Susan Hiller, Thoughts are Free , Jukebox, music, wall text and benches, plastic, metal, chipboard, and paper, 2011-2012, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: SusanHiller , ThoughtsareFree , multimedia , installation , jukebox , music , walltext , songs , dOCUMENTA(13) , Kassel , Germany , Oslo , Norway , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , Firsthostagesfreeafterdifficultceasefire , Emily Damari(28)takenfromthekibbutzKfarAzaOctober 7 , 2023 , hesitantstartofthetruce , anomenforadifficultpeaceprocess , long-awaitedceasefirebetweenIsraelandHamas , ThreeIsraeliwomenreleasedbyHamas , reunitedwiththeirfamilies , PresidentTrump , DeportationsRevenge , MaybeJustCallPutin , PresidentTrumpplansradicalinterventions , THEVERYRICHEST , CONTINUETOGETRICHERATAHIGHRATE , 'By2024thegapwillgrowfasterthanever' , EnoughoftheBelgiandarkness? , Tothesuninlessthansixhours , emojis , Empire , AmericaandEurope , OrangemanisbackintheWhiteHouse , lightsnow , cold , afternoonclearing
Eko Nugroho, La rue parle , Textile, Set of 24 embroidered pieces nailed to a painted black cloud painted on the wall, each embroidery approximately 30 x 40 centimeters, 2011, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris , France
Tags: EkoNugroho , textile , embroidery , installation , Muséed'ArtModernedeParis , France , LaStampa , Venice , Italy , Parisstreetscene , crowds , Frenchelection , Frenchflag , redwhiteblue , 'Noonehasmajoritytoformgovernment' , rightwingleader , 'ourvictoryonlypostponed' , RejectedLePen , MarineLePen , Frenchchaos , Lefttriumphs , resurrectsMacron , EmmanuelMacron , overcomesRassemblement , Jean-LucMélenchon , MélenchonchallengesPresident , 'ThisistheendoftheDeGaullemodel' , CharlesDeGaulle , Marine'seternalmirage , Anoldworldhasfallen , 'nothingcanstopapeoplewhohavereturnedtohope' , Applauseandafewflags , Emmanuel'shalf-heartedvictory , Aregencytrinket , ageofturbid , gallantasever , thatwouldhaveenchantedLaRochefoucauld , TaylorSwift , childprodigyat11 , 'Ifeltlikeadiva' , attackonvaccines , stopgreenpasses , stophurtingourhealth , IdaletsonAntonioDelgrado , ClownIdà , children'sclown"beatenupbyracists" , JacquesAttali , "mycountryisnolongergovernable" , AnnaTorretta , "anarchitectofclimbs" , summerawakensthevolcanoes , Etna , Stromboli , Solfatara , cloudy , Hotandhumid
Amalia Pica, Now Speak! , Cast concrete, live performance, 151 x 101.8 x 81.2 centimeters, 2011, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AmaliaPica , sculpture , performance , castconcrete , installation , MFABoston , DeMorgen , Belgium , OPENVLD , Belgianpolitics , electiondefeat , candidatesforLiberalprimarypresidencycanapply , 'Thisistheendofapoliticalgeneration' , JadeMintjens , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , stand-upcomedian , actress , 'Fearsareafamiliarpresenceinmylife' , LessonsfromUkrainePeaceSummit , Switzerland , 'CountonthistoimpressPutin' , What'sbehindtheresignationofradiologistsatCadix? , 'Theywanttoshovetheirmergerdownourthroats' , Israeliarmysurprisedwithcombatbreaks , 'tacticalcombatbreaks' , GazaStrip , IsraelHamaswar , allowtruckscarryingaidsupplies , movesafely , KeremShalomcrossingtonorthernGaza , NigelFarage , battleforrightwingvoterinUnitedKingdom , IsBrexitsharpshooterNigelFaragereducingConservativestoashes? , rainearly , sunnyafternoon
Tags: SusieGanch , Drag , detritus , steel , sculpture , installation , craft , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , nature , poppies , mountains , landscape , ASeismicShiftintheDrugTrade , Guatemalanforces , lookingforopiumpoppies , fentanylboom , ArabLeadersPushingBackOnProtesters , FuryatWarinGazaIsMetWithArrests , CairoEgypt , UkrainiansSayTraumaLingersAfterCaptivity , PTSD , RussiaAbuseAlleged , PrisonersofWarReturntoServiceTooSoon , CriticsCharge , IsraelisBracingForArrestWarrants , TheHague , InternationalCriminalCourt , InternationalCourtAlsoExpectedtoTargetHamasOfficials , TornadoesbatteredMissouriOklahomaTexas , WakingUptoDestruction , stormdamage , fallentrees , rubble , TrumpRarity:VerbalBlastsMayBackfire , InDrink-HappyNewOrleans , VisionariesSawAllThatGlass , emptybottles , GlassHalfFull , glassrecyclingfacility , NewOrleans , HarveyWeinstein , TheWeinsteinOffense , ThatCan'tBeMeasuredorProsecuted , convictionforsexcrimesoverturned , warm , humid , sun , clouds
Tags: DominiqueBlain , Village , sculpture , installation , mixedmedia , light , Muséed'artcontemporaindeMontréal , Canada , NYTimes , Rwandans , armsoutstretched , looktothesky , commemoration , 30thanniversaryofgenocide , 800000peopledied , KigaliRwanda , RwandaJoinsToRecallPainOfGenocide , IsraelPullsItsLastTroopsFromCityinSouthGaza , ForcesRemainElsewhere , MediatorsPushCease-Fire , War's6-MonthMark , KhanYounis , crowd , rallyinJerusalem , calledforHamastoreleasehostages , MillionsEagerlyAwaitMarvelofEclipse , AlongPathofTotality , ontheMovetoTakeInaRareView , historicalphoto , blackandwhitephotography , totalsolareclipse , AviewinginTimesSquareJuly91945 , GazansTurntoWildPlantToCombatWartimeHunger , khobeza , foraging , ForTrump'sManhattanJudge , JusticeJuanM.Merchan , LongCareerofNoNonsense , HowBigTechCutCorners , HarvestDataforTheirA.I.Models , SuppliesFromInternetSettoBeDepleted , OpenAI , Whisper , sunshine , someclouds , mild
Taysir Batniji, Hannoun , Detail, Performance/Installation, color photograph (ink jet print) on poster paper (150 x 100 cm), pencils shavings, Dimensions variable, 1972-2009, Nadour Collection
Tags: TaysirBatniji , Hannoun , performance , installation , colorphotography , pencilshavings , VeniceBiennale2009 , mixedmedia , NYTimes , crater , rowofspectators , Israeliairstrike , Rafah , southernGaza , rubble , terracottaearth , browndirt , silver , grey , DisplacedGazans , CrownSheltersHospitalsandStrangers'Homes , mapping , topography , Estimated1.8millionPalestiniansforcedtofleehomes , sincebombardmentofGaza , yellow:Minordamage , orange:Moderatedamage , red:Majordamage , borders , IsraelUrgingGazansInSouthToDecampAgain , OffensiveIsGrowing , CiviliansDirectedtoTinyAreasAlreadyOverrun , MoneyEgoandFear , LitA.I.'sFuse , HeatedCompetitionFueledbyDistrust , ElonMusk , LarryPage , artificialintelligence , TheA.I.Race , PromiseandPeril , SupremeCourttoRule , DealWorthBillionstoOpioidVictims , TheSacklers'LiabilityAlsoontheLine , PurduePharma , ExitingCorridorsofPower , ToPartiesSpangledWithStars , PoliticsandCelebrityMingledforKissinger , HenryKissinger , Mississippi , ActivistsCitingReligion , AimingtoLimitChildVaccineMandates , "medicalfreedom"group , SomeExpertsWarnofDiseaseRebound , cloudsandsun , breezy
Tags: MaryBethEdelson , Venus , painting , sculpture , plywood , installation , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , earth , diggingtrenches , curvingline , landscape , DiggingOuttheFrontLines , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Toretsk , Civilianevacuations , steppedupinKharkivregion , relentlessshelling , RegulatorsMoveToProtectFunds , NewBankFailure , SiliconValleyBank , $175billionincustomerdeposits , TreasuryFedandF.D.I.C. , TrytoRelieveFearsTaxpayersWillFootBill , bankcollapse , Silvergate , SignatureBank , couldaffecttechfirms , involvedwithclimateissues , NeutralStatusInTimeofWar , TeststheSwiss , Switzerland , 'Toxic'Professor'sSpeech , TestofTenure , UniversityofPennsylvania , SeeksHearing , InstructorAccusedofRacistRemarks , AmyWax , lawprofessor , MichelleYeoh , AcademyAwards2023 , Oscars , stage , WinningJustAboutEverything , "EverythingEverywhereAllatOnce" , BudgetTalks , BidenRejectsObama'sPath , taxingcorporationsandhighearners , DealonOpioids , $21billionsettlement , pharmaceuticaldistributors , attorneysgeneral , TurmoilEngulfsBBC , SoccerIconMeetsPoliticalDivide , DoubtsonImpartialityAfterSuspension , GaryLineker , cloudyandbreezywithrain
Thomas Hirshhorn, Drift Topography , Cardboard, tape, shoeboxes, alarm clocks, plastic, books, cotton wool and printed papers, 2200 x 4600 x 2800 millimeters, 2003, Tate , U.K.
Tags: ThomasHirshhorn , mixedmedia , installation , sculpture , printedpaper , TateUK , NYTimes , soldiersinaline , landscape , AndrewMilburn , founderofMozartGroup , privatemilitarycompany , SoledarUkraine , Richie , rescuedmutt , mascot , dog , AmericanFindsinUkraine , theWarHeSought , AMorallyClearEffort , AfterToursinIraqandAfghanistan , evacuation , "Pleasecomewithme." , retiredMarinecolonel , Kyiv , FearofReprisal , ForBridgeBlast , DimsKyiv'sJoy , KerchStraitBridge , EastpointeMichigan , HowLocalRaces , CouldHelpTiltDirectionofU.S. , ACriticalCourtCase , JusticesConsiderGivingStatesPowerOverFederalElections , struggleforMichiganSenate , federalelections , SCOTUS , independentstatelegislaturetheory , NourishingLifeandThreateningIt , mansittingonledgeoverlookingwater , SouthAsiamonsoon , growingmoreviolentanderratic , climatechange , CostsSoaring , BulletTrainGoesNowhere , PoliticalDeals , SnarledinCaliforniaProject , connectLosAngelesandSanFrancisco , FromWorkingtheDairyFarm , ToOwningtheBest-SellerList , author , ColleenHoover , portraiture , InGeorgia'sSenateRace , EvangelicalsFindaWayWithWalker , SupportingHimDespiteAbortionAllegations , HerschelWalker , twoincreasinglydivergentversions , AmericanChristianity , sunshine , patchycloudy , seasonable
Michael Riedel, Vier Vorschläge zur Veränderung von Modern (31-34) , 1/2: Cotton fabric, dyed, 250 x 275 centimeters, 2/2: Digital print on canvas, 250 x 275 centimeters, 2009, Städel Museum , Frankfurt, Germany
Tags: MichaelRiedel , cotton , dyedfabric , digitalprintoncanvas , installation , blackandwhite , StädelMuseum , Frankfurt , Germany , NYTimes , signatures , HouseRepublicans , majorityrejectedresultsofElectoralCollege , historicvote , wouldreshapetheirparty , lawmakers , threateningtransferofpower , TheyCementedtheMyth , OfaStolenElection , DemocracyChallenged , TheRiseoftheObjectors , FatalStampedeforExits , AsPoliceFiredTearGas , FocusTurnstoRiotOfficers , After125DieatSoccerStadium , Malang , Indonesia , AremaF.C. , "Aremania" , KanjuruhanStadium , greensoccerfield , policeofficers , soccerfans , whitesmoke , RetracingPathDeSantisTook , ToFlyMigrants , GovernorRonDeSantis , $12million , transportunauthorizedmigrants , outofFlorida , Lyman , Ukraine , IWasRussian? , Putin'sDecreeDoesNotStick. , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , annexationoffourregionsofUkraine , AsFloridaWaterRose , FightToSaveTwoDisabledBrothers , interiorscene , motheranddaughters , LifeUndertheTalibanAgain , photographerwholongcalledAfghanistanhome , capturedjarringchanges , RaceHasRoleInMajorCasesBeforeJustices , SCOTUS , SupremeCourt'sShifttoRightMayGoOn , WashingtonDC , six-justiceconservativesupermajority , education , voting , adoptions , cloudymorning , sunnyafternoon , windy
Jeppe Hein, Geometric Mirrors VI , Aluminum, stainless steel and high polished steel (super mirror), Edition 1 of 3, plus 2 artist proofs, 200 x 200 x 100 centimeters, 2011, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: JeppeHein , multimedia , GeometricMirrors , installation , sculpture , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , Virginia , PortlandPressHerald , Portland , Maine , Housingadvocates , planapartments , forasylumseekers , AvestaHousing , DanaTotman , we’relevelingtheplayingfield , emergencyshelter , nonprofitaffordablehousing , Despitelackoftransparency , grantprogramprotectsfunds , MaineTechnologyInstitute , $42million , taxpayermoney , constructionequipment , fences , dirt , Westbrook , VerticalHarvest , urbanhydroponicfarm , carexplosion , Moscow , DariaDugina , daughterofPutinally , AlexanderDugin , humidityrises , rainarriveslate
Rexy Tseng, 90X200 , Cloth, metal, wood, bodily fluids, and electronics, 90 x 200 x 60 centimeters, 2019, Arte Laguna Prize , Venice, Italy
Tags: RexyTseng , multimedia , installation , electronics , bed , whitesheet , bodilyfluids , ArteLagunaPrizeVenice , blackandwhitephotography , spenttimeinE.R. , aftersearchedonline , forsuicidemethods , youth , backyard , E.R. , examrooms , strippedoffixtures , topreventharm , ASwampedSystem , SuicidalTeens , KeptforDaysinE.R. , TheInnerPandemic , SanctuariesofLastResort , "psych-safe"room , "allyouseeiswalls." , Rivals , RememberingWorldWarIIVictory , HardenOverUkraine , Co-optingaReveredDay , toPromotetheInvasion , WestMakesShowofResolve , asPutinPoundsEast , WarplaneswillflyoverMoscow , "Z"formation , potentpoliticalstrategy , ShowOfEmpathy , JillBiden , meeting , Ukraine'sfirstlady , OlenaZelenska , nearborderwithSlovakia , NewYork , aFrostySilence , ForAdamsandOcasio-Cortez , fundraiser , Mr.Adamswarnedguestsaboutdangers , ofdemocraticsocialists , IsCourtPoisedToSweepAwayGayMarriage? , Roev.Wade , risk , ifcourtoverruled , SCOTUS , SierraLeone , Incountrieswithlowvaccinations , needforantiviralpillsandtests , urgent , SeekingCovidPills , FearingSameOldOutcome , InPoorNations , LackofDrugsPortendsCrisis , PresidentBiden , internationalCovid-19summit , "globaltesttotreat" , breezy , sunshine , clouds
Matias Faldbakken, Dobbeltherme Adolph Tidemand , Marble sculptures, pallet, polyethylene foam, cargo strap, 80 x 120 centimeters, 2014, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: MatiasFaldbakken , sculpture , marble , pallet , installation , Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo , Norway , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , Russianmissilesbombardthecity , apartmentbuildingsonfire , walls , residentswatch , smoke , rainystreets , FateOfMariupol , HinglesOnBattleAtSteelFactory , BrutalityofInvaders , HasDeepRoots , flashbacksofviolence , Chechnya , Grozny , Aleppo , Bucha , Ukraine'sLastStand , inCriticalCity , AzovstalIronandSteelWorks , "Thecitystillhasnotfallen" , DenysShmyhal , Ukraine'sprimeminister , Vanished , Russian-occupiedvillage , fivemenwenttofeedcattle , neighborswonderingwhathappenedtothem , Mar-a-LagoMachine , TrumpasModern-DayPartyBoss , GainingCash , GrantingFavors , TryingtoCrushRivals , PalmBeach , Florida , WeighingRisks , VirusThreatBecomesNorm , coronavirus , aerialview , statueofGeneralStonewallJackson , camedowninRichmondVirginia , hundredsgatheredtocheer , PerilousJob , TopplingConfederateStatues , Black-OwnedCompanyMetWithThreats , TeamHenryEnterprises , hauledaway15piecesofConfederatestatuary , HowDomesticPoliticsUnravel , TheWorld'sPledgetoRefugees , Britain'sgovernmentannouncednewplan , shipforeigncitizenstoRwanda , sunshine , clouds , somerainlate , cool
Simon Starling, Inverted funicular bridge , Mixed media, 768 x 278 x 254 centimeters, 2004, Museion Foundation , Bolzano, Italy
Tags: SimonStarling , bridge , mixedmedia , hempropes , resin , installation , sculpture , MuseionFoundation , Bolzano , Italy , NYTimes , RyanSanford , patrolofficer , Kittery , Maine , landscape , greenery , water , boat , portraiture , encounteredbruisedandshakingTanyaNeal , hegotherintoashelter , Tear-StreakedFace , ScrambletoHelpinMaine , motherdaughter , embrace , daughterJusticeStone , shedidn'tusuallyturntopoliceforaid , BidenExploresTalks , asChinaBuildsArsenal , SeekingWaystoAvoidAccidentalConflict , nuclearcapability , armscontrol , RacingToAssessHowShotsWork , Vs.NewVariant , 26UniqueMutations , VaccineMakersPrepare , ReformulateDosesforOmicronStrain , Pfizer-BioNTech , Moderna , 2300newdailycases , provinceofGauteng , SouthAfrica , VirgilAbloh , obituary , 1980-2021 , DesignerWhoBrokeBarriers , WhileReimaginingLuxury , Hehadhisownbrand , Off-White , artisticdirector , LouisVuittonmen'swear , bridginghypebeastcultureandluxuryworld , Honolulu , Hawaii , $4billiontransitproject , hasrisento$11.4billion , WhenU.S.BuildsBig , CostsandTimelinesSwell , AsU.S.HuntsForChinaSpies , ScientistsRecoil , AnmingHu , accusedofespionage , trialendedinhungjury , surveillance , universityprofessor , periodicclouds , sunshine , breezy , cold
Rita Donagh, affirm/deny , Neon and argon tubes, 210 x 460 x 470 millimeters / 210 x 450 x 450 millimeters, 1972, Tate , U.K.
Tags: RitaDonagh , affirm , deny , neonsculpture , installation , neon , TateUK , NYTimes , Covid-19Vaccine , BreakthroughCases , chart , orange-redlines , blue-blacklines , datashows , vaccinesworkedthroughDeltasurge , somegroups , higherrisk , breakthroughinfectionsordeath , averageweeklycoronaviruscaserates , ageandvaccinationstatus , OntheLeft , NewScrambleOvertheRightWordstoSay , BIPOC , POC , EquityorEquality? , DebateOverLanguage , Latinx , HopeforFamilyLeaveLivesOn , TheQuestionIsHowtoDoIt , DesiretoKeepWomeninWorkForce , DrivesBothParties , 12-weekpaidfamilyandmedicalleaveprogram , centristsobjectedtocost , MilitaryJurorsRebukeTorture , MoralStain , UrgeGivingClemencytoaTerrorist , GuantanamoBay , Cuba , MajidKhan , formerprisonerofC.I.A.blacksites , Glasgow , Scotland , BidenInsistsU.S.IsReady , ToLeadGlobeOnClimate , TalksOpenInGlasgow , SkepticismAbounds , President'sOwnPartySlowsLegislation , Britain'sevolutionfromfossilfuelstocleanenergy , willbeondisplay , politicalsigns , redwhitecampaignsigns , bluewhitegreencampaignsigns , GlennYoungkin , TerryMcAuliffe , candidatesforgovernorofVirginia , speakingonfinalweekend , beforeElectionDay , Alexandria , UglyInfighting , VirginiaElectionFillDemocratsWithDread , FearsofPoliticalFlops , ThatCouldSnowball , WashingtonDC , It'saMerry'Fishmas'AfterAll , NoThankstotheSupplyChain , adventcalendar , redwhitegreendesign , CatchCo. , Chicago-basedfishingcompany , massivetrafficjam , flowofgoods , AsianfactoriestoAmericanstoreshelves , mostlysunny , seasonable , breezyattimes
Ceal Floyer, Double Act , Slide, gobo, theatre light, projection, colour, Dimensions variable, 2006, Tate , U.K.
Tags: CealFloyer , doubleact , multimedia , lightprojection , installation , stage , TateUK , NYTimes , nightscene , redlights , glow , ambulance , EMT , medics , transportedpatientonstretcher , stairs , banisters , railing , fences , Houston , casessurged , 100000Covidpatients , hospitalizedintheU.S. , AsVirusSurges , AmericansDreadGoingBackward , 1500DeathsMostDays , MillionsRefuseVaccines , DrivingCasestoRiseSixfoldinSummer , OverlandPark , Kansas , flashbackto2020 , resurgenceleftcountryexhausted , lesscertainwhennormalcymightreturn , GrandIsle , Louisiana , AthletesMeetFiercestRival , PotentStorms , CoachDennyWright , GrandIsleSchool , "Noschool.Nopractice.I'llletyouknowwhen." , Managua , Nicaragua , NicaraguansAreLivinginFear , AsOrtegaComesforOpponents , PresidentDanielOrtega , questtosecurefourthterm , MedardoMairena , oppositionleader , TheWelcomeMatIsOut , forAfghanRefugees , ThousandsOfferAid , FromBothSidesofPoliticalSpectrum , donationsarepouringin , nonprofits , Limbo , TheTalibanhavelefthundredsstranded , awaitingapprovaltoleave , militarycostumes , nineteenthcentury , red , black , goldtassels , feathers , whitecoffin , Moscowceremony , transferringGeneralCharlesÉtienneGudin’sremains , toFrancefromRussia , NapoleonicGeneral , FailstoHelpFranceandRussiaMakePeace , LeBourget , France , HélèneCarrèred’Encausse , FrenchhistorianofRussia , “Itwasnottherepatriationthatwasoriginallyconceived" , Richardson , Texas , BehindaDriveInTexas , toHaltMostAbortions , LawReflectsCulturalandJudicialShifts , Abortionclinicsemptiedoutlastweek , Texaslawwentintoeffect , enactingnear-completebanonabortion , culminationofyearsofRepublicancontrol , conservativejudicialappointments , Texas"feelsanobligationtoleadandbebold" , JohnSeago , legislativedirectorforTexasRighttoLife , partlytomostlysunny , seasonablywarm , lesshumid
Lee Bontecou, Untitled , Welded steel, canvas, fabric, rawhide, copper wire, and soot, 203.6 x 226 x 88 centimeters, 1961, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: LeeBontecou , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , weldedsteel , rawhide , fabric , MoMA , NYTimes , Afghanistan , Afghans , groupofmen , wavingtheirdocuments , U.S.Marines , standingguard , walls , HamidKarzaiInternationalAirport , barricades , ChaosAtAirport , TalibanWorkOnCreatingState , FormerAfghanPresident , HamidKarzai , Russians , TakeOnMediatorRoles , BadOptics , Democratsfear , thepandemicorAfghanchaos , mayturnoffmoderateswingvoters , whohelpedthemwin , AlarmOverIsis , PresidentBiden'snationalsecurityadviser , warnedof"acute"threatofanattack , amidU.S.evacuationefforts , U.S.PassedonTalibanSurrender , 20YearsofWarFollowed , "Wedon'tnegotiatesurrenders" , SecretaryofStateDonaldRumsfeld , ScienceofVirus , KeepsEvolvingAndFrustrating , coronavirus , FDA , expectedtoformallyapprove , Pfizer-BioNTechvaccine , suburbanworkers , maynotwanttoreturntocommuting , DeltaCripplesFallRecoveryForNewYork , Septemberwassupposedtomarkreturntonormal , upendedbyDeltavariant , bigcompanies , postponedplanstocomeback , setbackforacity , 10.5%unemployment , Waverly , Tennessee , residentsdescribed"tidalwave"ofwater , overturnedcars , propertydamage , FloodingRavagesTennessee , KillingatLeast22 , 'NoOneCouldGetOut' , WaveofWaterHitVulnerableArea , HenriSlamsNortheast , stormpromptedfloodwatchesinseveralstates , RickeyLarkin , "Wecameaboutafootfromdrowning." , "Ithoughtweweregone." , HospitalData , RevealsSecretsBehindBilling , hospitalsarechargingpatients , wildlydifferentamounts , forsamebasicservices , sunshine , humid , showers
Jim Hodges, look and see , Enamel on stainless steel, 138 x 300 x 144 inches, 2005, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: JimHodges , enamel , stainlesssteel , sculpture , installation , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , TalibanCaptureKabul , StunningU.S. , A20-YearEffortUnravelsInDays , militarytank , camouflage , traffic , weapons , youngmen , flags , roadside , Talibanfighters , HumveeseizedfromAfghanforces , eightdaysintonationwidepush , insurgentstookcontrolofcountry , PanicSpreads , ThousandsTrytoEscape , PresidentAshrafGhani , fledthecountry , Americannation-buildingexperiment , inruins , Evacuation , franticscene , stoodincontrast , Washington'soptimisticprognoses , Diplomacy , Officialscontemplating , whethertoengagewithaTalibangovernment , AfterWeekUnderNewRulers , KunduzMayBeHintOfFuture , Taliban-appointedmayorofKunduz , GulMohammadElias , ForBiden , ImagesHeWantedtoAvoid , Talibanmilitants , displayingtheirflag , aftertakingJalalabad , scrambletoevacuate , Americanciviliansandembassyemployees , unfoldedliveontelevision , 20thanniversary , Sept.112001 , RecordRiseinFoodStampAid , AimstoStemHunger'sSpread , averagebenefitswillrisemorethan25% , Quake-RavagedHaiti , HordesofInjured , SeekScarceCare , LesCayes , magnitude7.2earthquake , doctors , PPE , tendingtoawoman , blankets , thousandswithgrievousinjuries , badlydamagedhospitals , makeshifttriagewards , somesunshine , lowhumidity
Nari Ward, Vertical Hold , Yarn and bottles, 271.8 x 76.2 centimeters, 1996, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: NariWard , verticalhold , yarn , bottles , mixedmedia , installation , sculpture , suspension , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , destroyedbyfire , storageroom , DarioSattui , winery , Calistoga , California , winebottles , rubble , burnedinterior , brown , black , "Wecan'tkeepgoinglikethis" , FireDroughtandHeat , ScorchtheLand , RedsandWhites , PuttingSunscreenonGrapes , DesperateNapaValley , St.Helena , wildfire , climatechange , vineyards , StruggletoProsecuteRapeEndures , Despite#MeToo , ChallengingCasesDroppedinManhattan , D.A.Faulted , DismissiveCulture , CammyDuong , "Ifeltlikenobodybelievedme" , TelAviv , Israel , SpywareReport , BringsScrutinyToIsraeliFirm , NSOGroup , Pegasus , surveillanceapplication , targetjournalists , dissidents , oppositionpoliticians , makeshifthospital , bluecurtains , ThePandemicHasANewEpicenter , Indonesia , suffering , deathssoaring , hospitalsoverwhelmed , oxygenrunningout , SoutheastAsia , ThrivingorNot , BlackColleges , SeizeMoment , donations , hirings , governmentmoney , chiefofstaff , RonKlain , portrait , reinstoWestWing , AfterDecades , It'sKlain'sTurnAsChiefofStaff , viewedasessentialconductor , administrationbusiness , surrogateforpresident , Seoul , FreeSpeech , PuttotheTest , inSouthKorea , APlantoCriminalize , ConspiracyPeddling , "GwangjuDemocratizationMovement" , conspiracytheories , spreadingquicklyinSouthKorea , politicaldivide , amplifiedonline , PresidentMoonJae-in , governingparty , rolledoutlegislation , stampingoutfalsenarratives , partlycloudy , seasonable , moderatehumidity
Johannes VanDerBeek, Ruins , Life, Time and National Geographic magazines, wood, glue, 113 x 200 inches, 2007, The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery , Sarasota Springs, New York
Tags: JohannesVanDerBeek , mixedmedia , magazines , sculpture , installation , architecture , TangTeachingMuseumandArtGallery , NYTimes , map , Miami , cityplanning , urbanplanning , orange , paleyellow , grey , ConcernOver1970sand'80sHigh-Rises , residentialhigh-rise , collapseof40-year-old13-storyhigh-rise , ChamplainTowersSouth , intensescrutinyonhigh-risebuildings , BalHarbour , BayHarborIslands , Surfside , MiamiBeach , LaxEnforcementofRules , LetsTowersSkirtScrutiny , FloridaCondoCollapse , PromptsNewLook , HandlingofSafetyCompliance , emergencycrew , crane , inspectingChamplainTowersbalcony , DistressOverDemolition , remainderofbuildingdemolished , residentslosteverythingtheyleftbehind , U.S.Surges , ButPoliticsHoldFirm , PartisanshipImmune , toSignsofRecovery , PresidentBidenannouncedbipartisandeal , hundredsofbillionsofdollars , rebuildingcountry'sworninfrastructure , Farmer'sFamilyOwnedSlaves , HowtoAtone? , DirtTownValley , Georgia , StacieMarshall , MatthewRaiford , twodozenBlackfarmers , marketingseminar"CollardsAren'ttheNewKale" , DespiteDoubts , FrenziedHuntforDiamonds , womaninlandscape , rocks , searchingforpreciousstones , KwaHlathi , SouthAfrica , dreamedofaturnofluck , persistentstruggleswithjoblessness , BeatingHeat , GetsTougherForCampers , climatechange , JillLaidlaw , workedfor37years , CampCavell , Lexington , Michigan , hotterdays , warmernights , strongerrainstorms , RichardNixon , JimmyCarter , BillClinton , DonaldTrump , WhatYouCanLearn , FromOvalOfficeArt , theworksintheWhiteHouse , tellastory , aboutoccupants'viewsofhistory , partlycloudy , warmer
Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.001, hanging seven interlocking double trumpets) , Brass wire, 30 x 36 x 36 inches, 1958, de Young museum , San Francisco, California
Tags: RuthAsawa , sculpture , brasswire , installation , interlocking , doubletrumpets , deYoungmuseum , SanFrancisco , LATimes , NaftaliBennett , politician , podium , speech , bluewhiteflag , goldfringe , handsinair , addressesparliament , 60-59voteofconfidence , Israel'snewgovernment , thehard-liner , YairLapid , centrist , splitprimeminister'sfour-yearterm , Bennettwillgofirst , Anepochends , Netanyahuispushedout , unusualnewgovernment , ejectslongest-servingprimeministerofIsrael , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , 120-memberKnesset , rulingcoalition , Motheranddaughtervanish , husbandspillsabizarrestory , Anallegedkidnappingin2019 , continuestobaffleIrvinepolice , ChengZhang , Uberdriver , AmberAiaz , MelissaFu , parallelinvestigationbyFBI , SongGirlsinquiry , hasechofrom2016 , USCprogramanditslongtimecoach , subjectofTitleIXinvestigation , LoriNelson , famedcollegiatedancesquad , cheerleaders , whiteuniforms , redpompoms , footballfield , maroonyellowuniforms , USCSongGirls , raceontofield , Trojans , schoolofficialsdeclinedtocomment , TitleIXprobeoftheprogram , Dr.Dre , mogultostartmagnetschool , L.A.UnifiedSupt. , AustinBeutner , campusinLeimertPark , couldbe'thecoolest'inAmerica , JimmyIovine , musicindustrymogul , Dr.Drewantstoreach , "theinner-citykidtheyoungerme" , rareinvestmentbyentertainmentelite , Withouttrust , apost-COVIDnormalwillnotbepossible , coronavirus , emotionaljourney , PresidentBiden , G-7allies , condemnChina , criticismforitsuseofforcedlabor , andotherhumanrightsabuses , Downtownfire , destroyedstudios , Artistsmayhavelostmanypieces , inlastweek'sblaze , theystillhavetheirspirit , 19thGrandSlamTitle , trophy , kiss , FrenchOpen , NovakDjokovic , celebratescomebackvictory , mostlysunny , warm