Kathy Prendergast, Lost , Digital print on paper, 855 x 1800 millimeters, 1999, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: KathyPrendergast , Lost , digitalprint , paper , TateUK , U.K. , NYTimes , maps , lightpeachlightblue , orangepeach , orangegreenblue , mapofUnitedStates , datanotavailableforAlaskaandHawaii , 30-YearTemperatures , 30-YearPrecipitation , ComparedWith20thCenturyAverage , newbaselinedata , temperature , rain , weatherevents , howemissionsfromhumanactivities , changedclimate , ClimateChange , NewDefinitionof'Normal'forWeather , 1961-1990 , 1991-2020 , CrimeSurging , CitiesReassessPolicingLimits , GunsFillStreets , aYearAfterFloyd'sKilling , LosAngeles , pandemicdespair , HelenJones , "Wedon'tneedtougherpolice" , "weneedmorealternativestohelppeoplethrive" , G.O.P.'sFuture , PuttotheTest , LittleRock , Arkansas , lightningquicktransformation , inlastdecade , fromDemocraticdominance , toRepublicanrule , Lod , Israel , PushinIsrael , ToTipBalance , InMixedCities , MovementSeeksMoreJewsAmongArabs , TorahNucleusassociation , intentiontoliftuppoor , neglectedareas , onthemarginsofsociety , inreality , presencecreatedtensions , builtupforyears , BelarusForcesPlaneToLand , SeizingActivist , FighterJetIntercepts , EuropeanOfficialsBlastMinsk , CallingEventa'StateHijacking' , prominentoppositionjournalistseized , RomanProtasevich , Ryanair , AleksandrG.Lukashenko , referredtoas"Europe'slastdictator" , personallyordered , MiG-29fighterjet , toescortRyanairplanetoMinskairport , portraiture , KyraCrawford , KamiCrawford , 2Sisters'Pain , bothexperiencedstrokes , FailureToScreen , forSickleCellCases , TheErrantGene , inheriteddisease , noticeablycooler , seasonable , partlycloudy
Matt Bryans, Scars , Erased newspaper clipping, 13.5 x 17.5 centimeters, 2009, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: MattBryans , erasure , newspaperclipping , CentrePompidou , Paris , France , NYTimes , communityofmen , embrace , scars , mourning , bandages , whitesheet , Palestinianman , wifeandthreechildrenkilled , Israel , Israeltryingtodestroytunnelnetwork , usedbyHamas , DeadliestDayYet , Gaza , EffortsAtCease-FireFail , AirstrikeKillsatLeast42 , NetanyahuVows , ToUse'FullForce'onHamas , risinginternationalcriticism , ofIsraeliairstrikes , Anasal-Yazji , searchingforhisfiancée , ShaimaaAbulOuf , "Iwillwaithereuntilwefindher." , crowdofmourners , blacksheetwithwhitestar , weekoffighting , victims , Atleast11Israelisand197Palestinianshavedied , CivilianDeathsonBothSides , RaiseSpecterofWarCrimes , theGazaStrip , civilianspayingespeciallyhighprice , FullyOpeningSchoolsinFall , ChallengesCity , NYC , oncuspofmajorreopening , cannotreturntonormal , withoutrestoringitsschoolsystem , MayoralCandidate , FoundWaystoHelpDonors , EricAdams , Fund-Raising , PushedtheLimitsofCampaignLaws , Brooklynboroughpresident , leadingcandidate , inJuneDemocraticprimaryformayor , NewDelhi , ProfiteersPounce , ExploitIndia'sCovidMisery , PhonyMedicalSupplies , PutLivesatRisk , VarshaEngineering , scrapyard , coronavirus-relatedfraud , repaintingfireextinguishers , sellingthemasoxygencanisters , PandemicSendsNewFaces , AcrossU.S.Border , Yuma , Arizona , ArrivingFromBrazilIndiaandVenezuela , U.S.BorderPatrolagent , migrants , immigrantprocessingcenter , borderwall , sunshine , someclouds , seasonable
Dominic Di Mare, Mourning Station #11 , hawthorn, horsehair, feathers, thread, and stone, 111.8 x 49.3 x 40.7 centimeters, 1988, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: DominicDiMare , mourningstation , hawthorn , horsehair , feathers , thread , stone , mixedmedia , sculpture , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , menhuddledunderatent , afather , funeral , 17-year-olddaughterkilled , strikeonahighschool , Kabul , Afghanistan , 'WhyDoWeDeservetoDie?' , BuryingHazaraGirlsinKabul , Fury , Heartbreak , CriestoTakeUpArms , inDefense , shoutedprayersforthedead , Hazaraethnicminority , hardlyanysecuritytoprotectthem , ManyFamiliesTurningAwayFromSchools , EducationCrisis , BornNotOnlyofFear , coronaviruspandemic , remotelearning , studentsworkingdayjobs , maynotreturntoschool , BattleBrewing , RegulatingCryptocurrency , BidToInfluencePolicy , RippleLabs , FirmPlansStrategy , LawyersLobbyistsConsultants , portraiture , trophy , BobBaffert , seventhKentuckyDerbyvictory , FailedDrugTest , PutsDerbyWinAtRisk , TrainerUnderFire , MedinaSpirit , 2021KentuckyDerbywinner , thoroughbredhorseracing , DetailsofClaim , ThatShookUpAMayor'sRace , ScottM.Stringer , JeanKim , clashingnarratives , Ms.Kimaccusedhimofsexualmisconduct , Mr.StringersaysMs.Kimwasapeer , "on-and-off"consensualrelationship , bluetablet , cup , doseofpsilocybin , CenterforPsychedelicandConsciousnessResearch , JohnsHopkins , PsychedelicsArePoised , toReshapePsychiatry , CollegesandInvestors , RushtoGetInvolved , MDMApairedwithcounseling , broughtmarkedrelief , patientswithseverePTSD , strayshowersearly , cloudy , partlysunnylate
Olivia Erlanger, Sideways Time , Filing cabinet, bentonite clay, LED, porcelain, 52.75 x 17.75 x 22.15 inches, 2016, Kadist , San Francisco, California
Tags: OliviaErlanger , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , filingcabinet , clay , LED , porcelain , Kadist , NYTimes , rowsofcardboardboxes , storageunit , corridor , EdwardStely , , WestVirginia , thegunlobby , ledbyNationalRifleAssociation , blockedcreationoftracingsystem , withsearchabledatabase , FirearmsLobby , HamstringstheA.T.F. , BidenEfforttoCombatGunViolence , ReliesonAilingAgency , paper-basedrecords , gunsalesgoingbackdecades , storedinboxes , whitelabels , 'HerdImmunity' , DimsWithPaceOfVaccinations , VariantsAccelerating , AddedInoculations , WillDiminishFutureThreatofVirus , "Thevirusisunlikelytogoaway" , RustomAntia , evolutionarybiologist , EmoryUniversity , Atlanta , makeshifthospitalbeds , patients , doctor , oxygentank , UttarPradesh , India , FillingGapsinDesperateIndia , receivingoxygen , makeshiftclinic , healthcaresystematbreakingpoint , onlinegrass-rootsnetworks , racingtogetaidtopeoplewhoneedit , ElizabethCity , NorthCarolina , ClamorGrowsToGetFootage , OffBodyCams , UnevenAccessAcrossU.S. , VexesthePublic , Ma'KhiaBryant , AndrewBrownJr. , Avideocanmakethedifference , betweendrawingattention , ordyinginobscurity , lawspassed , publicdisclosureofbody-worncamerafootage , protesters , demandingvideoofkillingofAndrewBrownJr. , handmadeprotestsigns , ReleaseTheRealTape , SpendingPlan , AimstoBolsterMiddleClass , lossofconfidenceinthemiddleclass , PresidentBiden'seconomicproposals , aimingtoreinforceandrebuild , Americanmiddleclass , government , layingthefoundation , McAllen , Texas , HispanicWomen , GiveG.O.P.Life , SouthTexas , SeekingFurtherGainsAgainstDemocrats , NewYorkRetailersFret , OfficesStayEmpty , RemoteWork , LeavesVitalCultureatRisk , Manhattanstorefronts , waitingforlifetoreturn , desolatestreets , Midtown , FinancialDistrict , mainlycloudy , mild , afternoonshowers
Annika von Hausswolff, Ich bin die Ecke aller Räume - Screen Memory , MDF, rockwool, fabric, aluminum, glass, 254 x 65.5 x 915 centimeters, 2008, Magasin III Museum for Contemporary Art , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: AnnikavonHausswolff , ScreenMemory , mixedmedia , installation , fabric , glass , MagasinIIIMuseumforContemporaryArt , Stockholm , Sweden , NYTimes , Guarero , Venezuela , theremainsofahouse , rubble , ruins , holes , crumblingarchitecture , residentssaytownwasdestroyed , criminalsfoughtoversmugglingroutes , women , InVenezuela , ForeignRebelsProvideOrder , insurgents , "aretheoneswhobroughtstabilityhere" , "Theybroughtpeace" , OberHernández , Indigenousleader , ELN , LatinAmerica'slargestremainingrebelgroup , fromColombia , TheReputationBusiness , HasaDirtySecret , fakecompanies , falseidentities , peoplefacilitatingslander , self-proclaimedgoodguys , whohelpremoveslander , areoftenoneandthesame , PoliceShielded , By1989Ruling , OnUsingForce , DeferenceIsGiven , Split-SecondActions , AdamToledo , Ma'KhiaBryant , TyrellWilson , shotandkilledbythepolice , officers'justificationforuseoflethalforce , relyingondoctrine , setbySupremeCourtthreedecadesago , RoyalOak , Michigan , Michigan'sSurgeofCovid , SickensYoungerPeople , WorstOutbreakInU.S. , HospitalsSeeingTwiceasManyPatients , in30sand40s , asintheFall , BeaumontHospital , nurses , corridor , hospitalbeds , I.C.U. , Phoenix , Arizona , ConspiracyTheoristsCavort , MessyRecountinArizona , "Weholdanaudit" , "Andthenwecanputthistorest." , StateSenatorEddieFarnsworth , CyberNinjas , Florida-basedfirm , Republicansenatorshiredfirm , tooverseeaudit , embracedbyMr.Trump'sbaselesstheoriesofelectiontheft , bluecurtain , stage , AcademyAwards , SociallyDistanced , "Nomadland" , wonforBestPicture , ChloéZhao , wonforBestDirector , Oscarstatue , WashingtonDC , BottlenecksHoldUpAid , RentersFallBehind , MoreThan$46Billion , FewReceiveIt , tenants , landlords , plentyofsunshine , breezy , seasonable
Shadi Ghadirian, Untitled from the Qajar Series , Silver bromide print, Image: 24.13 x 16.35 centimeters, Sheet: 25.08 x 16.35 centimeters, 1998, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: ShadiGhadirian , silverbromideprint , photography , portraiture , LACMA , NYTimes , Afghanschoolgirls , Herat , Girlsandwomen , Afghanistan , 40%ofcountry'spupils , schoolsareoftenTalibantargets , WithMuchtoLose , AfghanWomenFearStiflingReturntoPast , RightsWillSuffer , U.S.LeavesandTalibanAscend , "Allthetimewomenarethevictimsofmen'swars" , "Buttheywillbethevictimsoftheirpeacetoo" , RaihanaAzad , NewPoliceReformLaws , SeizeonCallsforChange , ActivistsPressforMore , Over140BillsArePassed , inU.S.CitiesandStates , creationofstrongcentralizedstateguidelines , setsbaselineforpoliceaccountability , behaviorandstandards , AScarredMinneapolis , BracesForaVerdict , Chauvin'sTrial , civilunrest , ledto$350millioninlosses , morethanathousandbuildings , destroyedordamaged , nearlyayearafterGeorgeFloydkilling , Minneapolis , consumedwithgriefandfear , Soccer'sRich , MakeaMoveToGetRicher , aftermonthsofsecrettalks , SuperLeague , allianceoftopteams , bringaboutsignificantrestructuring , ofeliteEuropeansoccersince1950s , WallStreetCandidate , Courts5Boroughs'Votes , McGuire'sMayoralBid , TriestoCatchFire , groupphoto , RepresentativeGregoryMeeks , Queens , endorsedRaymondMcGuire , PandemicBuoysOlderBooks , LeavingNewAuthorsinLimbo , pandemicshutdown , batteredphysicalbookshelves , bookstoreinterior , cardboarddividers , booksections , bookshelves , bookseller , stockingshelves , cloudsandsunshine , spottyafternoonshowers
Carsten Höller , Mirror Carousel , Mirrors mounted on MDF panels, lightbulbs, stainless steel seats, stainless steel chairs, steel construction, electric motor, cables, 750 x 470 x 470 centimeters, 2005, Monsoon Art Collection , London, United Kingdom
Tags: CarstenHöller , mirror , carousel , sculpture , installation , lightbulbs , MonsoonArtCollection , London , UnitedKingdom , NYTimes , topcontenders , NYCmayoralrace , AndrewYang , ConeyIsland , ScottM.Stringer , citycomptroller , EricAdams , Brooklyn'sboroughpresident , MayaD.Wiley , formercounseltoMayorBilldeBlasio , RaceforMayorIsGearingUp , AsCityIsToo , "ConeyIslandisopenforbusiness!" , AndrewYangsaid , likeacampaignevent , NewYorkfacesimmensechallenges , roadtorecoveryfromthepandemic , BehindGaetzCase , ProblematicTaxCollector , FormerFloridaOfficial , JoelGreenberg , SeemedtoHoldLawinLittleRegard , LakeMary , Florida , RepresentativeMattGaetz , closeallyofformerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , influentialFloridaRepublicans , FrenziedPush , ToPutProjectsInBuildingBill , CongressWeighsIdeas , Infrastructure , WashingtonDC , frenzyoflobbying , "Myphoneisblowingup" , PeteButtigieg , transportationsecretary , ExplosionRocksNuclearCenter , InfuriatingIran , SabotageIsSuspected , AttackMayHurtEfforts , toReboot2015DealWiththeU.S. , Natanzuraniumenrichmentsite , blackout , ClashofWills , KeptaLeonardoFromBeingSeen , TheLouvre , LeonardodaVinci , "SalvatorMundi" , mostexpensiveworkeversoldatauction , nowheretobeseen , AfterCovid , SomeStudentsWillStillLearnOnline , byDemand , remotelearning , golf , greengrass , sand , golfball , golfswing , midair , ABlastofHistoryatAugusta , HidekiMatsuyama , Japan , firstAsian-bornplayertowintheMasters , mostlycloudy , rain , cooler
José Clemente Orozco, Two Hands , Lithograph, Publisher: Delphic Studios, Edition of 100, 42.8 x 23 centimeters, Date unknown, The Cleveland Museum of Art , Ohio
Tags: JoséClementeOrozco , lithography , DelphicStudios , edition , twohands , TheClevelandMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , manholdingmobilephoneintwohands , photoofdaughter , phonescreen , 'AfteralltheseyearsIamgoingtoseehercadaver.' , MaynorMelendrez , showingaphotoofhisdaughterYesenia , whomhehadnotseensinceshewas6 , trafficaccident , aerialphotography , tractor-trailercollided , withovercrowdedcarofmigrants , lastmonth , desertnearHoltvilleCalifornia , Twelvepeopledeclareddeadatthescene , onelaterdiedathospital , 25inOneCar , ADireCrossing , EndedinGrief , HopeFearDeath , MigrationSurges , VotingLimits , RaisePressureOnCompanies , LawinGeorgia , CreatesTrickyLandscape , DeltaAirLines , steeppoliticalconsequences , ManyNeedFood , EnergizingPushToExpandRelief , Biden'sAmbitiousPlan , TensofBillionsforNow , HopestoMakeAidPermanent , WashingtonDC , Morethanonein10households , reportingtheylackenoughtoeat , RoyalConflict , ShakesJordan , RockofMideast , Amman , Jordan , long-simmeringrift , betweenKingAbdullahII , andformercrownprince , HamzahbinHussein , governmentaccusedPrinceHamzah , "destabilizingJordan'ssecurity" , UnderAttack , Asian-AmericansTurntoPolitics , GrowingForceatPolls , andontheballot , womeninbasketballuniforms , celebration , whiteblackreduniforms , StanfordTakestheCrown , TheCardinaledgedArizona , towintheirfirstwomen'sbasketballnationaltitle , since1992 , WhiteEvangelicalResistance , ObstacleinVaccinationEffort , mixofreligiousfaith , longstandingwarinessofmainstreamscience , broaderculturaldistrustofinstitutions , onlineconspiracytheories , mainlysunny , patchycloudslate , breezy , mild
Barnett Newman, Lace Curtain for Mayor Daley , Cor-ten steel, galvanized barbed wire, and enamel paint, 70 x 48 x 10 inches, 1968, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: BarnettNewman , LaceCurtain , MayorDaley , Cor-tensteel , barbedwire , enamelpaint , ArtInstituteofChicago , Chicago , NYTimes , protestsigns , hand-paintedsigns , fence , language , blackandwhitetext , ThirdPrecinct , Minneapolis , burnedinaftermath , deathofGeorgeFloyd , OnTrial'sEve , PolicingVexesScarredCity , ReclaimTheBlock , OurAncestorsAreWatching , GeorgeFloyd , residentsstillcomplain , policeofficersusingexcessiveforce , AsWorkingCultureShifts , ManhattanIsAtPrecipice , CityDependent , OnFlowofCommuters , ReckonsWiththeOffice'sDecline , ACityRemade , Half-EmptySkyscrapers , birds , greysky , officebuildings , Only15%ofNYC'sofficeworkershavereturned , WashingtonDC , OneNursingHome'sMission , ToVaccinateItsHesitantStaff , Covid-19vaccine , EnlistedinMyanmar , SupportingthePeople , 4SoldiersSpeakOut , DescribingRanksas'Brainwashed' , Tatmadaw , bluewater , landscape , satelliteimagery , SuezCanal , Ashippingbottleneck , stuckcargovessel , promptedfuelrationinginSyria , DashForSafetyTurnsFatal , MozambiqueSiege , ScoresFearedDead , MilitantsTakePort , Palma , LostinTranslation , APoem'sHopesforUnity , WhoBesttoInterpretInaugurationHit? , HadijaHaruna-Oelker , Blackjournalist , producedGermantranslation , "TheHillWeClimb" , AmandaGorman , KubraGumusay , GermanwriterofTurkishdescent , UdaSträtling , translatorwhoiswhite , theteamdebatedwordchoices , makepoliticalandsocialsignificanceclear , partlysunny , cooler , seasonable , subsidingwinds
Lubaina Himid, Carpet , Acrylic paint on canvas, 1219 x 1524 millimeters, 1992, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: LubainaHimid , abstraction , painting , acryliconcanvas , TateUK , NYTimes , sunset , mencarryingcoffin , cemetery , crosses , flowers , red , white , turquoiseblue , flag , blackt-shirt , landscapeindistance , AViolentEnd , ToADesperateDream , Guatemala , Grieving13ofitscitizens , whowereshotandburned , U.S.-MexicanBorder , Brookfield , Wisconsin , UntruthsFlowFromSenator , ShakingTrust , ConspiraciesSpread , byWisconsin'sJohnson , SenatorRonJohnson , speaking , portraiture , saysthe"radicalleft"istargetinghim , purveyorofmisinformation , 'Stimmies'PayForStockPlays , FuelingMarket , stockmarket , stimuluscheck , Robinhood , onlinetrading , AMCEntertainment , ShotsinArms , SeniorsBecomeLifeoftheParty , AsYoungPeopleWait , TheirGrandparentsAreHavingaBall , fullyvaccinated , olderpeople , emergingthisspringwiththedaffodils , twowomen , restaurantmenus , waiter , "Iamjustenjoyingmylife" , RobbieBell , outtodinnerwithherfriend , LorettaMcNeir , MissedChances , ToShareDoses , InPoorNations , PatentControlIssue , WealthyCountries , AvoidProddingDrugFirms , ToPublishRecipes , Covid-19vaccine , Westernsuccesscreatedstarkinequity , PostalService , YettoRecover , PlanMayMakeDelaysaNorm , mail , lostintransit , China , WalledOffFromCovid , theBarrierstoEntryAreSteep , BorderControls , UpendCommerceAndLives , banstourists , bansshort-termbusinesstravelers , plentyofsunshine , mild
Brian Jungen, Warrior I , Nike Air Jordans, leather, 39 x 32 x 29 inches, 2017, Dallas Museum of Art , Texas
Tags: BrianJungen , warrior , mixedmedia , sculpture , NikeAirJordans , shoelaces , leather , DallasMuseumofArt , Texas , NYTimes , streetscene , fathers , children , EnriqueValenzuela , coordinatorforMexicangovernment , migrationefforts , advisingmigrants , deniedentryintoU.S. , MigrantCascade , StrainsSheltersNearU.S.Border , ShockAndDesperation , ScoresArePushedBack , AsMoreChildrenMakeJourney , CiudadJuárez , families , walkedunsteadilyinsneakers , shoelaceswereconfiscated , allpersonalitemsdiscarded , USCustomsandBorderProtection , beachscene , sandbags , waves , bluesky , waterfronthomes , Buxton , NorthCarolina , townreplenishedsandin2018 , muchofithaswashedaway , TinyTownAsks , WhoPaystoFightaRisingSea? , EndlessStruggleWithBeachErosion , AlongtheOuterBanks , climatechange , ProudBoysGotBigger , AsPoliceLookedAway , UntilJanuary6 , AgenciesSawLittleThreat , attackonU.S.Capitol , portrait , Americanflag , EnriqueTarrio , JosephBiggs , targetoffederalinquiry , Albany , VaccineCzar , LarrySchwartz , WorksPhonesToAidCuomo , formertopaide , leadingNewYork'svaccinationefforts , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , On5thAvenue , SymbolofIrishAmericaTeeters , Uproar , GroupListsMansionforSale , hometoAmericanIrishHistoricalSociety , symbolizedimmigrantascent , IrishAmerica , BetweenPrayers , ClergyPreachFaithinVaccine , DispellingMyths , OfferingReassurance , GatheringPlace , evangelicalchurch , OrlandoFlorida , Rev.GabrielSalguero , sermononCovid-19vaccine , "Ingettingyourselfvaccinatedyouarehelpingyourneighbor" , sunshine , brisk , colder
John Schabel, Untitled (Passenger #13) , Inkjet print, Sheet: 57.2 x 49.5 centimeters, Image: 52.9 x 45.1 centimeters, Edition: 1/60, 10 APs, 1997, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: JohnSchabel , untitled , passenger , inkjetprint , edition , photography , WhitneyMuseum , NYTimes , passengers , wintercoats , charterflight , home , BirchCreek , Alaska , aftervaccination , CovidInfiltratesDeepAlaska , NowSoMustCrucialVaccines , coronaviruspandemic , haskilledAlaskaNatives , atquadrupletherateofwhiteresidents , portrait , headshot , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , resistedcallstoresign , StateDemocratsTurnUpPressure , OnCuomoToExit , GovernorDefiant , SenateLeaderSaysHe'MustResign' , OverAllegations , AndreaStewart-Cousins , Cuomooncehailedaspandemichero , seenhispoliticalfuturespiraldownward , WashingtonDC , With$300Monthly , ReliefBillUshersRevolution , inChildAid , PresidentBiden's$1.9trillionstimuluspackage , guaranteedincome , forfamilieswithchildren , HurdleforTrial , InFloydKilling , FindAFairJury , GeorgeFloyd , Minneapolis , 14-pagequestionnaire , potentialjurors , juryselection , one-thirdofAmericans , havelostsomeonetocoronavirus , theyhavecopedwithsuddenpain , immeasurablesorrow , loss , DepthofPain , FromRoyalLife , SpillsIntoView , PrinceHarry , MeghanMarkle , CBSinterview , OprahWinfrey , Marklecontemplatedsuicide , "Ijustdidn'twanttobealiveanymore." , royallifebeganasfairytale , butquicklyturnedcruel , JoshHawley , Senate , VoicesFromHawley'sHistoryWonder , WhySoAngryNow? , Missourijuniorsenator , "andI'mnotbackingdown." , sunshine , moreseasonable
Tags: MaryFrank , RunningMan , men , fleeing , stoneware , clay , figuresculpture , MinneapolisInstituteofArt , Minneapolis , NYTimes , manshotinleg , Mandalay , Myanmar , militaryandpolice , openedfireonprotesters , AtLeast18Die , CrackdownJoltsMyanmar , portrait , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , facesoutragefrombothparties , VoicingRegrets , CuomoMakesBid , ToLimitDamage , SaysAccusers'Misinterpreted'Remarks , AgreestoHarassmentInquiry , Albany , sexualharassmentclaim , CharlotteBennett , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , looksinmirror , BackintheSpotlight , gaveconservativesalist , ofRepublicanstooust , HowaLieTookWing , asCapitolRiotRaged , RightQuicklySowedFiction , ThatInvadersWereAntifa , FirstforShots , Doctors , Nurses , Olympians? , Tokyo , Japan , OlympicGames , coronavirusvaccinedistribution , Delta-8-THCgummies , GeorgiaHempCompany , NotQuitePot , ThisHighSlipsPastMostBans , HometownHeroCBD , Austin , Texas , AroundPhliadelphia , ParentsRebel , AgainstRemoteSchooling , They'reSuing , SeekingOffice , MovingOut , morningshowers , someclearing , breezy
Antoni Muntadas, Monumento genérico (Generic Monument) , Printed methacrylate, photographs, iron and fluorescent light, 400 x 173 x 75 centimeters, Photographs with frame: 52.5 x 42.5 x 4 centimeters (each), 1987-88, Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia , Madrid, Spain
Tags: AntoniMuntadas , mixedmedia , installation , photography , sculpture , fluorescentlight , monument , MuseoNacionalCentrodeArteReinaSofía , Madrid , NYTimes , lightbluesky , clouds , horizontal , powerlines , orangetarp , utilityworkers , Houston , Texas , repairwork , winterstorm , causedoutagesformillions , TexasOfficials , HadFewRules , ForPowerGrid , WeakPointsinSystem , RaisedBlackoutRisk , near-collapse , stateelectricitygrid , 1999decision , deregulation , market-basedpatchwork , privategenerators , transmissioncompanies , energyretailers , "Deregulationwassomethingakintoabolishingthespeedlimitonaninterstatehighway" , "Thatopensupshortcutsthatcausedisasters." , EdHirs , UniversityofHouston , WashingtonDC , BreakforMiningTycoon , inTrump'sFinalDays , SanctionsWereLifted , onIsraelibillionaire , DanGertler , AccusedofAbusesinAfrica , corruption , dealswithleadersoftheDemocraticRepublicofCongo , EconomistsSeePossibleBoom , Post-Pandemic , intriguingprospect , post-Covidboom , economistssurveyed , byFederalReserveBankofPhiladelphia , predictedU.S.outputwillincrease4.5%thisyear , economistsatGoldmanSachs , forecasteconomywillgrow6.8%thisyear , PleaForBackup , FacedConfusion , AsRiotBlewUp , CriticalHoursWasted , HearingSeekstoDissect , HowaMobBreachedSecurity , attheCapitol , CapitolPolice , chaoticdecision-making , congressionalhearing , StevenA.Sund , CapitolPolicechiefatthetime , portrait , NationalGuardtroops , patrollingthegroundsattheCapitol , aftertheJanuary6riot , interiorscene , daylight , menandwomen , laptops , bookshelves , MonumentstoWomenandLearning , TwolibrariesinAfghanistan , builtinhonorofwomen , whowerekilledinbombings , gainsinwomen'seducation , remainfragile , asgovernmentcontinuestalks , withtheTaliban , DemocratsGetJump , OnLobbyingfortheCourt , UrgingBidentoLookPast , 'Elitist'Choices , JudgeJ.MichelleChilds , ofU.S.DistrictCourt , wouldfulfillMr.Biden'spledge , toappointfirstBlackwomantotheSupremeCourt , SCOTUS , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sBullyingStyle , ComesUnderScrutiny , BringingSometoTears , IssuingThreats , Albany , cloudy , breezy , rainandsnow , thenallrain
Dan Peterman, Civilian Defense (sandbag) , Installation of 1000 + sandbags made with diverse upholstery fabrics, 9 cubic meters of desert sand, 2007, Sharjah Art Foundation , Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Tags: DanPeterman , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , sandbags , upholsteryfabric , desertsand , mountains , militaryhumvee , weapons , soldiers , lookoutpoint , Afghansecurityforces , outpostinKandahar , Panjwaidistrict , Taliban , overtakenmuchofthearea , TalibanCircleAfghanCities , ProvokingU.S. , BrazenTactics , ImperilTroopWithdrawal , AFalseConfession , CastsDoubt , onBronxCases , NewYork , ProsecutorScrutinizesDetectives'Tactics , 31Homicides , HuweBurton , exonerated , InnocenceProject , nonprofit , investigateswrongfulconvictions , WashingtonDC , secondimpeachmenttrial , Trial'sSpectacleOver , BidenSetsAgendaInMotion , CovidAidIsPriority , VowtoWorkAcrossAisle , MayFalter , AsHeGutsTrump'sPolicies , PresidentBiden , sittingportrait , Whitehouse , PresidentBiden'splans , arebroadlypopular , Dareby7RepublicanSenators , VotingGuilty , TakingtheHits , SenatorBillCassidy , Louisiana , votedtoconvictTrump , FresnoOffersLessontoU.S. , OnWageIssue , ElsaRodriguezKillion , owner , CasaCoronarestaurant , minimumwage , $14.00 , California , JoyReliefandBunco , InsideaNursingHome , AftertheVaccine , socialdistancing , wheelchairs , Residents , GoodShepherdNursingHome , residentshavebeguntore-emerge , Wheeling , WestVirginia , SharjahArtFoundation , UnitedArabEmirates , NYTimes , iceearly , rain , drizzlelate
Manuel Álvarez Bravo, La Operacion Hospital, Juarez, Mexico , Gelatin silver print, 25.22 x 20.14 centimeters, 1935, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art , Kansas City, Missouri
Tags: ManuelÁlvarezBravo , gelatinsilverprint , portraiture , LaOperacionHospital , JuarezMexico , TheNelson-AtkinsMuseumofArt , KansasCity , MIssouri , NYTimes , hospitalroom , hospitalbed , PPE , whitesheets , mustardyellowfabric , bluemasks , tubes , monitors , fluids , patient , familyvisit , MartinLutherKingJr.CommunityHospital , L.A. , ForLatinosinLosAngeles , theCostofInequality , Death , TwoImmigrantFamilies , LoseTheirPatriarchstoCovid , OverstretchedHospital , minibusdriver , cook , EmilioVirgen , GabrielFlores , bothdiedfromCovid-19 , Hispanics , highestCovid-19deathrates , inL.A.County , NewYork , MayorBilldeBlasio , OrdersBroadReview , OfAllShelters , ReportsofAbuseintheBronx , SetOffAudit , homelessshelters , VictorRivera , chiefexecutive , accusedofsexualharassment , sexualassault , BronxParentHousingNetwork , subways , HomelessNewYorkers , strugglingthiswinter , stationshaveclosed , WashingtonDC , TrialStrategy , AimsToRekindle , CapitolOutrage , BarrageofRiotVideo , AnImpeachmentLesson , HoldTrumptoAccount , NottheG.O.P. , "Thestoryofthepresident'sactionsisbothrivetingandhorrifying" , RepresentativeJamieRaskin , DemocratofMaryland , GeorgeP.Shultz , obituary , 1920-2021 , headshot , workedforPresidentsNixonandReagan , StatesmanWhoGuidedU.S. , TowardtheEndoftheColdWar , redblackwhiteconfetti , SuperBowl , football , TrophyCase? , MoreLikeaWing , TomBrady , wonhisseventhSuperBowltitle , leadingtheBucspasttheChiefs , Right-WingOutletsFlinch , asLawsuitsRollOut , ANewFront , WarOnMisinformation , FoxBusiness , canceledhighestratedshow , "LouDobbsTonight" , ToHeadOffaPrimary , SchumerCourtstheLeft , CentristTiedtoWallSt. , UpdatesPlaybook , SenatorChuckSchumer , partlycloudy , increasinglycloudy , chilly
Tags: CurtisGannon , closure , grid , collageonpaper , overlapping , density , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , NYTimes , 77Days , Trump'sCampaigntoSubverttheElection , connectthedots , redlines , reddots , photos , text , digitalcollage , HowALie , StokedtheAssaultontheCapitol , Asupposedsuitcaseofillegalballots , Detroit , provedtobeboxofcameraequipment , "Deadvoters" , turningupalive , intelevisionandnewspaperinterviews , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sScorn , FuelingExodusinHealthDepartment , NineTopN.Y.Officials , HaveQuitAmidRift , coronavirusvaccine , troubledrollout , declinedtousevaccinationplans , developedbyStateDepartmentofHealth , CapeTown , SouthAfrica , hazmatsuits , PPE , medicalworkers , patientenclosedinplastictube , ambulance , newmorecontagiousvariant , estimatedtomakeup , 90percentofallcasesinSouthAfrica , PosingGlobalThreat , VariantsSpreadWhereVaccinesHaveNot , failingtostopspreadofvirusglobally , allowmoremutations , couldmakeexistingvaccineslesseffective , LeaderIsHeld , AsCoupFears , GripMyanmar , DawAungSanSuuKyi , detained , NationalLeagueforDemocracy , governingofficialsconfirmedthedetentions , HouseMapping , NextConflictInPowerBattle , WashingtonDC , Republicansholdtotalcontrol , redistrictingin18states , includingFloridaNorthCarolinaTexas , windy , snow , someheavy , dangeroustravel
Tags: HughieLee-Smith , Confrontation , oiloncanvas , portraiture , figuration , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , policeline , blueandwhitepolicetape , DONOTCROSS , steelcrowdbarriers , downtownscene , CircleK , HongKong , governmentworkers , PPE , whitehazmatsuits , AnotherWaveofCovid-19 , Jordandistrict , lockeddownuntilmidnight , officials , trytostemworseningoutbreak , GlobalFarRight , SensesPotential , InRiotAtCapitol , OverlappingInterests , Insurrection , FuelsExhilarationandFrustration , Berlin , teachingmoment , pursuegoal , overturningdemocraticgovernment , Low-KeyLawyer , PuzzlingPath , CenterofPlot , JusticeDepartment , InShock , OverRogueAttempt , toUndoElection , JeffreyClark , willingnesstoentertain , conspiracytheories , aboutvotingboothhacks , electionfraud , footballfield , greengrass , footballuniforms , helmets , whiteredblack , yellowwhitegreen , SuperBowl , Bucsvs.Chiefs , 10thN.F.L.titlegame , TomBrady , willfaceKansasCity , U.S.CountersSpaceThreat , FromChina , Beijing , rushforantisatellitearms , China'scyberattacks , terrestrialforces , theSpaceForce , newbranchofmilitary , Charleston , WestVirginiaSpeedsAhead , Inoculation , ShortagesStymie , aParagonofEfficiency , coronavirusvaccinerollout , patchworksystemofdistribution , AnInterviewWithFauci , portraitinbackground , Fromdenialismtodeaththreats , Dr.AnthonyS.Fauci , describesfraughtyear , asadvisertoPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , Covid-19pandemic , APuppySoCute , HeHelpedTugGeorgiansLeft , WarnockTactic , BlockedRival'sAttackAds , politicaladvertising , Alvinthebeagle , Rev.RaphaelWarnock , HowLiberalsRehearsed , forTrump'sPowerGrab , sometimes , BestMoveWasNoMove , sunnyearly , afternoonhighclouds
Oscar Bony, 60 metros cuadrados y su información (60 Square Meters and Its Information) , 16mm black and white film, silent, 3:30 minutes, 16mm projector, metal support, freestanding wall, wire netting, and text on paper, 237 x 393 inches, 1967, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: OscarBony , 16mmfilm , blackandwhitefilm , silentfilm , installation , wirenetting , 16mmprojector , MoMA , NYTimes , governmentbuildings , fortified , highalert , St.Paul , Minnesota , Lansing , Michigan , U.S.Capitol , WashingtonDC , Columbus , Ohio , fences , barbedwire , NationalGuard , policeinuniform , yellowjacketsblackpants , militaryuniforms , camouflage , Americanflag , protester , sign , AShowofStrength , No-ShowProtesters , RepublicansSpinCapitolAttack , BarrageofMisinformation , rhetoricalshift , FoxNews , thenetworkamplifiedlies , radicalizedTrumpsupporters , WeJustFollowedTrump'sCue , SeveralAccusedinRiotingSay , Trumployalists , shiftingblame , far-leftanti-fascists , BlackLivesMatteractivists , somesupporters , directlyimplicatedMr.Trump , "thepresident'sinstructions" , "answeredthecallofmypresident" , 400000DeathsinaYear , FailureatEveryLevel , WithNoUnifiedVirusPlan , StatesBattledExperts , Lobbyists , andthePublic , politicalpolarization , rejectionofscience , womanwithhat , holdingsign , "FreedomoverSafety" , streetscene , protestinglockdowns , HuntingtonBeach , California , lastMay , TheoryBuckles , ButQAnonFanHangsOnTight , conspiracytheories , memes , Facebook , Twitter , PardonSeason , EnrichesAllies , OfthePresident , accesspeddling , pardonlobbying , AlekseiA.Navalny , portraiture , photographers , journalists , cameraphones , Berlin , airplanecabin , greenjacket , masks , InBattleofWillsWithPutin , NavalnyIsJailed , MoscowReturn , "Iamnotafraid" , Mr.Navalnytoldreporters , Moscowairport , blustery , partialsunshine
David Wojnarowicz, Untitled (Burning House) , Stencil and spray paint, Print, Part of portfolio, 60.8 x 45.5 centimeters, 1982, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: DavidWojnarowicz , untitled , BurningHouse , print , stencil , spraypaint , printportfolio , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , U.S.Capitol , ArmyNationalGuard , protection , fourdaysafterdeadlyrioting , militaryuniforms , bluesky , ThreatofMoreViolence , WeighsonInauguration , D.C.Mayor , MayorMurielE.Bowser , DemandsFasterPreparations , AfterCapitolSiege , DepartmentofHomelandSecurity , Capitolcomplex , troopdeployments , seven-foottallunscalablefencing , FloodofFailures , LetMobRampageThroughCapitol , IgnoredWarnings , LackofPreparation , SlowResponsetoDanger , WashingtonDC , ChiefStevenSund , CapitolPolice , "Thesituationisdire" , MetropolitanPolice , rebuffedoffersforhelpfromtheNationalGuarddaysbefore , AWebHaven , ForTrumpFans , FacestheVoid , JohnMatze , "TheywillNOTwin!" , Parler , "freespeech"socialnetwork , AppleandGoogle , removedParlerfromappstores , Amazonwouldnolongerhostthesite , Moscow , HowLeadersBendReality , WithBigLies , GeorgeF.Kennan , 1944 , U.S.EmbassyinMoscow , "itispossibletomakethemfeelandbelievepracticallyanything" , Machiavelli , "onewhodeceiveswillalwaysfindthosewhoallowthemselvestobedeceived." , RaceToImpeach , SpeakerNancyPelosiofCalifornia , PelosiUrgesCabinetToAct , UltimatumOf24Hours , TrumpRemainsDefiant , MomentumShiftsAgainstHim , Morethan210of222DemocratsintheHouse , nearlyamajority , hadalreadysignedontoanimpeachmentresolution , ASnakingLine , ToNoVaccine , Florida'sBigRolloutSputters , Miami , womencarryinglawnchairs , outdoorscene , Preparingforlongwaitforvaccines , FortMyers , Florida , somerecentlycampedoutovernight , hopesofgettingashot , Floridaisinalarmingnewupwardspiral , Covid-19 , well-intendedeffort , longlines , confusion , disappointment , cloudy , theneveningsunshine