Tags: PhilipWeintraub , oiloncanvas , landscape , portraiture , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Syrianfamily , refugees , bordercrossing , leaving , Al-AssadToppledBySyrianRebels , After13-YearWarCitizensEruptInJoy , TemperedbyLoss , DamascusFalls , Al-AssadReportedInMoscow , FramedportraitofPresidentBasharAl-Assad , brokenglass , abandonedofficeinHamaSyria , FightingInUkraineCostsKremlininSyria , PutinForcedtoWatchFallofRegime , HeSworetoDefend , WashingtonDC , TestofLoyaltyForApplicantsToTrumpJobs , U.S.Navy , TOPGUN , FlyingAtExtremes , MayHurtNavyPilots'Brains , ProjectOdin'sEye , depression , Fighterpilotjacket , Navypilotpatches , CriminalWithTiestoChina , PoliticalSwayinN.Y. , JohnChan , cloudy , periodicafternoonrain
Tags: CharlesWhite , Soldier , Tempera , painting , portraiture , TheHuntingtonLibraryArtMuseumandBotanicalGardens , SanMarino , California , NYTimes , Ukrainewar , camouflage , 126thTerritorialDefenseBrigade , volunteers , trainingfromBritishspecialoperationsforces , DniproRiver , ValorandAnguish , BrigadeTakingFightAcrossRiver , Ukrainians'EliteTeam , MountsAssaultsonRussianPositions , FightIntensifies , Syria'sRebelsSeizeMoreLand , AleppoAirportTaken , ForcesLoyaltoal-Assad , SeekingtoPushBackSuddenUprising , WashingtonDC , SenateFacesDecisiveTestOfItsPower , TrumpAimstoBluntConstitutionalJob , PartyUnrest , SomeDemocratsWanttoOustLeadersonkeyHousecommittees , SomeAlliesBackTrump'sPickofF.B.I.Chief , BentonRevenge , KashPatel , SeveralG.O.P.SenatorsSupportingPatel , LeadersAreQuiet , BrownsvilleTexas , SpaceX , launchsite , "occupyMars" , ElonMusk , HometoMusk'sStarbase , VotedTrumpAfterBlueStreak , FormFollowsFunction , U.S.PostalService , MailTruckLooksLikeaDuck , sunny , stillchilly
Unidentified artist, Ethiopian, Prayer Scroll for Healing , Leather, ink and pigment, 3.5 x 70 inches, between 1850 and 1900, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: Artistunidentified , Ethiopia , Africa , PrayerScrollforHealing , leather , ink , pigment , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , SurvivingGaza , wounded , children , disfiguration , IsraelHamaswar , MahmoudAjjour , portraiture , NYC , LoveandHateInHometown , Leans...Love? , DonaldJ.Trump , CityThawsforTrump , GuyFromQueens , President-electDonaldJ.Trump , keepingsecret , TransitionFundForTrump , KeepsDonorsCloaked , RiskOfEthicsBreach , Hasn'tSignedUsualPactRequiringDisclosures , politicaldonations , ImmigrantsSeekingSafeguards , ThreatofDeportationNears , FraudHuntersEarnWindfalls , TiedtoCovid , PrivateCitizensSetUpTheirOwnInquiries , Covid-19pandemic , federalgovernmentassistance , PaycheckProtectionProgram , loans , chasingpandemicrelieffraud , earnlargesumsofmoney , sportstadium , crowd , sportsfans , TheJetsandGiants , TakeDifferentRoutesTowardRockBottom , TheJetshavenotmadeplayoffssince2010 , NewYorksportsteams , cloudsandsunshine , morningrain
Tags: NYTimes , Haiti , RunningFromViolence , nation'scrisis , gangsgainterritory , stabilizationeffortsflounder , familiesflee , TrumpSwingsWreckingBallAtStatusQuo , StartlingPicks , SeenasGovernmentStressTest , CriticsSeeUnderqualifiedNominees , Hisvotersseemavericks , KamalaHarris , HowHarris'sCampaignSpent$1.5Billionin15Weeks , FrenzyofPayments , PromptsQuestionsFromDemocrats , PresidentBiden , AllowingUkraineToUseTopU.S.Missiles , MajorShiftInPolicy , OfficialsCitePostingNorthKoreanForcestoWesternRussia , ShenYunPerformingArts , LaborRegulatorsOpenInquiryIntoShenYunDanceCompany , TiringGlobalTours , ArduousTrainingforLittleorNoPay , BerkeleyCalifornia , StiffensRulesonHomelessEncampments , TestsEmpathy'sLimits , frustratedresidentsandbusinesses , PatKochThaler , sisterofformerNewYorkmayorEdKoch , PatKochThalerSelectedADaytoDie , ButFirstaChat , cloudsgivingwaytosun , breezyintheafternoon , JohnPhillipHultberg , EscapeinAnguish , lithograph , TamarindLithographyWorkshop , JosephZirker , 1963 , deYoungLegionofHonor , FineArtsMuseumsofSanFrancisco , California
Tags: DavidInshaw , November11sky , RemembranceDay , WorldWarI , oiloncanvas , RoyalWestofEnglandAcademy , Bristol , England , NYTimes , PrayersforVictims , IsraeliStrike , militarybombedhouse , Jabaliya , Gaza , burial , mourningthedead , community , grief , handsinprayer , UnionsGirdingforBlowbackofHarrisLoss , InPublicSector , WorryofBeingEliminated , SheddingUnionLabel , LatinosShiftRight , A.F.L.-C.I.O. , TrumpIsPulledToward2PathsOnRetribution , RevengeVersusUnity , PickForAttorneyGeneral , MayIndicateStanceOnAdversaries , ThreatofU.S.ReversalMuddiesClimateTalks , AsHeDidBefore , COP29meeting , BakuAzerbaijan , PuertoRico , Somos , AConsensus:BeatAdamsAndCuomo , NYCmayoralrace , MayorEricAdams , AndrewCuomo , HowtheTechThatConnectsUs , HasSettheStageforIsolation , RicherCommunicationandPausesHelp , socialmedia , lonelinessepidemic , JudithJamison1943-2024 , RadiantDancerforAlvinAiley , WhoLeapttoTroupeDirector , projected"superhumanpower" , autobiography"DancingSpirit" , partlysunny , breezy , mild
Tags: EmilNolde , neighbors , etching , printmaking , portraiture , figuration , NationalGalleryofArtWashingtonDC , NYTimes , Sneaker-toSneakerTraffic , NYCMarathon , Brooklyn , streetscene , Thrillingfinishes , decidemenandwomenraces , crowds , PresidentialElection2024 , TightestContestInDecades , GrowsTighterAtFinish , StressedElectorateEagerlyVotesEarly , ShiftInSwingStates , TimesPoll , ElectoralCollege , Pastor'sLegacy , BillyGraham , toweredoverU.S.evangelicalism , HisfollowersflockedtoDonaldJ.Trump , RepublicansMaySnatchSenate , ShouldFewRacesFallinLine , WashingtonDC , TorrentofLies , RedefinesPoliticalNorms , OveraLifetime , TrumpHasFabricatedHisVersionofReality , InFinalDays , FreneticPaceForKeyStates , Clubdei27 , clubmembers , ParmaItaly , veneratethecomposer , GiuseppeVerdi , LoveVerdi? , TryGettingIntoorOutofFanClub , FellowshipofSecrecy , WithLifelongPass , Nabucco , partlycloudy , lightwinds
Richard Mantel, U.S. Voter , Colored film and ink on paper and acetate overlay, 35.3 x 28.3 centimeters, 1980, National Portrait Gallery , Washington, D.C.
Tags: RichardMantel , mixedmedia , worksonpaper , portrait , U.S.Voter , NationalPortraitGallery , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , AnEagerElectorate , InsideandOut , longlineofvoters , AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory , NYC , earlyvoting , setsrecords , pollingstation , TrumpOfferingPromises , HeWoosBigBusiness , Candidate'sStancesReverse , HeChasesMoneyHeDeniedNeedingin2016 , VapingIndustry , baseballhat , stickers , politicalcampaign , "YESon3" , DonaldJ.TrumpbackinglegalmarijuanainFlorida , HamtramckMichigan , MuslimMayorBacksTrump , RoilsHisCity , AmerGhalib , LiberalResidentsSeeBetrayal , OfTheirWelcomingSpirit , Pennsylvania , LuzerneCounty , BeforeaVote , PanicButtonsAndBoulders , securitymeasures , boulderinstallationaroundcountybuilding , BureauofElections , StrikesCouldCornerIran , HasteningNuclearPush , IsraelHamaswar , Corngrownwithalteredbacteria , morerobust , requireslessfertilizer , Missouri , ModifyingDNAtoHelpClimateChange , ManipulatingNatureataRisk , UkraineRussiawar , Ukraine'sSurpriseIncursion , EpisodesofBrutalityandMercy , Korenevo , plentyofsunshine , mainlyclear
October 22, 2024
performance , news , museums , Monday'simage , frontpages , exhibitions , dance , currentevents , contemporaryart , arthistory
Eszter Salamon in collaboration with Boglárka Börcsök, MONUMENT 0.5: The Valeska Gert Monument , Performance trailer, 2:58, Video documentation: Walter Beckmann, 2019, Tanzforum Berlin , University Library of the Berlin University of Arts, Germany
Tags: EszterSalamon , BoglárkaBörcsök , collaboration , performance , dance , ValeskaGert , TheValeskaGertMonument , videodocumentation , trailer , TanzforumBerlin , UniversityLibraryoftheBerlinUniversityofArts , Germany , NYTimes , L.G.B.T.Q.inJapan , same-sexunionsremainoutlawedinJapan , bullyingremainsriskforchildren , thosewhoaregaytransgenderornonbinary , distinctivepaths , portraiture , liveshopesfears , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , TrumpBecomesStarofHarris'sClosingPitch , DemocratShiftsStrategy , UsingHisWordstoPortrayHimasUnfittoServe , BidsforVotes , Drowning7SwingStates , electronicbillboards , socialmedia , televisionadvertisements , ElectoralCollege , ElonMusk , MusktheContractor , MusktheU.S.Adviser , ConflictofInterestSeen , IfHeLeadsaTrump'Efficiency'Panel , Shaabanal-Dalou , Palestinian'sDreamsofEscape , EndinFlamesSeenWorldwide , GazaStrip , HowHalloweenRetailBecameItsOwnMonster , Halloweencostumes , storessellfrightfulwaresearlierandearlier , phenomenon , "holidaycreep" , IsraelHamaswar , plentyofsunshine , warmerafternoon
Tags: unknownartist , VoteButton , metal , NationalMuseumofAmericanHistory , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Georgia , FrankHonoréandhisfatherStephan , Mableton , speakingtoDemocraticvoters , presidentialelection , MesaArizona , AmandaBlakecanvassing , hopingtoconvinceRepublicanstovote , InFinalDays , CampaignsDivergeonGroundGame , KamalaHarris , DonaldTrump , HarrisRevsUpTurnoutMachine , TrumpTriesUnprovenAlliance , FeelingPennedIn , TrumpRantsAtDonorsOverLackofMoney , HilsaNepal , NepalisEdgyOverBorderAlongChina , SignofXi'sPushtoExpandandControl , Chinesesecuritytower , loomsoverNepalborder , CaliforniaAimsto'Trump-Proof'ClimateRules , SettlementsDesignedtoExtendBeyondPresident'sReach , ballotmeasure , create$10billion"climate bond" , Tokyo , PoliciestoRaiseFertilityRates , Haven'tProducedBabyBooms , BillionsinTaxBreaks , DictateFilmLocationsTesttheCrews , filmset , FindingrightspotsinNewYork , "Rosemead" , filmsetinCalifornia , filmcrews , windy , cooler , partlycloudy , spottymorningshower
Tags: CliareFalkenstein , floatingstructure , iron , sculpture , installationart , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , NewYork , AYear-OldWarEnduresandThreatenstoSpread , crowd , nightvigil , TelAviv , Israel , IsraelisandPalestiniansleftinlimbo , InTownsAttackedonOctober7 , GhostlyExistence , FewResidentsReturn , SurroundedbyHarshRealties , IsraelHamaswar , IsraelandHamasDashHopesforCompromise , SCOTUS , ForNowTermIsShapingUpAsMildOne , ButJusticesCouldBeThrustIntoElection , TrumpReignitesQuestionOfAgeWithRamblings , IncreasingStridency , AnalysisandObserversNoteChangesinHisSpeechPatterns , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , campaigntrail , MayorEricAdams , BriberyInquiryMarstheRiseOfNewYork'sBanksBrothers , PhilipB.BanksIII , DavidC.Banks , CapturingDevastationatHome , NorthCarolina , Afteryearsofdocumentingclimatechange , photographerinpathofhurricane , DisinformationIsHamperingHeleneRecovery , OfficialsWastingTimeFightingFalsehoods , HurricaneHelene , earlyshower , cloudsgivingwaytosun , breezy
Charles Demuth, My Egypt , Oil, fabricated chalk, and graphite pencil on composition board, 91.3 x 76.2 centimeters, 1927, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: CharlesDemuth , mixedmedia , painting , MyEgypt , WhitneyMuseumofAmericanArt , 1920s , NewYork , NYTimes , BigStorm'sHeavyToll , HurricaneHelene , wreakedhavocinAsheville , NorthCarolina , hundredswererescued , tropicalstorm , damage , IsraeliStrikeonNasrallah , YearsintheMaking , SpyAgenciesExpandedResources , TrackHezbollah'sPlansandLeaders , Escalation , IsraelfiredonYemenLebanonGaza , Inchingclosertoregionalwar , FierceDebateinIran , HowtoAnswerIsrael'sAttacks , OutcryOverCity'sWelcomeMattoRefugees , EauClaireWisconsin , FearsofChangetoMidwestWayofLife , BlackChurchesandGenZAreNotConnecting , RiskingKeyElementofPoliticalPower , churchinterior , community , G.O.P.FilingDelugeofLawsuitsOverElections , voterrights , After85YearsFixingaTypo , TheBrontësWould’veHated , WestminsterAbbey , Poets'Corner , punctuatedtheirplaquelastweek , mostlycloudy
Tags: WalterSilver , sunlightthroughatree , gelatinsilverprint , TheNewYorkPublicLibrary , NYTimes , NovaScotia , CarbonRun , silo , trees , sunlightbeam , releaselimestonepowderintoriver , WestRiverPictou , capturingcarbondioxide , BoldPlan , WouldTurnWorld'sOceansIntoCarbonBusters , demonstratinglimestonepowderinteractswithwater , slowingdownclimatechange , HarrisRuthlessOnHardCrimeAsProsecutor , SheGrantedLeniencyinLessSeriousCases , MideastTensionClimbs , RivalsStepUpAttacks , FearsOfAll-OutWar , IsraelSaysItInterceptedMostRocketsHezbollahFired , Sex'Freak-Offs' , AtCoreofCaseAgainstCombs , SeanCombs , ScramblingtoStanchVenezuelanGanginU.S. , EvolutionFuelsCrimeandBorderPolitics , HowMotherhoodHasBecomeDividingLineinElection , G.O.P.RisksAlienatingChildlessVoters , partyscene , TheyDevourShowTunes , NathanielLopez , "LittleShopofHorrors"vibe , BroadwayRave , LongIsland , mixtureofcloudsandsunshine
Tags: AudreyFlack , Queen , stilllife , paintingoncanvas , objects , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , NYTimes , WashingtonDC , NewYork , Americanflags , boxes , votereligibility , ChathamCountyGeorgia , GaryWilliams , voterregistration , updatingaddress , votingmachines , How3WomenTackleDoubtsOverElections , CullingGeorgiaVotersorRegisteringThem , GeorgiaNerds , TrumpUnharmedAfterShotsFired , Floridagolfcourse , SuspectArrested , F.B.I.CallsanAssassinationAttempt , LimónCostaRica , DrugDealersEndanger'PuraVida'ofCostaRica , DenseRainforestsPairWithLaxOversighttoLureTraffickers , parkrangeronpatrol , binoculars , beach , MayorEricAdams , Adams'sCrisesMuddleAgendaAndRe-election , stilllifecomposition , ArrangementsAndEyeRollsInT.S.A.Line , "Havingfunisthepoint" , PiperTaichgraphicdesigner , OnceConsideredEnemies , Iran'sProxiesAreEmbracedinIraq , mostlysunny
Martin Johnson Heade, Brazilian Forest , Oil on canvas, 51 x 40.6 centimeters, 1864, RISD Museum , Providence, Rhode Island
Tags: MartinJohnsonHeade , nineteenthcenturypainting , landscapepainting , Amazonrainforest , forest , oiloncanvas , RISDMuseum , ProvidenceRhodeIsland , NYTimes , NewYork , EugenioSánchez , scalingatreeinAmazonrainforest , Colombia , scientificresearch , forestscaptureandlockcarbondioxide , teamdiscoveredrarespecies , animals , nature , insects , ClimbingTreesToFindCluesOnWarming , TryingtoGraspCarbonStorageinAmazon , globalwarming , PollFindsRaceForWhiteHouseNeckAndNeck , NewYorkTimes/SienaPoll , VotersStillUnsureAboutHarris , Trump'sBaseHoldsFirm , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , presidentialelection , ElonMusk , Musk'sAbilityToSwayTrumpCarriesPitfalls , governmentefficiencycommission , Tajikistan , PunishedforBeardsandHijabs , PushtoStopExtremismAfterRussiaAttackMayFomentIt , U.S.Open , tennis , WinningandDashingAmericanHopes , No.1JannikSinner , afterbeatingTaylorFritzinmen'sfinal , China'sWomenLooktoReclaimRightfulPayout , GuangdongProvince , landrights , women'srights , "married-outwoman" , sunshine , mixingwithclouds , warmer
Beatrice Mandelman, Spectators , Lithograph, Publisher: Works Progress Administration / Federal Art Project-New York City, n.d., 40.3 × 49.5 × 2.9 centimeters, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art , Bentonville, Arkansas
Tags: BeatriceMandelman , spectators , lithography , printmaking , blackandwhite , workonpaper , WorksProgressAdministration , FederalArtProject , NewYorkCity , CrystalBridgesMuseumofAmericanArt , Arkansas , NYTimes , TelAviv , Israel , Thousandsprotesting , downtown , lackofceasefirewithHamas , 6hostagesfounddead , flags , banners , crowds , IsraeliHostagesFoundDead , AngerRises , 6BodiesinTunnel , GrowingSplit , BetweenVengeanceandCease-Fire , PatientsHeldAgainstWillByHospitals , AcadiaHealthcare , TopChainIncentivizesPsychiatricStays , Gaza , RacetoHaltPolio'sSpread , War'sFleetingPauses , poliovaccination , hundredsofthousandsofchildren , undertheageof10 , doctors , globalhealthemergency , SixmilebridgeIreland , AsAshTreesDie , AncientIrishGameAdapts , PlayersinHurlingFindBambooMightDo , hurling , Irishsports , "theclashoftheash" , woodworkshop , WillieBulfin , craftinghurleys , formidablewoodensticksinsportofhurling , JDVance , Vance'sCombativenessMayVexSomeVoters , TrumpLikesIt , presidentialelection , GratitudeWanesWithProliferationofGratuities , tipping , No-TaxIdea , CouldEndUpHurtingWorkers , mostlysunny , breezy , lesshumid
Christian Jaccard, Combustion 01.9.81 , Black candlewick and burn marks on paper, 100.4 x 70.2 centimeters, 1981, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: ChristianJaccard , combustion , blackcandlewick , burnmarks , drawing , workonpaper , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , NewYork , smoke , southernLebanon , Israel'spre-emptivestrike , againstthousandsofHezbollah'srockets , WarringSidesQuicklyTalkContainment , IsraelandHezbollahClaimVictoriesofSorts , predawn , IsraelExchangesHeavyAirstrikesWithHezbollah , Flare-Up , ThenAPause , FearsGrowConflictWithLebanonCouldSpreadinRegion , HezbollahdroneinterceptedbyIsrael , KamalaHarris , HarrisIsCallingOaklandHome , BerkeleyCanUnderstandWhy , TradingLiberalMeccaforCityThat'sNotQuiteSo...Rad , HowJailedMigrantWasFreed , AndChargedWithRapeAgain , FailureofCooperationBetweenICEandCityIsBlamed , FromWar'sCarnage , SpringsRenaissanceofUkrainianPoetry , Ukrainewar , Kyiv , open-micpoetryreading , ShevchenkoNationalPrize , Journalists'HotelIsHit , Reuters , journalistswoundedinstrike , Mpox-PlaguedCongoRequestedVaccineYearsAgo , ItStillWaits , globalhealthemergency , partlysunny , afternoonstorm
Birutė Stančhikaitė, Severe Light I, Lithograph on paper, Edition: 18/25, 23 1/8 × 30 7/16 inches, 1982, Zimmerli Art Museum , Rutgers University, New Jersey
Tags: BirutėStančhikaitė , printmaking , lithography , severelight , printedition , ZimmerliArtMuseum , RutgersUniversity , NewJersey , NYTimes , helicopter , Iran , mountainlandscape , PresidentEbrahimRaisi , ForeignMinisterHosseinAmirAbdollahian , IranLeader'sHelicopterCrashesinThickFog , HugeSearch , RescueEffortSlowedbyBadConditions , ThreatsandFear , AreTransformingU.S.Politics , ViolenceIsRiskFromCityHalltoCongress , JoeChimenti , formerchairmanofboardofsupervisors , ShastaCountyCalifornia , 'Igotintothistomkaeadifference' , 'WhydoIwanttoputupwiththis?' , Atlanta , PresidentBiden , commencementaddress , BidenMessage:'I'mWithYou' , MorehouseCollege , AsTrump'sTrialNearsItsEnd , ProsecutorsSeemtoHaveEdge , Time-HonoredPoliticalTactic , ThrowYourWifeUndertheBus , upsidedownAmericanflag , Kyiv , AVictoryintheRing , boxing , BoostsMoraleofWar-WearyUkraine , Ukrainianboxer , OleksandrUsyk , heavyweightchampion , sunandclouds , lightwinds
Frank Stella, Spectralia , Lithograph, etching, aquatint, relief and screenprint, Comp and sheet 67.8 x 81.8 centimeters, Publisher: Kenneth Tyler, 1994, National Gallery of Australia , Kamberri/Canberra
Tags: FrankStella , lithography , etching , aquatint , reliefprinting , screenprint , PrinterKennethTyler , NationalGalleryofAustralia , Kamberri/Canberra , NYTimes , forests , foliage , palmtrees , Brazil , landscape , CanMoreForestsBringMoreProfits? , Amazonrainforest , cattlerancheshaveruledAmazonfordecades , newcompaniesselling , abilitytoslashplanet-warmingcarbon , Inmate'sDeath , HighlightsFailuresinMentalHealth , PrisonsStruggleinDualRole , JailerandCaregiverforThousandsofPeople , mentalhealthcrisis , MarkusJohnson , diedinprisonaftermentalcollapse , gravestone , flowersongrass , AsTrumpFanPastorSignalsLatinoShift , TrumpReturn? , AWaryCapitalTalksofEscape , "whatif" , RevisedFormonCollegeAidBringsChaos , FAFSA , FrankStella1936-2024 , StarofMinimalism , MasterofReinvention , FrankStellainhisstudio , "MichaelKohlhaasCurtain" , painting100feetlong , She'llHaveOrangeJuiceontheRocks , HoldtheSippyCup , CraftMocktailsAttract(Much)YoungerSet , nonalcoholiccocktails , ashowerearly , anothereveningshower , sunny
Tags: SusieGanch , Drag , detritus , steel , sculpture , installation , craft , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , nature , poppies , mountains , landscape , ASeismicShiftintheDrugTrade , Guatemalanforces , lookingforopiumpoppies , fentanylboom , ArabLeadersPushingBackOnProtesters , FuryatWarinGazaIsMetWithArrests , CairoEgypt , UkrainiansSayTraumaLingersAfterCaptivity , PTSD , RussiaAbuseAlleged , PrisonersofWarReturntoServiceTooSoon , CriticsCharge , IsraelisBracingForArrestWarrants , TheHague , InternationalCriminalCourt , InternationalCourtAlsoExpectedtoTargetHamasOfficials , TornadoesbatteredMissouriOklahomaTexas , WakingUptoDestruction , stormdamage , fallentrees , rubble , TrumpRarity:VerbalBlastsMayBackfire , InDrink-HappyNewOrleans , VisionariesSawAllThatGlass , emptybottles , GlassHalfFull , glassrecyclingfacility , NewOrleans , HarveyWeinstein , TheWeinsteinOffense , ThatCan'tBeMeasuredorProsecuted , convictionforsexcrimesoverturned , warm , humid , sun , clouds
Faith Ringgold, Early Works #25: Self-Portrait , Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 inches, 1965, Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: FaithRinggold , selfportrait , womenartists , oiloncanvas , painting , BrooklynMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , SaratuDauda , abductedat16withherclassmates , BokoHaram , ChibokNigeria , KidnappedWith275Girls , SheFinallyEscaped , ScoresRemainMissingFromNigeriaSchoolaDecadeLater , ChibokGirls , BidenSeekstoStaveOffEscalationinMiddleEast , 2AdversariesWeighNewSetofRisks , IranretaliatedagainstIsrael , IsraelIsAdvisedNottoHitBackAfterRepellingIran , 300dronesandmissiles , Minneapolis , AProsecutor'sVow , MaryMoriarty , toChangeMinneapolisMeetsResistance , CrucialPlayersInTrumpBid , Jan.6Rioters , CampaignIsBuiltonRevisionistHistory , politicalfundraising , AsCourtSteels , ManhattanCriminalCourtsBuilding , TrumpBeckonsBedlamtoCity , AlvinL.Bragg , Manhattandistrictattorney , JusticeJuanM.Merchan , FaithRinggold1930-2024 , artistwhowoveBlacklifeintoquiltsandchildren'sbooks , sheexploredgenderfamilyandclass , studioportrait , paintingsandsculpture , doll , abstraction , multicolor , dappledlight , reddress , textiles