Augusta Christine (Fells) Savage, Portrait Head of John Henry , Patinated plaster, 16.8 x 8.9 x 12.1 centimeters, 1940, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AugustaSavage , figuresculpture , portraiture , plaster , bronzepatina , head , MFABoston , NYTimes , Wendy's , signage , logo , womanpaintingportrait , woodpanel , redwhiteroses , mustardyellow , blue , AnotherKilling , AshleyDopson , paintinginprotest , outsiderestaurant , Atlantapolice , shotRayshardBrooks , PoliceChiefs , FindJobSecurity , HardtoComeBy , CaughtBetweenUnions , LocalOfficials , EffortsatReform , ErikaShields , "zero-chasepolicy" , protesterwithrainbowflag , multi-colorstripes , crowd , ProtectingTransgenderLives , ThousandsmarchedinBrooklyn , protestviolence , againstblacktransgenderpeople , MidlevelStaff , StiflesScienceAboutClimate , Effortstoundermine , climatechangescience , tryingtoprotectjobsandbudgets , federalgovernment , internalizedPresidentTrump'santagonism , forclimatescience , NewVirus , HastensSpread , OldPreventableIllness , BurdenedNationsShiftFocus , Diseases , MeaslesandPolio , Re-emerge , ChibuzoOkonta , DoctorsWithoutBorders , "anepidemicinafewmonth'stimethatwillkillmorechildrenthanCovid" , toddler , receivingmeaslesvaccine , SouthSudan , choleraontherise , ArenasEmpty , SportsFans , BetOnWallStreet , Robinhood , stock-tradingplatform , small-timeinvestors , openedtradingaccounts , coronaviruspandemic , TwoRetractions , HurtCredibility , OfPeerReview , NewEnglandJournalofMedicine , TheLancet , rushforresearchoncoronavirus , TwoLivesCollided , CentralPark , LeftaNationShaken , ChristianCooper , AmyCooper , racism , twoMemorialDayincidents , GeorgeFloyd , Minneapolis , policebrutality , partlysunny
Tags: ReeMorton , sculpture , painting , wood , installation , PAFA , Philadelphia , NYTimes , outdoors , crowd , protesters , LincolnMemorial , NationalMall , demonstrations , overkillingofGeorgeFloyd , armsraised , greenery , blueskieswithclouds , OtherMovementsHaveFaded , ThisOne'FeelsLikeHome' , CallsforRacialJustice , AchieveMomentum , NotSeeninYears , Denver , massivegatherings , streets , publicplazas , filledwithpeople , DelicateRestart , HasComeAtLast , NewYorkCity , 400000ToBeginWork , After100ArduousDays , HintofNormalcy , AmidtheUnrest , constructionjobs , manufacturingsites , retailstores , coronavirus , pandemic , NationalGuard , LeavingCapital , Ex-Commanders , RebukeTrump , onUseofForce , "Theywillbegoinghomebutcanquicklyreturnifneeded" , WashingtonDC , MayorMurielBowser , calledthedeploymentoftroops , "aninvasion" , BombChargeShocksFriends , Of2Lawyers , protest , building"solidaritymovements" , betweenpeopleofcolor , surprise , vandalizedpolicecar , StatesScramble , AsHackersEye , RemoteVoting , mail-inballots , voterfraud , baselessclaimbyPresidentTrump , expandonlinevoting , "highrisk" , balesofhay , dirt , SarahLloyd'sfarm , Wisconsin , receivedmoreinfarmaid , thanallbuttwostates , MoreBillionstoFarms , ThisTimeforVirusAid , PayoutsHaveExceeded , AnyActualLosses , TrumpAdministration , compensatefarmersfortradewars , tiltedtowardstates , politicallyimportanttoRepublicans , mostlysunny , seasonablywarm
Simone Forti, Huddle , Performance, 10 minutes, 1961, Museum of Modern Art , New York. (Note: Video of a live performance in 2012 is hyperlinked via artwork title).
Tags: SimoneForti , huddle , performance , participants , people , dance , shelter , MoMA , NYTimes , TwinCrises , SurgingAnger , ConvulseU.S. , clashes , streetscene , handsup , crowd , redorangeyellow , nighttime , Protesters , Brooklyn , policeinriotgear , blackbluegrey , smoke , Minneapolis , policemovingtodisperserally , showsofforce , lawenforcement , didlittletobringcalm , nation'scities , AOne-TwoPunch , PutsInequalityonDisplay , parallelplagues , ravagingAmerica , coronavirus , policekillingsofblackmenandwomen , chaoticprotests , deathofGeorgeFloyd , deepracialinequalities , BlackVoterstoDemocrats , NormalWon'tDo , ADemandforLastingChange , ProtestsSweepStreets , Columbia , SouthCarolina , JosephR.BidenJr. , on-cameraaddress , "Theangerandfrustrationandtheexhaustion" , DeveanMoon , participatedinpeacefulprotests , "I'mtiredoffeelingforcedtodoallthis." , VideosFromProtests , DeepenScrutiny , AggressivePoliceTactics , batons , teargas , pepperspray , usedonprotesters , bystanders , journalists , footagesharedonline , TrumpOffersNoCalmingWords , TumultReachesWhiteHouse , WashingtonDC , SecretServiceagents , rushedpresidenttoundergroundbunker , proteststurnedviolent , nearExecutiveMansion , NationalGuard , mayorimposed11p.m.curfew , hopesofavoidinglate-nightclashes , periodiccloudsandsunshine , breezy , cool
Doug Hall, The United States Cut Into a Continuous Strip , Oil stick on paper mounted on oil stick on bristol board, 20 x 26 inches, 1982, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago , Illinois
Tags: DougHall , UnitedStates , cut , continuousstrip , fragment , oilstick , paper , MCAChicago , landscape , trees , grass , cluster , Americanflags , earth , HolyokeSoldiers'Home , oneofhighestdeathtolls , end-of-lifefacility , Holyoke , Massachusetts , VeteransWereLefttoLanguish , InHomeRavagedbyIllness , JamesLeachMiller , survivedWorldWarII , diedofcomplicationsfromcoronavirus , virushasspread , inmorethan40veterans'homes , WashingtonDC , portrait , WalterJ.SmileyJr. , retiredfromarmy , lieutenantcolonel , after25yearcareer , "It'sAmerica'smilitary" , "Whydoesn'tthisphotolooklikeAmerica?" , DanaPittard , retiredmajorgeneral , BlackTroops , FightattheFront , ButRarelyGetJobsattheTop , TrumpStaysQuietonToll , AsU.S.NearsaMilestone , VirusatItsDeadliest , inStrongholdsofDemocrats , staggeringAmericandeathtoll , 100000 , devastation , disproportionatelyfeltinblueAmerica , FindingTimetoGolf , andJabEnemies , protesters , sign , "IcaredoU?" , "100000dead" , socialmedia , embracingfringeconspiracytheories , FindingBliss , NewSchedule , WhenFamilyTimeIsAllDay , apartmentsarecrowded , crankykindergartners , sullenteenagers , alloverthecity , dancingeverynight , coronavirus , smotheredNYCeconomy , ForanAscendantChina , ReiningInHongKong , JusttheStart , crowd , handsraised , masks , streetaction , thousandsgatheredinHongKong , rejectBeijing'sinfluence , worlddistractedbypandemic , Chinahastakenagressiveactions , imposenewnationalsecuritylaws , earlyclouds , turntosunshine , bytheafternoon
Outi Heiskanen, Castle in the Air and Hiding Cottage , Glass, wood, drypoint, etching, 210 centimeters, 1990, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki, Finland
Tags: OutiHeiskanen , sculpture , windowframes , glass , wood , chairs , etching , interior , exterior , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , openspace , fences , MarathonPetroleumplant , RiverRouge , Michigan , releasedpungentgas , stay-at-homeorder , Virus , AnotherDeadlyRisk , InShadows , U.S.Smokestacks , low-incomecommunitiesofcolor , higherlevelsairpollution , coronaviruscrisis , minoritiesdisproportionatelydying , 'Straight-UpFire' , inHisVeins , TeenBattlesCovidSyndrome , severeinflammatorysyndrome , linkedtocoronavirusinchildren , BidenPursuesIdeas , toMatchScaleofCrisis , LeftSensesOpening , forBolderAgenda , 36millionAmericansunemployed , JosephR.BidenJr. , racingtoassemblenewgoverningagenda , "therightkindofeconomicrecovery" , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , PompeoFacingFreshQuestions , OnUseOfAssets , FiringRaisesRedFlag , DemocratsSeePatternofAbuse , byShrewdTrumpLoyalist , WashingtonDC , StateDepartmentInspectorGeneral , SteveA.Linick , whistle-blowercomplaint , What'saNewYorkDriveLike? , TouraGhostTown , of8Million , TimesSquare , crosswalk , empty , F.D.R.Drive , feelslikeGrandTheftAutogame , openroad , milesandmiles , WestSideHighway , nogridlock , norushhour , RioDeJaneiro , Brazil , 'ImpunityReigns' , InsideRio'sRecordYear , 1814PoliceKillings , hillside , motherandchildren , walkinguphill , pink , green , blue , white , brown , dirt , Childrenlisteningtogunshots , inthedistance , policeofficers , routinelygundowncrimesuspects , withoutrestraint , periodicclouds , sunshine
K. H. Hödicke, Magic Window Cleaner II, from Capitalist Realism , Screenprint on clear plexiglass printed on both sides, 830 x 590 millimeters, 1967, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: K.H.Hödicke , screenprint , plexiglass , CapitalistRealism , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , corridor , circularceilinglamps , perspective , orange-red , opendoors , chairs , coatracks , highschool , studentstoldtodresswarmly , windowsanddoors , keptopenforaircirculation , Neustrelitz , GermanyReopensItsSchools , InvitingBothReliefandRisk , LeaHammermeister , coronavirus , self-administeredtest , resultslandedininboxovernight , QuestionsofBias , VirusCare , HauntMourningBlackFamilies , ReginaldRelf , Covid-19 , urgentcareclinic , senthimhomewithouttesting , AmiRelf , "WhenIfinallygethimtogotoseekhelphe'sturnedaway" , gridoffaces , portraiture , InHarm'sWay , Meethealthcareworkers , fromaroundtheworld , riskingtheirlives , surgicalmasks , fightcoronaviruspandemic , frontlines , EscalatingCrisis , PutsDeepStrains , OnKeyIndustries , AtIowaMeatPlant , It'sWorkerSafety , vs.FoodSupply , TysonFoods , porkplant , workerscrowdedelbowtoelbow , 1031coronavirusinfections , Tysonemployees , LosingMillionsEachDay , AirlinesFaceBleakFuture , DeltaAirLines , airplaneontarmac , airlinesmademajorcuts , passengertrafficdown94% , Newark , WaryParamedics , HotSpots , AvoidCPRforCovidPatients , deadlyvirus , re-shapedemergencymedicine , afterconfirmingpatients'heartsflatlined , declaredeachofthemdead , atthescene , withoutattemptingCPR , Biden'sLessons , FromtheTimeHeFacedPalin , SarahPalin , JohnMcCain , TheLongRun , MakingtheRightChoice , cloudy , eveningthunderstorms , cool
Pat Steir, Introduction (from The Burial Mound Series) , Drypoint on HMP handmade paper, 25.1 x 25.1 centimeters, 1976, RISD Museum , Providence, Rhode Island
Tags: PatSteir , TheBurialMoundSeries , drypoint , etching , letters , markmaking , handmadepaper , RISDMuseum , RhodeIsland , NYTimes , Adviser'sQuest , TieDiseasesToImmigrants , PushingObscureLaw , LongBeforeCrisis , StephenMiller , coronavirus , pandemic , borderpolicy , Bangkok , Thailand , hasavoidedworstofoutbreak , beganeasingrestrictions , sunflowerfield , pyramid , landscape , outdoors , yellow-green , Brazil , grid , cemetery , massburial , earth , Amazonasregion , victimsofCovid-19 , VirusBattersSomeAreas , WhyDoesItSpareOthers? , ResearchersHuntingforPatterns , ExplainWideVariation , InfectionRates , hundredsofstudiesunderway , demographics , pre-existingconditions , genetics , 3HelpedMakeHospitalSafer , All3Died , WayneEdwards , DerikBraswell , PriscillaCarrow , ElmhurstHospitalCenter , Queens , "Youknowhowpeopleclapforhealthworkersat7o'clock?" , EneidaBecote , husbanddiedafterworkingaspatienttransporter , "Ifeellikethoseotheremployeesarenotfocuseduponasmuch." , WashingtonDC , SupremeCourt , argumentswillbeheardremotely , SupremeCourtToHearCasesByTelephone , lettingpubliclistenin , BurdenHeavy , BidenSeeksRunningMate , JosephR.BidenJr. , pledgetopickawoman , OfficeTools , Computer , Stapler , SneezeGuard , ModifyingWorkplaces , foraNewWorld , plexiglassbarrier , UniversityofCaliforniaIrvine , officeworkers , newbarriersbetweencubicles , masks , partlysunny , afternoonshowers
Tags: AnneJudell , drawing , mixedmedia , graphite , breath , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , NYTimes , AsNeonDims , DespairGrowsOnVegasStrip , LasVegas , ServiceWorkers , TakingaDevastatingBlow , ValiciaAnderson , "Youarepushingpeopleupagainstacorner." , leisureindustry , Hingham , Massachusetts , GaspingforBreaths , theSizeofaTablespoon , HealthyHiker'sGraveIllness , HighlightsVirus'sAgonizingMysteries , greywhitetransparency , chestX-rays , MassachusettsGeneralHospital , JimBello , onventilatorfor32days , lungsfilledwithfluid , inflamedcells , "whiteout" , lungsstartingtoclearagain , coronavirus , "HailMary"medicalmaneuver , doctors'relentlessefforts , LargeCompaniesTakeBailoutAid , DubiousGains , LoansAimedAtOthers , MillionsGotoApplicants , FacingFinancialandLegalProblems , PresidentTrump , $349billion , low-interestloansforsmallbusinesses , PaycheckProtectionProgram , itsmoneyranout , ADisinfectant , ThatMayMarTrump'sTeflon , “butI’mlikeapersonthathasagoodyou-know-what.” , suggestedthatinjectionsofdisinfectantsintobody , couldhelpcombatcoronavirus , musingsonvirusremedies , widespreadcondemnation , dangeroustohealthofAmericans , ocean , palmtree , sand , twowomen , BondiBeach , Australia , closedovervirusrestrictions , NewZealandAndAustralia , SquashCurve , bothnationsreporting , handfulofnewinfections , ScottMorrison , JacindaArdern , partisanshiprecedes , expertslead , "ThisiscertainlydistinctfromtheUnitedStates." , Dr.PeterCollignon , professorofmicrobiology , KennyCheng , SeanMahoney , ambulance , 911call , ACallPiercestheLulls , ExhaustedParamedics , 'PossivleCovid' , uncertainty , 'Whencantheyseetheirlovedonesagain?' , heavyemotionalandphysicaltoll , plentyofclouds , showers , chilly
Gordon Matta-Clark, City Slivers , Super 8 film transferred to video, color, silent, unlimited edition, 15 minutes, 1976, Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia , Madrid, Spain (Note: Video excerpt is hyperlinked via artwork title).
Tags: GordonMatta-Clark , Super8film , color , silent , videotransfer , cityslivers , MuseoNacionalCentrodeArteReinaSofía , Madrid , NYTimes , womanholdingphoto , mauveruffleshirt , hands , portraiture , LivesLost , 2CruelDays , LevesterThompsonJr. , inaphotoheldbyhiswife , oneof1550NewYorkers , diedofvirus , April6and7 , InsideNursingHome , Where17BodiesPiledUp , TroubledFacility , WesternNewJersey , StruggledEvenBeforeContagion , AndoverSubacuteandRehabilitationCenterII , coronavirusoutbreak , chronicallyshortofstaffandmasks , poorgrades , fromfederalandstateinspectors , FinalFourlogo , whiteflag , bluebackground , Leaguesin$71billionindustry , facemanyobstacles , SportsYearningForaComeback , DespitetheRisk , MajorLeagueBaseball , N.B.A. , Americansportsindustrialcomplex , Moscow , OfficialSilence , AbetsOutbreakInPutin'sRussia , 7x7Komi , independentonlinejournal , revealedoutbreakathospital , coronaviruspetridish , CityDwellers , WeighSayingGoodbyetoAllThat , CrisisIgnitesDesire , OpenSpacesandCheaperRents , NinaBrajovic , "PartofitfeelslikewhyamIevenlivinginNewYork?" , NewYork , LosAngeles , Chicago , eachcitylostpopulation , overpastseveralyears , subwayplatform , BroadwayJunction , Brooklyn , Chicago'sdowntown , freewaysofLosAngeles , FlawsHinderingAntibodyTesting , ProcedureIsCrucialTool , ReopeningU.S. , firstrolloutofbloodtests , coronavirusantibodies , F.D.A. , allowed90companies , toselltestswithoutgovernmentvetting , WashingtonDC , AProvocateur , WhoPuttheWords , 'ChinaVirus' , inTrump'sMouth , YoungLeader , FudgingFacts , FuelstheRight , Twitter , cloudsandsunshine
Egypt, Dynasty 18, New Kingdom, Amulet of a Birth God , Faience, 3.2 x 1.6 x 0.3 centimeters, circa 1539-1478 B.C.E., Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: amulet , birthgod , faience , Egypt , NewKingdom , turquoiseblue , BrooklynMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , hospitalroom , PPE , doctor , patient , blue , white , terracottacurtain , nurse , computermonitor , newbornbaby , mother , PreciousAnderson , metherson , BrooklynHospitalCenter , shehadcoronavirus , babyhadtobedelivered , twomonthsearly , InBrooklyn , NewLife , PiercestheVeilofDeath , EvenWithMothersIll , MaternityWard , ReasonforHope , Nearly200babiesarrived , sincebeginningofMarch , OilGiantsAgree , ToLimitOutput , CoolingTensions , LargestCutbackEver , DealShapedbyTrump , AllaysRussia-SaudiArabiaDispute , Houston , stabilizeoilprices , globalfinancialmarkets , OPECPlus , $40abarrel , fortheforeseeablefuture , StrickenShip , ExposesaRift , IntheMilitary , WashingtonDC , CaptainBrettE.Crozier , email , "Sailorsdon'tneedtodie" , PublicDiscord , PresidentTrump , frustrationwithDr.AnthonyS.Fauci , Boston , HowMeetingofDrugmaker , SowedIllness , Biogen , "super-spreadingevents" , Covid-19 , shelvesofsurgicalmasks , ReadyforBattleAgain , Thousandsofusedmasks , decontaminated , helpresupplyhealthcareworkers , Albany , NewYorkFeud , PlayingPoliticsWithPandemic , MayorBilldeBlasio , momentousdecision , keepNYCpublicschoolsclosed , throughendofJune , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , discountedmayor'sdecision , persistentdysfunctionbetweenthem , ForAmericansLivinginPoverty , Keeping6FeetApart , LuxuryBeyondReach , pandemic , exposingandcompoundinginequality , verywindy , heavyrain , thunderstormsearly
Linda Hofvander, Vik I , Chromogenic print, type C, mounted on treated MDF, 41 x 82 x 99 centimeters, 2013, Moderna Museet , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: LindaHofvander , photography , chromogenicprint , MDF , fold , ModernaMuseet , Stockholm , NYTimes , shadow , white , black , medicalexaminer , morgue , bodybag , interior , PPE , LinaEvans , coroner , ShelbyCounty , Alabama , suspiciousofsurgeofdeathsincounty , manyinvolvingseverepneumonia , coronavirus , lackoftesting , AsDeathsSurge , GovernorsPleadWithWashington , WashingtonDC , ACountUnderstates , theTrueU.S.Toll , morethan9400peoplewithcoronavirushavedied , undercount , inconsistentprotocols , limitedresources , patchworkofdecision-making , misidentifiedasinfluenza , ClamorforMoreAid , andCoordination , surgeongeneral , toldnationtobraceforcascadingdeaths , thisweek , "ourPearlHarbormoment" , GovernorJayInsleeofWashington , "Thisisludicrousthatwedonothaveanationaleffortinthis" , chaoticfederalresponse , CasesKeepClimbing , graph , redline , orangelines , NewYork , NewOrleans , Detroit , Seattle , QueenInvokesBritishResolve , AsPremierAils , PrimeMinisterBorisJohnson , hospitalized , QueenElizabethII , "wewillmeetagain" , enforcedseparation , Britain'slockdown , sacrificesfamiliesmadeduringWWII , HorrorforaNurse , 3RelativesAreBroughtIn , VirusTightensGrip , NewJersey'sCitiesandSuburbs , MicheleAcito , directorofnursing , HolyNameMedicalCenter , "Youcompartmentalize" , concretesteps , banisters , balcony , architecture , danceroutdoors , Distancing , JenniferAnnJones , DanceQueen , onstreetsofNewOrleans , citygrowingaccustomedtoemptierspaces , NavyCaptain , BrettE.Crozier , FiredAfterDissent , IsNowSick , QuarantinedinGuam , CareerAdrift , captainofaircraftcarrier , askedforhelp , VirusBattleShreds , theRight'sPoliticalPlaybook , Disdainfor'Socialism' , CollidesWithCrisis , 2020ConservativePoliticalActionConference , PresidentTrump'sre-electionmessage , "Americavs.Socialism" , mostlysunny
Reign of Ibrahim Adil Shah, Probably Bijapur Court, Deccani School, Double folio from a Kitab-i hasha’ish (The book of herbs), Opaque watercolor and ink on paper, 40 x 51 centimeters, 1595, Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art , Washington, D.C.
Tags: bookofherbs , plants , manuscript , IbrahimAdilShah , DeccaniSchool , BijapurCourt , India , Persiantranslation , MateriaMedica , botany , hospital , Wuhan , China , interior , medicalworker , PPE , window , cityscape , towers , lightblue , transparent , white , spraybottle , Insteadofusingautomaticreportingsystem , outbreak , hospitalsdeferredtolocalofficials , fearedupsettingBeijing , AfterAGrimForecast , TrumpExtendsLimits , GivingUponaGoal , ReopeningtheU.S.byEaster , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , retreatedonhisdesire , torelaxcoronavirusguidelines , businessesshuttered , schoolsandcollegesemptied , sociallifesuspended , Dr.AnthonyS.Fauci , extendingguidelineuntilApril30 , ChinaHadFail-SafeWay , toTrackContagions , OfficialsFailedtoUseIt , ScarredbySARSepidemic , infectiousdiseasereportingsystem , PoliticiansTestNovelPlaybook , ForEraofFear , coronavirus , drasticallyupended2020elections , portraiture , PresidentTrumpatrally , Charlotte , NorthCarolina , wavingtothecrowd , redwhiteblue , TheVentilatorsWereonOrder , TheyStillAre , breathing-assistancemachines , federalcontract , veeredoffcourse , delayeddevelopment , ofaffordableventilator , halfadecade , teacherinwoods , holdingbook , laptopwithfloralexterior , innature , LaceyTragesser , teachingfromherfamily'sNorthCarolinacabin , SwappingWhiteboardsforScreens , inaWeek , Challengefor75000NewYorkTeachers , publichealthemergency , 1.1millionstudents , backinsession , Seattle , Washington , SignsThatSocialDistancing , MayBeSlowingaVirus , containmentstrategies , beginningtopayoff , Inacrisis , thatrequiredmanufacturingacumen , thepresidentcrumpled , periodiccloudsandsunshine , afternoonshowers , SmithsonianNationalMuseumofAsianArt , NYTimes
Arthur Dove, Silver Sun , Oil, metallic paint, and an unidentified material (possibly wax) on canvas, 55.3 x 74.9 centimeters, 1929, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: ArthurDove , silver , blue , black , transparent , painting , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , carpet , palegreen , burgundy , diagonal , chandelier , glass , hazmatsuits , workersdisinfectingmosque , Istanbul , coronavirusinfections , Turkey , HaltingVirusWillRequireHarshSteps , ExpertsSay , Near-TotalCooperationFromPublic , KeytoIsolatingClustersofInfections , portraiture , womeninbluehazmatsuits , protectiveequipment , TheNationalGuard , drivethroughtestsite , NewJersey , PartisanDivide , ThreatensDealOnRescueBill , WashingtonDC , $2trilliongovernmentrescuepackage , failuretomoveforward , shookfinancialmarkets , TrumpShiftsImage , LeaderFor'Wartime' , TrackingAnOutbreak , Defiant , Manyhaveignoredurgentcalls , socialdistancing , Pressure , WorkersatUPSandFedEx , nochoice , keepshowingup , evenwithcoronavirus-likesymptoms , Olympics , growingpressuretopostpone , TokyoGames , InfectionClue , Doctorgroupsrecommending , testingandisolation , forpeoplewholoseabilitytosmellandtaste , OfficialsRaceToStemOutbreak , NewYorkBecomesEpicenter , 5%world'sconfirmedcases , massivemedicalbivouac , JacobJavitsCenter , SeekingaBalmfortheSoul , ButImperilingEarthlyHealth , Beirut , Lebanon , Religionissolace , "Jesusismyprotection" , Rev.MajdiAllawi , WithintheBleakestStatistics , ALifeThatWasSoMuchMore , LorettaDionisio , husbandRoddy , traveling , Philippines , cloudy , rain , chilly
Tags: HollyZausner , film , GrandCentralStation , womanalone , abandonedstation , Americanflag , lightreflections , SchirnKunsthalleFrankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , chandeliers , walkway , stone , underground , TooQuiet , subduedGrandCentralTerminal , gloomsettledonanation , suddenlyingripofpandemic , FedCutsRatesToNearZero , VirusTollSoars , WashingtonDC , ItalyReportsSharpIncreaseinDeaths , ClosingsAcrosstheU.S. , globaleconomy , imminentperil , shuttersfactories , quarantinesworkers , disruptseverydaylife , topofficial , "I'mnotgoingtosaythatthelabtestingissueisover." , BusinessGrindstoaHalt , TheCostofDisruptionSurges , KalenaMasching , realestateagent , "LastweekIwouldhavetoldyounothinghadchanged" , "Thisweekithasallgonetohell." , NewYorkOrders , SchoolsBarsAndRestaurantstoShutDown , TrackingAnOutbreak , StockingShelves , Foodsuppliersandretailers , saytheyhaveenoughgoods , stilladjustingtheirpacetomeetdemand , Biotechnology , Germanofficialsappearedrattled , reportedAmericanoverture , tocompanyresearchingvaccine , Airports , TravelersreturningtoUnitedStates , waitedinline , foraslongassevenhours , "enhancedscreening" , customs , Brussels , AcrossEurope , VirusPuncturesCafeSociety , coronavirus , severedhumanity , fromitsconceitofcontrol , fragmentation , TodayEuropeanstoldtohideaway , erectingborders , redbluescreen , DemocraticPresidentialDebate , JosephR.BidenJr. , BernieSanders , pointingfingers , avoidedshakinghands , noliveaudience , redcarpet , TwoRivalsTakeOnOutbreak , andEachOther , Gainesville , Florida , Ex-FelonsinFlorida , CanVoteAtLast , SomeDon'tWantTo , portraiture , JuliusIrving , canvasser , hisprisonexperiences , "mademenottrustthisgovernment" , Floridarecentlyoverturnedlifetimeban , DeontreWashington , "Idon'tcareabouthisgovernmentandthisgovernmentdoesn'tcareaboutme." , sunshinegivingwaytoclouds , achillierday
Paul Neagu, Tactile Object (Hand) , Wood, metal, plastic, leather, textile and paper, 185 x 315 x 235 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PaulNeagu , mixedmedia , sculpture , participatoryart , TateUK , NYTimes , smartphone , cameraphone , holdinghands , flags , stage , multicolorbackground , yellowcab , performersincostume , redpurpleblue , latexgloves , surgicalmasks , coronavirus , castsapallonnewyork , couplemarriestosecurehealthinsurance , charactersinTimesSquare , cabdriver , cleaninghisoffice , casesontherise , anxiety , Rome , ItalyBegsCitizens , NottoThwartRulesonVirus , "WearethenewWuhan" , ElenaLofino , TrackingAnOutbreak , oil , SaudiArabiacutprices , targetingRussia'srefusaltocutproduction , numberofcasesinU.S. , growntomorethan500 , inalmost36states , toprotectstudents , manyschoolsareclosing , FailuresonJapanCruiseLiner , ShadowLatestOutbreakatSea , PrincessCruises , emailpepperedwithtypos , awkwardgrammar , PalmBeach , Florida , TwitterPulpit , NoMatchForViralFoe , PresidentTrump , "Whowouldhavethought?" , WashingtonDC , HowtheTrumpCampaign , TookControloftheG.O.P. , SeizingVoterData , Fund-RaisingArms , toAmassPower , TurnaProfit , portraiture , bluesuit , speech , BradParscale , campaignchairmanforPresidentTrump , ParscaleStrategy , billed$35million , toTrumpcampaignandR.N.C. , Detroit , Michigan , ForSanders , MichiganLifeline , GetsHardertoGrabThisTime , SenatorBernieSanders , Paris , France , CelebratingSisterhood , march , InternationalWomen'sDay , blueredgreenblackwhitepurple , globaleffortstowardequality , plentyofsunshine , verymild
Lara Favaretto, Ichi , Iron scaffolding pipes, wool, 4.25 x 350 x 514.25 centimeters, 2012, Sharjah Art Foundation , Sharjah
Tags: LaraFavaretto , sculpture , scaffolding , pipes , weaving , Syrianweaver , wool , SharjahArtFoundation , Sharjah , NYTimes , brownfields , farmland , path , people , shadows , diagonal , landscape , OneBorderOpens , AnotherCloses , Turkey , migrantspassthroughtoEuropeanUnion , Greecemovedtosuspendasylumprogram , DemocraticRaceResets , BidenRidesVictory , ButtigiegFallsOut , ReshuffleMayHelpWarren , BegintoConsolidateModerateVote , SuperTuesday , portraiture , Americanflag , redwhitestripes , PeteButtigieg , quitraceafterbiglossinSouthCarolina , Kirkland , Washington , DeathatNursingHome , VirusSpreadsinU.S. , coronavirus , InSuburbofSeattle , ScrambletoAssessEmergingRisks , epicenterofillnessandfear , WashingtonDC , MissionShiftForAfghanistan , TroopsandStrikesWillDecline , ifPactHolds , America'sdefactowarofattrition , againstTaliban , theoreticallyhascometoanend , Trust , ZalmayKhalilzad , U.S.envoy , wonoverthemilitants , Hangzhou , China , traffic , cars , yellowhazmatsuit , blueumbrellas , redtrafficcones , InChina , Color-CodedData , RaisesRedFlags , Alarm , SurveillanceofPersonalHealth , AlipayHealthCode , software , measurescontagionrisk , sharesinformationwithpolice , newformsofautomatedcontrol , drone , barcode , VirginiaBeach , Virginia , IntheSuburbs , ABaseAnxiousAboutSanders , SenatorBernieSanders , ClimateDenial , InfusesReportsAtU.S.Agency , InteriorDepartment , misleadinglanguage , IndurM.Goklany , longtimeInteriorDepartmentemployee , "Goksuncertaintylanguage" , inaccuratelyclaims , lackofconsensusamongscientists , Earthiswarming , cloudy , notascool
Bessie Harvey, Figure with Headdress , Polychrome and mixed media, found wood, paint, 47 x 26.5 x 21.6 centimeters, 1986, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: BessieHarvey , sculpture , mixedmedia , figure , headdress , HarvardArtMuseums , Massachusetts , NYTimes , turquoiseblue , pinkflowers , orangeruffle , peacockfeathers , blackfeathers , Venetianmask , fluorescentyellow , policewoman , surgicalmask , VeniceCarnival , cutshort , coronaviruscasesrose , SanMarcoSquare , Casalpusterlengo , Italy , ClusterOfCasesInItaly , KindlesFearsInEurope , ChallengeToOpenness , InWest , VirusPosesTest , HealthPolicy , BorderControls , Anewnervousness , haspervadedEurope , Unease , Quarantineplans , forfacilitiesintheUnitedStates , facinglocalresistance , OnTheMargins , RuralChinesemigrantsaresuffering , lockdownsmakejobsscarce , SanFrancisco , California , LosingSizzle , TopStart-Ups , CutTechJobs , Zume , Getaround , 23andMe , Flexport , Mozilla , Quora , "Itfeelslikeareckoningishere" , JoshWolfe , venturecapitalist , LuxCapital , WashingtonDC , D.C.ProsecutorsFeltBesieged , LongBeforeStone , WhiteHousePressure , SeeninCaseAgainstMcCabe , RogerJ.StoneJr. , JusticeDepartmentturmoil , TimothyShea , helpinglongtimefriendandboss , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , softensentencingrequest , topleasethepresident , Houston , SandersSeeksKnockoutBlow , AgainstBiden , SenatorBernieSanders , EnjoyingPolePosition , inCrowdedField , SouthCarolinaPrimary , tables , orangechairs , children , teacher , Elizabethton , Tennessee , TeachingChildrenintheBibleBelt , HowtoReverseanOverdose , Atpubliclibrary , childrenattendatrainingclass , onadministeringNarcan , OpioidCrisis , HoChiMinhCity , Vietnam , SoundofanOutbreak'sToll , AsianTouristSites , 'Quiet' , coronavirus , takingtollonglobaltourism , airlinesexpectedtolose , $29billioninrevenuesthisyear , increasingcloudiness , mild
Clinton Adams, Dark Window , Published by Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Lithograph on white Nacre paper, 665 x 455 millimeters, 1960, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: ClintonAdams , lithography , window , printmaking , blackandwhite , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , Evacuation , U.S.citizens , leavingDiamondPrincess , Japan , quarantinedforoveraweek , bus , transparentbluecurtains , passengers , surgicalmasks , governmentofficial , blackhat , whitemask , lookingoutthewindow , RushToContainVirus , ThrongExitsCruiseShip , U.S.CitizenIsInfected , 1000TravelersDisperseinCambodia , Fearof'TurningPoint' , coronavirus , TechIndustry , PushesBackOnU.S.Rules , BusinessesDreadSting , FromCurbsonChina , WashingtonDC , CommerceDepartment , considerssweepingproposal , allowU.S.toblocktransactions , betweenAmericanfirms , andChinesecounterparts , LasVegas , Nevada , Unionvs.Sanders , OverHard-WonBenefits , SenatorBernieSanders , 'MedicareforAll' , PlanLandsWithaThud , RivalsPounce , healthcare , CulinaryWorkersLocal226 , NewYorkUniversity , student , attack , TrailofErrors , FreedSuspect , InRapeCase , Hillside , BlackFamilies , HelpedDefineChicago , WhyAreTheyLeaving? , streetscene , rearviewmirror , portrait , HardisWhite , oneofover200000African-Americans , movedawayfromChicago , drivenoutofcity , segregation , gunviolence , discriminatorypolicing , racialdisparitiesinemployment , unevenqualityofpublicschools , frustration , China'sFactories , ImmobilizedByDisease , StruggletoReopen , Airbus , GeneralMotors , Toyota , clouds , somesunshine
Paul Kos, The Sound of Ice Melting, Two 25-pound blocks of ice, eight standing boom microphones, amplifier, and speaker, Dimensions variable, 1970, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: PaulKos , installation , ice , microphones , sculpture , SFMOMA , California , NYTimes , "Parasite" , BongJoonHo , director , BestPictureOscar , firstfilmnotinEnglishlanguagetowin , winners , stage , blacktuxedos , goldenstatue , celebration , 'Parasite'Win , MakesHistoryAtOscars , AcademyAwards , 92yearsofOscarhistoryshattered , SouthKoreanhit , class-strugglethriller , "Weneverwritetorepresentourcountries" , BestOriginalScreenplay , HanJinWonBongJoonHo , wincameinwakeofprotest , OscarsSoWhite , Wuhan , China , InsideTheOutbreak , ContagionRipsThroughaFamily , 3GenerationsSickened , DesperateforCareinWuhan , coronavirus , Hazmat , DisinfectingShanghaioffice , Virusconcerns , forcedsomeChinesecitiestoshutdown , DesMoines , Iowa , BadApp , JustaLink , InIowa'sChainofFailure , WeakOversight , RushedPlanning , CrippledtheDemocraticCaucuses , Shadow , "codingissue" , CEOofShadow , GerardNiemira , veteranof2016HillaryClintoncampaign , Hooksett , NewHampshire , SandersandButtigiegFaceOff , TryingtoWhittleaRacetoTwo , NewHampshireprimary , InternetDelusion , OozesOffline , IntoRealWorld , QAnon , pro-Trumpconspiracytheory , "deepstate"traitors , plottingagainstthepresident , PoliticiansandCrimes , LinkstoQAnon , Korat , Thailand , 18DeadlyHours , ShakeThailandtoItsRoots , ShootingsBeganOverRealEstateDispute , cloudy , periodicrain , breezy , notaschilly
Tags: KarooAshevak , whalebone , stone , figure , IndigenousArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , redfootballuniforms , footballfield , coaches , SuperBowl , AWin50YearsintheMaking , QuarterbackPatrickMahomes , Chiefs , beatthe49ers , firstSuperBowlchampionshipsince1970 , Wuhan , China , AFeverof104 , HourstoWait , AndNoRelief , BedSpaceandHopeDwindle , coronavirus , outbreak , panic , illness , impossibletogethealthcare , manyresidentssay , PandemicLooms , Rapidlyrisingcaseloads , alarmingresearchers , fearthevirusmayspreadacrossglobe , Panicked , Travelersscramble , fewremainingairlineticketsoutofChina , quarantines , TradeNetworks , FaceNewMenace , InACoronavirus , ChinaInCrossHairs , WithDominanceComesRisks , DwarftheImpactofSARS , Apple , Starbucks , Ikea , temporarilyclosedstoresinChina , shoppingmallsdeserted , InternationalairlinescancelflightstoChina , economicgrowthexpectedtoslipthisyear , Newton , Iowa , DemocratsPitchedaHugeTent , It'saHiveofAngst , pre-primarycampaign , lowgradeanxietyattackforDemocrats , presidentialcampaignsigns , PETE , SouthBend , supporterscheeringPeteButtigieg , BernieSanders , CedarRapids , ElizabethWarren , GetOuttheCaucusrally , Indianola , JosephR.BidenJr. , townhall-stylerallyinDubuque , IowaPopulationAptlyReflects , GrayingofAmericanEconomy , mirrorsnation'seconomyanddemography , state'srapidlyagingpopulation , IntheEnd , ClashofGiantEgos , TriumphedOverSubwayRepairs , AndyByford , scorchingletterofresignation , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , complaintsofmicromanaging , U.S.BanSundersFamilies , SlamsDooronMuchofAfrica , livesthrownintodisarray , PresidentTrump , expansionofimmigrationban , sixnewcountries , includingNigeria , "Americahaskilledme" , "Wearefinished." , IkennaNwegbe , cloudsandsunshine , breezy