Susan Hiller, Thoughts are Free , Jukebox, music, wall text and benches, plastic, metal, chipboard, and paper, 2011-2012, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: SusanHiller , ThoughtsareFree , multimedia , installation , jukebox , music , walltext , songs , dOCUMENTA(13) , Kassel , Germany , Oslo , Norway , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , Firsthostagesfreeafterdifficultceasefire , Emily Damari(28)takenfromthekibbutzKfarAzaOctober 7 , 2023 , hesitantstartofthetruce , anomenforadifficultpeaceprocess , long-awaitedceasefirebetweenIsraelandHamas , ThreeIsraeliwomenreleasedbyHamas , reunitedwiththeirfamilies , PresidentTrump , DeportationsRevenge , MaybeJustCallPutin , PresidentTrumpplansradicalinterventions , THEVERYRICHEST , CONTINUETOGETRICHERATAHIGHRATE , 'By2024thegapwillgrowfasterthanever' , EnoughoftheBelgiandarkness? , Tothesuninlessthansixhours , emojis , Empire , AmericaandEurope , OrangemanisbackintheWhiteHouse , lightsnow , cold , afternoonclearing
Mathilde ter Heijne, 1, 2, 3, …10, Wie Niet Weg Is, Is Gezien , Radios, CD players, central control unit, 1 + 1 AP, 70 x 220 x 200 centimeters, 2000, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst , Zurich, Switzerland
Tags: MathildeterHeijne , mixedmedia , installation , audio , radios , CDplayers , speech , sound , MigrosMuseumfürGegenwartskunst , Zurich , NYTimes , BlackSuburban , reflectivesurface , windows , PresidentTrump , wavestocrowd , briefouting , somemedicalexpertssaid , reckless , endangeredSecretServiceagents , TroublingFacts , FromPhysicians , UndercutTrump , Steroid , MaySignalSevereCase , Covid-19 , dexamethasone , reservedforsevereillness , TakingRiskyRide , ProjectOptimism , WalterReedNationalMilitaryMedicalCenter , doctorsrewrote , officialnarrativeofpresident'sillness , CredibilityLost , president'sphysicianconfessed , hehadmisledthepublic , losingtrustofsomepeers , Humility'sBenefits , positivetests , amongpresident'sallies , showwhypoliticiansadvisedtobehumble , WashingtonMemo , NYC , AdoptsTargetedShutdowns , HotSpotsEmerge , RollingBackReopening , 20Neighborhoods , Brooklyn , Queens , MajorSetback , experiencingrisingpositivityrates , blackemptyfoldingchairs , greenlawn , WashingtonNationalMonument , Seating , ThoseWhoAreNoLongerHere , OrganizersinWashington , setup20000chairs , tohonor200000victimsofCovid-19 , Doha , Qatar , ItWasTheirFathers'War , TheyAimtoEndIt , childrenofmen , playedkeyrolesinSovietconflict , 1980s , fourdecadesofviolenceandloss , FacingLegaciesofStrife , AfghanPeaceTalks , Afghangovernment , Taliban , BidenFacingQuestions , AboutTesting , beyondpublicexamples , safetyprecautions , Mr.Biden'shealthprotocols , remainedlargelyunderwraps , SenatorKamalaHarris , Americanflagbackground , VicePresidentMikePence , setfordebate , UniversityofUtah , PreparedtoGrabtheReins? , ADebateGainsinImportance , Mr.Trump'sdiagnosis , potentiallylethalvirus , at74yearsold , Democraticrival , JosephR.BidenJr. , at77yearsold , starkreminder , eitherMr.PenceorMs.Harris , couldendupbeingpresidentthemselves , passingmorningshowers , afternoonsunshine , seasonable
Sandra Selig, heart of the air you can hear , Polyester thread, nails, synthetic polymer paint, 270 x 570 x 285 centimeters, 2011, National Gallery of Victoria , Melbourne, Australia
Tags: SandraSelig , mixedmedia , artinstallation , red , polyesterthread , paint , architecture , space , corner , flow , NationalGalleryofVictoria , Melbourne , Australia , NYTimes , redwhite , flag , protesters , crowd , Belarus , loudercalls , forLeader'sExit , tensofthousands , stagedbiggestprotestyet , Minsk , opposefraud-taintedpresidentialelection , Trump'sCampaignCoffers , LowonBig-DollarChecks , UltrawealthyRepublicans , DelayDivertReduceTheirGifts , PresidentTrump , superPAC , AmericaFirstAction , TheTrumpVictoryFund , LindaMcMahon , portrait , runsTrumpsuperPAC , donated$4million , Fearing'Twindemic' , ExpertsPushforFluShots , OfficesandPlantsClosed , SearchIsOn , forOtherSites , newsurge , Covid-19 , severefluseason , C.D.C. , orderedadditional9.3milliondoses , ChildMigrants , HeldAtHotels , PrivateSecurityFirm , ShadowPolicy , hoteldetentions , aggressiveborderclosurepolicy , coronaviruspandemic , blueskyandcloud , greywall , names , underlined , UniversityofVirginia , memorial , listsenslavedworkers , records , oftendidn'tprovidenames , Charlottesville , Where'HorribleCruelties' , CanNoLongerHide , University'sMemorial , EnslavedLaborers , IsabellaGibbons , postCivilWar , formerlyenslavedBlackwoman , ownedbyuniversityfacultymember , SpeakerNancyPelosi , CurtailRecessforVote , OnPostalRelief , mail-inballots , integrityofNovemberelection , MourningLossofConvention , DemocraticNationalConvention , Milwaukee , FiservForum , WisconsinCenter , hotelsclosed , restaurantsempty , barseerilybarren , America'smostbeer-lovingcity , cloudsandsunshine , warm , eveningshowers , thunderstorms
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, High Bridge Crossing, The Appomattox, near Farmville on South Side Railroad, VA , Albumen print, Image: 17.1 x 22.5 centimeters, Support: 30.5 x 39.4 centimeters, 1865, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: TimothyO'Sullivan , albumenprint , bridge , Appomattox , Farmville , railroad , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , Virginia , NYTimes , EdmundPettusBridge , redpetals , bluesky , AFinalSundayinSelma , Alabama , funeralcaisson , RepresentativeJohnLewis , acrosstheAlabamabridge , horses , hefirstmarched , overahalf-centuryago , VirusCutsOffGlobalLifeline , AidingMillions , WagesSentHomebyMigrants , Plunge , London , FlaviusTudor , "It'sverytoughtimes" , "I'mlost" , remittances , coronavirus , economiesinlockdown , pandemicdamagedearningpower , 164millionmigrantworkers , whosupport800millionrelatives , Houston , Texas , 'YouDotheRightThings' , 'andStillYouGetIt' , TexasFamilyIsCaught , inUnrestrainedSpreadofVirus , supermarketbagger , Randalls , grocerystore , Seattle , Washington , CitiesAreInBind , AsUnrestFlares , OverU.S.Actions , EscalationOfProtests , NewOutrageandClashes , Response , FederalAgentsonStreets , PresidentTrump , seizedonscenesofunrest , law-and-ordermessage , riotgear , black , blue , orange , policeofficers , protesters , conflict , militarizedefforts , Misogyny , FedLawyer'sRage , AgainstJudge , "anti-feminist"lawyer , yearsofresentment , violence , MTA , platform , subway , train , TransitWorkers'Sacrifice , emotionalcost , keepingNewYorkCitymoving , duringpandemic , LakeBuenaVista , Florida , N.B.A. , SafeStrangeHaven , inHotSpot , NoDazzle , ManyRules , CarePackages , playoutrestofseason , withoutfans , confinedcampus , AVirginiaTown , RethinksItsConfederatePillars , WhereLeeIsBuried , NoMoreLeeHotel , picturesquecity , nestledinBlueRidgeMountains , sunny , hot , humid
Tags: AnneJudell , drawing , mixedmedia , graphite , breath , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , NYTimes , AsNeonDims , DespairGrowsOnVegasStrip , LasVegas , ServiceWorkers , TakingaDevastatingBlow , ValiciaAnderson , "Youarepushingpeopleupagainstacorner." , leisureindustry , Hingham , Massachusetts , GaspingforBreaths , theSizeofaTablespoon , HealthyHiker'sGraveIllness , HighlightsVirus'sAgonizingMysteries , greywhitetransparency , chestX-rays , MassachusettsGeneralHospital , JimBello , onventilatorfor32days , lungsfilledwithfluid , inflamedcells , "whiteout" , lungsstartingtoclearagain , coronavirus , "HailMary"medicalmaneuver , doctors'relentlessefforts , LargeCompaniesTakeBailoutAid , DubiousGains , LoansAimedAtOthers , MillionsGotoApplicants , FacingFinancialandLegalProblems , PresidentTrump , $349billion , low-interestloansforsmallbusinesses , PaycheckProtectionProgram , itsmoneyranout , ADisinfectant , ThatMayMarTrump'sTeflon , “butI’mlikeapersonthathasagoodyou-know-what.” , suggestedthatinjectionsofdisinfectantsintobody , couldhelpcombatcoronavirus , musingsonvirusremedies , widespreadcondemnation , dangeroustohealthofAmericans , ocean , palmtree , sand , twowomen , BondiBeach , Australia , closedovervirusrestrictions , NewZealandAndAustralia , SquashCurve , bothnationsreporting , handfulofnewinfections , ScottMorrison , JacindaArdern , partisanshiprecedes , expertslead , "ThisiscertainlydistinctfromtheUnitedStates." , Dr.PeterCollignon , professorofmicrobiology , KennyCheng , SeanMahoney , ambulance , 911call , ACallPiercestheLulls , ExhaustedParamedics , 'PossivleCovid' , uncertainty , 'Whencantheyseetheirlovedonesagain?' , heavyemotionalandphysicaltoll , plentyofclouds , showers , chilly
Egypt, Dynasty 18, New Kingdom, Amulet of a Birth God , Faience, 3.2 x 1.6 x 0.3 centimeters, circa 1539-1478 B.C.E., Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: amulet , birthgod , faience , Egypt , NewKingdom , turquoiseblue , BrooklynMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , hospitalroom , PPE , doctor , patient , blue , white , terracottacurtain , nurse , computermonitor , newbornbaby , mother , PreciousAnderson , metherson , BrooklynHospitalCenter , shehadcoronavirus , babyhadtobedelivered , twomonthsearly , InBrooklyn , NewLife , PiercestheVeilofDeath , EvenWithMothersIll , MaternityWard , ReasonforHope , Nearly200babiesarrived , sincebeginningofMarch , OilGiantsAgree , ToLimitOutput , CoolingTensions , LargestCutbackEver , DealShapedbyTrump , AllaysRussia-SaudiArabiaDispute , Houston , stabilizeoilprices , globalfinancialmarkets , OPECPlus , $40abarrel , fortheforeseeablefuture , StrickenShip , ExposesaRift , IntheMilitary , WashingtonDC , CaptainBrettE.Crozier , email , "Sailorsdon'tneedtodie" , PublicDiscord , PresidentTrump , frustrationwithDr.AnthonyS.Fauci , Boston , HowMeetingofDrugmaker , SowedIllness , Biogen , "super-spreadingevents" , Covid-19 , shelvesofsurgicalmasks , ReadyforBattleAgain , Thousandsofusedmasks , decontaminated , helpresupplyhealthcareworkers , Albany , NewYorkFeud , PlayingPoliticsWithPandemic , MayorBilldeBlasio , momentousdecision , keepNYCpublicschoolsclosed , throughendofJune , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , discountedmayor'sdecision , persistentdysfunctionbetweenthem , ForAmericansLivinginPoverty , Keeping6FeetApart , LuxuryBeyondReach , pandemic , exposingandcompoundinginequality , verywindy , heavyrain , thunderstormsearly
Reign of Ibrahim Adil Shah, Probably Bijapur Court, Deccani School, Double folio from a Kitab-i hasha’ish (The book of herbs), Opaque watercolor and ink on paper, 40 x 51 centimeters, 1595, Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art , Washington, D.C.
Tags: bookofherbs , plants , manuscript , IbrahimAdilShah , DeccaniSchool , BijapurCourt , India , Persiantranslation , MateriaMedica , botany , hospital , Wuhan , China , interior , medicalworker , PPE , window , cityscape , towers , lightblue , transparent , white , spraybottle , Insteadofusingautomaticreportingsystem , outbreak , hospitalsdeferredtolocalofficials , fearedupsettingBeijing , AfterAGrimForecast , TrumpExtendsLimits , GivingUponaGoal , ReopeningtheU.S.byEaster , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , retreatedonhisdesire , torelaxcoronavirusguidelines , businessesshuttered , schoolsandcollegesemptied , sociallifesuspended , Dr.AnthonyS.Fauci , extendingguidelineuntilApril30 , ChinaHadFail-SafeWay , toTrackContagions , OfficialsFailedtoUseIt , ScarredbySARSepidemic , infectiousdiseasereportingsystem , PoliticiansTestNovelPlaybook , ForEraofFear , coronavirus , drasticallyupended2020elections , portraiture , PresidentTrumpatrally , Charlotte , NorthCarolina , wavingtothecrowd , redwhiteblue , TheVentilatorsWereonOrder , TheyStillAre , breathing-assistancemachines , federalcontract , veeredoffcourse , delayeddevelopment , ofaffordableventilator , halfadecade , teacherinwoods , holdingbook , laptopwithfloralexterior , innature , LaceyTragesser , teachingfromherfamily'sNorthCarolinacabin , SwappingWhiteboardsforScreens , inaWeek , Challengefor75000NewYorkTeachers , publichealthemergency , 1.1millionstudents , backinsession , Seattle , Washington , SignsThatSocialDistancing , MayBeSlowingaVirus , containmentstrategies , beginningtopayoff , Inacrisis , thatrequiredmanufacturingacumen , thepresidentcrumpled , periodiccloudsandsunshine , afternoonshowers , SmithsonianNationalMuseumofAsianArt , NYTimes
Paul Neagu, Tactile Object (Hand) , Wood, metal, plastic, leather, textile and paper, 185 x 315 x 235 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PaulNeagu , mixedmedia , sculpture , participatoryart , TateUK , NYTimes , smartphone , cameraphone , holdinghands , flags , stage , multicolorbackground , yellowcab , performersincostume , redpurpleblue , latexgloves , surgicalmasks , coronavirus , castsapallonnewyork , couplemarriestosecurehealthinsurance , charactersinTimesSquare , cabdriver , cleaninghisoffice , casesontherise , anxiety , Rome , ItalyBegsCitizens , NottoThwartRulesonVirus , "WearethenewWuhan" , ElenaLofino , TrackingAnOutbreak , oil , SaudiArabiacutprices , targetingRussia'srefusaltocutproduction , numberofcasesinU.S. , growntomorethan500 , inalmost36states , toprotectstudents , manyschoolsareclosing , FailuresonJapanCruiseLiner , ShadowLatestOutbreakatSea , PrincessCruises , emailpepperedwithtypos , awkwardgrammar , PalmBeach , Florida , TwitterPulpit , NoMatchForViralFoe , PresidentTrump , "Whowouldhavethought?" , WashingtonDC , HowtheTrumpCampaign , TookControloftheG.O.P. , SeizingVoterData , Fund-RaisingArms , toAmassPower , TurnaProfit , portraiture , bluesuit , speech , BradParscale , campaignchairmanforPresidentTrump , ParscaleStrategy , billed$35million , toTrumpcampaignandR.N.C. , Detroit , Michigan , ForSanders , MichiganLifeline , GetsHardertoGrabThisTime , SenatorBernieSanders , Paris , France , CelebratingSisterhood , march , InternationalWomen'sDay , blueredgreenblackwhitepurple , globaleffortstowardequality , plentyofsunshine , verymild
Tags: KarooAshevak , whalebone , stone , figure , IndigenousArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , redfootballuniforms , footballfield , coaches , SuperBowl , AWin50YearsintheMaking , QuarterbackPatrickMahomes , Chiefs , beatthe49ers , firstSuperBowlchampionshipsince1970 , Wuhan , China , AFeverof104 , HourstoWait , AndNoRelief , BedSpaceandHopeDwindle , coronavirus , outbreak , panic , illness , impossibletogethealthcare , manyresidentssay , PandemicLooms , Rapidlyrisingcaseloads , alarmingresearchers , fearthevirusmayspreadacrossglobe , Panicked , Travelersscramble , fewremainingairlineticketsoutofChina , quarantines , TradeNetworks , FaceNewMenace , InACoronavirus , ChinaInCrossHairs , WithDominanceComesRisks , DwarftheImpactofSARS , Apple , Starbucks , Ikea , temporarilyclosedstoresinChina , shoppingmallsdeserted , InternationalairlinescancelflightstoChina , economicgrowthexpectedtoslipthisyear , Newton , Iowa , DemocratsPitchedaHugeTent , It'saHiveofAngst , pre-primarycampaign , lowgradeanxietyattackforDemocrats , presidentialcampaignsigns , PETE , SouthBend , supporterscheeringPeteButtigieg , BernieSanders , CedarRapids , ElizabethWarren , GetOuttheCaucusrally , Indianola , JosephR.BidenJr. , townhall-stylerallyinDubuque , IowaPopulationAptlyReflects , GrayingofAmericanEconomy , mirrorsnation'seconomyanddemography , state'srapidlyagingpopulation , IntheEnd , ClashofGiantEgos , TriumphedOverSubwayRepairs , AndyByford , scorchingletterofresignation , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , complaintsofmicromanaging , U.S.BanSundersFamilies , SlamsDooronMuchofAfrica , livesthrownintodisarray , PresidentTrump , expansionofimmigrationban , sixnewcountries , includingNigeria , "Americahaskilledme" , "Wearefinished." , IkennaNwegbe , cloudsandsunshine , breezy
Tags: IsamuNoguchi , marble , sculpture , figure , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , RallyingTogetherInTexas , Houston , PresidentTrump , PrimeMinisterNarendraModi , India , "HowdyModi!" , metalbarriers , cheeringcrowd , securityguards , raisedhands , WashingtonDC , TrumpAdmitsHeSpokeToUkraine , AboutBiden , corruptionaccusations , againstformerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , GrowingPressureonDemocrats , toImpeach , PelosiWarnsof'Lawlessness' , inpublicandinprivate , Democratschangingcalculations , whethertochargehimwitharticlesofimpeachment , SpeakerNancyPelosi , profileportrait , pinksuit , demandedrelease , ofwhistle-blowercomplaint , fast-movingdevelopments , Cairo , Egypt , Self-ExiledAgitator , UrgesEgyptiansIntoStreets , MysteriousCritic , RivetsNation , WithTalesofStateCorruption , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , littledissentisallowed , MohamedAli , postingvideos , el-Sisiantagonist , whistle-blower , surgefromobscuritytoprominence , protest , CyberwarOption , NoEasyClick , U.S.AttackonIran , CouldWidentheBattlefield , UnitedStatesCyberCommand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , armscrossed , blacksuit , possiblecyberwarfareagainstIrandiscussed , DesMoines , Iowa , PoorSchoolsCan'tCompete , WithSuburbanRivals , ShouldThey? , HooverHighSchool , footballteam , kneelingplayers , greenyellowuniforms , footballfield , coach , sunset , blue-greysky , yellowgreengrass , stadiumlighting , whitelight , recentlosstoIndianola , schoolinneighboringcounty , MitchellMoore , coachatRooseveltHighSchool , "I'mabigbelieverthatsocioeconomicshasnothingtodowithcatchingafootball." , Pescara , Italy , Europe'sLawToAidPrivacy , GathersForce , AlessandroBiancardi , journalist , storyoftwobrothers , argumentledtoviolence , centerofdebate , overtheinternet'sfuture , growingreach , Europe's"righttobeforgotten"privacyrule , battlesoverspeechandprivacy , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , warm , humid
Tags: UrsulavonRydingsvard , cedar , sculpture , installation , wood , SFMOMA , California , NYTimes , PrimeMinisterBorisJohnson , Britain , PresidentTrump , Groupof7summit , Biarritz , France , twomeninsuits , maroontie , lightbluetie , curvingstaircase , ornatebanisters , Trump'sThreatsOfTariffs , WorrySummitLeaders , FrayedNervesAtG7 , IncreasinglyToughTalk , TowardChina , LeavesPresidentIsolated , tradewar , "secondthoughts" , rhetoricalwhipsaw , deepnervousness , tipglobaleconomyintorecession , Alarm , widearrayofbusinessleaders , warnofconsequences , tit-for-tat , tariffs , DiplomaticDance , Leaderspresentcollegialfront , Groupof7 , Perrysburg , Ohio , DrugtoTreatRareDisease , CostsMillions , PricingCreatesCrisis , forHealthPlans , Strensiq , multimillion-dollardrug , inthefridge , pharmaceuticalcompanies , turningtorarediseases , genetherapies , nextprofitengine , Pfizer , Novartis , WashingtonDC , Trump'sAlliesScourInternet , ToPunishPress , conservativeoperatives , discreditnewsorganizations , deemedhostiletoTrump , publicizedamaginginformation , aboutjournalists , CNN , TheWashingtonPost , TheNewYorkTimes , ElizabethWarren'sAwakening , toaWorldofDesperation , bluesuit , microphone , speech , audience , formercolleague , UniversityofTexasSchoolofLaw , teaching , shewasonce"savagelyanti-consumer" , thensomethingchanged , "roadtoDamascus"moment , academicresearch , consumerbankruptcy , averageworkingAmericans , admittingtheywerefailures , portraiture , AndrewLuck , Coltsquarterback , retirementat29 , BatteredFromHeadtoToe , AStarSaid:Enough , N.F.L. , profootball , yearsofpain , rehabilitation , injuries , Logo , TrumpInternationalHotelandTower , Manhattan , PlayingDownNamesake , CentralParkIcon , crownjewel , familybusiness , overhaulsignage , removeTrumpbranding , newaddress , OneCentralParkWest , morningclouds , someafternoonsunshine
Peter Doig, Untitled , Oil paint on paper, 505 x 685 millimeters, 2008, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PeterDoig , TateUK , painting , paper , oilpaint , portraiture , solitaryman , NYTimes , dusk , corrugatedroof , trees , nightsky , whitegeese , porchlight , woodenfencing , metalfence , GrisaMuntean , lastsurvivor , Dobrusa , 19thCenturysettlement , oncepartofRussianEmpire , LoneSurvivor , HoldsDownVillageofOne , Moldova , liveswithtwocats , fivedogs , nineturkeys , fifteengeese , fortytwochickens , fiftypigeons , onehundredtwentyducks , severalthousandbees , "Thelonelinesskillsyou" , likemanysettlements , emptiedoutafterfallofSovietUnion , 1991 , JosephR.BidenJr. , blackandwhitephotography , 1974 , Capitolbuildinginbackground , Newport , Delaware , HowBidenBecame , Anti-BusingDemocrat , TheLongRun , ATurnabout , TurbulentTimes , raciallydivisivetopicinAmerica , headshot , PresidentTrump , FanningFlames , TrumpUnleashesATaunt , 'GoBack' , AnAssumption , ThatSpokeVolumes , Twitterharangue , attackonDemocraticcongresswomenofcolor , "goback"tothecountrytheycamefrom , us-against-them , politicalstrategy , ASlur , on4NonwhiteCongresswomen , FuelsOutrage , racisttrope , stokingracialdivisions , Trump'scomments , swiftlycondemned , NovakDjokovic , RogerFederer , WimbledonFinal , LikeNoneBefore , tennisuniforms , tenniscourt , net , crowd , officialsinblazers , fifth-settiebreaker , Djokovic's16thmajortitle , LosAngeles , California , Netflix , LobbyOffersFlash , andFreebies , Hollywood'sA-List , "lobbyexperience" , "creativegateway" , 80x12footvideoscreen , wallof3500plants , livingmural , redFlamingoLilies , knownforbigpistils , SanFrancisco , mentholcigaretteban , FDA , consideringnationwideban , billsetaside , BlackNewYorkers , LendaHand , CorporateLobbyistsPrevail , tofightbanproposedbyNewYorkCityCouncil , mostlysunny , warm , lowhumidity
Benjamin Armstrong, Old Friends , Blown-glass, pigment, plaster, wax, 104 x 36 x 17 centimeters, 2004, Museum of Contemporary Art , Sydney, Australia
Tags: BenjaminArmstrong , OldFriends , sculpture , blown-glass , pigment , plaster , wax , portraiture , eyes , MuseumofContemporaryArtAustralia , Sydney , PresidentTrump , KimJong-un , doubleportrait , bluesuits , redtie , securityguards , cameraman , bluerooftops , governmentbuilding , whitesteps , firstsittingUnitedStatespresident , tosetfoot , inNorthKorea , TwitterOverture , TrumpandKim , MeetOnNorthKoreanSoil , Seoul , SouthKorea , EyeingArms'Freeze' , EaseNewTalks , made-for-TV , spectacle , DemilitarizedZone , TwoLeadersAgree , RestartWorkonNuclearDeal , "Itisgoodtoseeyouagain" , Mr.Kimtoldthepresident , interpreter , "Bigmomentbigmoment" , Mr.TrumptoldMr.Kim , PleasantGrove , Alabama , CityUnmovedByIndictment , InFetusDeath , MarshaeJones , herunbornbabyfatallyshot , hatemailpouredin , "personhood"movement , fetusesrights , equality , rightsofmothers , BrooklynBound , TheWarriorssuperstar , KevinDurant , brightblueuniform , yellowtype , agreedtojointheNets , Denver , Colorado , Colorado'sMarijuanaExperiment , After5Years , NoRiseinTeenageUse , RacialDivideinArrestsPersists , blue-skyrhetoric , marijuanaindustry , sincerecreationalsales , morevisitstoemergencyrooms , NYC , PrideMarch , "IAmMe" , rainbowcolor , flags , celebration , women , "Thisiswheretherevolutionbegan" , PrismofPrideandRevelry , Born50YearsAgo , CelebratingStonewall , L.G.B.T.Q.Lives , FifthAvenue , GreenwichVillage , Berkeley , California , KamalaHarris , sisterandmother , home , 1970 , BusingThatDividedBerkeley , ShapedHarrisandHerPeers , Integration , segregation , Brownv.BoardofEducation , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , oppositiontomandatorybusing , NYTimes , sunshine , someclouds
Bea Maddock, Cast a shadow, Photo-etching, aquatint, black ink on white wove paper, 97.3 x 68.4 centimeters, 1972, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: BeaMaddock , photoetching , castashadow , aquatint , inkonpaper , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , NYTimes , Khartoum , Sudan , FuryinSudan , CrackdownFuelsDefiance , ActivistsVow , ToKeepOppositionAlive , Dr.DiaaAli , "Thisisnottheendoftherevolution" , thousandsofprotesters , beseigedcapital , economichardships , PresidentOmarHassanal-Bashir , HongKong , crowds , curve , greenshubbery , signage , lightposts , hundredsofthousands , marchedagainstproposal , toallowextraditions , tomainlandChina , SwarminHongKong , protests , China's'EvilLaw' , FearandAnger , OverErosionofCity'sAutonomy , erosionofcivilliberties , protestrecalled , pro-democracyUmbrellaMovement , China'srulingCommunistParty , graduallyextertingmoreinfluence , WashingtonDC , BarrBusyWieldingPower , HisInfluenceExpands , AStraight-ShootingInstitutionalist , toSome , President'sProtector , toOthers , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , "HeistheclosestthingwehavetoDickCheney" , CharlesJ.Cooper , formerJusticeDepartmentofficial , NewYork , HowNewYorkKeepsAbusers , AsCaregivers , UnionAvenueI.R.A. , whistle-blower , "Icouldn'tkeepup" , calledthe"Bronxzoo" , housing , developmentallydisabledresidents , workersshielded , bystatearbitrationprocess , MuellerOpted , NottoPursuePhoneMessage , "attorney-clientprivilegeissues" , 448pageMuellerreport , tantalizingquestions , president'sconduct , wentunanswered , PresidentTrump , Hampton , NewHampshire , ForDemocrats , YoungandOld , AgeIsaNumberThatDivides , "theagething" , 2020Democrats , SpanFourGenerations , Millennials , GenerationX , Boomers , SilentGeneration , cloudy , heavyshowers , cooler , humid , portraiture
Oliffe Richmond, Marathon , Lithograph on paper, 483 x 251 millimeters, 1966, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: OliffeRichmond , portraiture , line , figure , blackink , lithography , TateUK , PhiladelphiaInquirer , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , RiverfrontDevelopment , ChesterRehabRevisited , TheUnion , havenewplan , fortheirneighborhood , Chesterlanguished , fordecades , oneofnation's , poorestandmostviolentcities , TalenEnergyStadium , aerialview , nearCommodoreBarryBridge , soccerteamowners , couldplanfacilities , sportsplex , forkidsandretail , greysky , greenery , Runnin'intheRain , runners , marathon , puddles , reflection , bluetags , numbers , crowd , asphalt , doubleyellowlines , NathanSears , fromOhio , wrappedheadandupperbody , inplastic , asheranintherain , portrait , profile , Kenyan , DanielKemoi , finishedfirst , crossingtheline , 47:24 , aquagreen , steelcrowdbarriers , DespitechillyandwetSunday , 40000participants , 40thBlueCrossBroadStreetRun , "Thisislikework." , "It'sajob." , baseball , throwingapitch , Phillies , Nationals , ForElvin , AnotherImpressiveEffort , Raptors , 76ers , LeonardScores39 , TorontoGetsEven , Taxes , Abatement , gettingprimaryattention , majorityofCouncilcandidates , wanttochangetaxrelief , Apollshows , voterssharetheirsentiments , ChinaTrade , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Trumpsays , hewillhiketariff , onFriday , $200billionworth , Chinesegoods , tradewar , calledhimself , "tariffman" , SurpriseNominee , MarkMorgan , handraised , maninsuit , yellowochrebackground , requiresconfirmation , TrumpChoosesMorgan , toheadICE , Ex-borderpatrolchief , vocalsupport , planforawall , intweet , TrumpcalledMorgan , "atruebelieverandanAmericanPatriot." , "Hewilldoagreatjob!" , borderwall , Mexico , immigration , warmer , sunny , clouds
Tags: GeorgeSegal , TheCurtain , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , thefigure , portraiture , window , brick , painting , white , ivory , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Mobridge , SouthDakota , bluelandscape , snow , winter , blackdiagonalline , road , MobridgeCareandRehabilitationCenter , closedinJanuary , residentsmoved , toothernursinghomes , manymilesfromtheirfamilies , snow-sweptruralroads , RuralNursingHomesShutter , FamiliesSplinter , corporatebuyouts , unpaidbills , financialruin , HaroldLabrensz , farmingandranching , rollingDakotaplains , sentoff , 220-mileroadtrip , nursinghomeinNorthDakota , LorettaLeonard , portraitinmirror , bedroom , framedphotos , husbandwife , paintingofholyfamily , Christianity , religion , cross , rosarybeads , dressingtable , bouquetofflowers , red , green , pink , gold , tan , grey , 'SometimesIwonderwhetherheknowsmeanymore' , can'tmake20-miletrip , tovisit91-yearoldhusband , whohasdementia , theelderly , mentalillness , McAllen , Texas , BravingHeatandCoyotes , ToBeRaped , attheBorder , MigrantWomen , SeekingSafetyinU.S. , FindaNightmare , inLockedRooms , lookaway , concealedidentity , anonymity , firstname , Melvin , outdoors , branches , bluesky , blackhair , rapedbysmuggler , sexualabuse , ubiquitousthreat , undocumentedwomenonborder , liveinshadows , of#MeToomovement , Seattle , Washington , Amazon'sOfferToCities , TakeItOrWe'llLeave , threats , closedwarehouses , stophiring , leastoutspace , demandtaxexemption , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , "shocktothesystem" , Amazondroppedplans , tobuildNYCheadquarters , NewDelhi , India , India'sMilitary , AilingandPoor , NearsItsBrink , IndianAirForce , dogfight , PakistaniAirForce , agingSovieteraplane , MiG-21 , armyequipmentconsidered"vintage" , Cambridge , Massachusetts , BattleErupts , OverTreatmentThatOnceRepelled , F.D.A.Ruling , WillPickWhoProspers , FromFecalTransplants , F.M.T. , revolutionarytreatment , Clostridioidesdifficile , debilitatingbacterialinfection , eyeofcrocodile , tailofcrocodile , yellowblackbrown , TheScalyPredatorNextDoor , Crocodilesarefactoflife , Balabac , Philippines , someconsiderreptilessacred , otherswantrevenge , forattacks , countlessdogsandgoats , snatchedaway , PresidentTrump , TradeStatisticsRivetPresident , BoredbySpies , intelligenceagencies , focusoneconomicsandtrade , hisrepeatedquestion , Whoiswinning? , cloudsgivingwaytosunshine , breezy , cold
David Bomberg, The Mud Bath , Oil paint on canvas, 152 x 224 centimeters, 1914, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: DavidBomberg , oiloncanvas , painting , vorticists , TateUK , BritishArt , NYTimes , portraiture , VictorManuelTorres , bluestripedshirt , bluejeans , palmtrees , clothesline , hangingclothes , boats , homes , tornuplandscape , rocks , dirt , detritus , columns , pink , bluesky , clouds , "Deadistheonlywaythey'llevergetmetoleave" , 50-yearresident , barriocalledVietnam , Guaynabo , PuertoRico , HurricaneMaria , "Thestormwasapassingshower" , "comparedtowhatwehavesurvivedhere" , Laborersbuiltneighborhood , badgeofhonor , WashingtonDC , G.O.P.'sTactics , SeektoCornerDemocrats , McConnellEntersFray , ToEndShutdown , PresidentTrump , morningtweets , attackedSpeakerNancyPelosi , Ms.Pelosibehaved"soirrationally" , SenatorChuckSchumer , Mr.Trump'splan , "hostagetaking" , Shutdowninfifthweek , 800000federalworkers , stillfurloughed , RussiaDealings , SaidToContinue , TillTrumpWon , AMoscowSkyscraper , CandidateWasInvolved , forMonthsLonger , GiulianiReveals , RudolphW.Giuliani , PresidentTrump'spersonallawyer , TrumpTowerMoscowdiscussions , "goingonfromthedayIannouncedtothedayIwon" , flurryofinterviews , amidfallout , disputedreport , BuzzfeedNews , ReportInLimbo , Misstepsraisequestions , aboutBuzzfeed's"bombshell" , AsMogulandPresident , ConsistentinChaos , Trump'sHungertoWin , DrivingForce , DealMaking , wagedpublicbattle , withMervGriffin , totakecontrol , AtlanticCitycasino , JackO'Donnell , "Hehasn'tchangedatall" , rancasinoforMr.Trumpin1980s , footballplayers , tangleofbodies , redwhiteuniforms , bluewhiteuniforms , multicolorbackground , crowd , MusclingIntotheSuperBowl , SonyMichelandthePatriots , beattheChiefs , 37-31 , WhereWordsandActsClash , WhiteHouse'sRussiaPolicies , RussiaseizedUkrainianships , inNovember , Twomonthslater , PresidentTrumphasnottaken , significantaction , Mr.Trumpinsisted , "nocollusion"withMoscow , Bensalem , Pennsylvania , DNA'MagicBox' , CanSnareCriminals , butAlsotheInnocent , RapidDNAmachine , providesresultsin90minutes , RapidDNAAct , signedintolawin2017 , sunshine , patchycloud , windy , cold
Lenore Tawney, Shield II , Natural linen, Chinese golden pheasant feathers, porcupine quills; woven, 61 x 45.7 x 1.3 centimeters, 1963, Museum of Arts and Design , New York
Tags: LenoreTawney , textiles , shield , linen , Chinesepheasantfeathers , porcupinequills , tan , offwhite , brown , black , white , MuseumofArtsandDesign , NYTimes , silverbluewhite , winterlandscape , reindeer , animalsgrazing , bushes , horizonline , WhereReindeerMeanEverything , protection , Samipeople , northernNorway , fightinglegallimits , onsizeoftheirherds , livelihoods , land , culturalidentity , atstake , G.O.P. , LameDucks , FadeFromHouse , AsClashLooms , No-Shows , OnKeyVotes , FatesofBorderWall , GovernmentFunding , HingeonReturn , WashingtonDC , daysbeforedeadline , toavert , partialgovernmentshutdown , PresidentTrump , Democraticleaders , Republican-controlledCongress , stalemate , SenatorJohnCornyn , "Thereisnodiscernibleplan." , Trump'sInput , MuddiesCase , OfGreenBeret , MajorMathewL.Golsteyn , 'U.S.Militaryhero' , chargedwithmurder , Hénin-Beaumont , France , FarRight , SeesFreshRecruits , InYellowVests , EmmanuelMacron , MayorSteeveBriois , leaderofNationalFront , anti-immigrantparty , grass-rootsforce , strugglingmiddleclass , workingpoor , Kashgar , China , 'Re-education' , LeadsInmates , toFactoryFloor , ChinaForces , ReligiousEthnicDetainees , toProduceGoods , blueclassroom , yellowdoor , paperonwall , bluegreyuniforms , desks , openbooks , handmovements , commands , Chinesestatetelevision , showingMuslims , inclasses , Criticssay , somecoercedintowork , atfactories , whitessubtitles , Muslimminoritypopulation , over12million , inXinjiang , low-costforcedlabor , transformintoChinese-speakingworkforce , industrialworkforce , Brooklyn , NewYork , Bureaucracy , Hostility , aDisturbingArrest , JazmineHeadley , 23 , sonyankedfromherarms , BrooklynMother'sTale , RevealsTensions , WelfareOffice , publicbenefits , Netflix , BoldPushIntoMovies , TakesAim , atHollywood'sCore , ScottStuber , Netflix'smoviechief , makestreamingservice , formidable , inoriginalfilms , AlfonsoCuarón , Roma , partlysunny , windier , milder
Micheline Beauchemin, Nordic Blue Ice Flow: Homage to the St. Lawrence River , Cotton threads covered with mylar, colored silk threads and linen threads, 162 x 504.5 centimeters, 1984, National Gallery of Canada , Ottawa
Tags: MichelineBeauchemin , textiles , sculpture , installation , DecorativeArts , NordicBlueIceFlow , CanadianArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , blueice , bluesky , cracks , lines , pattern , withinmonths , coastalplain , ArcticNationalWildlifeRefuge , Alaska , couldbevisitedbytrucks , weighingupto90000pounds , ThirstForOil , ThreatensPristineArcticRefuge , TrumpAdministration , HurriestoClearWay , ExplorationinAlaska , Fairbanks , vastlandscape , mosses , sedges , shrubs , 19millionacres , lastgreatstretchofnothingness , inU.S. , TradeWarPause , NeededRespite , ForXiAndTrump , BothTookEconomicHit , TruceGivesJust90Days , FindPathThroughBitterDifferences , PresidentTrump , PresidentXiJinping , "It'sanincredibledeal." , portraiture , PresidentXiJinpingofChina , G20summit , BuenosAires , Argentina , WashingtonDC , HouseG.O.P. , ShrugsatLosses , LeavingSomeMembersBaffled , lossesneared40seats , SpeakerPaulRyan , RepresentativeKevinMcCarthy , whatcanbedone , winvotersback , RiotsRoilParis , IreisRooted , DeepinFrance , Guéret , France , FlorianDou , howtosurvive , whenmoneyrunsout , "Weknewtheyweresentintogetridofus." , "YellowVests" , protests , StateOfTurmoil , Frenchprimeminister , willmeet , YellowVests'leaders , DeathofPresidentGeorgeBush , Presidentialportrait , portraitpainting , blackcurtain , mourning , womentakingpictures , mobilephones , PresidentGeorgeBush , knownforhiscivility , kindlednostalgia , forcompromise , AKinderGentlerNation? , MaybeforaFewDays , FinalHome , forgeddeepbond , TexasA&M , wherehewillbeburied , 3rdGraftCase , NewThreat , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , IsraeliPolicePush , forIndictmentAgain , Jerusalem , corruption , bribery , fraud , tradinginfluence , forfavorablenewscoverage , leadingIsraelinewspaper , periodicclouds , sunshine , breezy , mild
Betsabeé Romero, Border Memory (Recuerdo de la frontera) , Bas relief on rubber, nine Oaxacan black-clay tiles, Multiple dimensions, 2002, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: BetsabeéRomero , sculpture , bordermemory , basrelief , rubber , tire , blackclay , tiles , Oaxaca , LACMA , LosAngeles , NYTimes , EUflag , blue , yellowstars , circle , Britishflag , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , Britain , muststillgetapproval , fromBritain'sparliament , E.U.'sLeadership , AgreesOnTerms , InBrexitDivorce , 27NationsAcceptDeal , VexedBritainIsWarned , RenegotiationIsNotAnOption , Brussels , BritainscheduledtoleaveEuropeanUnion , March29deadline , openlettertonation , Mrs.Maywouldcampaign , "heartandsoul" , "tocometogetheragainasacountry" , Dayton , Ohio , WhyDrugDeathsAreDown , InAnOpioidCity , TheTreatmentGap , DaytonResponds , "Theyjustbegantoabruptlydropoff" , MontgomeryCounty , hollowed-outmanufacturingcenter , 548overdosedeathslastyear , 54%declinethisyear , WashingtonDC , AmericanKin , Are'Collateral' , InChinaCase , WifeandChildren , AreHeldtoLureFugitive , VictorLiu , CynthiaLiu , exitban , Chinaholdingfamilyhostage , toforcefather'sreturn , LiuChangming , formerbankexecutive , $1.4billionfraudcase , WhiteHouseMutesAlarm , OverClimate , EnvironmentalReport , UnderlinesDisconnect , TrumpWhiteHouse , issuedscientificreport , directlycontradicts , itsownclimate-changepolicies , split-screenpoliticalreality , 1656-page , NationalClimateAssessment , firemaninforest , orangeuniform , CrewsfightingCampFire , clearedtrees , Magalia , California , Chico , WildfiresLeaveRetireesLittle , ToRebuildOn , Paradise , overone-quarterresidents , 65orolder , losteverything , lateinlife , muststartover , fromzero , DanielCayer , livingaloneintrailerpark , plannedtocelebratebirthday , plumeofblacksmoke , scotchedplans , Tijuana , Mexico , womenandchildren , running , Fleeingteargas , smoke , USborder , MigrantsinTijuana , RushBorder , RetreatinClouds , ofTearGas , USCustomsandBorderProtection , caravan , PresidentTrump , anti-immigrant , rallyingcry , cloudy , rain , clearing , passingeveningshowers