Bristol (British), Richard Champion Factory, Pair of sphinxes , Hard-paste porcelain, 20 x 19.4 centimeters, 1770-73, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Bristol , BritishArt , RichardChampionFactory , porcelain , sculpture , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , DiablesRouges , soccer , Lukaku , therecordhunter , portraiture , InstantTechno , Howtotakecareofyoursmartphonebattery , Interview , PierceBrosnan , "Theworldisinasadstate." , EliseMertens , womenstennis , tennis , Queenofthedoubles , U.S.Open , EliseMertensandBelarusianpartner , ArynaSabalenka , wonU.S.Openfinal , 9thdoublestitleincareerofEliseMertens , 1stinGrandSlam , Education , alreadyashortageofteachers , oneweekafterstartofschoolyear , lackofteachers , inbasicandsecondaryeducation , that'sjustthebeginning , secondaryandbasiceducation , 214inshortsupply , numberofrequestsforexemption , tohireprofessorswithunlistedtitle , increasingsharply , Editorial , CEOs , arealsoaccountable , tothegreatestnumber , Thebigbosses , andthe"people" , liveontwototallydifferentplanes , moreandmoredistant , VeniceFilmFestival , triumphantmarchofthe"Joker" , ToddPhillips , Weapons , AmnestyInternational , blamesthelackofvigilance , bysuppliersfromSaudiArabia , Automobiles , willhavetosellamillion , electriccarsorhybrids , in2020 , morningfog , thunderstorms , cloudiersky , weathershouldbedry , Of735teachingfunctionsidentified
Tags: AlfredPellan , painting , blossoming , Canadianpainters , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , DeMorgen , Belgium , Backtoschool , theholiday , alreadyfinishedforthedirectors , thesecondaryismodernized , "whatdoesthatmean?" , thegenderissue , pinkbackpack , vs.Barcelona-bic , JonathanHolslag , "Timeforoneeducationalnetwork" , students , StedelijkLyceumOlympiad , Antwerp , 2017 , Theirteachersdidholidaywork , toprepareeverythingforanewyear , studentssittingoutdoors , trees , landscape , communal , portraiture , FirstThreePointer , AnderlechtcanwinwithoutKompany , blacktext , whitetext , redtext , BlackSundayinEastGermany , Right-wingpopulistAfD , makessubstantialgains , BrandenburgandSaxony , Germanfederalstates , Yetthepopulistsinbothstates , didnotbecomethelargestparty , ThatremainedinBrandenburgtheSPD , inSaxonytheCDU , despitelargelosses , coalitionformation , isstilltabooinGermany , withAfD , complexformationsawait , inbothstates , multi-colorgraph , Expectedresultsofstateelections , RachidaLamrabet , blackbackground , whiteglowinglight , ‘Iamnotpraying' , 'Iamtoorationaltoreallybelieve’ , TheNewJoker , Verysoon , thebadguysavesthestable , ofBatmanandSuperman , cloudsbreakforsun , cooler
Tags: UrsulavonRydingsvard , cedar , sculpture , installation , wood , SFMOMA , California , NYTimes , PrimeMinisterBorisJohnson , Britain , PresidentTrump , Groupof7summit , Biarritz , France , twomeninsuits , maroontie , lightbluetie , curvingstaircase , ornatebanisters , Trump'sThreatsOfTariffs , WorrySummitLeaders , FrayedNervesAtG7 , IncreasinglyToughTalk , TowardChina , LeavesPresidentIsolated , tradewar , "secondthoughts" , rhetoricalwhipsaw , deepnervousness , tipglobaleconomyintorecession , Alarm , widearrayofbusinessleaders , warnofconsequences , tit-for-tat , tariffs , DiplomaticDance , Leaderspresentcollegialfront , Groupof7 , Perrysburg , Ohio , DrugtoTreatRareDisease , CostsMillions , PricingCreatesCrisis , forHealthPlans , Strensiq , multimillion-dollardrug , inthefridge , pharmaceuticalcompanies , turningtorarediseases , genetherapies , nextprofitengine , Pfizer , Novartis , WashingtonDC , Trump'sAlliesScourInternet , ToPunishPress , conservativeoperatives , discreditnewsorganizations , deemedhostiletoTrump , publicizedamaginginformation , aboutjournalists , CNN , TheWashingtonPost , TheNewYorkTimes , ElizabethWarren'sAwakening , toaWorldofDesperation , bluesuit , microphone , speech , audience , formercolleague , UniversityofTexasSchoolofLaw , teaching , shewasonce"savagelyanti-consumer" , thensomethingchanged , "roadtoDamascus"moment , academicresearch , consumerbankruptcy , averageworkingAmericans , admittingtheywerefailures , portraiture , AndrewLuck , Coltsquarterback , retirementat29 , BatteredFromHeadtoToe , AStarSaid:Enough , N.F.L. , profootball , yearsofpain , rehabilitation , injuries , Logo , TrumpInternationalHotelandTower , Manhattan , PlayingDownNamesake , CentralParkIcon , crownjewel , familybusiness , overhaulsignage , removeTrumpbranding , newaddress , OneCentralParkWest , morningclouds , someafternoonsunshine
Jonathan Moller, Three women, themselves survivors of the violence, watch as the remains of relatives and friends who were killed by the military in the early 1980s are exhumed, Nebaj, Quiché, Guatemala, Gelatin silver print,16 x 20 inches, 2000, Akron Art Museum , Akron, Ohio
Tags: JonathanMoller , photography , portraiture , gelatinsilverprint , threewomen , survivors , AkronArtMuseum , Ohio , NYTimes , "It'slikeourdailybread." , "Womenreceiveitmorningafternoonandnight." , threewomenatcemetery , mountainrange , cacti , trees , greenbluegraves , framedphotograph , Jalapa , Guatemala , LubiaSasvinPérez , athermother'sgrave , withsisters , formerboyfriend , killedtheirmother , FleeingtheBlows , HeavedUponWomen , domesticviolence , nationalscourge , Kabul , Afghanistan , WhereAfghansFeltSafe , BombWreaksCarnage , KabulWeddingAttack , ISISTakesResponsibility , PeaceTalks , LeaveNationonEdge , weddinginvitationcards , "withaworldofhopeanddesire" , celebrationsoftenavoided , unnecessaryrisk-taking , violentloss , dailyreality , Bloomington , Indiana , AmidtheFruits , OftheHarvest , FearTakesRoot , farmers'market , summeroffear , protest , tension , longtimesellersoforganictomatoes , SchoonerCreekFarm , whitenationalists , "whiteAmericanidentity" , Tempe , Arizona , ChildrenatKiwanisPark , playinsprinklers , spraywater , goldenlight , silhouette , sunset , WhenYourCityBakes , 103Degrees , PlácidoDomingo , AccusationsAgainstDomingo , SplitOperaWorld , accusedofsexualharassment , #MeToo , faultlines , weregeographic , JuliánCastro , SanAntoniomayor , Texas , withhisfamily , IowaStateFair , HeHadan'ObamaMoment.' , HisFansHopeThereAreMore , grandsonofMexicanimmigrant , "Myfamily'sstoryisn'tspecial" , "What'sspecialistheAmericathatmakesourstorypossible." , keynoteaddress , 2012DemocraticNationalConvention , "APoliticalStarIsBorn" , humid , partialsunshine
Carl Andre, Crowding , Cut-and-pasted printed paper on board, 28.3 x 14 centimeters, 1965, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: CarlAndre , words , language , collage , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , text , yellowhighlight , "invasion" , selectionof400newsbroadcasts , FoxNews , immigrationdescribedasinvasion , HowtheElPasoGunman , EchoedWords , ofRight-WingPundits , TheNewNativists , SharedVocabulary , TuckerCarlson , CentralAmericans , USborder , "borderjumpers" , AnnCoulter , RushLimbaugh , strikingdegreeofoverlap , wordsofrightwingmediapersonalities , identity , Americanculture , AtEnd , JeffreyEpstein , LeftAloneInHisJailCell , suicide , PrisonExperts , DerideBreakWithProtocol , MetropolitanCorrectionalCenter , Accounting , InquiryintoEpstein'sfinances , notlikelytoendwithhisdeath , BlastInRussia , OffersWindow , IntoArmsGoals , AtLeast7AreKilled , PossibleExampleofFlaws , Putin'sKeyNuclearWeapon , NenoksaMissileTestSite , USintelligenceofficialssuspect , blastinvolvedprototype , SSC-X-9Skyfall , cruisemissile , Moscow'sarmsracewithUnitedStates , ElPaso , Texas , InaCity'sGrief , BetoO'Rourke , FindsASecondWind , welcomedashometownhero , presidentialcampaignhadstalled , suddenlybackinspotlight , tragedy , personalandpoliticalidentity , Monaca , Pennsylvania , cranes , construction , likeagiantLegoset , red , orange , steel , manufacturingplant , Productionofplastics , isbooming , goodnews , forunionofficials , businessleaders , DelugedbyPlastics , BustlingtoMakeMore , RoyalDutchShell , riseofpetrochemicalsector , plastic'spopularity , versatileinexpensivematerial , J.D.Salinger , DetestedTechnology , NowHisBooksWillBeDigital , finalshortstory , "Hapworth161924" , J.D.SalingerLiteraryTrust , liftingcloudofsecrecy , NewYorkPublicLibrary , futureexhibition , Salinger'spersonalarchives , letters , familyphotographs , "TheCatcherintheRye" , sunny , partlycloudyskies , morehumid
Tags: MartinPuryear , sculpture , wood , installation , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , OneShootingMassacre , FollowsAnother , ShakingABewilderedNation , ToItsCore , womeninmourning , crowdpaystheirrespect , silence , grief , summerday , rose , tears , twowomenembrace , shock , Dayton , Ohio , vigilheld , forvictims , massshooting , earlythatmorning , occurredwithin24hours , ofanothermassshootinginElPaso , green , black , yellow , white , red , twoyoungwomenlightcandle , Parishionersduringvigil , BlessedSacramentchurch , ElPaso , Texas , Texasstatetroopers , uniforms , policecar , guardentrance , CieloVistaMall , 20peopledied , 2GunmenKill29 , AttacksinDaytonandElPaso , back-to-backgunviolence , "It'soutrageous" , "Wehavearesponsibilitytothepeopleweservetoact" , "HispanicinvasionofTexas" , domesticterrorism , PushingBack , Mexicovowedtotakeaction , toprotectMexicanslivinginUS , Tone , BetoO'Rourke , handedPresidentTrumpsomeblame , inElPasoshooting , Debate , gunlobbyhasstructuraladvantages , activistshavegrass-rootsenergy , 8chan , onWeb , DarkRefugeForExtremists , go-toresource , atleastthreemassshootingsthisyear , announcedinadvanceonsite , spreadcontentsfarandwide , Walmart , AStoreThatConnectedCultures , UntilaKiller , 'CameHereForUs' , "ItreallydoesfeellikeaUnitedNationsstore" , borderversionofMiddleAmerica , InTexasGunman'sManifesto , AnEchoofTrump'sLanguage , campaignrallies , "invasion" , Twitterfeed , publicspeeches , false , fear-stokinglanguage , TradeConflict , WorsensJapan-SouthKoreaRelations , U.S.TakesStepBack , Tokyo , long-simmeringconflict , protestersmarchedinstreetsofSeoul , accusingJapan , "economicinvasion" , sunshine , patchyclouds , lowhumidity
Anthony McCall, You and I, Horizontal , Computer, computer script, video projector and haze machine, 50 min. cycle in six parts, Dimensions variable, 2005, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California
Tags: AnthonyMcCall , multimedia , installation , computer , videoprojector , hazemachine , SFMoMA , California , NYTimes , portraiture , inthedark , smartphone , screenlight , plant , plaidshirt , mobilephone , profilewithlightonface , blueblack , ReneeHolland , trustingandimpulsive , spentthousandsofdollars , onafriend , shemetonFacebook , FakeMilitaryRomances , HowScammersUseFacebook , ToTrickLonelyWomen , OutofMoney , FortPierce , Florida , blossomingonlinefriendship , "WelcomeHome" , writtenoncarwindows , Shespentfamily'ssavings , phantomsoldier , "There'snowayIcangohomeandtellmyhusband" , imposteraccounts , usedstolenphotos , DanielAnonsen , fakeaccounts , risento120million , Facebook , lookingforbufftatooedman , GulfContactsByTrummpAlly , FaceScrutiny , FederalInquiry , FocusesonForeignLobbying , Mr.Trump'senergyspeech , Rashidal-Malik , Emiratibusinessman , ThomasJ.BarrackJr. , topcampaignfund-raiser , closefriendofMr.Trump , "Areyourunningthisbyourfriends?" , PaulManafortasked , FedIsClosingIn , FirstRateCut , Since2008Crisis , PrecautionaryMove , Recalibrating , FaceofTradeWar , GlobalSlowdown , FederalReserve , interestratecuts , GreatRecession , USeconomygrowing , unemploymentat50-yearlow , "TheFedactedtoosoonandtooviolently" , Mr.Trumpsaid , CuomoandtheM.T.A.'Complex' , ThatGreasesHisPoliticalGears , GovernorAndrewCuomo , HauglandGroup , constructionfirm , $23milliondollarcontract , clearcloggedsubwaydrains , politicaldonations , Cuomo'sreelectioncampaign , "transportationindustrialcomplex" , publicpark , Brooklyn , Brownsville , plasticchairs , policetape , fence , ShootingatBrooklynBlockParty , Violencestruck , OldTimersDay , leavingonedead , 11hurt , WashingtonDC , SpyChiefQuits , TrumpTapsFierceLoyalist , DanCoats , departure , directorofnationalintelligence , RepresentativeJohnRatcliffe , Waukee , Iowa , ClashofDemocraticPriorities , ChangePresidents? , orChangetheParadigm? , IsbeatingPresidentTrumpenough? , OrshouldDemocratsshakethepoliticalsystem? , likeasnowglobe , DemocraticParty , identity , ideologicalschism , hot , humid , sunshine , withamixofclouds
Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Saint Bernardino Preaching from a Pulpit, Tempera on parchment, 21 x 14.3 centimeters, 1470-75, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: FrancescodiGiorgioMartini , tempera , parchment , painting , manuscripts , illuminations , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , TheWashingtonPost , WashingtonDC , church , pastor , goldenyellowpulpit , redbackground , goldinsignia , ministers , congregation , handsraised , silhouette , flowers , lightblue , white , shadows , NorthCarolinachurches , politicalsoulsearching , Greenvillepastors , grapplewithhowtohandlefallout , Trump'srally , Sundaysermons , Greenville , NorthCarolina , ReverendStephenHoward , admonishedTrumpinsermon , CornerstoneMemorialBaptistChurch , BradSmith , MemorialBaptistChurch , "sendherback" , disturbingchant , racism , "I'mnotintopolitics" , "butI'mspeakingforpeople" , employee , EastCarolinaUniversity , shakenbyangerinauditorium , "Itwasbad" , "Reallybad" , Aidesdefendtweets , Trumpadvisers , justifyhisattacks , whitechurchpews , light , candles , churchinterior , congregants , OpioidFiles , Parma , Ohio , InOhio , keylegaltest , drugepidemic , Countiesfloodedwithpills , seekbillionsofdollars , fromfirms , tostemcrisis , CVS , 6.4millionpainpills , seven-yearperiod , homelessencampment , whiteworking-classsuburb , ofCleveland , 'Sociopathic' , newdatastokesire , towardopioidindustry , ISIS , revivesfightinginIraq , MilitantsSlipOverBorder , FromSyria , Mostarereturninghome , tojoininsurgentcells , Qaim , Iraq , low-levelinsurgency , 1000fighters , Vegabaja , PuertoRico , PuertoRico'sunrest , hasbuilttocrescendo , massprotests , targetgovernor , amidangerovercorruption , classwarfare , HurricaneMaria , unrelievedtoll , GovernorRicardoRosselló , facingthreat , impeachment , VegaBajacommunityleader , LinBenitez , helpschildren , preparesigns , childrenplanningprotest , outdoorgathering , table , chairs , signmaking , paper , foliage , palmtrees , LatinAmerica , waronobesity , LessonsforU.S.? , targetingultra-processedfoods , sugarybeverages , startingtoshowresults , newlawsaimed , reducingchildhoodobesity , Chile , strictfoodlabelinglaws , banadvertisements , heavygustythunderstorm
Peter Doig, Untitled , Oil paint on paper, 505 x 685 millimeters, 2008, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PeterDoig , TateUK , painting , paper , oilpaint , portraiture , solitaryman , NYTimes , dusk , corrugatedroof , trees , nightsky , whitegeese , porchlight , woodenfencing , metalfence , GrisaMuntean , lastsurvivor , Dobrusa , 19thCenturysettlement , oncepartofRussianEmpire , LoneSurvivor , HoldsDownVillageofOne , Moldova , liveswithtwocats , fivedogs , nineturkeys , fifteengeese , fortytwochickens , fiftypigeons , onehundredtwentyducks , severalthousandbees , "Thelonelinesskillsyou" , likemanysettlements , emptiedoutafterfallofSovietUnion , 1991 , JosephR.BidenJr. , blackandwhitephotography , 1974 , Capitolbuildinginbackground , Newport , Delaware , HowBidenBecame , Anti-BusingDemocrat , TheLongRun , ATurnabout , TurbulentTimes , raciallydivisivetopicinAmerica , headshot , PresidentTrump , FanningFlames , TrumpUnleashesATaunt , 'GoBack' , AnAssumption , ThatSpokeVolumes , Twitterharangue , attackonDemocraticcongresswomenofcolor , "goback"tothecountrytheycamefrom , us-against-them , politicalstrategy , ASlur , on4NonwhiteCongresswomen , FuelsOutrage , racisttrope , stokingracialdivisions , Trump'scomments , swiftlycondemned , NovakDjokovic , RogerFederer , WimbledonFinal , LikeNoneBefore , tennisuniforms , tenniscourt , net , crowd , officialsinblazers , fifth-settiebreaker , Djokovic's16thmajortitle , LosAngeles , California , Netflix , LobbyOffersFlash , andFreebies , Hollywood'sA-List , "lobbyexperience" , "creativegateway" , 80x12footvideoscreen , wallof3500plants , livingmural , redFlamingoLilies , knownforbigpistils , SanFrancisco , mentholcigaretteban , FDA , consideringnationwideban , billsetaside , BlackNewYorkers , LendaHand , CorporateLobbyistsPrevail , tofightbanproposedbyNewYorkCityCouncil , mostlysunny , warm , lowhumidity
Richard Marquis, Confetti Pyramid , Kiln-formed glass, 20.3 x 28.9 x 28.9 centimeters, 2007, The Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: RichardMarquis , sculpture , glass , murrine , kiln , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , Corning , NewYork , NYTimes , Americanflag , confetti , yellow , blue , redwhiteblue , hands , celebration , trophy , champions , U.S.women'ssoccer , WorldCup , 2-0victory , overNetherlands , fanschanted , "Equalpay!" , blurrycrowd , banners , BurdensBorne , ByaU.S.Team , WithNoEqual , Lyon , France , fewathletesexpectedtolead , equalpay , gayrights , socialjustice , swaggerofpopstars , Americanwomen , clinchingsecondconsecutiveWorldCuptrophy , LasVegas , Nevada , WomenMakePrimaryFoes , StarttoSweat , "IwantsomeonewhoIknowillstandup" , "thathasabackbone" , SenatorElizabethWarren , Massachusetts , SenatorKamalaHarris , California , "They'rebothveryverystrongwomen." , IranAnnouncesPlans , ToBreachEnrichmentCap , Violationof2015Deal , PressuringU.S.andEurope , IntoOfferingSanctionsRelief , uraniumenrichment , onpathtoproduceatomicbomb , Trumpadministrationblamed , forsettingoffthecrisis , byEuropeans , "Itisaback-to-the-futuremoment" , SanamVakil , ChathamHouse , researchinstitute , London , U.K. , portraiture , GeorgeMonroeJr. , gardenlandscape , whitepicketfence , ledgerwithhandwriting , bluebackground , windowframe , lightandshadow , ConnectedtoaPresident , bySlavery , 7GenerationsHaveLived , inShadowofMonroe'sPlantation , ancestors , enslavedbyPresidentJamesMonroe , amongfirsttocarryhisname , ledgeridentifyingslavesMonroesold , tocoverdebts , afterhispresidency , Charlottesville , Virginia , Monroetown , predominantlyAfricanAmericancommunity , "Itwasjustunderstoodthatwewereconnectedtothepresident" , "notbybloodbutbyslavery" , workingtogetherwithmuseum , tochangethewayslaveryispresented , formerpresidentialplantation , NewSexChargesforEpstein , FocusonManhattan , AccusationsofLuringMinors , toaMansion , billionairefinancier , JeffreyE.Epstein , sex-traffickingoperation , under-agegirls , Berlin , Germany , PoliticalMurder , FarRight , ShockGermany , HatefulNewReality , DredgesUpthePast , WalterLübcke , defendedrefugeepolicy , ChancellorAngelaMerkel , Germany'sfirstfar-rightpoliticalassassination , sinceNaziera , partialsunshine , lowhumidity
Benjamin Armstrong, Old Friends , Blown-glass, pigment, plaster, wax, 104 x 36 x 17 centimeters, 2004, Museum of Contemporary Art , Sydney, Australia
Tags: BenjaminArmstrong , OldFriends , sculpture , blown-glass , pigment , plaster , wax , portraiture , eyes , MuseumofContemporaryArtAustralia , Sydney , PresidentTrump , KimJong-un , doubleportrait , bluesuits , redtie , securityguards , cameraman , bluerooftops , governmentbuilding , whitesteps , firstsittingUnitedStatespresident , tosetfoot , inNorthKorea , TwitterOverture , TrumpandKim , MeetOnNorthKoreanSoil , Seoul , SouthKorea , EyeingArms'Freeze' , EaseNewTalks , made-for-TV , spectacle , DemilitarizedZone , TwoLeadersAgree , RestartWorkonNuclearDeal , "Itisgoodtoseeyouagain" , Mr.Kimtoldthepresident , interpreter , "Bigmomentbigmoment" , Mr.TrumptoldMr.Kim , PleasantGrove , Alabama , CityUnmovedByIndictment , InFetusDeath , MarshaeJones , herunbornbabyfatallyshot , hatemailpouredin , "personhood"movement , fetusesrights , equality , rightsofmothers , BrooklynBound , TheWarriorssuperstar , KevinDurant , brightblueuniform , yellowtype , agreedtojointheNets , Denver , Colorado , Colorado'sMarijuanaExperiment , After5Years , NoRiseinTeenageUse , RacialDivideinArrestsPersists , blue-skyrhetoric , marijuanaindustry , sincerecreationalsales , morevisitstoemergencyrooms , NYC , PrideMarch , "IAmMe" , rainbowcolor , flags , celebration , women , "Thisiswheretherevolutionbegan" , PrismofPrideandRevelry , Born50YearsAgo , CelebratingStonewall , L.G.B.T.Q.Lives , FifthAvenue , GreenwichVillage , Berkeley , California , KamalaHarris , sisterandmother , home , 1970 , BusingThatDividedBerkeley , ShapedHarrisandHerPeers , Integration , segregation , Brownv.BoardofEducation , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , oppositiontomandatorybusing , NYTimes , sunshine , someclouds
Susan Rothenberg, Blue Head , Acrylic and vinyl based paint on canvas, 114 x 114 inches, 1980-81, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts , Richmond, Virginia
Tags: SusanRothenberg , painting , portraiture , blueblackwhite , bluehead , VirginiaMuseumofFineArts , Richmond , Virginia , LaNazione , Firenze , Italy , Theguysreturnedfromthediscotheque , crashatdawn , ontheFipili , Twofriendsin20'sdie , Raveparty , inUniversity , onedead , headshots , purplebackground , ScandalatSapienza , abusiveparties , everyoneknows , nobodyintervenes , surgeons , surgicalmasks , bluegreen , latexgloves , healthmonitors , hands , surgicalinstruments , patientcausesboom , morethan3000incourt , thedoctor'salarm , "Weoperatewithfear" , "andwearenotyoung" , LaNugnes , goesaway , DiMaiobesieged , NowatwarwithDiBattista , Grillinidisoriented , Giorgetti , correctstheleague'sroute , NototheminiBots , Milano-Cortina , OlympicGames , todaytheverdict , Inthefield , thehill , Theftsontrains , SOSofthepolice , Rome , ineffectivelaw , doctorsandpatients , insaneimmortalityclaim , badthoughts , whotoleratesillegality , todayoraltests , maturityinthegame , ofthreeenvelopes , IntheheartofLiga , Me , bewitchedbyWoodstock , andthemoon , sunny , hot
Tags: QuentinMassys , PortraitofaMan , oilonpanel , Netherlands , portraiture , IlMattino , Naples , Italy , Fumo&Arrosto , Toabandonadog , worstform , ofatheism , Madonna , Iamawarrior , againsthate , Europeans , thedreamsummer , Italianfootball , theunder21 , Spain , Palamara , triestobring , CafierodeRaho , intoplay , onlyfalsehood , betweenpoisons , andboastings , theprosecutor , nevertalkedaboutappointments , ThepresidentofANMresigns , Mafiasinbusiness , northchasessouth , theturningpoint , inAmericanstudy , warning , oflargeearthquakes , arrivesonly15secondsbefore , SarriallaJuve , Thelastexcuse , Hewantstobeclose , tomomanddad , DearMaurizio , withaffection , youdon'tplay , L'exNapoletano , welcomesarri , Hekilledfortoomuchnoiseinhouse , hehadanarsenal , PalmaCampania , pensionershootstheownerofkiosk , ayearago , hehadrenewaloffirearmslicense , withoutproblems , betweenArgentinaandBrazil , mega-blackout , Apowerplant , wenthaywire , putsSouthAmericainthedark , BuenosAires , withoutlight , streetscene , handonbook , hands , profileportrait , threehoursofrevolt , Poggioreale , devastatedthecells , sunny , warm
Bea Maddock, Cast a shadow, Photo-etching, aquatint, black ink on white wove paper, 97.3 x 68.4 centimeters, 1972, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: BeaMaddock , photoetching , castashadow , aquatint , inkonpaper , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , NYTimes , Khartoum , Sudan , FuryinSudan , CrackdownFuelsDefiance , ActivistsVow , ToKeepOppositionAlive , Dr.DiaaAli , "Thisisnottheendoftherevolution" , thousandsofprotesters , beseigedcapital , economichardships , PresidentOmarHassanal-Bashir , HongKong , crowds , curve , greenshubbery , signage , lightposts , hundredsofthousands , marchedagainstproposal , toallowextraditions , tomainlandChina , SwarminHongKong , protests , China's'EvilLaw' , FearandAnger , OverErosionofCity'sAutonomy , erosionofcivilliberties , protestrecalled , pro-democracyUmbrellaMovement , China'srulingCommunistParty , graduallyextertingmoreinfluence , WashingtonDC , BarrBusyWieldingPower , HisInfluenceExpands , AStraight-ShootingInstitutionalist , toSome , President'sProtector , toOthers , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , "HeistheclosestthingwehavetoDickCheney" , CharlesJ.Cooper , formerJusticeDepartmentofficial , NewYork , HowNewYorkKeepsAbusers , AsCaregivers , UnionAvenueI.R.A. , whistle-blower , "Icouldn'tkeepup" , calledthe"Bronxzoo" , housing , developmentallydisabledresidents , workersshielded , bystatearbitrationprocess , MuellerOpted , NottoPursuePhoneMessage , "attorney-clientprivilegeissues" , 448pageMuellerreport , tantalizingquestions , president'sconduct , wentunanswered , PresidentTrump , Hampton , NewHampshire , ForDemocrats , YoungandOld , AgeIsaNumberThatDivides , "theagething" , 2020Democrats , SpanFourGenerations , Millennials , GenerationX , Boomers , SilentGeneration , cloudy , heavyshowers , cooler , humid , portraiture
Thornton Dial, Flowers for Peace (Primary Title) , Pastel, watercolor and pencil on paper, 44 x 30 inches, 1996, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts , Richmond, Virginia
Tags: ThorntonDial , FlowersforPeace , drawing , painting , portraiture , VirginiaMuseumofFineArts , Richmond , Virginia , NYTimes , women , children , bluedress , floralpatterndress , Americanflags , orangewhitepattern , florals , feet , embrace , whitecrosses , redhearts , "WeLoveYou" , "RIP" , "Sorryforyourloss" , "Godbless" , sidewalk , flowers , mourning , PayingRespects , VirginiaBeach , KellyFowler , withdaughterSophie , memorial , 12victimsofFriday'srampage , authoritiessaid , suspectquitjob , ascityengineer , hoursbeforeshootingbegan , governmentbuilding , ElaineChao , transportationsecretary , overseesAmericanmaritimeindustry , turquoise , gold , ACabinetOfficial , aFirm , a'Bridge'toBeijing , EthicsQuestionsFocus , Chao'sCloseTies , HerFamily'sShippingBusiness , ForemostGroup , Ms.Chaousedconnections , celebritystatus , toboostprofileofcompany , China , PunteDelEste , Uruguay , 'It'saJoke' , TroubledTrumpCondoProject , DelaysAreaMicrocosm , DeeperProblems , ForHisCompany , EricTrump , "WehavethebestbuildinganywhereinPuntadelEste" , "anywhereinSouthAmerica" , TrumpTowerPuntadelEste , cylindricalhighrise , latestdebacle , TrumpOrganization'spropertyportfolio , Oakland , InCalifornia , DemocratsTryForEarlyPrize , SenatorElizabethWarren , crowdofmorethan6000 , "thebiggestonesofar" , Democraticcandidates , duelingspeeches , statepartyconvention , BetoO'Rourke , SenatorAmyKlobuchar , BernieSanders , SenatorKamalaHarris , restaurant , chairs , BarackObama , 2008 , LeahChase , gumbo , ACreoleChef , toFreedomRiders , andPresidents , 1923-2019 , nation'spreeminentCreolechef , DookyChase's , nogreatercallingthanfeedingpeople , "Inmydiningroom" , "wechangedthecourseofAmerica" , "overabowlofgumboandsomefriedchicken" , WashingtonDC , TechGiants'Reach , PropelsThemIntoPath , ofRegulatoryStorm , Google , Amazon , Facebook , Apple , influenceonconsumerprivacy , laborconditions , publicdiscourse , Google'searlymotto , "Don'tbeevil" , partlysunny , breezy , cooler
Jacob Lawrence, They did not always leave because they were promised work in the North. Many of them left because of Southern conditions, one of them being great floods that ruined the crops, and therefore they were unable to make a living where they were, Casein tempera on hardboard, 18 x 12 inches, 1940-41, The Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JacobLawrence , painting , landscape , blue , grey , yellow , white , brown , MigrationSeries , blueglowinglight , whitelight , motherandson , sleepingchild , night , Greyhound , CalebLopez , sleptinbackofbus , TuscontoNashville , FamilyleftGuatemala , crossedintoUS , 1600miles , 85hours , AMigrationbyBus , AfterDetention , andProcessing , Family'sJourneyContinuesonGreyhound , Dallas , Texas , "leavethedrivingtous" , Enteringthecountry , 5000arrivalseachday , Guatemala , Honduras , ElSalvador , departingbordertownsbybusload , Brussels , Belgium , FarRight , MakingInroads , AsEuropeVotes , ABlowForMainstream , PopulistsAreExpected , ToMakeModestStrides , inEurope'sParliament , populistsexpectedtoget , 25%of751seats , struggleoverfuturedirectionofthebloc , biggestimpact , likelyfelt , inhomecountries , France , Italy , disrupttraditionalpartysystems , anglingtogainpower , Louisville , Kentucky , ScientistsBalk , AtJuul'sOffers , OfStudyCash , JuulLabs , e-cigarettesmoke , research , AmericanHeartAssociationconference , lookingforpeopletocollaboratewith , offeringupto$200000 , Kathmandu , Nepal , 'LikeaZoo' , AtEverest'sTip , AsDeathsSoar , MountEverest , Climberspushingandshoving , totakeselfies , EdDohring , "Itwasscary" , oneofthedeadliestclimbingseasons , atleast10deaths , StarrHeldUp , InvisibleBridge , OfN.F.L.Eras , BartStarr , diedonSundayat85 , usheredinTheSuperBowlEra , twochampionships , GreenBayPackers , Mobile , Alabama , yellow-greenlandscape , grass , shrubbery , cemetery , headstones , ThelmaMaiben-Owens , photographedrelatives'graves , Africatown , community , TryingtoTurnVesselofEvil , IntoSymbolofPride , NeighborhoodWants , toDisplaySlaveShip , submergedwoodenwreck , lodgedinmud , MobileRiver , Clotilda , schooner , carried110kidnappedAfricans , toAlabama , 1860 , sunshineandclouds , notaswarm , lesshumid , NYTimes , MoMA , NewYork
Tags: UemuraShōen , painting , motherandchild , UemuraTsune , bijin-ga , portraiture , silk , TheNationalMuseumofModernArtTokyo , Japan , NYTimes , Beni , TheDemocraticRepublicofCongo , womanwithchild , metalbed , plaidbedsheets , whitemosquitonet , ivorycurtains , emeraldgreenclothing , blankets , Ebolasurvivor , withchild , whosemother , beingtestedfordisease , EbolaOutbreakWorsens , AsDoctorsDodgeAttacks , MournersinDemocraticRepublicofCongo , FightLeaders , HealthWorkers , suspicionofnationalgovernment , growingmistrust , internationalmedicalexperts , Nearly1150peoplehavedied , WorldHealthOrganization , significantundercount , aidgroupssay , TaxiDrivers , FellPrey , WhileTopOfficials , CountedTheMoney , TakenForARide , AFailureToRegulate , priceoftaximedallion , soaredto$700000in2010 , roseabove$1millionin2014 , riskyloans , cabdriverscouldnotafford , yearsofwarningsigns , WashingtonDC , G.O.P.Worry , HotEconomy , IsAColdTopic , unemploymentrate , 50-yearlow , Americansvotewiththeirpocketbooks , maybetestedin2020 , Jacksonville , Florida , TrumpActivity , RaisedRedFlag , InsideHisBank , DeutscheBank , anti-moneylaunderingspecialists , recommendedmultipletransactions , in2016and2017 , JaredKushner , bereported , federalfinancialcrimeswatchdog , collegegraduation , capandgown , tassles , medalofhonor , elation , pattern , bluewhite , magentablackwhite , greenblackmaroonyellowochre , envelopes , MorehouseCollege , AGifttoGraduates , YourLoansWillBePaidOff , billionaireRobertF.Smith , wouldpaytheirdebts , 396youngmen , historicallyblackcollege , Atlanta , Georgia , "We'regoingtoputalittlefuelinyourbus" , Mr.Smithsaid , Acrossthecountry , studentloandebt , morethandoubled , inpastdecade , reaching$1.5trillion , AboutNewYork , MainWitnessInGarnerCase , HasNoWords , oneofmostimportantwitnesses , James , "I'mdone" , nottestifying , disciplinarytrial , policeofficer , DanielPantaleo , chokehold , EricGarner , "Ican'tbreathe" , partlysunny , afternoonshowers , thunderstorms , humid
Haegue Yang, Series of Vulnerable Arrangements — Domestics of Community , Installation with seven light sculptures composed of clothing rack and shoe rack on casters, light bulbs, cable, knitting yarn, rope, socks, hammock net, aluminum venetian blinds, stainless steel strainer, paint grill, fish grill, plastic tube, plastic packages, plastic funnel, tin, buttons, metal ring, metal sponge, silver tinsel, mardi gras bits, toy spring, garden supply, and sea shells, Dimensions variable, 2009, Carnegie Museum of Art , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tags: HaegueYang , mixedmedia , installation , community , CarnegieMuseumofArt , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , NYTimes , factoryinterior , blue , red , yellow , white , green , wire , overheadlighting , AchuchuKottu , fromEritrea , Litelab , Buffalo , NewYork , Aboutathird , co-workersareimmigrants , includingrefugees , Utica , RefugeesAreAFrayingLifeline , forUpstateCities , Officialsluringrefugees , tomovetoNewYork , advertisingjobplacement , Englishlanguage , housingservices , Poolofrefugees , shrinksunderPresidentTrump , RussiaWantsU.S.toDread , 5GCellphones , SpreadsDubiousFears , AboutHealthonTV , Russiannetwork , RTAmerica , "Justasmallone" , "Itmightkillyou" , "ADangerous'ExperimentonHumanity'" , principalmeddler , 2016presidentialelection , "It'seconomicwarfare" , RyanFox , chiefoperatingofficer , NewKnowledge , technologyfirm , trackingdisinformation , RTAmericaiscat'spaw , ofRussianPresident , VladimirPutin , WashingtonDC , TariffsOnChina , WillExactCost , For'BothSides' , BurdenOnU.S.Wallets , ImpactonEconomy , WillDependonScope , ofTrump'sFight , escalatingtradewar , LarryKudlow , directorNationalEconomicCouncil , "Infactbothsideswillpay" , StickingPoint , tradewarintensifies , Chinesesubsidies , homegrownindustries , presentsteepobstacle , toadeal , 2NewJustices , TiltRightward , ButNotasOne , JusticeNeilM.Gorsuch , JusticeBrettM.Kavanaugh , "They'redisagreeingmorethanwewouldhaveexpected" , Beckley , WestVirginia , InCoalCountry , PromiseofComputerCareers , DissolvesinDust , youngwomaninivorycoat , portraiture , landscapeinbackground , ToriFrame , backatFamilyDollarstore , aftertryingtostartacareer , withMinedMinds , "Iwantedsomethingdifferent" , MinedMindspromisedtoteach , WestVirginians , howtowritecomputercode , getwell-payingjobs , NewOrleans , Louisiana , VenerablePaperIsShuttered , With'LetThemEatCake' , theannouncementcame , viathebakedalaska , TheAdvocatenewspaper , Antoine's , white-linendiningplace , FrenchQuarter , 182-year-oldrival , TheTimes-Picayune , Twopapersnowone , TheAdvocateboughtthebrand , thesite , thearchives , thesubscriberlist , nottheemployees , , TheLastEdition , ANewspaperWar , periodicrain , breezy , chilly
Oliffe Richmond, Marathon , Lithograph on paper, 483 x 251 millimeters, 1966, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: OliffeRichmond , portraiture , line , figure , blackink , lithography , TateUK , PhiladelphiaInquirer , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , RiverfrontDevelopment , ChesterRehabRevisited , TheUnion , havenewplan , fortheirneighborhood , Chesterlanguished , fordecades , oneofnation's , poorestandmostviolentcities , TalenEnergyStadium , aerialview , nearCommodoreBarryBridge , soccerteamowners , couldplanfacilities , sportsplex , forkidsandretail , greysky , greenery , Runnin'intheRain , runners , marathon , puddles , reflection , bluetags , numbers , crowd , asphalt , doubleyellowlines , NathanSears , fromOhio , wrappedheadandupperbody , inplastic , asheranintherain , portrait , profile , Kenyan , DanielKemoi , finishedfirst , crossingtheline , 47:24 , aquagreen , steelcrowdbarriers , DespitechillyandwetSunday , 40000participants , 40thBlueCrossBroadStreetRun , "Thisislikework." , "It'sajob." , baseball , throwingapitch , Phillies , Nationals , ForElvin , AnotherImpressiveEffort , Raptors , 76ers , LeonardScores39 , TorontoGetsEven , Taxes , Abatement , gettingprimaryattention , majorityofCouncilcandidates , wanttochangetaxrelief , Apollshows , voterssharetheirsentiments , ChinaTrade , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Trumpsays , hewillhiketariff , onFriday , $200billionworth , Chinesegoods , tradewar , calledhimself , "tariffman" , SurpriseNominee , MarkMorgan , handraised , maninsuit , yellowochrebackground , requiresconfirmation , TrumpChoosesMorgan , toheadICE , Ex-borderpatrolchief , vocalsupport , planforawall , intweet , TrumpcalledMorgan , "atruebelieverandanAmericanPatriot." , "Hewilldoagreatjob!" , borderwall , Mexico , immigration , warmer , sunny , clouds
Artist unidentified, possibly Desire Parker, Wonderbread-Bag Rug with Ball of Twine, Plastic Wonderbread bags, 60 inches in diameter, Ledyard, Connecticut, Twentieth century, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , Wonderbreadplasticbags , rug , mandala , sacred , circle , abstraction , twentiethcentury , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Kattankudy , SriLanka , mosqueunderconstruction , scaffolding , steps , architecture , concrete , white , grey , manascendingstairs , filteredlight , arches , AHometown , WhereIslamGrewRadical , Wahhabism , homesdecorated , delicateswirls , Arabiccalligraphy , EasterSundayattacks , "WearelivinginSriLankanotacaliphate" , MohamedIbraheemMohamedJaseem , vicechairman , urbancouncil , Poway , California , AfterSynagogueAttack , aSharedBelief , ProtectSacredSpaces , RabbiYisroelGoldstein , atimeofsolace , turnedintoadayofhorror , Akcakale , Turkey , LifeofPerilandPoverty , inHazelnutGoldMine , SyrianRefugees , ToilingatDangerousJobs , inVastTurkishFields , ShakarRudani , $10aday , "Wereturnedwithnothing" , seasonalhazelnutworkers , lacklegalprotections , aerialview , workerrakingnuts , bluewhitepatternedshirt , blueredwhitepatternheadscarf , shadow , seaofhazelnuts , orangebrown , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , Biden'sAppeal , TapstheVoters , HisPartyNeeds , KeySignalsofSupport , Must-WinState , appealingtotraditionalcoalition , WashingtonDC , BarrThreatens , NotToAnswer , CallToTestify , FacesRiskOfSubpoena , ImpasseIntensifiesFeud , BetweenHouseandTrump , onInquiry , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , wantsonlypublicqueries , profileportrait , orangeblurredline , ChairmanHouseJudiciaryCommittee , RepresentativeJerroldNadler , DemocratofNewYork , HowVictim , WithHiddeniPhone , LedtoAbuseCharge , forDirector , SeanEscobar , secretlyrecordedconversation , sexualabuse , SterlingVanWagenen , founderSundanceFilmFestival , respectedfigure , inMormoncommunity , Conglomerates , mustoverlookissues , childlabor , lowwages , sunshine , increasingclouds , cool