromHopetoChallenge , allowCommunistnationentry , WorldTradeOrganization , Dothan , Alabama , InPrison , CellphonesBecomeTools , forExtortion , CallsDemandPayment , PreventViolence , AgainstInmates , dysfunctionalprisonsystem , Minsk , Belarus , AgingRockers , EmergetoLead , BelarusRevolt , PitPawlaw , band , protestersjoinedchorus , "Hey-la-la-la-lai-don'twaitdon'twait" , LouBrock , 1939-2020 , MajorLeagueBaseball , St.LouisCardinals , Cardinals20 , team , blackandwhiteteamportrait , HallofFame , onceheldmajorleaguerecord , stolenbases , propelledCardinalstotwotitles , ASmackedBall , FallenJudge , DjokovicIsOut , U.S.Open , tennis , NovakDjokovic'sdismissal , losthiscool , inadvertentlystruckalinejudgewithaball , tenniscourt , blue , black , white , mostlysunny , lowhumidity
Tags: LynnAldrich , assemblage , sculpture , breaker , green , gardenhoses , LACMA , NYTimes , river , embankment , rocks , nature , worker , pilesofdetritus , billionsofpieces , plasticwaste , exportedfromU.S. , toberecycled , endsupinriversandoceans , BigOil , PivotstoPlastics , EyesAfrica , ItsDumpingGround , grocerystoreaisle , freshvegetables , orange , yellow , red , reuseablebag , netting , Kenya , passedstringentlaw , againstplasticbags , in2017 , world'slargestchemicalmakers , fossilfuelcompanies , lobbyingtoinfluence , U.S.tradenegotiations , TreasuryChief , FeelstheSting , FromAllSides , AidDealIsaLegacy , forBetterorWorse , TreasurySecretaryStevenMnuchin , $2.2trilliongovernmentrescue , PortlandDeath , InflamesDebate , UrbanStrife , TrumpBackers'Rally , PresidentInsultsMayor , TedWheeler , BidenCallsHisRivalReckless , streetviolence , finalweeks , 2020campaign , QuickTesting , IfYouCanPay , TheSteepCost , coronavirustests , conciergemedicalpractices , InfinityBiologiX , NewJersey-basedcompany , Dr.AndrewBrooks , "Sofarwehavetested12billionaires" , AsChinaFlexes , TaiwanRevampsItsMilitary , Taiwanesemilitaryexercises , cannonfire , smoke , landscape , trenches , mounds , grass , dirt , camouflageuniforms , ThePeople'sLiberationArmyofChina , livefire-drills , lastweek , WashingtonDC , ItCan'tGetWorse... , Right? , FiveLives , Upendedby2020 , HowSomeAmericans , AreTryingtoCope , YearofPain , ChadwickBoseman , death , Hollywoodstar , trendingonTwitter , "IHATE2020" , yearoftragedy , catastrophe , upheaval , pandemic , socialunrest , wildfires , hurricanes , mostlysunny , lowhumidity
Lucky DeBellevue, Happy , Chenille stems, plastic trays, brackets, 19 x 32 x 10.5 inches, 1997, Akron Art Museum , Ohio
Tags: LuckyDeBellevue , mixedmedia , chenillestems , sculpture , installation , happy , AkronArtMuseum , NYTimes , waterpark , inflatablerafts , orange , red , yellow , blue , crowds , BuoyantatLast , party , Wuhan , China , virus'searlyepicenter , localtransmissions , nearzero , lifefeelsnormal , swimming , AsWoesGrow , PresidentAims , ToRecastStory , LookingtoConvention , forCampaignLift , WashingtonDC , RepublicanNationalConvention , StephenK.Bannon , build-the-wall , fundraisingscam , portrait , toughweekforpresident , DonaldTrump , Senate , bipartisanreport , Russia , 2016election , interference , StungByTrump , F.D.A. , AuthorizesPlasmaTherapy , NoRandomizedTrials , AgencyAccused , 'DeepState'Delay , TiedtoElection , emergencyapproval , anti-body-richbloodplasma , 2020Census , FacingSevereDoubts , OverAccuracy , 38millionhouseholds , stilluncounted , Covid-19 , risingmistrustofgovernment , ordertofinishcount , amonthearly , DefianceinBelarus , TestsLimits , 26-YearRule , 'LastRemainingTrueDictatorship' , inHeartofEurope , AleksandrG.Lukashenko , 100000protesters , Minsk , disputedelection , interior , windows , workman , Louisiana , BracesforRareOne-TwoPunch , MarrisMielnick , preparingAntieauGallery , NewOrleans , back-to-backstorms , emergencypreparedness , Portland , Oregon , Portland'sNewD.A. , MikeSchmidt , LetsOff300Protesters , thePoliceFume , TightropeonSpeech , andEnforcement , NewtonFalls , Ohio , InShiftingOhio , TwoVoters , father , stepdaughter , ShareaFamily , NotaParty , 2020presidentialelection , partlysunny , thunderstorms , humid
Sandra Selig, heart of the air you can hear , Polyester thread, nails, synthetic polymer paint, 270 x 570 x 285 centimeters, 2011, National Gallery of Victoria , Melbourne, Australia
Tags: SandraSelig , mixedmedia , artinstallation , red , polyesterthread , paint , architecture , space , corner , flow , NationalGalleryofVictoria , Melbourne , Australia , NYTimes , redwhite , flag , protesters , crowd , Belarus , loudercalls , forLeader'sExit , tensofthousands , stagedbiggestprotestyet , Minsk , opposefraud-taintedpresidentialelection , Trump'sCampaignCoffers , LowonBig-DollarChecks , UltrawealthyRepublicans , DelayDivertReduceTheirGifts , PresidentTrump , superPAC , AmericaFirstAction , TheTrumpVictoryFund , LindaMcMahon , portrait , runsTrumpsuperPAC , donated$4million , Fearing'Twindemic' , ExpertsPushforFluShots , OfficesandPlantsClosed , SearchIsOn , forOtherSites , newsurge , Covid-19 , severefluseason , C.D.C. , orderedadditional9.3milliondoses , ChildMigrants , HeldAtHotels , PrivateSecurityFirm , ShadowPolicy , hoteldetentions , aggressiveborderclosurepolicy , coronaviruspandemic , blueskyandcloud , greywall , names , underlined , UniversityofVirginia , memorial , listsenslavedworkers , records , oftendidn'tprovidenames , Charlottesville , Where'HorribleCruelties' , CanNoLongerHide , University'sMemorial , EnslavedLaborers , IsabellaGibbons , postCivilWar , formerlyenslavedBlackwoman , ownedbyuniversityfacultymember , SpeakerNancyPelosi , CurtailRecessforVote , OnPostalRelief , mail-inballots , integrityofNovemberelection , MourningLossofConvention , DemocraticNationalConvention , Milwaukee , FiservForum , WisconsinCenter , hotelsclosed , restaurantsempty , barseerilybarren , America'smostbeer-lovingcity , cloudsandsunshine , warm , eveningshowers , thunderstorms
Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, A Rite of Passage: The Velvet Cat Tail and the Silk Tiger Lily , Wood, metallic foil, 45 RPM vinyl record, artificial flowers, Saran wrap, metal staples, fabric, plastic beads, and fiber-tipped pen, 98.7 x 39.4 x 38.4 centimeters, 1987-1988, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: ThomasLanigan-Schmidt , sculpture , shrine , mixedmedia , riteofpassage , WhitneyMuseum , NYTimes , roses , lilies , sunflowers , bouquetofflowers , red , pink , orange , yellow , cemetery , umbrella , familyofVictorBailón , gatheringatgrave , Tonanitla , Mexico , HospitalFear , DrivesDeaths , WithinMexico , PatientsComeTooLateForAid , DoctorsSay , MexicoCity , morethan52000confirmeddeaths , OrdersByTrump , OnEconomicAid , BreedConfusion , DemocratsSeekTalks , ThePresident'sAdvisers , DefendActions , LegallyShaky , patchworkofmoves , executiveorders , $400weeklysupplement , unemploymentchecks , fundingcontingent , onagreementwithstateofficials , WashingtonDC , LosAngeles , Battling2Contagions , CoronavirusandAnxiety , contacttracer , ATracer'sStruggle , HelpContacts , WhoAreWaryofHer , RadhikaKumar , portraitgrid , men , women , blue , PPE , masks , stethoscope , InHarm'sWay , healthcareworkers , inSouthandSouthwest , facingbattle , theyhopedtoavoid , 'TopCop' , NowaReformer? , WrestlingWithHarris'sRecord , portrait , SenatorKamalaHarris , soughtmiddleground , California , "reimagininghowwedopublicsafetyinAmerica" , leadingcontender , JosephR.BidenJr.'srunningmate , BoycottorNot , FoxNews , BoltsPastNetworks , inJuneandJuly , highest-ratedtelevisionchannel , prime-timehours , 8-11p.m. , TuckerCarlson , SeanHannity , moreliveviewers , thancompetingbaseballandbasketballgames , 'DefundthePolice' , NotSoFast , SeveralBlackPoliticiansSay , RaisingSafetyWorries , inNewYorkCity , clash , acrossracialideologicalgenerationallines , dividingBlackandLatinocouncilmembers , citycouncilwoman , VanessaL.Gibson , They"wanttoseecopsinthecommunity" , "Theydon'twanttoseeexcessiveforce" , partlysunny , ratherhot , humid
Tags: DoraDeLarios , ceramics , porcelain , aluminum , sculpture , DecorativeArts , LACMA , LosAngeles , NYTimes , bluesky , bluewater , ocean , lifeboat , whiteparachutes , nets , splashdown , NASA , astronauts , returnedtoEarth , GulfofMexico , endaflight , ElonMusk , SpaceX , dome , sun , star , gold , LaginTallying , Mail-InBallots , RaisesAlarms , NewYorkCity , StillDecidingJuneRaces , congressionalraces , PostalService , difficultyprocessingballots , wrongfullydisqualified , lackofapostmark , "Thiselectionisacanaryinthecoalmine" , SurajPatel , portraiture , womanwithbluemask , bluegloves , BoardofElections , staffshortage , Warren'sPathToAwakening , OnRacialBias , LizHerring , ElizabethWarren , GeorgeWashingtonUniversity , freshmanin1966 , KappaAlphaTheta , all-whitesorority , ledchargeinCongress , torenamebases , thathonorConfederateleaders , CollegesCramforaTest , 'CanWeOpenSafely?' , GettingStudents , toStay6FeetApart , PosesaChallenge , containingcoronavirus , amongyoungimpulsivepopulation , students , grass , bricksidewalk , street , movingintodorms , staggeredreturn , N.C.StateUniversity , Raleigh , NorthCarolina , ScientistsFret , AsWhiteHouseRushesVaccine , EyeingSafety , Vs.Need , FearsofPressure , politicalintervention , HandtothePresident , 'OctoberSurprise' , DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices , OperationWarpSpeed , TheTroubledOnlinePath , Teen'Mastermind' , MinecraftTricks , toHugeTwitterHack , GrahamIvanClark , onlinemischief-making , startedearly , Bitcoin , theft , cryptocurrency , Trump'sTalk , BanningTikTok , InflamesGenZ , BothCreatorsandFans , FeelaWorldShake , humid , partlycloudy , thunderstorms
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, High Bridge Crossing, The Appomattox, near Farmville on South Side Railroad, VA , Albumen print, Image: 17.1 x 22.5 centimeters, Support: 30.5 x 39.4 centimeters, 1865, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: TimothyO'Sullivan , albumenprint , bridge , Appomattox , Farmville , railroad , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , Virginia , NYTimes , EdmundPettusBridge , redpetals , bluesky , AFinalSundayinSelma , Alabama , funeralcaisson , RepresentativeJohnLewis , acrosstheAlabamabridge , horses , hefirstmarched , overahalf-centuryago , VirusCutsOffGlobalLifeline , AidingMillions , WagesSentHomebyMigrants , Plunge , London , FlaviusTudor , "It'sverytoughtimes" , "I'mlost" , remittances , coronavirus , economiesinlockdown , pandemicdamagedearningpower , 164millionmigrantworkers , whosupport800millionrelatives , Houston , Texas , 'YouDotheRightThings' , 'andStillYouGetIt' , TexasFamilyIsCaught , inUnrestrainedSpreadofVirus , supermarketbagger , Randalls , grocerystore , Seattle , Washington , CitiesAreInBind , AsUnrestFlares , OverU.S.Actions , EscalationOfProtests , NewOutrageandClashes , Response , FederalAgentsonStreets , PresidentTrump , seizedonscenesofunrest , law-and-ordermessage , riotgear , black , blue , orange , policeofficers , protesters , conflict , militarizedefforts , Misogyny , FedLawyer'sRage , AgainstJudge , "anti-feminist"lawyer , yearsofresentment , violence , MTA , platform , subway , train , TransitWorkers'Sacrifice , emotionalcost , keepingNewYorkCitymoving , duringpandemic , LakeBuenaVista , Florida , N.B.A. , SafeStrangeHaven , inHotSpot , NoDazzle , ManyRules , CarePackages , playoutrestofseason , withoutfans , confinedcampus , AVirginiaTown , RethinksItsConfederatePillars , WhereLeeIsBuried , NoMoreLeeHotel , picturesquecity , nestledinBlueRidgeMountains , sunny , hot , humid
Alan Saret, Queen’s Mesh, Enamel paint on wire mesh, 43.5 x 73.75 x 28 inches, 1967, High Museum of Art , Atlanta, Georgia
Tags: AlanSaret , sculpture , wiremesh , paint , installation , HighMuseumofArt , Atlanta , NYTimes , hospitalroom , bluePPE , surgicalmasks , birth , mother , newborn , paleyellow , KimberlyMuñoz , diagnosedwithCovid-19 , preventedfromholdinghernewbornbaby , SouthTexas , AsRollsSurge , FindingRefuge , FoodStamps , AReliableBackstop , U.S.EconomyStalls , WashingtonDC , coronavirus , SNAP , universalsafetynet , AlliesOfTrump , StartToBreakRanksOnVirus , "ThisIsNotGoingAway" , PushingMasks , Distance , GuidanceofHealthExperts , public-healthguidelines , HandsAreOut , TalksBeginOnAddingAid , Housewants$3trillioninaid , Senatewants$1trillion , extendedunemploymentinsurance , liabilityprotections , shelfofGoyacans , TrumpfansarebuyingGoya , Beans , Boycotts , thePoliticsOfPantryItems , RobertUnanue , Goya'sCEO , appearedatWhiteHouse , rollout , HispanicProsperityInitiative , graph , statistics , AfterRecentSurge , CoronavirusCases , DeathsAreNowRisingToo , London , SureofPandemicReadiness , EuropeSawPride , LeadtoaFall , FacingVirus , CountriesFoundExpertise , ResourcesLacking , BehindTheCurve , AFalseSenseofSecurity , ProfessorChrisWhitty , Britain'schiefmedicaladviser , "wealthmassivelyhardensasocietyagainstepidemics" , Edinburg , Texas , 'AStraightUpTrajectory' , HitsAlreadyStressedBorderRegion , PoorHealthandPoverty , SpuraGallopingCoronavirus , RioGrandeValley , morethanonethirdoffamilies , liveinpoverty , uptohalfofresidents , havenohealthinsurance , hot , showers , heavythunderstormslate
John Cage, Dramatic Fire , Aquatint and embossing on smoked paper, 46 x 58.1 centimeters, Edition of 25, Published by Crown Point Press, 1989, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JohnCage , DramaticFire , aquatint , embossing , paper , limitededition , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , smoke , clouds , grey , taupe , landscape , military , harbor , FireStrikesNavyShip , SanDiego , 17sailors , 4civilians , injuredinblaze , explosion , U.S.S.BonhommeRichard , FrackersFail , ExecutivesReapMillions , Taxpayers , CouldBearHighCleanupCosts , MDCEnergy , oilandgascompanies , hurtlingtowardbankruptcy , asbusinessescollapse , millionsofdollars , executivecompensation , WhitingPetroleum , ChesapeakeEnergy , DiamondOffshoreDrilling , AVulgarTape , JitteryAllies , TrumpEscape , TheLongRun , ThePresident'sCrisisPlaybook , DonaldJ.Trump , downandunwillingtogetout , sawonewaybackup , Golower , 15 , Tampa , Florida , 15000NewCasesInFlorida , InDay , BreakARecord , SurpassingNewYork , DozensofStates , AversetoRestrictions , SeeSharpSurges , outdoorscene , peoplegathering , pier , downtownSt.Petersburg , GovernorRonDeSantis , "IfyoucandoHomeDepot" , "ifyoucandoWalmart" , "weabsolutelycandotheschools" , LakeBuenaVista , DisneyWorld , OpensItsGates , PushtoProve , It'saHaven , leavingyourtroublesbehind , entertainingfamilies , BalancingAct , ForBlackAide , InWestWing , Ja'RonSmith , BlackRepublicanCongressionalStaffAssociation , highest-rankingBlackofficial , inTrumpWhiteHouse , Kabul , Afghanistan , groupofmen , whiteflagswithtext , desert , MembersoftheTaliban , Russiawasthoughttobesource , oftheirarms , SuspicionsAboutRussia'sOutreachtoTaliban , GoBackYears , bountiestoattack , U.S.andcoalitiontroops , cloudsandsunshine , showers , thunderstorms , possiblestrongwinds
Tags: sculpture , onyx , rose-colored , FrançoisdeMalherbe , “ConsolationáM.Du Périer” , openbook , poet , France , text , egg , groupofwomen , landscape , shoreline , water , reflection , black , SubmerginganAncientTreasure , for'Prosperity' , Hasankeyf , Turkey , floodwaters , upriverdam , madeancientoutpostunlivable , RacialDisparity , CoronavirusCases , StretchesAllAcrossBoard , C.D.C.Data , ShowsAlarmingImpactofVirus , BlackandLatinoPeople , MirellaBentivoglio , NationalMuseumofWomenintheArts , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , throughouthundredsofcounties , acrossallagegroups , "Systemicracismdoesn'tjustevidenceitselfinthecriminaljusticesystem." , QuintonLucas , Blackmayor , KansasCity , Missouri , crowd , mourning , lightblue , balloons , signs , pictures , "EnoughisENOUGH" , vigil , SincereGaston , 1-year-old , hitbybulletincar , Englewood , ViolenceinChicagoSpikes , TakingTollonYoung , SinceStartofSummer , 9ChildrenKilledbyGunfire , "TheWindyCityisbecomingtheBloodyCity" , Rev.MichaelL.Pfleger , SaintSabinaChurch , ScientistsInsistAirborneSpread , Threat , W.H.O.Wavers , portrait , twogamblers , pinkyellowlightblue , glow , TheStrat , LasVegas , Expertsthink , viruslingersindoors , airbornetransmission , tinydroplets , smallerparticles , 'EverythingIsSensitive' , ChinaForcesHongKong , toReadjust , ForgingaNewReality , UnderBeijing'sLaw , territory'sdistinctculture , politicalactivism , freespeech , appearedtobeinperil , D.C.'sSwamp , HasNewAim , AnotherTerm , DavidUrban , best-connectedlobbyist , PresidentTrump'sWashington , Raytheon , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , JosephR.BidenJr. , HowBiden , byTurnsGenialandBlunt , BuiltDiplomaticBridges , TheLongRun , ShapingForeignRelations , Mr.Bidenmadequick"personalconnection" , withChineseleader , XiJinping , partlysunny , hot
Jeffrey Gibson, Freedom , Repurposed tipi poles, rawhide lacing, artificial sinew, buffalo hide, acrylic paint, wool, glass and plastic beads, sterling silver, turquoise, and quartz, 104 x 233 x 60 inches, 2013, Denver Art Museum , Colorado
Tags: JeffreyGibson , freedom , multimedia , sculpture , installation , abstraction , painting , DenverArtMuseum , Colorado , NYTimes , youngwoman , armsoutstretched , rainbowflag , multicolored , stripes , rainystreets , crowd , 50YearsofPride , Peoplecelebratedmilestone , Pride , pouringrain , festivities , ObamaDrawnBack , PoliticalBattlefield , HeWantedtoQuit , TougherLineonTrump , MarksNewPhase , UniqueRetirement , BarackObama , CashDiscovery , TippedOffSpies , AboutBounties , Warnings , Early2020 , RussianPlotIsSuspected , atLeastOneU.S.MilitaryDeath , shadowwar , Afghanistan , SpeakerNancyPelosi , "RussiahasnevergottenoverthehumiliationtheysufferedinAfghanistan" , "andnowtheyaretakingitoutonusourtroops" , Houston , Texas , HoustonSurge , FillsHospitalsWiththeYoung , RacetoFindBedSpace , BeforethePeakHits , coronaviruscasesrisingquickly , HoustonMethodistHospital , portrait , KimVictory , Tennessee , AsBodyFights , VirusSplintersPatients'Minds , Delirium , nightmarishvisions , 3-weekhospitalstay , severerespiratoryfailure , WashingtonDC , MichaelT.Flynn , Flynn'sLawyer , EnlistedAllies , InHighPlaces , SidneyPowell , firebrandlawyer , privatecorrespondence , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , directeddepartmenttodropthecharge , undercuttingRussiainvestigation , specialcounselRobertS.MuellerIII , twomenembrace , interior , creamcoloredsuit , surgicalmask , "IT'STIME" , sticker , RetiringaFlag , Mississippi , Statesenators , passingabill , removeemblemoftheConfederacy , DoesN.Y.P.D.GetTooMuch? , PerhapsIt'sAskedtoDoTooMuch , MoneytoFightCrime , toChaseDeer , citygovernments , turntodepartment , catchallfix , society'sills , deployingforce , 36000officers , paramilitaryapproach , protests , GeorgeFloydkilling , "defundthepolice" , CityCouncil , speakerproposesbudgetcut , $1billionfromdepartment's$6billionbudget , cloudsandsunshine , thunderstorms
Rachel Whiteread, Untitled (elongated plinths) , Plastic and urethane foam (three elements), each 67.3 x 77.2 x 221.0 centimeters, 1998, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: RachelWhiteread , plinths , sculpture , installation , white , urethanefoam , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , NYTimes , interior , perspective , whitesheets , whitepillows , hospitalbeds , plasticsheeting , chandelier , banquethall , NewDelhi , housingviruscases , India'shealthcarecenters , refusedentry , tovirusandnon-viruspatients , India , 8Hospitals , 15Hours , NoMercy , ScoresAreAbandonedinStreets , VirusCasesExplode , Delhi'shospitalsoverloaded , BuoyedbyU.S.VirusAid , MillionsAvoidedPoverty , CrisisIsLooming , NewResearchSuggests , ifCongressFailstoExtendRelief , WashingtonDC , portraitoftwowomen , MelodyBedico , waitedtwomonths , forvirusreliefmoney , CARESAct , CoronavirusAidReliefandEconomicSecurityAct , Barr'sStandoff , IsLatestLapse , InGrowingList , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , high-profilemiscues , effortsbackfired , decisiontofireGeoffreyS.Berman , topfederalprosecutorinManhattan , PoliticalMemo , ASafeSpace , ForBelievers , RaceandaPandemic , inMAGABubble , Tulsa , Oklahoma , redhat , Americanflagcolors , Trumprally , manysupportersnotwearingmasks , DonaldFanning , "AndIjustdon'tbelieveallthosedeathsarecoronavirus." , AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory , NewYork , equestrianstatue , TheodoreRoosevelt , flankedbyNativeAmericanmanandanAfricanman , valorizescolonialexpansion , racisthierarchy , NewYorkMuseum , toRemoveRooseveltStatue , museumpresident , EllenV.Futter , "Simplyputthetimehascometomoveit." , LaxVetting , LetASaudiTrainee , ShootUpaBase , internationalmilitarystudents , reviewrevealsextensivelapses , howstudentsareselectedscreenedandmonitored , onceintheUnitedStates , alarmingseriesofinsiderattacks , U.S.militarybases , partialsunshine , verywarm , humid