Antoni Muntadas, Monumento genérico (Generic Monument) , Printed methacrylate, photographs, iron and fluorescent light, 400 x 173 x 75 centimeters, Photographs with frame: 52.5 x 42.5 x 4 centimeters (each), 1987-88, Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia , Madrid, Spain
Tags: AntoniMuntadas , mixedmedia , installation , photography , sculpture , fluorescentlight , monument , MuseoNacionalCentrodeArteReinaSofía , Madrid , NYTimes , lightbluesky , clouds , horizontal , powerlines , orangetarp , utilityworkers , Houston , Texas , repairwork , winterstorm , causedoutagesformillions , TexasOfficials , HadFewRules , ForPowerGrid , WeakPointsinSystem , RaisedBlackoutRisk , near-collapse , stateelectricitygrid , 1999decision , deregulation , market-basedpatchwork , privategenerators , transmissioncompanies , energyretailers , "Deregulationwassomethingakintoabolishingthespeedlimitonaninterstatehighway" , "Thatopensupshortcutsthatcausedisasters." , EdHirs , UniversityofHouston , WashingtonDC , BreakforMiningTycoon , inTrump'sFinalDays , SanctionsWereLifted , onIsraelibillionaire , DanGertler , AccusedofAbusesinAfrica , corruption , dealswithleadersoftheDemocraticRepublicofCongo , EconomistsSeePossibleBoom , Post-Pandemic , intriguingprospect , post-Covidboom , economistssurveyed , byFederalReserveBankofPhiladelphia , predictedU.S.outputwillincrease4.5%thisyear , economistsatGoldmanSachs , forecasteconomywillgrow6.8%thisyear , PleaForBackup , FacedConfusion , AsRiotBlewUp , CriticalHoursWasted , HearingSeekstoDissect , HowaMobBreachedSecurity , attheCapitol , CapitolPolice , chaoticdecision-making , congressionalhearing , StevenA.Sund , CapitolPolicechiefatthetime , portrait , NationalGuardtroops , patrollingthegroundsattheCapitol , aftertheJanuary6riot , interiorscene , daylight , menandwomen , laptops , bookshelves , MonumentstoWomenandLearning , TwolibrariesinAfghanistan , builtinhonorofwomen , whowerekilledinbombings , gainsinwomen'seducation , remainfragile , asgovernmentcontinuestalks , withtheTaliban , DemocratsGetJump , OnLobbyingfortheCourt , UrgingBidentoLookPast , 'Elitist'Choices , JudgeJ.MichelleChilds , ofU.S.DistrictCourt , wouldfulfillMr.Biden'spledge , toappointfirstBlackwomantotheSupremeCourt , SCOTUS , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sBullyingStyle , ComesUnderScrutiny , BringingSometoTears , IssuingThreats , Albany , cloudy , breezy , rainandsnow , thenallrain