Public School NYC, Hat , Cotton twill, white embroidery, and plastic, 2017, The Museum at FIT , New York
Tags: PublicSchoolNYC , baseballcap , hat , designers , fashiondesign , TheMuseumatFIT , NewYork , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , TrumpsupporterwearingMAGAhat , rallyinMilwaukeelastsummer , Americanflag , patriotism , starsandstripes , portraiture , CracksinTrumpcamp , labormigration , Trumpsupportersdividedovermigrationpolicy , advocatedbymembersofhisadministration , ElonMusk , 'MakeAmericaGreatAgain' , Manyvoicesopposearrivalofhighlyskilledmigrants , Isanexistentialriftinthemaking? , "Proust'sQuestions" , LukWyns , Belgianactoranddirector , "Mydiabetesturnedouttobeablessingindisguise'' , DidonebirdcauseFlight2216tobecomefatal? , Manyquestionsaboutdeadlyairdisaster , SouthKorea , ThomasDeGendt , CyclingRetirement , sports , 'Ihavetimetomakeupforthechildren' , Theftplague , BelgianPigeonMilers , 'Everythingindicatesthatthereisagangbehindthis' , birthdays , GettingOlder , cloudy , chilly , overcast
Tags: CharlesWhite , Soldier , Tempera , painting , portraiture , TheHuntingtonLibraryArtMuseumandBotanicalGardens , SanMarino , California , NYTimes , Ukrainewar , camouflage , 126thTerritorialDefenseBrigade , volunteers , trainingfromBritishspecialoperationsforces , DniproRiver , ValorandAnguish , BrigadeTakingFightAcrossRiver , Ukrainians'EliteTeam , MountsAssaultsonRussianPositions , FightIntensifies , Syria'sRebelsSeizeMoreLand , AleppoAirportTaken , ForcesLoyaltoal-Assad , SeekingtoPushBackSuddenUprising , WashingtonDC , SenateFacesDecisiveTestOfItsPower , TrumpAimstoBluntConstitutionalJob , PartyUnrest , SomeDemocratsWanttoOustLeadersonkeyHousecommittees , SomeAlliesBackTrump'sPickofF.B.I.Chief , BentonRevenge , KashPatel , SeveralG.O.P.SenatorsSupportingPatel , LeadersAreQuiet , BrownsvilleTexas , SpaceX , launchsite , "occupyMars" , ElonMusk , HometoMusk'sStarbase , VotedTrumpAfterBlueStreak , FormFollowsFunction , U.S.PostalService , MailTruckLooksLikeaDuck , sunny , stillchilly
October 22, 2024
performance , news , museums , Monday'simage , frontpages , exhibitions , dance , currentevents , contemporaryart , arthistory
Eszter Salamon in collaboration with Boglárka Börcsök, MONUMENT 0.5: The Valeska Gert Monument , Performance trailer, 2:58, Video documentation: Walter Beckmann, 2019, Tanzforum Berlin , University Library of the Berlin University of Arts, Germany
Tags: EszterSalamon , BoglárkaBörcsök , collaboration , performance , dance , ValeskaGert , TheValeskaGertMonument , videodocumentation , trailer , TanzforumBerlin , UniversityLibraryoftheBerlinUniversityofArts , Germany , NYTimes , L.G.B.T.Q.inJapan , same-sexunionsremainoutlawedinJapan , bullyingremainsriskforchildren , thosewhoaregaytransgenderornonbinary , distinctivepaths , portraiture , liveshopesfears , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , TrumpBecomesStarofHarris'sClosingPitch , DemocratShiftsStrategy , UsingHisWordstoPortrayHimasUnfittoServe , BidsforVotes , Drowning7SwingStates , electronicbillboards , socialmedia , televisionadvertisements , ElectoralCollege , ElonMusk , MusktheContractor , MusktheU.S.Adviser , ConflictofInterestSeen , IfHeLeadsaTrump'Efficiency'Panel , Shaabanal-Dalou , Palestinian'sDreamsofEscape , EndinFlamesSeenWorldwide , GazaStrip , HowHalloweenRetailBecameItsOwnMonster , Halloweencostumes , storessellfrightfulwaresearlierandearlier , phenomenon , "holidaycreep" , IsraelHamaswar , plentyofsunshine , warmerafternoon
Martin Johnson Heade, Brazilian Forest , Oil on canvas, 51 x 40.6 centimeters, 1864, RISD Museum , Providence, Rhode Island
Tags: MartinJohnsonHeade , nineteenthcenturypainting , landscapepainting , Amazonrainforest , forest , oiloncanvas , RISDMuseum , ProvidenceRhodeIsland , NYTimes , NewYork , EugenioSánchez , scalingatreeinAmazonrainforest , Colombia , scientificresearch , forestscaptureandlockcarbondioxide , teamdiscoveredrarespecies , animals , nature , insects , ClimbingTreesToFindCluesOnWarming , TryingtoGraspCarbonStorageinAmazon , globalwarming , PollFindsRaceForWhiteHouseNeckAndNeck , NewYorkTimes/SienaPoll , VotersStillUnsureAboutHarris , Trump'sBaseHoldsFirm , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , presidentialelection , ElonMusk , Musk'sAbilityToSwayTrumpCarriesPitfalls , governmentefficiencycommission , Tajikistan , PunishedforBeardsandHijabs , PushtoStopExtremismAfterRussiaAttackMayFomentIt , U.S.Open , tennis , WinningandDashingAmericanHopes , No.1JannikSinner , afterbeatingTaylorFritzinmen'sfinal , China'sWomenLooktoReclaimRightfulPayout , GuangdongProvince , landrights , women'srights , "married-outwoman" , sunshine , mixingwithclouds , warmer
Gitte Dæhlin, She Who Carries the Memory of this Earth, Where Does this Earth Carry Her? , Leather, textile, horsehair, metal, burlap and canvas, 260 x 175 x 52 centimeters, 1980-1983, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: GitteDæhlin , mixedmedia , sculpture , textiles , earth , rubble , BattlesinNorthernGaza , DisplacedPalestinians , northernGazaStrip , newfightingovertheweekend , TruceinGaza , HingesonManBehindOct.7 , IsraelHamaswar , MichaelD.Cohen , FixerofTrump'sProblems , HasBecomeOneofThem , CohenPoisedtoTestifyatCriticalMoment , foraTrialandAmericanPolitics , Ukrainewar , RussiansPlungeDeeperIntoNorthernUkraine , UnclearifIncursionIsJustSetbackforKyiv , oraTurningPoint , ElonMusk , MuskIsWooingGlobalLeadersOnRightWing , JavierMilei , Argentina , lithium , "thenewoil" , maincomponentinTesla'scarbatteries , Tesla , dogportraits , Irishwolfhounds , Frenchbulldog , PetitBassetGriffonVendéen , WestminsterPooches , MightHaveMoreMilesThanYou , ShowDogsCanTravelOften , WestminsterKennelClubDogShow , warmer , patchymorningfog , partlycloudy
Taysir Batniji, Hannoun , Detail, Performance/Installation, color photograph (ink jet print) on poster paper (150 x 100 cm), pencils shavings, Dimensions variable, 1972-2009, Nadour Collection
Tags: TaysirBatniji , Hannoun , performance , installation , colorphotography , pencilshavings , VeniceBiennale2009 , mixedmedia , NYTimes , crater , rowofspectators , Israeliairstrike , Rafah , southernGaza , rubble , terracottaearth , browndirt , silver , grey , DisplacedGazans , CrownSheltersHospitalsandStrangers'Homes , mapping , topography , Estimated1.8millionPalestiniansforcedtofleehomes , sincebombardmentofGaza , yellow:Minordamage , orange:Moderatedamage , red:Majordamage , borders , IsraelUrgingGazansInSouthToDecampAgain , OffensiveIsGrowing , CiviliansDirectedtoTinyAreasAlreadyOverrun , MoneyEgoandFear , LitA.I.'sFuse , HeatedCompetitionFueledbyDistrust , ElonMusk , LarryPage , artificialintelligence , TheA.I.Race , PromiseandPeril , SupremeCourttoRule , DealWorthBillionstoOpioidVictims , TheSacklers'LiabilityAlsoontheLine , PurduePharma , ExitingCorridorsofPower , ToPartiesSpangledWithStars , PoliticsandCelebrityMingledforKissinger , HenryKissinger , Mississippi , ActivistsCitingReligion , AimingtoLimitChildVaccineMandates , "medicalfreedom"group , SomeExpertsWarnofDiseaseRebound , cloudsandsun , breezy
Tags: DoraDeLarios , ceramics , porcelain , aluminum , sculpture , DecorativeArts , LACMA , LosAngeles , NYTimes , bluesky , bluewater , ocean , lifeboat , whiteparachutes , nets , splashdown , NASA , astronauts , returnedtoEarth , GulfofMexico , endaflight , ElonMusk , SpaceX , dome , sun , star , gold , LaginTallying , Mail-InBallots , RaisesAlarms , NewYorkCity , StillDecidingJuneRaces , congressionalraces , PostalService , difficultyprocessingballots , wrongfullydisqualified , lackofapostmark , "Thiselectionisacanaryinthecoalmine" , SurajPatel , portraiture , womanwithbluemask , bluegloves , BoardofElections , staffshortage , Warren'sPathToAwakening , OnRacialBias , LizHerring , ElizabethWarren , GeorgeWashingtonUniversity , freshmanin1966 , KappaAlphaTheta , all-whitesorority , ledchargeinCongress , torenamebases , thathonorConfederateleaders , CollegesCramforaTest , 'CanWeOpenSafely?' , GettingStudents , toStay6FeetApart , PosesaChallenge , containingcoronavirus , amongyoungimpulsivepopulation , students , grass , bricksidewalk , street , movingintodorms , staggeredreturn , N.C.StateUniversity , Raleigh , NorthCarolina , ScientistsFret , AsWhiteHouseRushesVaccine , EyeingSafety , Vs.Need , FearsofPressure , politicalintervention , HandtothePresident , 'OctoberSurprise' , DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices , OperationWarpSpeed , TheTroubledOnlinePath , Teen'Mastermind' , MinecraftTricks , toHugeTwitterHack , GrahamIvanClark , onlinemischief-making , startedearly , Bitcoin , theft , cryptocurrency , Trump'sTalk , BanningTikTok , InflamesGenZ , BothCreatorsandFans , FeelaWorldShake , humid , partlycloudy , thunderstorms