
Monday's image: December 23, 2024

Peggy Smith, A Crowd, Paint on canvas, 41 x 78 inches, 1960, Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan

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Monday's image: March 4, 2024

Félix Vallotton, Le Cimetière militaire de Châlons, Oil on canvas, 54 x 80 centimeters, 1917, La Contemporaine (bibliothèque, archives, musée des mondes contemporains), Paris, France

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Monday's image: December 18, 2023

Artist unidentified, Wreath of Flowers with Mourning Doves and Nest, Reverse painting and foil on glass, 18.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 inches, circa 1870s, American Folk Art Museum, New York

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Monday's image: December 19, 2022

S.E. Casa de Moneda, Peso Ley Line 18.188,100 pesos coin (special circulation emission), Aluminum bronze,1977, Museo Histórico y Numismático Héctor Carlos Janson, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Monday's image: May 16, 2022

Shan Goshorn, Red Flag, Basket woven from inkjet prints with acrylic and artificial sinew, 8 x 7 x 7.5 inches, 2015, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

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Monday's image: August 30, 2021

Antonio Fantuzzi, after Giulio Romano, Soldiers Marching, Armed with Slings, Etching, dimensions unknown, sixteenth century, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Monday's image: May 17, 2021

Matt Bryans, Scars, Erased newspaper clipping, 13.5 x 17.5 centimeters, 2009, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France

Monday's image: September 21, 2020

Richard Anuszkiewicz, Inner Red, Oil on linen, 22 x 18 inches, 1960, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Monday's image: July 6, 2020

Mirella Bentivoglio, À Malherbe, Rose-colored onyx, 3.25 x 7 x 5 inches, 1975, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.

Monday's image: December 16, 2019

Martin Blank, Torso, Glass, 61.3 x 25.4 x 17.8 centimeters, undated, The Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida

Monday's image: June 3, 2019

Thornton Dial, Flowers for Peace (Primary Title), Pastel, watercolor and pencil on paper, 44 x 30 inches, 1996, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia

Monday's image: December 3, 2018

Micheline Beauchemin, Nordic Blue Ice Flow: Homage to the St. Lawrence River, Cotton threads covered with mylar, colored silk threads and linen threads, 162 x 504.5 centimeters, 1984, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Monday's image: June 18, 2018

Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, Comitose Intuse, Oil on paperboard, 14 7/8 x 17 1/8 inches, 1955, American Folk Art Museum, New York

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Monday's image: December 18, 2017

Helen Frankenthaler, Silent Curtain, Lithograph, Edition 14/25, 30 x 22.5 inches, 1967-1969, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo