Vong Phaophanit, Neon Rice Field , Rice and neon tubes, 15,000 x 5000 millimeters, 1993, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: VongPhaophanit , ricefield , neon , sculpture , installation , TateUK , NYTimes , Niamey , Niger , UnitedNations , asylumseekers , compound , barbedwire , family , brickroad , walls , prison , interviewees , maygetfreepassage , FranceGrantsAsylum , SelectFew , Migrants , TravelingtoNiger , immigration , Beijing , China , PresidentXiJinping , SurprisePlan , EndTermLimits , GivePresidentVastControl , StayInPowerForYears , LimitlessPower , renewedfears , strongmanpolitics , Chineseflag , portraiture , WebofDonors , SeesChance , ToCurbLabor , unions , fair-sharepayer , havemorefreedom , notboundbyunionrules , SaudiArabia , LowOilPrices , SpurSaudis , ToPlaytheField , Psst! , TheCompetition'sOver , WinterOlympics2018 , closingceremony , elation , skating , France , MorganCiprès , VanessaJames , multicoloredlights , LED , gridoflights , nationalflags , pixels , victorypose , WashingtonDC , PressuretoAct , OnGunLimits , TestsCongress , massshooting , Parkland , Florida , HugsInTheHalls , Studentsreturnedtoschool , ScarredByAMassacre , Ifthepastisprologue , Congresswilldonothing , gunlaws , stalledlegislation , sunshineandclouds , milder
Robert Overby, Hall painting, first floor , Latex rubber, plaster, paint, and burnt wood, 107.5 x 78 inches, 1971, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: RobertOverby , painting , sculpture , latexrubber , sculpturemolds , casts , architecture , doorframe , windowframe , rust , patina , SFMoMA , NYTimes , homelessshelter , system , stepbystep , portraiture , rooms , woodfloors , windows , interior , naplesyellowpaint , furniture , division , families , survival , Beirut , Lebanon , IranBuildingUpMilitiasInSyria , ToMenaceIsrael , 'AxisOfResistance' , AnalystsSay , TehranFormingUnitedFront , strikes , counterstrikes , drone , flare-up , MichaelDCohen , Trump'sFixer , Tools , ToughTalk , HushMoney , andtheTabloids , Schenectady , NewYork , GeorgeWashington , UncoveringStrandsofHistory , TiestoFoundingFather , archivist , library , UnionCollege , redleather-boundbook , envelopetuckedinbook , inscribed"Washington'sHair" , OMG , excitement , Parkland , Florida , MarjoryStonemanDouglasHighSchool , Standingoutsidethegate , fence , signage , warningsigns , studentsembrace , backsturned , bikes , trees , school , massshooting , grief , solidarity , studentactivism , WestPalmBeach , PresidentTrump , DelightOverRussiaIndictment , HardenstoFury , "Nocollusion"refrain , two-dayTwittertirade , InsideTheTrollFactory , Formerrecruits , describechurningout , fakecontent , RawDebate , Muellerindictment , leavesbothsidesgrappling , 2016election , HowRussiansExploitedWeb , 2016Meddling , PosingAsAllies , TrollsSpreadDirtyTricks , Facebook , Free-for-All , seemingfellowactivists , ExcepttheirEnglish , sometimesseemed , alittleodd , sunshine , givingwaytoclouds , afternoonrain
Albert Fichte, Toil (From the journal Camera Notes) , Photogravure, 12.6 x 14.7 centimeters, 1902, Philadelphia Museum of Art , Pennsylvania
Tags: AlbertFichte , toil , photography , photogravure , CameraNotes , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , NYTimes , GazaCity , Palestine , PalestinianAuthority , payroll , clerksandpensioners , waitinginline , ATM , streetscene , portraiture , sidewalk , women , children , struggle , poverty , WashingtonDC , NancyPelosi , TopDemocrat , FightingToKeepHold , LosingIronGrip , SplitParty , "We'rebetterwhenwesticktogether" , PresidentTrump , UnrestInWhiteHouse , JohnKelly , MayBeinHotSeat , TrumpContinuesSupport , RobPorter , Aide'sDepartureExposesFissures , abuse , DelaysAhead , Trump'sinfrastructureinvestment , facesobstacles , MoonMission , NASA , hasbudgetedforreturntrip , won'thappenanytimesoon , ScottGottlieb , millionairewithlibertarianbent , FDAChief , Doesn'tQuiteFit , AdministrationStereotype , TrumpRules , AMeasureofBalance , Pyeongchang , SouthKorea , WinterOlympics2018 , womenathletes , training , anticipation , practice , competition , yellowblue , architecture , running , jumping , Charlottesville , Virginia , lawsuit , Sinesv.Kessler , bitterlegalbattle , blameviolenceonFarRight , GazaIsNearFinancialCollapse , survival , detritus , trash , PromptingFearsofViolence , redplasticbag , NewConflict , Israel'sclash , withIranandSyria , suggestsfurthertrouble , inregion , MarissaBrandt , adoptedbyAmericans , representingSouthKorea , asParkYoon-jung , cloudytostart , thensunshine , cooler
Tags: RebeccaJohnson , sculpture , wings , birds , bronze , PAFA , NYTimes , SuperBowl , portraiture , winners , PhiladelphiaEagles , Quarterback , NickFoles , MVP , PhiladelphiabeatNewEngland , Patriots , lights , cameras , microphones , journalists , crowds , bandstand , spotlight , elation , football , uniforms , greenandwhite , eagles , WashingtonDC , IsisFightersFleeSyria , FrontLine , ForNewBattles , ThousandsSlipAway , SomeGoUnderground , OtherstoAlQaeda , HometoEurope , London , UK , BellPotinger , Rogues , Despots , CollapseofP.R.Firm , IgnitingRacialTension , ToShieldAClient , Amtrak , Fataltraincrash , SouthCarolina , twotrainscollide , travelingonwrongtrack , railroadtracks , curves , emergencyservices , investigation , onlookers , DemocratsPressCase , ToReleaseRebuttal , GOPRussiaMemo , infighting , PaulRyan , PaydayLenders , SeeRulesEasingUnderTrump , annualretreat , TrumpNationalDoralGolfClub , industrynemesis , ConsumerFinancialProtectionBureau , MickMulvaney , JeromeHPowell , FederalReserve , NewBoss , takescharge , aseconomystutters , WellsFargo , AccountabilityCrucial , InShift , OnusOnBoardMembers , yearsofmisconduct , bannedfromgettingbigger , regulators , partlysunny , brisk , cold
Luis Arenal Bastar, Head of Indian Woman (Cabeza de indígena) , Lithograph, Edition: 8/25, 50.2 x 73.4 centimeters, 1937, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: LuisArenalBastar , portraiture , lithography , printmaking , Mexico , LatinAmericanArt , LACMA , NYTimes , Alcalde , NewMexico , BriennaMartinez , performance , ceremonialdance , costumes , headdress , textiles , church , crowd , Albuquerque , ManyidentifyasLatino , Indianslaveancestry , DefiesMythosOfLatinoPast , identity , familyhistory , community , NewYork , SecondAvenueSubway , 86thStreetexit , residents , IfSubwayIsNearby , ShouldYouPayMoreTaxes? , UpperEastSide , RealEstatePricesIncrease , Houston , Texas , RisingOilPrices , GiveU.S.AnEdge , GlobalEnergy , ShaleDrivesComeback , DrillingFrenzy , ChangedDiplomaticLandscape , GrammyAwards2018 , star-fillednight , BrunoMars , outshonethemall , awards , winner , albumoftheyear , onstage , Seoul , SouthKorea , OlympicSpiritUnitesKorea , ButReunification'sFlameFades , twoKoreas , IngvarKamprad , IKEAfounder , SwedishEntrepreneur , PoorasaChild , BuiltEmpireThroughThrift , archipelago , over350storesworldwide , ANewLook , AtAsterisksForArtwork , ChuckCloseSidelined , sexualharassment , NationalGalleryofArt , WashingtonDC , postponesexhibition , engulfsprominentartist , controversy , IsPicassoNext? , sunshine , turningcloudy , chillier , alittlesnowlate
East Asia, Six Dynasties period, Northern Qi dynasty, Chinese, Two Standing, Braying Camels, One Buff, One White, Their Backs Laden with Goods , Molded, medium gray earthenware with cold-painted pigments, 35 x 27.5 x 16.5 centimeters / 33.5 x 25 x 19.5 centimeters, 550-577, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: NorthernQiDynasty , China , sculpture , earthenware , portraiture , SaudiArabia , expelled12000camels , Qatari-owned , actioncausedstampede , atborder , Doha , Qatar , LittleBrother , Arabfamilyfeud , emir , SheikhTamimbinHamadal-Thani , HowQatar , SmallandNewlyRich , RankleditsNeighbors , WashingtonDC , ShutdownCrisisDeepens , FurloughsTakeEffect , DonaldTrump , VascillatingPresident , ComplicatesTalks , SenateDelaysVote , Hintsof'Dreamer'PledgeEmerge , Kabul , Afghanistan , ExtendedSiege , IntercontinentalHotel , CapsViolent24HoursinRegion , burningwindow , manescapes , VenezuelaRiveted , RebelMeetsHisEnd , ÓscarPérez , sunflowers , Flowersplacedoncoffin , flag , banner , funerealdecoration , mournerspayrespect , redblueyellow , whitestars , plants , greenery , LatinosCravingBiggerPresence , OnFilmScreen , LosAngeles , Hollywood , AcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences , plentyofclouds , areasofmorningdrizzle , NYTimes
Ben Vautier, Mystery Box , Sealed cardboard box with screenprint, containing unknown contents, 20.5 x 21.1 x 20.8 centimeters, 1964, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: BenVautier , Fluxus , MysteryBox , cardboardbox , typography , MoMA , DeStandaard , Ghent , Belgium , portraiture , artworks , whytheresidentialcarecenters , arenotcolored , TheoisGod , TheoFrancken , WouterclaimsFlemishchurchtowers , pregnancy , isacontrolledinflammation , DoubtsOverArtInGhent , tenartspecialists , haveseriousdoubts , about26loans , MuseumofFineArtsGhent , Malevich , Kandinsky , Tatlin , ElLissitzky , Goncharova , Larionov , artcollection , foundation , IgorOlgaToporovski , CatherinedeZegher , DirectorMSKGhent , Thedocumentationgivesbackground , aboutauthenticityoftheworks , merchantbasket , questionofforgery , buildorrenovate , ReadFridayourdossier , inyournewspaper , discoverwithin , Jeep
Willie Doherty, Border Road , Cibachrome mounted on aluminum, 48 x 72 inches, 1991, Kemper Art Museum , St. Louis, Missouri
Tags: WillieDoherty , photography , border , road , KemperArtMuseum , St.Louis , NYTimes , Tancitaro , Mexico , avocadocapitaloftheworld , guard , localcitizenforces , paidbyorchardowners , portraiture , stoneturrets , barbedwirefence , greenery , landscape , rocks , SecedingforSafety , PocketsAcrossMexico , LosingFaithinState , SomeTownsDecide , toBreakAway , enforcedbymilitias , TheInterpreter , StephenBannon , WashingtonDC , WiltsUnderAttacks , FromEx-Allies , Says'Treason'Remark , ReferredtoManafort , AShakySoapbox , BannonneedsBreitbart , right-wingnewssite , MichaelWolffbook , "FireandFury" , InsidetheTrumpWhiteHouse , JaredKushner , LinkstoIsrael , TanglePeacemakerRole , FinancialTiesDeepen , UndisclosedInvestment , CouldAddtoViews , ConflictsforU.S. , MenoraMivtachim , Brussels , CountriesSeeExecutiveDisorder , InTrump'sTweets , foreignpolicy , TheGoldenGlobes , ActressesWithaMessage , Time'sUpmovement , Starsworeblack , showofunity , againstsexualharassment , linkedarms , ReeseWitherspoon , EvaLongoria , SalmaHayek , AshleyJudd , redcarpet , 75thGoldenGlobeAwards , PipeBursts , FlightsShift , JFKairport , ChaosGrows , NewYork , FEMA , RedrawingFloodMaps , CouldReshapeNewYork , InFloodPolicy , MapsVs.Reality , cloudy , afternoonandeveningsnow , sleet , freezingrain
Sam Francis, Towards Disappearance, II , Oil on canvas, 275.6 x 319.7 centimeters, Paris, 1957-58, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SamFrancis , painting , Paris , MoMA , NYTimes , HappyNewYear , 2018 , DropoftheBall , andtheMercury , NewYork , NewYear'sEverevelers , TimesSquare , 9-degreeweather , secondcoldestonrecord , confetti , celebration , explosionofcolor , paperfragments , colorclusters , vortex , IciestNewYear'sEve , in1917 , 1-degree , winter , ActivistsExploitEffort , ToExposeSexHarassment , MoneyTrailsAccusers , Concern , MovementCouldBeHarmed , byPoliticalPartisans , WashingtonDC , MeToo , Democrats , StateLeaders , TrytoCushion , TaxLaw'sJolt , GOPtaxbill , NewYorkCalifornia , andotherstates , efforttorestoredeductions , thattaxlawscaledback , Roseburg , Oregon , WalterSavage , 81yearsold , AirForceveteran , turnedawayfromV.A.hospital , V.A.DoctorsSay , RatingPushHurtsPatientCare , SomeDeniedAdmission , toProtectScore , portraiture , malnourishedandehydrated , arm , Police , Poland , EarningWagesforPyongyang , InPolishPort , HostingLaborers , FromOutcastState , welders , manoutsidedormitory , NorthKoreanshipyardworkers , Skolwin , plentyofsunshine , brisk , verycold , high19
India, West Bengal, Murshidabad, Woman Holding a Sparkler, Folio from the Thomas Edwards Album , Opaque watercolor and gold on paper, 5 3/16 x 4 1/4 inches, circa 1760, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: India , WestBengal , Murshidabad , watercolor , painting , SoutheastAsianArt , LACMA , LATimes , Christmas2017 , CraigSwanson , portraiture , dogs , Santahats , DockweilerStateBeach , Christmasholiday , hohoho , Christmastree , twinklinglights , Dutchmen , trailer , beachchairs , LosAngeles , March-December , driestperiodonrecord , Rain? , There'sverylittleontap , FromSanFranciscotoLA , Californiatosuffer , unusuallydrywinter , TheLastJedi , 2017'sbiggestfilm , femalelead , lightsaber , neonlight , blueskies , mountainbackdrop , drama , Moviegoingaudience , maykeepfading , despiteStarWars'surge , Blamefalloffonflops , streaming , risingticketprices , Hollywood , filmticketrevenue , vs.attendance , Protestsplanned , RobertMueller , Activistsstash , hotchocolate , bullhorns , incase , ifPresidentTrump , firesspecialcounsel , WashingtonDC , GovernorJerryBrown , immigration , Someseekapardon , tostayinUS , Acrossthecountry , immigrantsfacingdeportation , duetolow-levelcrimes , askgovernorsforhelp , partlycloudy , haze
Helen Frankenthaler, Silent Curtain , Lithograph, Edition 14/25, 30 x 22.5 inches, 1967-1969, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo
Tags: HelenFrankenthaler , painting , lithography , paper , printmaking , AlbrightKnoxGallery , NYTimes , Venezuela , MyChildHasDied , children , siblings , family , mourning , severemalnutrition , Thegovernmentknows , butwon'tadmitit , drapery , cross , burial , tan , green , bronze , stripes , multicolor , WashingtonDC , RobertMueller , PresidentTrump , FrictionRises , BetweenMueller'sTeam , andSomeTrumpLawyers , governmentbuilding , white , portraiture , photographers , photojournalists , cameras , Muellerdefendedoffice'stactics , EPAStaff , FearsEnvironmentalCatastrophe , GOP-LinkedFirm , HiredToTargetEmailsofCritics , MediaMonitoringService , DissentersViewasOminousSign , PresidentTrumpasAlly , ofthe'LittleGuy' , forgottenAmericans , "Youwillneverbeignoredagain" , InWords , NotActions , NewJersey , TaxBillLooms , LikeaDarkCloud , One-TwoFiscalPunch , CouldThreatenSuburbanDream , Republicanleaders , "They'recripplingus" , Toronto , Canada , IntrigueGripsElite , After2Deaths , Canadianbillionaireandwife , cloudsandsunshine , notascold
Judith Scott, Untitled , Yarn, embroidery floss, trims, cardboard, fabric, and newspaper, 36 x 25 x 16 inches, 2000, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: JudithScott , mixedmedia , sculpture , wrapping , binding , textiles , SFMoMA , NYTimes , Mosul , Iraq , OldCityDistrict , battletodriveIslamicStateout , 600000peopledisplaced , homeless , cityinruins , rubble , destroyedbuildings , brokenwindows , road , perspective , residentspullingtogether , rebuild , federalpolice , checkpoint , sandbags , barriers , flags , chairs , guard , whitepaint , markmaking , graffiti , WashingtonDC , ISISarsenal , UnlikeAnythingWe'veEverSeen , riggedexplosivedevices , spaceheater , wires , EastLiverpool , Ohio , EPA , PolluterPlaybook , TakesTurntoLeniency , SlowerEnforcement , LessCostlyPenalties , TamedOfficers , ScottPruitt , TrumpRules , ALighterTouch , Selma , Alabama , SenateRace , RoyMoore , DougJones , WithLastPush , DiscreetFocus , onBlackVoters , EbenezerMissionaryBaptistChurch , TrumpAccusers , sexualharassment , DeserveVoice , NikkiHaley , AmericanAmbassadortoUN , women , 'shouldbeheard' , PuertoRico , SeniorsinSanJuan , LackingPower , InPeril , Paris , France , TriesOnFreshLook , LessRedTape , sunny
June Wayne, Star Dust (State I) , Lithograph printed by Edward Hamilton on Rives with Tamstone watermark, Image: 28.3 x 23.8 centimeters, Edition of 15, 1978, June Wayne Collection , Los Angeles, CA
Tags: JuneWayne , printmaking , lithography , TamarindLithographyWorkshop , stardust , JuneWayneCollection , NYTimes , OroGrande , California , CalPortlandplant , highdesert , limestonemining , cementproduction , machinery , workers , reflection , rockylandscape , orangesiren , CompanyPonders , HowtoSpendItsTaxcut , WashingtonDC , GOP , Pushingfor2-WeekFix , ToAvertGovernmentShutdown , feud , PresidentTrumpandDemocrats , NYC , TheMetropolitanOpera , SuspendsTopConductor , JamesLevine , sexualharassment , inquiry , Jalalabad , Afghanistan , motheranddaughter , imprisonedtogether , JailedWithaSerialKiller , BeginningatBirth , YoungAfghanGirl , NeverLeftSideofMother , portraiture , prisonwalls , perspective , sunlightandshadow , black , green , barbedwire , prisondoors , architecture , vortex , CVSbuyingAetna , EnvisionsAShiftinCare , 69BillionDollarBet , NewHealthModel , Congressremainsatimpasse , AffordableCareAct , TrumpCondemnsFBIandComey , InquiryGrows , SeesAgency , In'Tatters' , LawmakersandOfficials , RebukePresident , TwitterOutburst , partialsunshine
Cycladic, Early Bronze Age, Female Figure of the Spedos Variety , Marble, 18 x 5.5 x 8.5 centimeters, 2600-2500 BCE, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, MA
Tags: Cycladic , BronzeAge , AncientWorld , ByzantineWorld , AncientMediterranean , sculpture , marble , femalefigure , portraiture , HarvardArtMuseums , Tehran , Iran , billboard , MohsenHojaji , warhero , militaryrecruitment , Let'sgo , streetscene , taxis , cars , bus , streetsigns , traffic , green , pedestrians , ReligiousRight , StandstoGain , TaxDebate , LetChurchesTakePartinPolitics , WashingtonDC , USCongress , FacingCalls , DiscloseSexSettlments , DealsAreBestKeptSecret , JohnConyersJr. , Michigan , topDemocrat , HouseJudiciaryCommittee , LeavingPost , DemandsIncreaseforTransparency , sexualharassment , ConsumerFinancialProtectionBureau , LawsuitfiledtoBlockTrump , SeekingtoInstallhisbudgetdirector , MickMulvaney , loosenregulation , underObamaadministration , CentralIslip , NY , NYTimes , EscapingPuertoRico , GuiltofFleeing , CentralPark , rowboat , PuertoRicoinDarkAges , IraniansUnited , byForeignFoes , TrumpandSaudis , FuelNationalistFervor , TheNewPatriots , Yangon , Myanmar , EthnicPurge , ElevatesOtherLeader , SeniorGeneralMinAungHlaing , SidelinedDawAungSanSuuKyi , defacto , headofgovernment , PopeFrancis , DiplomaticDilemma , ToldNotTo , RefertoMyanmar'spersecutedMuslims , Rohingya , malepoliticians , femalepolitician , seatedrulers , meninpower , womaninpower , isolation , bodylanguage , foldedhands , sunshine , clouds , cool , breezy
Jenny Holzer, Inflammatory Essays , One of twenty-nine offset lithographs on paper of various colors, Printed at Millner Bros., New York, Unlimited edition, 432 x 432 millimeters, 1979 - 82, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: JennyHolzer , lithography , inflammatoryessays , protest , unlimitededition , publishing , TateUK , NYTimes , crowds , Harare , Zimbabwe , watchingTV , PresidentRobertMugabe , televisedaddress , greenlight , portraiture , flags , microphone , MugabeRefusestoLetGo , GriponPowerSlips , PoliticalFall , AmidFirings , Feuds , PolemicFirstLady , maneuvering , countrygoingthroughdifficultpatch , expelledfromgoverningparty , ZANU-PF , Hecrossedtheredline , SouthThomaston , Maine , EdwardBlum , One-ManLegalFactory , orchestratedlawsuits , challengingaffirmativeaction , votingrightslaws , FightsHarvardOverAffirmativeAction , CharlesManson , mastermindedamassacre , joltedthenation , obituary , HelenaAlabama , AlabamaDemocratsOfferCheers , butLittleElseinSenateRace , Democraticcanvasser , Thisisouronlyopportunity , tightSenatecontest , GOP , RoySMoore , Democrat , DougJones , Weneedtoseizeit , BirminghamNews , SundayFrontPage , StandforDecency , RejectRoyMoore , Alabamapastorsstruggle , withwhattosay , ifanything , QuandaryForChurches , XalapaMexico , HauntedbyLoss , ChasingGhosts , waiting , searchingformissingchildren , Wedecidedtospendourlivestogether , livethisstruggleunited , holdinghands , streetlights , AffordableCareAct , SubsidiesKeepManyInsured , AndSatisfied , GOPtaxbill , repealACA , Whatif? , freeupbillionsofdollars , payfortaxcuts , corporationsandindividuals , mindthestep , glow , speech , language , mostlysunny , breezy , chilly
Snorre Ytterstad, Downsized Workstation , Desk and wooden materials, wood, steel, Dimensions variable, 2006, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo
Tags: SnorreYtterstad , wood , desk , installation , sculpture , woodmaterials , Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo , Norway , BergensTidende , Bergen , portraiture , Receivedmessage , Downsize , EndedUpWithMoreEmployees , workforce , labor , SivJensen , FinanceMinister , OppositionParties , AskToExplainNoise , StatisticsNorway , conflict , bureauheadleavespost , SSB-veteran , DoesNotBelieve , conspiracytheories , aboutreorganization , TheMunicipality , wouldsavemoney , TriggeredSeveralMessages , OfConcern , ConcernsGranted , DrunkMan , CameHomeFromAirTravel , WithoutTheDog , AtLeast200 , HaveDied , AfterEarthquake , IranandIraq , destroyedbuildings , CarUnderRubble , brokenwindows , destruction , BergensTidendeMagazine , Sports , Culture , Opinion , mostlycloudy , cold
Georges de La Tour, Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene , Oil on canvas, 65.75 x 51.57 inches, 1649, Louvre , Paris
Tags: GeorgesdeLaTour , painting , SaintSebastian , SaintIrene , France , LouvreMuseum , Paris , NYTimes , portraiture , candleglow , vigil , crowd , grieving , embrace , prayer , SutherlandSprings , Texas , FirstBaptistChurch , victimsrangedinage , 5to72 , communityreels , childrenamongvictims , attackonruraltexaschurch , gunman , armedforwar , deadliestmassshooting , instate'shistory , London , midnightblitzofarrests , orderedbyCrownPrince , MohammedbinSalman , crackdown , oncorruption , tamingtheclerics , financialstakes , upheaval , investors , mixofhopeandfear , NYCelection , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , heavilyDemocraticcity , nextmission , nicerofficers , NYCmarathon , finishline , bluestands , running , droughtendsintears , ShalaneFlanagan , firstAmericanwoman , in40years , towinNYCmarathon , WestCaldwell , NewJersey , taxplan , carriespoliticalperil , RepublicansinBlueStates , WilburLRossJr , NavigatorHoldings , YuriMilner , DigitalSkyTechnologies , invested200millioninFacebook , ComplexPaperTrail , BlurringKremlin'sTies , KeyUSBusinesses , ShippingFirm , LinksCommerceChieftoPutin , Cronies , MillionsinFacebookShares , RootedinRussianCash , cloudy , someafternoonrain , warmer
Tags: EllsworthKelly , painting , yellow , red , curve , abstraction , oiloncanvas , ReinaSofiaMuseum , Madrid , NYTimes , Barcelona , Spain , ProtestingABreakup , nationalism , NationalIdentity , secession , Catalonia , Spanishflag , crowds , shadows , gatherings , redyellowstripes , HurricaneSandy , 5YearsAfter , StormSurge , BigPlans , UnfinishedProtections , ConeyIslandHospital , nurses , patients , floodbarrier , yellowblacktape , stairs , WashingtonDC , NavySEALS , UnderSuspicion , GreenBeret'sDeath , investigation , Mali , Russia , RelianceOnOilDiplomacy , Risk , ToolToChallengeUS , TestofStrategyLooms , Venezuela , ScramblestoAvertDefault , flurryofloansanddeals , PresidentNicolásMaduro , VladimirPutin , allies , PresidentTrump , SpringingtoDefense , AwaitsAction , RussiaInquiry , TrumpTweets , FocusonHillaryClinton , DOSOMETHING! , portraiture , Free-for-All , SenatorJeffFlake , politicalcandidates , ArizonaSeat , SenateRace , ExposesRift , BothParties , DemocraticParty , RepresentativeKyrstenSinema , GOP , KelliWard , Arizonastatetreasurer , JeffDeWit , onthestump , campaigning , Sacramento , CaliforniaStatehouse , sexualharassment , WhereLecheryFindsAHaven , WomeninSacramento , GetLittleSympathy , complaints , settlements , grievances , wrongfultermination , lawsuits , retaliation , caution , rainearly , cloudsbreakforsun , verywindy
Terri Garland, Political Candidate, Scott, Louisiana, Chromogenic print, 16.9 x 24.6 centimeters, 1991, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: TerriGarland , photography , portraiture , politicalcandidate , crowds , ArtInstituteofChicago , LATimes , FreshVictory , PrimeMinister , Japan , ShinzoAbe , greetingsupporters , Tokyo , seekchanges , Japan'spacifistConstitution , adoringfans , wavingtocrowd , meninbluesuits , hats , shakinghands , JamesToback , filmmaker , Sexclaims , focusonnewfigure , citedby38women , sexualharassment , LATimesinvestigation , moviebusiness , fordecades , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Virginiagolfclub , Presidentiallimousine , throughthedarkglass , pushesRepublicans , taxoverhaulbill , givesCongressdeadline , throwsobstaclesinway , taxrateforrich , MichaelWeinstein , AIDSHealthcareFoundation , MeasureS , targetshousingcrisis , L.A.foundation , failingtoblock , 'megaprojects' , aimstohelppoorrenters , Thecurrentmodeldoesnotwork , Nanmiao , China , Loudspeakers , crackleaftersunrise , CommunistPartydictates , PresidentXiJinping , embracenation'sredpast , allears , forwordfromXi , localofficials , villagetoserveasmodel , Barcelona , Spain , pro-independence , Independencebid , maycometoboil , Si!Si! , posters , graffiti , flags , Senateexpected , approvecall , imposedirectrule , Catalonia , It'sabouthumanrights , long-simmering , secessioniststruggle , GOPcollegians , UCIrvine , takesharpright , Seattle , Amazon'sgrowth , cautionarytale , sunny , hot
Artist Unknown (possibly by Alexander Gardner), [The Wilderness Battlefield] , Albumen silver print from glass negative, 4 15/16 x 3 1/4 inches, 1865-67, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , possiblyAlexanderGardner , photography , nineteenthcentury , AmericanCivilWar , TheWildnernessBattlefield , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , Mogadishu , Somalia , truckexplosions , destroyedbuildings , chaos , ravagedlandscape , rescueworkers , searchforsurvivors , missingshoes , missingpersons , procession , community , NorthKorea , DeploysHackers , BentonChaos , InNuclearShadow , KimJong-un , Kim'sArmy , StealsMillions , WagesDigitalWar , globalhavoc , LasVegas , FirstMedicsonScene , OtherFans , bystandercourage , volunteers , rescueefforts , cityastraumacenter , Emergencymedicalservices , WashingtonDC , JusticeDepartment , JeffSessions , AidsTransgenderCase , WhileRollingBackLegalProtections , KedarieJohnson , Scottsdale , Arizona , SenatorJeffFlake , Re-electionStruggle , ShowsRisksofCrossingTrump , HarveyWeinstein , MovieMogul , BrushWithPolice , ThenNoCharges , UsedLawyerandMoney , ToEvade2015Case , DefyingImage , someclouds , becomingmostlysunny , turningcooler , breezy