Kirsten Hawthorne, Untitled from Found Masks 1975-1978 , One from a portfolio of 29 photocopies, Edition of 15, 27.9 x 20.2 centimeters, Published by the artist, 1978, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: KirstenHawthorne , photocopy , masks , artistedition , printing , portfolio , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , nightscene , witness , vigil , crowd , cameras , mobilephones , candles , LosAngeles , KobeBryant , spent20-yearcareerwiththeLakers , wonfiveN.B.A.titles , HelicopterCrashKillsN.B.A.Star , KnowntoAllasKobe , AGiantoftheSport , RecognizedinBeijingorBeverlyHills , momentofnationalmourning , coasttocoast , BlackMamba , aquietforceofnatureonthecourt , LosAngelesLakers , basketball , WashingtonDC , MoneyToUkraine , TiedToInquiries , BoltonBookSays , PresidentRebuffedTopCabinetOfficials , WhoUrgedHimToReleaseAid , formernationalsecurityadviser , JohnR.Bolton , G.O.PSeesKyivSideshow , DemocratsSeeRussia'sHand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , "DoyouthinkAmericanscareaboutUkraine?" , impeachmenttrial , Ukraine , whetherMr.Trumpsolditout , fora"domesticpoliticalerrand" , exteriorsceneathospital , whitehazmatsuits , redblueblackorangesilver , Chinesecharacters , tickertape , HospitalsinWuhan , China , epicenterofthecoronavirusoutbreak , remainintenselycrowded , DiseaseSurges , LockdownMayNotHaltIt , deepeningglobalfears , "Theepidemicisnowenteringamoreseriousandcomplexperiod" , MaXiaowei , directorofChina'sNationalHealthCommission , Beijing , NovelVirusTestsChina'sAuthoritarianBargain , XiIsUnderPressure , ToTameGrowingCrisis , gravepublichealthcrisis , killedatleast80 , sickenedthousandsinChina , spreadaroundtheworld , BernieSanders , ForSanders , anInternetArmy , ThatHitsCriticsClosetoHome , KamalaHarris , "Dowehaveaproblem?" , prominentSanderssupporters , flamingMs.Harrispublicly , aspreferredchoice , ofcorporateDemocraticestablishment , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , mildforlateJanuary
Tags: MarieWatt , sculpture , textiles , text , speech , wool , embroidery , CrystalBridgesMuseumofAmericanArt , Benton , Arkansas , NYTimes , Lisbon , EarningRiches , ByExploitingAPoorNation , AngolanEntrepreneur , BuildsShellEmpire , IsabeldosSantos , countryrichinoilanddiamonds , hobbledbycorruption , DeGrisogono , jeweler , CannesFilmFestival , partytheme , "LoveontheRocks" , winterlandscape , utilitypole , missingpersons , sign , reward , redbluewhite , trees , road , KayseraStopsPrettyPlaces , 18-year-oldgirl , fromHardinMontana , founddeadinAugust , daysaftershewentmissing , BigHornCounty , Montana , AnOutcryGrows , AsNativeWomenKeepVanishing , killingsanddisappearances , Indigenouswomen , nightvigil , mothers , children , gatheraroundthefire , RelativesofSelenaNotAfraid , teenagegirl , lastseenathighwayreststop , onNewYear'sDay , Democrats'PushToTapWitnesses , HasNewUrgency , AnEffortToFillGaps , SeekingToSwaySomeinG.O.P. , BeforeStartofPresident'sTrial , WashingtonDC , Democratsintensifydemands , moretestimonyanddocuments , WhiteHouse'sdecisionnottocooperate , Tensions , Journalistsareupinarms , aboutaccessrulesduringSenatetrial , Denver , Colorado , AsTrialNears , G.O.P.SenatorDodgesHisBase , toStayAfloat , SenatorCoryGardner , membersofcovetedgroupsinelectoralpolitics , suburbanwomen , "Idon'thearhimspeakingoutonthings" , JenniferGremmert , Baylor'sHandlingofRapeCases , StillDogsStarr , KenStarr , formerpresidentBaylorUniversity , LawyeronTrumpTeam , HadMixedRecordasSchool'sPresident , Starrignoredwomen'scriesforhelp , sexualassault , redwhitegolduniforms , footballplayers , stadium , crowd , abstraction , SuperBowl , MatchupIsSet , PatrickMahomes , ChiefsbeattheTitans , willmeetthe49ersinSuperBowl , Danville , Virginia , DemocraticCandidates , StruggletoWintheTrustofBlackVoters , WomenWithWarren , campaignsign , Supporterslistened , SenatorElizabethWarren , givespeechhonoringblackwomen , ClarkAtlantaUniversity , sunshine , breezy , Northerlywind , 12to25milesperhour
Tags: JamalCyrus , textiles , wax , ink , canvas , fabric , TangTeachingMuseumandArtGallery , SaratogaSprings , NewYork , NYTimes , openbook , textbubble , redwhiteblack , parchment , Americanhistory , textbooks , differentstatesdiverge , nation'sdeepestpartisandivides , TwoStates , EightTextbooks , TwoAmericanStories , annotatedBillofRights , Californiaedition , SecondAmendment , rulingsallowedforsomegunregulations , Texasedition , showsablankspace , greylandscape , ash , EruptionRattlesPhilippines , Taal , volcano , nearManila , forcedthousandstoevacuate , NewArenafor#MeTooCases , MeToo , DefamationSuits , LegalMethod , TryOldAbuseClaims , defamationlaw , alternativelegalbattleground , foraccusationsofsexualmisconduct , SenatorJosephR.BidenJr. , BidenHauntedby2002Vote , ForIraqWar , portraiture , ChrisLevi , KelliHakeandhersonGage , LostLivesandLimbsinIraq , JusticeinMissileStrike , Melville , dozensofsoldiers , familiesofdeadservicemembers , pursuedjusticeinfederalcourt , suedIran'sgovernment , ACrackdown , AndApology , FromTehran , MilitaryOfficial , AsksForgivenessOverJet , UkrainianInternationalAirlines , disaster , humanerror , WashingtonDC , EsperDidn'tSeeEvidenceOfPlot , ToHitEmbassies , NarrativeShiftsAgain , DefenseSecretaryMarkT.Esper , FailstoBackTrumpClaimAgainstIran , reasoningbehinddronestrike , againstMaj.Gen.QassimSuleimani , publicexplanationsshiftedbytheday , sometimesbythehour , mostlycloudy , notaswarm
John Baldessari, Gemini G.E.L., Two Opponents (Blue & Yellow) , from the portfolio America Coming Together (ACT): The 2004 Election Benefit Print Series, Lithograph on paper, Image/sheet: 30.2 x 30.2 centimeters, 2004, Nasher Museum of Art At Duke University , Durham, North Carolina
Tags: JohnBaldessari , GeminiG.E.L. , Lithography , TwoOpponents , Blue&Yellow , printing , NasherMuseumofArtAtDukeUniversity , Durham , NorthCarolina , LATimes , LosAngeles , TheGoldenGlobes , bluebackground , signage , whitetype , golddot , dots , SamMendes , wonbestdirector , bestpicture , WorldWarIepic , "1917" , 'OnceUponATime' , '1917' , TopoftheField , Periodpieceswinbig , addingtwisttoawardsseason , ReneeZellweger , MotionPictureActressDrama , "Judy" , JoaquinPhoenix , MotionPictureActorDrama , "Joker" , MotionPictureMusicalOrComedy , "OnceUponaTime...inHollywood" , MotionPictureDrama , 1917 , HollywoodForeignPressAssociation , MoreInside , HowitmightinfluencetheOscars , goldstatues , howguestsdefiedRickyGervais , Repercussionsarestackingup , afterkillingofIraniangeneral , Tehrantossesnucleardealrestrictions , IraqwantsU.S.troopsout , anti-IslamicStateeffortsareonpause , U.S.reasoningforattackquestioned , Deadlyairstrikeintensifiesdebate , overjustificationforextrajudicialkillings , Iranrenewedvow , toavengethedeath , Gen.QassemSuleimani , Analysis , Adeathknellfornucleardeal? , U.S.strike , couldputIranbackonpathtoarmament , someanalystsseehope , inTehran'sstatement , WashingtonDC , "Thedealisnotdead" , JoeCirincione , PloughsharesFund , anti-proliferationgroup , IraneagertoretainitsEuropeanallies , Madurofoeblockedfromcongress , 3AmericanskilledinKenya , SeahawksandVikingsadvance , BayAreathieves , targetingL.A. , forsmash-and-grabs , Exploitingaloophole , gangsarestealing , fromtourists'rentalcars , Carburglaries , Detectives , BrentHopkins , DouglasOldfield , portraits , discussthefts , infrontofposter , ofcarburglarysuspectsfromBayArea , JohnBaldessari1931-2020 , QuestioningTheNatureOfArt , workingathisSantaMonicastudioin1986 , watchedtelevisionwiththesoundoff , hewasfascinatedbytheimages , GiantofConceptualart , Tirelesscreator'sethic , valuedideasoverobjects , tirelessspirit , gentlegiant , irreverentquestions , painting , "CremationProject" , sunnyandwindy
Tags: HamanishiKatsunori , Japan , mezzotint , black , AsianArt , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , WestAfrica , women , children , donkey , reins , rope , horse , tree , landscape , KhadijahDiagouraga , useddonkeytohaulwater , Senegalesevillage , Koutia , Senegal , SeizingReins , AsHusbandsWorkAbroad , "Thereareacoupleofmenwholookdownonme." , "Whatmatterstomeishardwork." , phenomenonofmissingmen , WashingtonDC , InsideUkraineAidFreeze , 84-DayClashofWills , DocumentsShow , TrumpPushedtoHaltFunding , DespiteIntenseOpposition , portrait , MickMulvaney , RobertB.Blair , aide , "ExpectCongresstobecomeunhinged." , Monsey , NewYork , RabbiChaimRottenberg'shome , anattackwoundedfiveduringHanukkah , AsIntruderSwungMachete , JewsFoughtBack , ThrowingFurnitureatAttacker , toPreventFurtherInjuries , Hasidiccommunity , NewYorksuburbs , ChurchShooting , securityteaminTexasstoppedgunman , SanFrancisco , True , CaliforniaIsBooming , AlsoTrue , California'saMess , "needlesandpoop" , commonsightoncity'ssidewalks , carsonbridge , traffic , redlights , fog , IncomesareupinCalifornia , soarehomelessnessandpoverty , recordnumbersofpeople , arefleeinghighhousingcosts , MichaelR.Bloomberg , UnderminingTrump , WithanAdBlitz , PummelingHisCharacter , BloombergBets , VotersCanBeSwayed , spendingmillionseachweek , onlineadvertisingonslaught , periodicrain , breezy , cloudy , eveningshowers
Panamarenko, Donderwolk (Thundercloud) , Hang glider powered by a motor, metal cabin and a Rogallo wing, aluminum, plastic, rubber, wood, felt, leather and perspex, 300 x 500 x 500 centimeters, 1971, Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique , Bruxelles
Tags: Panamarenko , thundercloud , sculpture , hangglider , motor , Rogallowing , mixedmedia , MuséesroyauxdesBeaux-ArtsdeBelgique , NYTimes , familyscene , interior , mother , children , green , red , orange , corrugatedmetalwalls , home , BanEm'sfamily , homerazedtomakeway , Chinese-builtmilitaryport , DaraSakor , Cambodia , ChinaBuildsAirstrip , ToeholdinCambodia , SuspicionsofMilitaryOutpost , forBeijing , inRemoteJungle , stirringfears , constructionboom , ChildSexSitesEludeShutdownEffortsforYears , DespiteRareWinbyFoes , PredatorsOftenStayStepAhead , WithTechSavvy , Canadianchildexploitationhotline , developedtooltofindandreport , illegalimageryontheweb , Exploited , AnEpicBattle , portrait , DennisA.Muilenburg , Boeing'schiefexecutive , Boeing'sLeaderDeepensACrisis , LapsesAngerRegulators , AirlinesandFamilies , Boeing737Maxjet , face-to-faceencounter , FederalAviationAdministrationchief , StephenDickson , WashingtonDC , EmiratesPlantsSecretSpyTools , InPopularApp , ToTok , aspyingtool , socialapp , WhiteSands , NewMexico , ASpaceCapsule'sSafeReturn , Boeing'sStarliner , desertscene , MichaelR.Bloomberg , Bloomberg'sFirstRace , asBillionaireUnderdog , In2001 , StumblingbutLearningtoRun , SurprisingTurnByInvestigator , OfRussiaCase , JohnH.Durham , veteranfederalprosecutor , mostlysunny , dry , warmer
Tags: MartinBlank , torso , glass , sculpture , bluegreen , transparent , TheRinglingMuseumofArt , Sarasota , Florida , NYTimes , NewYork , crowd , mourning , CityFacesEchoofDarkerPast , vigil , TessMajors , studentatBarnardCollege , killedinMorningsidePark , Edinburg , Texas , StatesUnequalInPreparation , FortheCensus , PartyinControl , IsKeytotheDifferences , partheadcount , partpowerstruggle , SenatorChuckSchumer , Democraticleader , SchumerFramesFullSenateTrial , OnImpeachment , McConnellChallenged , CallingforSubpoenas , UkraineRecords , Trump'sTopAides , WashingtonDC , SenatorMitchMcConnell , "takingmycues" , fromtheWhiteHouse , InSecret , U.S.ExpelsEnvoysSentbyChina , espionagethreat , Seattle , Washington , PrimeLeverage , ARetailGiant'sHoldonTech , Amazon , DominanceintheCloud , Elastic , softwarestart-up , Amsterdam , trademarkviolation , Amazonusessamename , Elasticsearch , cloudcomputing , copyingsoftware , ClimateTalksEnd , WithU.S.CedingNothing , globalclimatenegotiations , rainbowflag , ephemera , nightscene , screens , photos , interimmemorial , 49peoplekilled , 2016Pulsenightclubshooting , Orlando , architecturaldesign , permanentmemorial , newmuseum , AtPulseShootingSite , PlantoRemember , RenewsPainforSome , ChristineLeinonen , "Myson'sbrutaldeathisnotatouristattraction" , clubowner , BarbaraPoma , creatednon-profit , onePULSEFoundation , "Thepurposeofthemuseumwillbetohonorthelifeofourchildren" , mostcloudy , snowandsleet
Jolanta Rudzka-Habisiak, Untitled Book , Folded paper, some ink printed, mounted on board, re-plied cotton cord, 1999, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: JolantaRudzka-Habisiak , textiles , book , paper , ink , bookarts , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , aerialphotography , multi-color , crowd , hundredsofthousands , protesters , filledthestreets , HongKong , march , HumanRightsDay , 'WeDon'tWanttoBecomeLikeChina' , RudolphW.Giuliani , HowanEx-Mayor , LedaPresident , totheBrinkofImpeachment , DeniedPost , GiulianiSettledforSpotlight , "Howaboutsecretaryofstate?" , bitterdisappointment , WashingtonDC , RightRejoices , AsBarrAssailsLiberalCulture , No-ApologiesStyle , FitsthePartyofTrump , wieldedmaximalistview , executivepower , Barrbelieves , thenationneeds , "moralrenaissance" , Trauma , moremigrantfamilies , mayfacedetention , atgreatcost , tochildren'swell-being , U.S.PlansToSap , W.T.O'sInfluence , InTradeBrawls , ErasingMediatorRole , Trump'sBidtoUpend , GlobalSystem , MayInciteTariffWars , curvingsteelrods , steelrust , W.T.O.ishearingchallenges , toU.S.tariffsonsteel , Tokyo , Japan , AtGatewaytoPowerinJapan , Only1in5Students , IsaWoman , UniversityofTokyo , Todai , Thedearthofwomen , byproduct , deep-seatedgenderinequality , InsultinClass , LeftaGunman , FuriousonBase , PensacolaNavalAirStation , derogatorynickname , CarollSpinney1933-2019 , BigBird , readingtoConnorScottandTiffanyJiao , tapingof"SesameStreet" , NewYork , yellow , green , red , orange , pink , brown , PuppeteerWhoMade , DaysSunnyasBigBird , OscartheGrouch , generationsofpreschoolers , vividplaymates , subtletutors , JimHenson , Muppetmenagerie , rainthroughouttheday , cloudy , mild
Unidentified (American), Underpass-New York , Oil on photograph on canvas mounted on paperboard, 50.6 x 60.8 inches, 1933-1934, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: Artistunknown , American , FederalArtProject , WorksProgressAdministration , oilonphotograph , documentary , NewDeal , roads , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , NYTimes , winterlandscape , snow , cars , headlights , yellowlights , glow , nighttime , TheColdTreacherousDriveHome , Fearingicyroads , officialsinNewYork , nearbystates , urgedfamiliestoendholidayweekendsearly , WashingtonDC , BigQuandaryForDemocrats , OnTradeDeal , AWinforProgressives , butAlsoforTrump , NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement , Trumpadministrationagreedonrevisions , withCanadaandMexico , newUnitedStates-Mexico-CanadaAgreement , Atlanta , Georgia , AFracturedCoalition , LosesGroundonAbortion , openhandwithcircularpins , redandwhitedesign , newanti-abortionlaws , Georgiajoinedotherstates , outlawingabortion , earlieststagesofpregnancy , 1973Roev.Wade , SupremeCourtruling , ALoyalHand , AdvisesTrumpOnLegalIssues , JaySekulow , prodigiousfund-raiser , evangelicaltelevision , Hearings , TheHouseJudiciarypanel , willconvene , withoutthepresident'sparticipation , AsAngryCitizens , StagedProtests , IranOpenedFire , ATollInTheHundreds , DetailsAreEmerging , ActionsbyLeadersUnderStrain , politicalunrest , fourdaysofintenseviolence , London , England , PalaceStruckbyScandal , King-in-Waiting , AssertsHisRole , QueenElizabethII , 70thanniversaryofNATO , HouseofWindsor , PrinceCharles , theFirm , InSunnyLosAngeles , OnlythePrivilegedFew , EnjoytheShade , streetscene , EstherGarcia , stoodinshade , waitingforabus , JeffersonPark , clearbluesky , "liquor"signage , parkinglot , busstop , shadeispreciouscommodity , crisesofclimatechange , inequality , goalofplanting90000shadetrees , breezy , cold , rainandwetsnow
Poklong Anading, Counter Acts , Chromogenic transparency in lightbox, four parts, approximately 90 x 48 x 5 inches each, 2004, Guggenheim Museum , New York
Tags: PoklongAnading , chromogenictransparency , lightbox , spotlight , Guggenheim , NYTimes , HongKong , nightscene , crowd , orange-yellowlight , buildings , poppingchampagne , Democracysupporterscheered , "Therehasbeenaverydeepawakening" , AlanLeong , headofCivicParty , ABannerDay , ForDemocracy , ProtestsMovetoPolls , inRebuketoBeijing , victoryinlocalelections , Vienna , Austria , RudolphW.Giuliani , WhyGiulianiEyed2Oligarchs , ToHelpDigDirt , AStrategytoEntangle , LegallyVulnerableUkrainians , DmitryFirtash , IhorKolomoisky , leveraginginformation , frompoliticallypowerful , legallyvulnerableforeigncitizens , federalbriberycharges , vastbankingscandal , NavalSecretary , ToldToResign , ByDefenseChief , AtOddsOverSealCase , HeAngeredTrump , SaidtoHaveTried , ToCutaSideDeal , WashingtonDC , DefenseSecretary , MarkT.Esper , losttrustinNavysecretary , RichardV.Spencer , portrait , maninbluesuit , Mr.Esperwas"deeplytroubledbythisconduct." , ChiefPettyOfficerEdwardGallagher , accusedofwarcrimes , Concord , NewHampshire , 'PublicOption' , DrawsVoters , WaryofMore , "Medicareforall"system , SenatorElizabethWarren , SenatorBernieSanders , WhenanIceFloe , IsYourOffice , redsnowsuits , orangecables , extremelight , snowbank , 300milesfromtheNorthPole , Ateamisstudying , theArctic'schangingclimate , 2ndLeak , ShowsSecretOrders , forChina'sCamps , governmentaccelerated , massdetentionsofMuslimminorities , guards , round-the-clock , videosurveillance , topreventescapes , St.Louis , Missouri , St.Louis'sUneasyMix , BlackWhiteandBlue , ImperfectUnion , AnOfficerShootsanOfficer , mostlysunnyskies , aseasonableday
Pipilotti Rist, Das Blut Kocht , Videostill on Duraflex behind glass, 1/3 artist proofs from an edition of 15, 80 x 113.5 centimeters, 2001, The Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst , Zurich, Switzerland
Tags: PipilottiRist , videostill , photography , photoedition , artistproof , MigrosMuseumfürGegenwartskunst , Zurich , Switzerland , NYTimes , Chaos , HongKongCampus , protesters , usedMolotovcocktails , arrows , torepelriotpolice , whotriedtostorm , HongKongPolytechnicUniversity , nightscene , orangeyellow , fire , stripes , umbrellas , helmets , masks , respirators , WashingtonDC , TrumpBacksOff , LimitsOnVaping , StallingaPlantoBan , FlavoredE-Cigarettes , swayedbyadvisers , warnedofpoliticalrepercussions , HouseHearingsRollOn , ManyTuneOut , Overwhelmed , FactFictionandSpin , impeachmenthearings , AlotofAmericansweren'tlistening , "TrumpDidThis" , "TrumpDidThat" , "theywanttograbyouwiththoseheadlines" , JerreCorrigansaid , AShift , Republicansemploynewdefense , ofPresidentTrump , Hedidnothingwrong , SenatorElizabethWarren , HowWarrenFoundaFocus , InHealthCare , TopCampaignIssue , ThatHadNoPlan , $20.5trillionpackage , "Medicareforall" , "make-or-breakmoment" , formerMayorMichaelR.Bloomberg , NewYork , HeNowRegrets , 'Stop-And-Frisk' , AReversalInBrooklyn , ApologizestoBlacksandLatinos , HePondersRunforPresident , "Iwaswrong" , Mr.Bloombergdeclared , Mr.Bloomberg'spolicingrecord , negativelyaffectedpeopleofcolor , AnElectricMustangS.U.V. , Detroit'sBigSustainabilityBet , MustangMachE , inshowroomsin2020 , redblue , FordMotors , blurryportraits , cityscape , lights , architecture , tickertape , "briberyorcollusion" , swathsofpublic , disoriented , informationsaturation , FreelanceforAmazon , YouTooCouldMake , 97centsanHour , AmazonMechanicalTurk , thousandsearnpenniesanddollars , doingtasks , computerscannoteasilydo , mostlycloudy , periodicrain , breezy
Ian Howard, Enola Gay , Black wax crayon rubbing on three sheets of paper (274 x 361 centimeters), two black and white photographs (99 x 116.7 each sheet), 1975, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: IanHoward , EnolaGay , rubbing , crayon , paper , photographs , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , NYTimes , VeteransDay , banners , orangebluewhite , crowd , portraiture , supporters , AndryRajoelina , presidentialrun , Madagascar , Russianoperatives , supportedhiscampaign , RussiaImportsElectionTricks , InterferingAbroad , InfluenceandProfit , Antananarivo , electionmeddling , operationapprovedbyPresidentVladimirV.Putin , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , TriedtoButtressUkraine , SubplotBecametheStory , "Youhavetobewhiterthansnow" , "orthewholeworldwillabandonyou" , BidentoldUkraine'snewlyelectedpresident , PetroO.Poroshenko , NewClaim , AGiulianiassociate , sayshedeliveredawarning , onBidentotheUkrainians , FewerBillionsforBillionaires , UnderWarren'sTaxProposals , SenatorElizabethWarren , revisedtaxpackage , "sixcentsoneachdollar" , DoingTheMath , Howtopayfor$30.5trillion , policyplans , Bolivia'sLeaderResigns , HeedingProtesters'Call , 'TheEndOfTyranny' , Morales'sPopulistLegacy , IsMarredbyAttempttoKeepPower , PresidentEvoMorales , partofleftistwave , sweepingLatinAmerica , admittednowrongdoing , insistedtheywerevictimsofacoup , "Iwanttotellyoubrothersandsisters" , "thatthefightdoesnotendhere" , Mr.Moralessaid , portraitofEvoMorales , KentuckyVote , DrewOutTrolls , In2020Omen , Twitteraccount , @Overlordkraken1 , suspended , postedmessage , "justshreddedaboxofRepublicanmail-inballots" , "Bye-ByeBevin" , PilgrimageofWarriors , Onhonorflightsacrossthenation , privateandcommercialplanes , haveferriednearlyaquarter-millionveterans , tothecapital , freeofcharge , toseethemonuments , KoreanWarVeteransMemorial , VietnamVeteransMemorial , statues , greenery , trees , visitors , overlappinghands , names , U.S.LawEnforcers , SetPriority , CombatingDomesticTerrorists , OakwoodVillage , Ohio , cloudsandsunshine , milder
Serge Tousignant, Hommage à Magritte , Easel, mirror and coloured vinyl, 193 x 450 x 110 centimeters (variable length according to the exhibition area), 1970-74, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal , Canada
Tags: SergeTousignant , HommageàMagritte , sculpture , painting , installation , mirror , lines , MAC , Montreal , Canada , NYTimes , AFive-BoroughTour , 49thNewYorkCityMarathon , runners , shadows , whitepaintedline , street , blue , green , black , red , idealconditions , Kenyandominance , fastestdebutforwoman , WashingtonDC , FromtheStart , UkraineTriedToWooTrump , UsingFlattery , FavorsandDealsforCoal , PetroO.Poroshenko , Ukraine'sformerpresident , wagedelaboratecampaign , WhiteHouse , sawrelationshipastransactional , couldhelpTrumppolitically , F.B.I.'sSights , StolenResearch , FlowingToChina , FearAmongScientists , Nearly200InvestigationsUnderway , MajorAcademicCenters , stealingbio-medicalresearch , allegedtheft , scientificideas , designs , devices , data , NationalInstitutesofHealth , Houston , Texas , NeededOrNot , OilProductionIsSetToSurge , crudeoil , SaudiArabia , Aramco , GiantI.P.O. , planstogopublic , cheaperoilmaycomplicateefforts , combatglobalwarming , portraiture , manatwindow , interior , curtains , MatthewMottor , Hinsdale , Massachusetts , $30000 , finesfeesandbills , fightingflawedbreathtestresult , PayingDearly , foraDefectiveBreathTest , LynchpinofCriminalJusticeSystem , OftenUnreliable , drunkdriving , tests , bloodalcohollevel , 0.08orhigher , conviction , programmingmistakes , machines'software , PaulaWhite , pinkdressandpearls , televangelist , aidetoPresidentTrump , TheTVPastor , ShepherdingTrump'sFlock , Florida , populistbrandofChristianity , televisionpreacher , livesinamansion , AsWarrenGainsPopularity , HerAnti-GreedMessage , HasWallStreetRattled , Blackstone , titanofWallStreet , "PrettyWoman"movieclip , usedinElizabethWarren'scampaignpromotion , tagline , "StopWallStreetLooting." , sunshine , someclouds , chilly
Jean-Marc Bustamante, Lava I , Steel and Perspex, 170 x 4380 x 8965 millimeters, 2003, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Jean-MarcBustamante , Lava , sculpture , steel , perspex , orange , TateUK , NYTimes , silverwhite , greyrubble , green-goldlandscape , yellowochre , brown , dirt , site , NorthwesternSyria , raid , aerialphotography , LeaderOfIslamicState , DiesInRaid , U.S.Says , World'sMost-WantedTerrorist , BuiltISISIntoGlobalThreat , AbuBakral-Baghdadi , seatedportrait , videostill , sonofpiousSunnifamily , parlayedreligiousfervor , hatredofnonbelievers , powerofInternet , WashingtonDC , PresidentKnewofHunt , HisSyriaWithdrawal , MadeItHarder , intelligenceofficials , al-Baghdadi'sdeathinraid , occurredinspiteof , notbecauseof , Mr.Trump'sactions , TrumpHeraldsSuccessofMission , Seekingal-Baghdadi , daringAmericancommandoraid , five-yearinternationalmanhunt , "Hediedlikeadog" , "Hediedlikeacoward" , Mr.Trumpsaid , OnCamera , Theannouncementofraid , gavePresidentTrump , made-for-televisionmoment , hehaslongcraved , decentralizedIslamicState , encouragedfollowersandfranchises , tocarryoutideology , PresidentTrumpatpodium , redstripedtie , StrategiesDeridedbyPresident , FuelaTriumph , andaDebate , nighttimeraid , vindicatedthevalue , threetraditionalAmericanstrengths , robustalliances , faithinintelligenceagencies , projectionofmilitarypoweraroundtheworld , Fieryredlandscape , glowingembers , roadway , Kincadefire , forcedmandatoryevacuation , 180000people , NorthernCalifornia , FireandWind , FlailCalifornia , StrewingChaos , Petaluma , California , PacificGasandElectric , cutpowerto2.7millionpeople , largestintentionalblackout , inCaliforniahistory , BeforeCrashes , Boeing , PushedToUndercut , F.A.A.Oversight , craftlegislationtotheirliking , FederalAviationAdministration , "notbeinthebestinterestofsafety" , Boeing737Maxjet , cloudyskies , somesunshine
Leonilson (José Leonilson Bezerra Dias), The Penelope , Fabric, 2220 x 830 millimeters, 1993, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Leonilson , fabric , sewing , textiles , repair , TateUK , London , NYTimes , turquoisebluewall , hospitalroom , patient , nurse , windowshades , light , transparency , oxygentank , blankets , pillows , Léogâne , Haiti , hospitalhadtodecide , whetheritcouldspareoxygen , GislaienMilord , strokepatient , AllbutPovertyandDespair , IsataHaltinHaiti , AmidtheBarricades , EvenOxygenIsn'tAlwaysaGiven , Haiti'spoliticalcrisis , strugglebetweenPresidentJovenelMoïse , surgingoppositionmovement , demandinghisouster , violentdemonstrations , weekofunrest , Emboldened , ErdoganSeeksNuclearBomb , TurkishLeader'sGoals , GoFarBeyondSyria , portrait , RecepTayyipErdogan , redblue , Qamishli , Syria , FormerU.S.Ally , WarnsOfDanger , ToKurdsInSyria , EthnicCleansingFear , Turkish-BackedMilitias , PlantoDeploy , AfterCease-FireEnds , MazlumKobani , commanderofSyrianDemocraticForces , "Americaneedstoworktorebuildthetrustwithitsally" , About-Face , PresidentTrumpsaid , infavorofleavingsometroopsinSyria , SanFrancisco , California , CannabisOilAndVaping , HazyHazards , e-cigarettes , vapedTHC , hasleft1479peoplesick , 33dead , AnchorsTopLate-Night , A-List , JakeTapper , CNNhost , "TheLateShowWithStephenColbert" , Stormynewscycles , audiencethirstyforcommentary , changedwhatworksonTV , 11:35p.m. , CondemnationbyRepublicans , DroveReversalonMeetingSite , TrumpNationalDoral , Groupof7summit , ChrisChristie , "Hehadnochoice" , FortWorth , Texas , InFortWorth , AHistoryofResidents , SorryTheyCalledthePolice , largelyblackandHispanicneighborhood , AtatianaJefferson , shotandkilledinherbedroom , bywhitepoliceofficer , standingoutsideherwindow , Rev.KyevTatum , "Thisisnotanisolatedincident" , sunnytopartlycloudy , seasonable
Conrad Marca-Relli, Sleeping Figure , Collage painted canvas, 132.4 x 197.3 centimeters, 1953-54, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: collage , painting , sleepingfigure , yellowochre , titanbuff , tan , offwhite , black , MoMA , NYTimes , womenandmen , marchingwithcoffin , drapedfabric , pinkribbon , greenleaves , redgreenorangeyellow , greenyellowflag , TheU.S.withdrawal , deadlyresultsforKurds , "Whentheymournwemournwiththem." , GeneralJosephL.Votel , AsU.S.TroopsDepart , KurdsForgeAlliance , WithSyrianAuthorities , PullbackBrokeTrust , BetweenPartners , BondedbyBattle , WashingtonDC , "Theytrustedusandwebrokethattrust" , oneArmyofficersaid , telephoneinterview , "It'sastainontheAmericanconscience." , Dohuk , Iraq , TurkishForces , PushIntoNorth , EndingFragilePeace , Kurdishforcesannouncednewdeal , withDamascus , swornenemyofWashington , backedbyRussia , landscapeofrooftops , SmokerisingfromSyriantown , TelAbyad , openhandwithe-cigarette , portraiture , OneVictim , manwhotriede-cigarettestoquitsmoking , mayhavediedfromthem , DecadeofDefiance , VapingIndustry , FoundRoomtoGrow , $7billionannualsales , youthuseskyrocketed , mysteriousvaping-relatedlunginjuries , Beijing , HardballWins , U.S.TitansBendtoChina , China'suseofeconomicclout , policeanypoliticalvalues , thatthreatenparty'slegitimacy , CommunistParty , UnderPressure , Politicalandeconomicworries , ledtointerimtradepact , twowomeninshelter , tanblanketsandmattresspads , DozensKilledinJapaneseTyphoon , Evacuees , TyphoonHagibis , burstlevees , floodedrivers , Ankeny , Iowa , HowWhiteGuilt , MaySwayDemocraticPrimary , JohnOlsen , enragedbyracialtension , registersvotersweekly , toatonefor"whiteprivilege" , FoxNews , PresidentialBooster , Isn'tExemptFromHisReproach , Irkedbytheirreporting , TrumptauntedFoxNewsanchor , ShepardSmith , whoresignedfromnetwork , "@FoxNewsdoesn'tdeliverforUSanymore" , Trumptweeted , TrumpcallingFoxNews , "HOPELESS&CLUELESS" , sunnytopartlycloudy , lightandvariablewind , ConradMarca-Relli
Fazal Sheikh, Qurban Gul Holding a Photograph of Her Son Mula Awaz, Khairabad, Northern Pakistan , Toned gelatin silver print, 40.6 x 40.3 centimeters, 1998, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: FazalSheikh , photography , gelatinsilverprint , portraiture , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , womanathome , patterns , multicolor , radio , flashlight , banister , yellowochre , SajaBegum , spenthours , roadblocks , desperatesearch , medicalhelp , forherson , AmirFarooqDar , photoi.d. , brownwhiteblackcarpet , Heevan , Kashmir , RacingAgainstDeath , WithBothFeetTied , TheSickPaythePrice , IndiaShutsDownCommunicationsinKashmir , cellularnetworkblackout , shuttingdowninternet , WashingtonDC , LookingAfarToInvestigate , RussiaInquiry , Barr'sMission , GuidedbyTrump'sTheories , conspiracytheory , "deepstate"enemies , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , triptoItalygeneratedcriticism , SecondPersonBlowsWhistle , LegalTeamSays , TrumpAndUkraine , 'FirsthandKnowledge' , CouldSupportCase , forImpeachment , RockHill , SouthCarolina , WarrenIsCourtingBlackVoters , SheHasaLotofWorktoDo , SenatorElizabethWarren , rally , ClintonCollege , historicallyblackinstitution , signs , "BlackIssuesAreAmericanIssues" , NoCellphone , NoRecording , NoAudience? , JoshuaHenry , star , "TheWrongMan" , OffBroadwaymusical , tookphoneawayfromaudiencemember , stopcapturingperformancewithphone , Anne-SophieMutter , stoppedmid-concerto , askedwomantostopmakingvideoofher , womenin19thCenturycostumes , woodenhouse , BorschCook-Off , barbecuesmoke , bluelight , FortRoss , historicRussiansettlement , SonomaCounty , California , receiveddonations , ViktorF.Vekselberg , SofteningRussia'sImage , WithArtandCash , mostlycloudy , morningdrizzle , afternoonshowers , warmer
Isidore Pils, Young Man Leaning Forward with Outstretched Arms (Study for Soldiers Distributing Bread to the Poor) , Oil, brown oil wash or ink wash, and black crayon on light brown wove paper, 33.8 x 26.9 centimeters, 1851, The Cleveland Museum of Art , Ohio
Tags: IsidorePils , portraiture , outstretchedarms , oilwash , inkwash , wovepaper , study , TheClevelandMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , Matamoros , Mexico , migrantswaiting , acrossRioGrande , Brownsville , Texas , clothingdistribution , womenandchildren , pointingfingers , hands , crowded , 'SwimAcross' , MigrantsUseRiskierTactics , blockedfromseekingasyluminU.S. , escalatingrestrictions , prospects , slimtonearlyimpossible , Anaheim , California , MovingArtfully , InKeyDistricts , OnImpeaching , DemocratsPrepare , PossibleBacklash , RepresentativeMikeLevin , "thetimeshavefoundus." , RepresentativeHarleyRouda , warnedDemocrats , notto"sitonourlaurels." , WashingtonDC , TrumpEmbracedShamConspiracy , FormerAideSays , NoUkraineRoleIn2016 , G.O.P.TriestoRedirectScrutiny , OntoBiden , CracksShow , ThomasP.Bossert , profile , Ukraineconspiracytheory , "completelydebunked" , HongKong , streetscene , protest , policebrutality , chaos , silverumbrella , DualThreatsLooming , OveraNeutralGround , HongKongPinched , byBeijing'sCrackdown , U.S.TradeWar , thousandsofpro-democracydemonstrators , engulfedinthickclouds , teargas , accusations , HongKongpolice , lackaccountability , Chineseterritory , governedbylegalsystem , inheritedfromtheWest , intertwined , globalfinancialsystem , Bangui , CentralAfricanRepublic , TheRussianPlaybookinAfrica , WinHearts , ReapDiamonds , hopingtowrestcontroloverdiamondtrade , piececountrybacktogether , governmentturnedtonewpartner , Russia , centralfigure , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , confidantofPresidentVladimirV.Putin , accusedoffinancing , "informationwarfare" , White-CollarJobs , WereSupposedtoGoOverseas , TheyDidn't , globalization , economistswarning , offshoring , mostlycloudy , lowertemperatures
Tags: IsamuNoguchi , marble , sculpture , figure , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , RallyingTogetherInTexas , Houston , PresidentTrump , PrimeMinisterNarendraModi , India , "HowdyModi!" , metalbarriers , cheeringcrowd , securityguards , raisedhands , WashingtonDC , TrumpAdmitsHeSpokeToUkraine , AboutBiden , corruptionaccusations , againstformerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , GrowingPressureonDemocrats , toImpeach , PelosiWarnsof'Lawlessness' , inpublicandinprivate , Democratschangingcalculations , whethertochargehimwitharticlesofimpeachment , SpeakerNancyPelosi , profileportrait , pinksuit , demandedrelease , ofwhistle-blowercomplaint , fast-movingdevelopments , Cairo , Egypt , Self-ExiledAgitator , UrgesEgyptiansIntoStreets , MysteriousCritic , RivetsNation , WithTalesofStateCorruption , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , littledissentisallowed , MohamedAli , postingvideos , el-Sisiantagonist , whistle-blower , surgefromobscuritytoprominence , protest , CyberwarOption , NoEasyClick , U.S.AttackonIran , CouldWidentheBattlefield , UnitedStatesCyberCommand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , armscrossed , blacksuit , possiblecyberwarfareagainstIrandiscussed , DesMoines , Iowa , PoorSchoolsCan'tCompete , WithSuburbanRivals , ShouldThey? , HooverHighSchool , footballteam , kneelingplayers , greenyellowuniforms , footballfield , coach , sunset , blue-greysky , yellowgreengrass , stadiumlighting , whitelight , recentlosstoIndianola , schoolinneighboringcounty , MitchellMoore , coachatRooseveltHighSchool , "I'mabigbelieverthatsocioeconomicshasnothingtodowithcatchingafootball." , Pescara , Italy , Europe'sLawToAidPrivacy , GathersForce , AlessandroBiancardi , journalist , storyoftwobrothers , argumentledtoviolence , centerofdebate , overtheinternet'sfuture , growingreach , Europe's"righttobeforgotten"privacyrule , battlesoverspeechandprivacy , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , warm , humid
Tags: Egypt , 4thcentury , fragment , textile , wool , linen , plainweave , tapestry , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , tan , black , leaf , smoke , aerialphotography , desertsatelliteimage , SaudiArabia , blacksmoke , Saudioilplant , Iran-backedHouthirebels , Yemen , claimedattacks , U.S.BuildingCase , IranHitSaudiSites , 'LockedandLoaded' , WarningbyTrump , 17pointsofimpact , Saudienergyfacilities , drones , cruisemissiles , CushioningBlow , stockpiles , makesevereoilmarketshockunlikely , 50000WorkersOnStrike , GeneralMotors , AfterTalksFail , LaborDealExpires , WalkoutIsUnion'sFirst , Since2007 , Industry'sChallengesMount , UnitedAutomobileWorkersunion , Jerusalem , Israel , UglyBreakup , Israel'sOddCouple , CouldTurnAnElection , BenjaminNetanyahu , AvigdorLiberman , climacticdenouement , Netanyahu'sFate , MayBeInHandsofFormerDeputy , KamalaHarris , profile , portraiture , SanFrancisco , California , HarrisRevealed , EarlyKnackForJugular , TheLongRun , ABrawlerFromtheBeginning , Birmingham , Alabama , JosephR.BidenJr. , BidenHasEdge , OnBlackVotes , ButNotaLock , passionateaddress , 16thStreetBaptistChurch , 56thanniversaryofthebombingin1963 , foldingchairsandtables , redandwhitecheckeredtablecloths , Agentsandcustomers , Rudy'sCountryStoreandBar-B-Q , McAllen , Texas , "Iknowalotofguysjustwanttoleave" , saidoneformeragent , 'PeopleActivelyHateUs' , InsidetheMoraleCrisisontheBorder , OneBorderPatrolagentinTucson , wascalled"asellout" , "kidkiller" , Agentscalledslow-motionspecialty , "layingin" , hidingindesertandbrushforhours , waitandwatch , immigrationcrackdown , cloudsandsunshine , showers , lightwinds