Tags: QuentinMassys , PortraitofaMan , oilonpanel , Netherlands , portraiture , IlMattino , Naples , Italy , Fumo&Arrosto , Toabandonadog , worstform , ofatheism , Madonna , Iamawarrior , againsthate , Europeans , thedreamsummer , Italianfootball , theunder21 , Spain , Palamara , triestobring , CafierodeRaho , intoplay , onlyfalsehood , betweenpoisons , andboastings , theprosecutor , nevertalkedaboutappointments , ThepresidentofANMresigns , Mafiasinbusiness , northchasessouth , theturningpoint , inAmericanstudy , warning , oflargeearthquakes , arrivesonly15secondsbefore , SarriallaJuve , Thelastexcuse , Hewantstobeclose , tomomanddad , DearMaurizio , withaffection , youdon'tplay , L'exNapoletano , welcomesarri , Hekilledfortoomuchnoiseinhouse , hehadanarsenal , PalmaCampania , pensionershootstheownerofkiosk , ayearago , hehadrenewaloffirearmslicense , withoutproblems , betweenArgentinaandBrazil , mega-blackout , Apowerplant , wenthaywire , putsSouthAmericainthedark , BuenosAires , withoutlight , streetscene , handonbook , hands , profileportrait , threehoursofrevolt , Poggioreale , devastatedthecells , sunny , warm
Bea Maddock, Cast a shadow, Photo-etching, aquatint, black ink on white wove paper, 97.3 x 68.4 centimeters, 1972, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: BeaMaddock , photoetching , castashadow , aquatint , inkonpaper , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , NYTimes , Khartoum , Sudan , FuryinSudan , CrackdownFuelsDefiance , ActivistsVow , ToKeepOppositionAlive , Dr.DiaaAli , "Thisisnottheendoftherevolution" , thousandsofprotesters , beseigedcapital , economichardships , PresidentOmarHassanal-Bashir , HongKong , crowds , curve , greenshubbery , signage , lightposts , hundredsofthousands , marchedagainstproposal , toallowextraditions , tomainlandChina , SwarminHongKong , protests , China's'EvilLaw' , FearandAnger , OverErosionofCity'sAutonomy , erosionofcivilliberties , protestrecalled , pro-democracyUmbrellaMovement , China'srulingCommunistParty , graduallyextertingmoreinfluence , WashingtonDC , BarrBusyWieldingPower , HisInfluenceExpands , AStraight-ShootingInstitutionalist , toSome , President'sProtector , toOthers , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , "HeistheclosestthingwehavetoDickCheney" , CharlesJ.Cooper , formerJusticeDepartmentofficial , NewYork , HowNewYorkKeepsAbusers , AsCaregivers , UnionAvenueI.R.A. , whistle-blower , "Icouldn'tkeepup" , calledthe"Bronxzoo" , housing , developmentallydisabledresidents , workersshielded , bystatearbitrationprocess , MuellerOpted , NottoPursuePhoneMessage , "attorney-clientprivilegeissues" , 448pageMuellerreport , tantalizingquestions , president'sconduct , wentunanswered , PresidentTrump , Hampton , NewHampshire , ForDemocrats , YoungandOld , AgeIsaNumberThatDivides , "theagething" , 2020Democrats , SpanFourGenerations , Millennials , GenerationX , Boomers , SilentGeneration , cloudy , heavyshowers , cooler , humid , portraiture
Thornton Dial, Flowers for Peace (Primary Title) , Pastel, watercolor and pencil on paper, 44 x 30 inches, 1996, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts , Richmond, Virginia
Tags: ThorntonDial , FlowersforPeace , drawing , painting , portraiture , VirginiaMuseumofFineArts , Richmond , Virginia , NYTimes , women , children , bluedress , floralpatterndress , Americanflags , orangewhitepattern , florals , feet , embrace , whitecrosses , redhearts , "WeLoveYou" , "RIP" , "Sorryforyourloss" , "Godbless" , sidewalk , flowers , mourning , PayingRespects , VirginiaBeach , KellyFowler , withdaughterSophie , memorial , 12victimsofFriday'srampage , authoritiessaid , suspectquitjob , ascityengineer , hoursbeforeshootingbegan , governmentbuilding , ElaineChao , transportationsecretary , overseesAmericanmaritimeindustry , turquoise , gold , ACabinetOfficial , aFirm , a'Bridge'toBeijing , EthicsQuestionsFocus , Chao'sCloseTies , HerFamily'sShippingBusiness , ForemostGroup , Ms.Chaousedconnections , celebritystatus , toboostprofileofcompany , China , PunteDelEste , Uruguay , 'It'saJoke' , TroubledTrumpCondoProject , DelaysAreaMicrocosm , DeeperProblems , ForHisCompany , EricTrump , "WehavethebestbuildinganywhereinPuntadelEste" , "anywhereinSouthAmerica" , TrumpTowerPuntadelEste , cylindricalhighrise , latestdebacle , TrumpOrganization'spropertyportfolio , Oakland , InCalifornia , DemocratsTryForEarlyPrize , SenatorElizabethWarren , crowdofmorethan6000 , "thebiggestonesofar" , Democraticcandidates , duelingspeeches , statepartyconvention , BetoO'Rourke , SenatorAmyKlobuchar , BernieSanders , SenatorKamalaHarris , restaurant , chairs , BarackObama , 2008 , LeahChase , gumbo , ACreoleChef , toFreedomRiders , andPresidents , 1923-2019 , nation'spreeminentCreolechef , DookyChase's , nogreatercallingthanfeedingpeople , "Inmydiningroom" , "wechangedthecourseofAmerica" , "overabowlofgumboandsomefriedchicken" , WashingtonDC , TechGiants'Reach , PropelsThemIntoPath , ofRegulatoryStorm , Google , Amazon , Facebook , Apple , influenceonconsumerprivacy , laborconditions , publicdiscourse , Google'searlymotto , "Don'tbeevil" , partlysunny , breezy , cooler
Jacob Lawrence, They did not always leave because they were promised work in the North. Many of them left because of Southern conditions, one of them being great floods that ruined the crops, and therefore they were unable to make a living where they were, Casein tempera on hardboard, 18 x 12 inches, 1940-41, The Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JacobLawrence , painting , landscape , blue , grey , yellow , white , brown , MigrationSeries , blueglowinglight , whitelight , motherandson , sleepingchild , night , Greyhound , CalebLopez , sleptinbackofbus , TuscontoNashville , FamilyleftGuatemala , crossedintoUS , 1600miles , 85hours , AMigrationbyBus , AfterDetention , andProcessing , Family'sJourneyContinuesonGreyhound , Dallas , Texas , "leavethedrivingtous" , Enteringthecountry , 5000arrivalseachday , Guatemala , Honduras , ElSalvador , departingbordertownsbybusload , Brussels , Belgium , FarRight , MakingInroads , AsEuropeVotes , ABlowForMainstream , PopulistsAreExpected , ToMakeModestStrides , inEurope'sParliament , populistsexpectedtoget , 25%of751seats , struggleoverfuturedirectionofthebloc , biggestimpact , likelyfelt , inhomecountries , France , Italy , disrupttraditionalpartysystems , anglingtogainpower , Louisville , Kentucky , ScientistsBalk , AtJuul'sOffers , OfStudyCash , JuulLabs , e-cigarettesmoke , research , AmericanHeartAssociationconference , lookingforpeopletocollaboratewith , offeringupto$200000 , Kathmandu , Nepal , 'LikeaZoo' , AtEverest'sTip , AsDeathsSoar , MountEverest , Climberspushingandshoving , totakeselfies , EdDohring , "Itwasscary" , oneofthedeadliestclimbingseasons , atleast10deaths , StarrHeldUp , InvisibleBridge , OfN.F.L.Eras , BartStarr , diedonSundayat85 , usheredinTheSuperBowlEra , twochampionships , GreenBayPackers , Mobile , Alabama , yellow-greenlandscape , grass , shrubbery , cemetery , headstones , ThelmaMaiben-Owens , photographedrelatives'graves , Africatown , community , TryingtoTurnVesselofEvil , IntoSymbolofPride , NeighborhoodWants , toDisplaySlaveShip , submergedwoodenwreck , lodgedinmud , MobileRiver , Clotilda , schooner , carried110kidnappedAfricans , toAlabama , 1860 , sunshineandclouds , notaswarm , lesshumid , NYTimes , MoMA , NewYork
Tags: UemuraShōen , painting , motherandchild , UemuraTsune , bijin-ga , portraiture , silk , TheNationalMuseumofModernArtTokyo , Japan , NYTimes , Beni , TheDemocraticRepublicofCongo , womanwithchild , metalbed , plaidbedsheets , whitemosquitonet , ivorycurtains , emeraldgreenclothing , blankets , Ebolasurvivor , withchild , whosemother , beingtestedfordisease , EbolaOutbreakWorsens , AsDoctorsDodgeAttacks , MournersinDemocraticRepublicofCongo , FightLeaders , HealthWorkers , suspicionofnationalgovernment , growingmistrust , internationalmedicalexperts , Nearly1150peoplehavedied , WorldHealthOrganization , significantundercount , aidgroupssay , TaxiDrivers , FellPrey , WhileTopOfficials , CountedTheMoney , TakenForARide , AFailureToRegulate , priceoftaximedallion , soaredto$700000in2010 , roseabove$1millionin2014 , riskyloans , cabdriverscouldnotafford , yearsofwarningsigns , WashingtonDC , G.O.P.Worry , HotEconomy , IsAColdTopic , unemploymentrate , 50-yearlow , Americansvotewiththeirpocketbooks , maybetestedin2020 , Jacksonville , Florida , TrumpActivity , RaisedRedFlag , InsideHisBank , DeutscheBank , anti-moneylaunderingspecialists , recommendedmultipletransactions , in2016and2017 , JaredKushner , bereported , federalfinancialcrimeswatchdog , collegegraduation , capandgown , tassles , medalofhonor , elation , pattern , bluewhite , magentablackwhite , greenblackmaroonyellowochre , envelopes , MorehouseCollege , AGifttoGraduates , YourLoansWillBePaidOff , billionaireRobertF.Smith , wouldpaytheirdebts , 396youngmen , historicallyblackcollege , Atlanta , Georgia , "We'regoingtoputalittlefuelinyourbus" , Mr.Smithsaid , Acrossthecountry , studentloandebt , morethandoubled , inpastdecade , reaching$1.5trillion , AboutNewYork , MainWitnessInGarnerCase , HasNoWords , oneofmostimportantwitnesses , James , "I'mdone" , nottestifying , disciplinarytrial , policeofficer , DanielPantaleo , chokehold , EricGarner , "Ican'tbreathe" , partlysunny , afternoonshowers , thunderstorms , humid
Haegue Yang, Series of Vulnerable Arrangements — Domestics of Community , Installation with seven light sculptures composed of clothing rack and shoe rack on casters, light bulbs, cable, knitting yarn, rope, socks, hammock net, aluminum venetian blinds, stainless steel strainer, paint grill, fish grill, plastic tube, plastic packages, plastic funnel, tin, buttons, metal ring, metal sponge, silver tinsel, mardi gras bits, toy spring, garden supply, and sea shells, Dimensions variable, 2009, Carnegie Museum of Art , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tags: HaegueYang , mixedmedia , installation , community , CarnegieMuseumofArt , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , NYTimes , factoryinterior , blue , red , yellow , white , green , wire , overheadlighting , AchuchuKottu , fromEritrea , Litelab , Buffalo , NewYork , Aboutathird , co-workersareimmigrants , includingrefugees , Utica , RefugeesAreAFrayingLifeline , forUpstateCities , Officialsluringrefugees , tomovetoNewYork , advertisingjobplacement , Englishlanguage , housingservices , Poolofrefugees , shrinksunderPresidentTrump , RussiaWantsU.S.toDread , 5GCellphones , SpreadsDubiousFears , AboutHealthonTV , Russiannetwork , RTAmerica , "Justasmallone" , "Itmightkillyou" , "ADangerous'ExperimentonHumanity'" , principalmeddler , 2016presidentialelection , "It'seconomicwarfare" , RyanFox , chiefoperatingofficer , NewKnowledge , technologyfirm , trackingdisinformation , RTAmericaiscat'spaw , ofRussianPresident , VladimirPutin , WashingtonDC , TariffsOnChina , WillExactCost , For'BothSides' , BurdenOnU.S.Wallets , ImpactonEconomy , WillDependonScope , ofTrump'sFight , escalatingtradewar , LarryKudlow , directorNationalEconomicCouncil , "Infactbothsideswillpay" , StickingPoint , tradewarintensifies , Chinesesubsidies , homegrownindustries , presentsteepobstacle , toadeal , 2NewJustices , TiltRightward , ButNotasOne , JusticeNeilM.Gorsuch , JusticeBrettM.Kavanaugh , "They'redisagreeingmorethanwewouldhaveexpected" , Beckley , WestVirginia , InCoalCountry , PromiseofComputerCareers , DissolvesinDust , youngwomaninivorycoat , portraiture , landscapeinbackground , ToriFrame , backatFamilyDollarstore , aftertryingtostartacareer , withMinedMinds , "Iwantedsomethingdifferent" , MinedMindspromisedtoteach , WestVirginians , howtowritecomputercode , getwell-payingjobs , NewOrleans , Louisiana , VenerablePaperIsShuttered , With'LetThemEatCake' , theannouncementcame , viathebakedalaska , TheAdvocatenewspaper , Antoine's , white-linendiningplace , FrenchQuarter , 182-year-oldrival , TheTimes-Picayune , Twopapersnowone , TheAdvocateboughtthebrand , thesite , thearchives , thesubscriberlist , nottheemployees , , TheLastEdition , ANewspaperWar , periodicrain , breezy , chilly
Oliffe Richmond, Marathon , Lithograph on paper, 483 x 251 millimeters, 1966, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: OliffeRichmond , portraiture , line , figure , blackink , lithography , TateUK , PhiladelphiaInquirer , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , RiverfrontDevelopment , ChesterRehabRevisited , TheUnion , havenewplan , fortheirneighborhood , Chesterlanguished , fordecades , oneofnation's , poorestandmostviolentcities , TalenEnergyStadium , aerialview , nearCommodoreBarryBridge , soccerteamowners , couldplanfacilities , sportsplex , forkidsandretail , greysky , greenery , Runnin'intheRain , runners , marathon , puddles , reflection , bluetags , numbers , crowd , asphalt , doubleyellowlines , NathanSears , fromOhio , wrappedheadandupperbody , inplastic , asheranintherain , portrait , profile , Kenyan , DanielKemoi , finishedfirst , crossingtheline , 47:24 , aquagreen , steelcrowdbarriers , DespitechillyandwetSunday , 40000participants , 40thBlueCrossBroadStreetRun , "Thisislikework." , "It'sajob." , baseball , throwingapitch , Phillies , Nationals , ForElvin , AnotherImpressiveEffort , Raptors , 76ers , LeonardScores39 , TorontoGetsEven , Taxes , Abatement , gettingprimaryattention , majorityofCouncilcandidates , wanttochangetaxrelief , Apollshows , voterssharetheirsentiments , ChinaTrade , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Trumpsays , hewillhiketariff , onFriday , $200billionworth , Chinesegoods , tradewar , calledhimself , "tariffman" , SurpriseNominee , MarkMorgan , handraised , maninsuit , yellowochrebackground , requiresconfirmation , TrumpChoosesMorgan , toheadICE , Ex-borderpatrolchief , vocalsupport , planforawall , intweet , TrumpcalledMorgan , "atruebelieverandanAmericanPatriot." , "Hewilldoagreatjob!" , borderwall , Mexico , immigration , warmer , sunny , clouds
Artist unidentified, possibly Desire Parker, Wonderbread-Bag Rug with Ball of Twine, Plastic Wonderbread bags, 60 inches in diameter, Ledyard, Connecticut, Twentieth century, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , Wonderbreadplasticbags , rug , mandala , sacred , circle , abstraction , twentiethcentury , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Kattankudy , SriLanka , mosqueunderconstruction , scaffolding , steps , architecture , concrete , white , grey , manascendingstairs , filteredlight , arches , AHometown , WhereIslamGrewRadical , Wahhabism , homesdecorated , delicateswirls , Arabiccalligraphy , EasterSundayattacks , "WearelivinginSriLankanotacaliphate" , MohamedIbraheemMohamedJaseem , vicechairman , urbancouncil , Poway , California , AfterSynagogueAttack , aSharedBelief , ProtectSacredSpaces , RabbiYisroelGoldstein , atimeofsolace , turnedintoadayofhorror , Akcakale , Turkey , LifeofPerilandPoverty , inHazelnutGoldMine , SyrianRefugees , ToilingatDangerousJobs , inVastTurkishFields , ShakarRudani , $10aday , "Wereturnedwithnothing" , seasonalhazelnutworkers , lacklegalprotections , aerialview , workerrakingnuts , bluewhitepatternedshirt , blueredwhitepatternheadscarf , shadow , seaofhazelnuts , orangebrown , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , Biden'sAppeal , TapstheVoters , HisPartyNeeds , KeySignalsofSupport , Must-WinState , appealingtotraditionalcoalition , WashingtonDC , BarrThreatens , NotToAnswer , CallToTestify , FacesRiskOfSubpoena , ImpasseIntensifiesFeud , BetweenHouseandTrump , onInquiry , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , wantsonlypublicqueries , profileportrait , orangeblurredline , ChairmanHouseJudiciaryCommittee , RepresentativeJerroldNadler , DemocratofNewYork , HowVictim , WithHiddeniPhone , LedtoAbuseCharge , forDirector , SeanEscobar , secretlyrecordedconversation , sexualabuse , SterlingVanWagenen , founderSundanceFilmFestival , respectedfigure , inMormoncommunity , Conglomerates , mustoverlookissues , childlabor , lowwages , sunshine , increasingclouds , cool
Tags: JohnAhearn , plaster , sculpture , holdinghands , circle , pinwheel , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NewYork , NYTimes , BombAttacks , RockSriLanka , churchinterior , lightandshadow , soldiers , rubble , pews , sunlight , religiousstatues , onlookers , St.Sebastian'sChurch , Negombo , SriLanka , suicidebombing , duringEasterservices , 3CatholicChurches , 3UpscaleHotels , Awomanmourningarelative , redshirt , bluejeans , plaidshirts , handsoutstretched , comfort , consoling , Colombo , clockhandsonsteeple , stuckat8:45am , St.Anthony'sShrine , SriLankahasclimbedawayfromwar , buildingrobusttourismindustry , "Ashwasfallinglikesnow" , N.A.Sumanapala , shopkeepernearchurch , AtRisk , ReligiousminoritiesacrossAsia , vulnerable , secularismdeclines , Shutdown , SriLankanofficials , turnedoffFacebook , tostemhatespeech , HowTrump'sTrustedFixer , CameToTurnAgainstHim , MichaelD.Cohen , portraiture , hands , EmailsRevealRelationshipDeteriorating , FromHopeful , toFraught , toHostile , "Basicallyheneedsalittlelovingandrespectbooster" , RobertJ.Costello , InvisiblePlayer , OpioidCrisis , TheDistributor , CardinalHealth , McKesson , AmerisourceBergen , distributemorethan90% , nation'sdrugandmedicalsupplies , GamingOutImpeachment , SeeingRisks , SenatorElizabethWarren , calltoarms , PresidentTrumpmustbeimpeached , Queens , AsylumSeekersGotRelief , ThenICEMovedIn , IndraSihotang , withfamilyathome , children , pattern , curtains , toys , flowers , handspointing , PresidentTrumprevokedsafeguard , thatlethimstayincountry , threatofdeportation , Nablus , WestBank , NetanyahuWin , DarkensHopes , ForPalestinians , "Whatwillhappentous?" , DinaTeeti , asksfather , variablycloudy , showers
Hassan Massoudy, La beauté sauvera le monde, Water-based pigments on paper, 95 x 75 centimeters, 2008, Kadist , Paris, France
Tags: HassanMassoudy , calligraphy , painting , pigment , writing , paper , Kadist , Paris , NYTimes , TigerWoods , redshirt , golfclub , handsraised , elation , greenabstraction , Augusta , Georgia , TriumphEnds , Woods'sYears , InWilderness , AugustaNationalGolfClub , one-strokevictory , decade-longchampionshipdrought , topofthesportsworld , winningtheMasters , struggledpersonallyandprofessionally , WashingtonDC , Trump'sOwnOfficials , PayForHisAnger , OverBorder , VocalAdviserPushed , HomelandSecurityPurge , AfterMonthsofPolicyClashes , StephenMiller , wasfurious , beratingRonaldD.Vitiello , actinghead , ICE , "Yououghttobeworkingonthisregulationalldayeveryday" , todenywelfarebenefitstoimmigrants , BorderPatrol'sAllure , withdecentpay , benefits , someprestige , theforceoffers , pathtomiddleclass , SouthTexas , Kashgar , westernregionofXinjiang , cityview , terracottafacades , planters , pathway , greenawnings , flags , surveillancecamera , China'ssurveillanceextensive , FacialScans , TightenChina'sGrip , onMinority , AuthoritiesUse , AI , artificialintelligence , SweepCityCrowds , forUighurs , harshcrackdown , onethnicMuslims , automatedracism , SandersAttacks , 'Smear'Tactics , AtThinkTank , SenatorBernieSanders , accusedliberalthinktank , underminingDemocrats'chances , takingbackWhiteHousein2020 , CenterforAmericanProgress , CenterforAmericanProgressActionFund , SheWasKidnapped , byISIS , 5YearsAgo , SheMayStillBeAlive , InternationalCommitteeoftheRedCross , photographofapetitewoman , LouisaAkavi , NewZealandnurse , midwife , MayorPeteButtigieg , bluetie , profile , redwhitestripes , Americanflag , Buttigieg'sTack , FromEarlyOn , NarrativeFirst , windy , morningrain , clouds , sunshineafternoon
Tags: DonaNelson , FullSack , mixedmedia , canvasstrips , cheesecloth , piles , hands , TangTeachingMuseumandArtGallery , SaratogaSprings , NewYork , Kibera , Kenya , healthexperts , correlation , infections , plaguemosthouseholds , manonmobilephone , greenplasticbag , pilesofdetritus , neighborhood , restingdogs , MiracleDrugs , Misused , DoHarmtoPoor , DeadlyGerms , LostCures , PerilofCheapAntibiotics , WashingtonDC , SecretaryIsOut , BorderInflux , SoursPresident , AbruptResignation , HomelandSecurityChief , CriticizedforRise , IllegalCrossings , KirstjenNielsen , tumultuoustenure , bordersecurity , Jerusalem , Israel , Netanyahu'sVow , VaultsWestBank , OntoTheBallot , ExtendingIsraeliGrip , FightingforRe-election , PremierLungesAway , From2-StatePlan , Palestinianstate , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , seekingfifthterm , Vieques , PuertoRico , PuertoRicoAid , HitsRoadblock , AmidBickering , HurricaneMaria , languishinghospital , shutteredwreck , rustandmold , Lansing , Michigan , AMorePerfectCivicsLesson? , 'Democracy'Itself , IsUpForDebate , BeckyDebowski , Michiganteacher , saidstudentscouldgrasp , "democraticvalues" , "Theycanhandlethecomplexity" , prominentconservatives , helpedrevisestandards , simmeringdebate , "republic"over"democracy" , todescribeAmericangovernment , Changsha , China , PhonesAglow , PeopleofChina , DeclareLoyalty , yellowblackredblue , classroom , students , Constitution , 1776 , 1787 , app , StudytheGreatNation , promotePresidentXiJinping , CommunistParty , "Wemustloveourcountry" , "Wearegettingstrongerandstronger" , embrace , cloudsgivingwaytosunshine , rainearly , warmer
Tags: LarryJohnson , collage , masonite , detritus , landscape , browntanivory , TheNelson-AtkinsMuseumofArt , KansasCity , Missouri , Hamburg , Iowa , brownfloodwater , mud , sludge , lightblueindustrialbuilding , redplatform , concrete , greentractor , tracks , aerialview , Corning , HardChoicesinMidwest , LeveeAfterLeveeDrowns , severeflooding , leveesystem , fullofholes , "swisscheese" , dozensofcostlybreaks , Nebraska , surroundingstates , "Breacheseverywhere" , "multiplebreaches" , "Wecan'tkeepthisupandmakealiving" , MichaelPeters , farmer , flooding , devastatedfarms , roads , NativeAmericanreservations , InDevastationofOpioids , FamilySpiedNewMarket , Sacklers , SawAddictiontoTheirOwnDrugs , ChancetoProfit , SuitsReveal , PurduePharma , OxyContin , opioidaddiction , "end-to-endpainprovider" , lawsuits , ProjectTango , philanthropicgifts , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , TheLouvre , UniversityofOxford , ColumbiaUniversity , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , StrivesToStemCrisis , OverTouching , Nevadalegislator , LucyFlores , accusedMr.Biden , kissingandtouching , "expressionsofaffection" , damagecontrol , "IhavenoreasonnottobelieveLucy" , SenatorBernieSanders , "FacetheNation" , MoscowGainsCloutinAfrica , AlarmingWest , Ouagadougou , BurkinaFaso , soldiersinuniform , camouflage , redberets , CentralAfricanRepublic , nationalsecurityadviserisRussian , Sudan'spresident , OmarHassanal-Bashir , broughtinRussianhelp , againstnationwideprotests , Albany , NewYork , BudgetBringsCongestionTolls , PlasticBagBan , victory , GovernorAndrewCuomo , Democraticlegistlators , plasticbagscaughtintreebranches , MichaelAvenatti , BrashCelebrityLawyer , FacesHisBiggestCaseYet , paparazzi , cameraflash , light , police , reporters , "Hatersaregoingtobehaters" , cocksurepublicimage , maskeddisarray , NYTimes , mostlysunny , breezy , achillierday
Eric Cameron, Alarm Clock (3295) (from the series “Thick Paintings “, 1979 - 1994), 3295 layers of acrylic medium on an alarm clock, 43 x 46 x 17 centimeters, 1979-1994, The Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal , Canada
Tags: EricCameron , sculpture , painting , acrylicmedium , layers , alarmclock , time , whitepaint , thickpaintings , TheMuséed'artcontemporaindeMontréal , Canada , LeDevoir , Montreal , theworld , RobertMueller , hasnotfoundanyproof , ofcollusion , betweentheteam , DonaldTrumpandMoscow , during2016presidentialelection , U.S.Capitol , Americanflag , governmentbuilding , bluesky , Ottawa , Thepoorestaredeprived , ofallowanceforchildren , ACE , socialaid , JustinTrudeau , JulieTremblay , motheroftwoadolescents , ThreeRivers , ProvinceofQuebec , Partiquébécois , PQ , inthefaceof , generationalshock , twogenerationsofactivists , NationalYouthCommitteeofPQ , CNJPQ , ageism , baby-boomers , shownthedoor , skiiers , snow , competition , wintersports , portraiture , greenwhiteuniform , redblackwhiteuniform , skiis , AlexHarvey , Québec , madehislastskiruns , closingthecircle , anamazingcareer , twomedals , money , GoodbyesofAlexHarvey , endscareer , finalpressconference , cross-countryskier , retirement , québécois , sunny , generallyclear
Janet Burchill, Jennifer McCamley, SAFE , Neon, electric cables, fittings and transformer, 23 x 150 centimeters, 2005, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: JanetBurchill , JenniferMcCamley , safe , sculpture , neon , installation , text , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , NYTimes , Christchurch , NewZealand , gold , mosque , foliage , policeofficers , silhouette , responsetomassacre , policeapprehendedsuspect , 36minutesaftercallforhelp , InMosqueAttacks , QuickActionandCourage , ABystander , PolicePreparedness , HelpedCurtailCarnage , AbdulAziz , prayingwithfoursons , flungcreditcardmachineatattacker , LinwoodMosque , AlNoorMosque , gunman , livestreamedonFacebook , videoofattack , RemorseAndVow , suspect'sfamilyapologizes , primeministertalksguncontrol , WashingtonDC , SaudiPrince , RanBrutalCampaign , ToStifleDissent , ClandestineMissions , KillingofKhashoggi , Instanbul , PartofWiderCrackdown , CrownPrinceMohammedbinSalman , SaudiArabia , 'BlackBoxes' , LinkCrashes , AddisAbaba , Ethiopia , Boeing737Max8 , EthiopianAirlinesFlight302 , LionAirFlight610 , evidence , crushedorangebrownmetal , OneoftworecordersfromEthiopianAirlines , AlliesSpurningCampaignByU.S. , ToBlockHuawei , QuestioningDataRisk , ChineseTelecomGiant , KeepsItsFoothold , inEuropeAndIndia , next-generation , wirelessnetworks , securitythreat , allowingBeijingtospy , oncompaniesindividualsandgovernments , blueglass , reflection , glassdoors , portraiture , WilliamSinger , enteringguiltypleas , inBoston , ACollegeScam , BuiltWithSwagger , andSecrets , partcoach , parttherapist , partmotivationalspeaker , partnamedropper , travelingsalesman , sellingdreams , "Hewaswelldressed" , "hewaswellspoken" , "hehadaPowerpoint" , EricWebb , HonestApplicantsAwaitWord , Homer , NewYork , FarmsThatDependonMigrants , FearICE'sToll , LaborForceatRisk , NewYorkDairies , sunshinemixingwithsomeclouds , chilly
Alex Hay, Crumpled Yellow Paper , Cotton paper, acrylic paint, epoxy resin, sandblasted, 48 x 164 x 113 centimeters, 1967, Moderna Museet , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: AlexHay , sculpture , paper , resin , linedpaper , yellowgold , ModernaMuseet , Stockholm , NYTimes , brownearth , detritus , tornclothing , rescueworkers , EthiopianAirlines , planecrash , shortlyaftertakeoff , killing157peopleonboard , causeundetermined , EthiopiaCrash , RaisesScrutiny , OnBoeingJet , climbanddive , beforefinalplunge , AddisAbaba , Boeing's737Maxjet , LionAirdisaster , Indonesia , twoeerilysimilarscenes , GlobalGrief , Passengersfrom35countries , doomedEthiopianjet , Jerusalem , Israel , Trump'sHalo , LiftsFortunesOfNetanyahu , U.S.PresidentPopular , AmongIsraeliVoters , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , uphillre-electionbattle , giantcampaignbillboards , "ADifferentLeague" , defeatapossibility , BennyGantz , WashingtonDC , U.S.Accelerates , ShadowyBattle , AgainstShabab , SomaliaStrikesSurge , Conflict'onAutopilot' , TrumpCurbsMilitary , AroundtheGlobe , UnitedStatesAfricaCommand , double-digitdeathtolls , humanitariancrisis , AmericanAirstrikes , OntheRise , inSomalia , yellowgraph , Airstrikesbymonth , TrumpAdministration , IndianaMuseumofArtatNewfields , decidedtosellordonate , manystoreditems , paintingracks , flourescentlighting , museumstorage , goldframes , metalracks , WhenMuseumsGiveUp , TheirBuriedTreasures , BasementsAreStuffedWithArt , ThatMayNeverBeShown , CharlesL.Venable , "Thereisthisinevitablemarch" , "whereyouhavetobuildmorestorage" , "Idon'tthinkit'ssustainable" , Cúcuta , Colombia , MaduroBurnedAid? , FootageShowsOtherwise , RefutingU.S.Claim , onVenezuelaStandoff , VicePresidentMikePence , "thetyrantinCaracasdanced" , henchmen , "burnedfood&medicine" , unpublishedfootage , Molotovcocktail , thrownbyantigovernmentprotester , mostlikelyaccidentalfire , WestPalmBeach , Florida , InBudget , TrumpMakesAnotherPlayforWall , Requestfor$86Billion , SetsUpNewFight , borderwall , bordersecurity , LarryKudlow , "wehaveacrisisdownthere" , FoxNewsSunday , mostlysunny , windy , mild
Tags: GeorgeSegal , TheCurtain , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , thefigure , portraiture , window , brick , painting , white , ivory , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Mobridge , SouthDakota , bluelandscape , snow , winter , blackdiagonalline , road , MobridgeCareandRehabilitationCenter , closedinJanuary , residentsmoved , toothernursinghomes , manymilesfromtheirfamilies , snow-sweptruralroads , RuralNursingHomesShutter , FamiliesSplinter , corporatebuyouts , unpaidbills , financialruin , HaroldLabrensz , farmingandranching , rollingDakotaplains , sentoff , 220-mileroadtrip , nursinghomeinNorthDakota , LorettaLeonard , portraitinmirror , bedroom , framedphotos , husbandwife , paintingofholyfamily , Christianity , religion , cross , rosarybeads , dressingtable , bouquetofflowers , red , green , pink , gold , tan , grey , 'SometimesIwonderwhetherheknowsmeanymore' , can'tmake20-miletrip , tovisit91-yearoldhusband , whohasdementia , theelderly , mentalillness , McAllen , Texas , BravingHeatandCoyotes , ToBeRaped , attheBorder , MigrantWomen , SeekingSafetyinU.S. , FindaNightmare , inLockedRooms , lookaway , concealedidentity , anonymity , firstname , Melvin , outdoors , branches , bluesky , blackhair , rapedbysmuggler , sexualabuse , ubiquitousthreat , undocumentedwomenonborder , liveinshadows , of#MeToomovement , Seattle , Washington , Amazon'sOfferToCities , TakeItOrWe'llLeave , threats , closedwarehouses , stophiring , leastoutspace , demandtaxexemption , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , "shocktothesystem" , Amazondroppedplans , tobuildNYCheadquarters , NewDelhi , India , India'sMilitary , AilingandPoor , NearsItsBrink , IndianAirForce , dogfight , PakistaniAirForce , agingSovieteraplane , MiG-21 , armyequipmentconsidered"vintage" , Cambridge , Massachusetts , BattleErupts , OverTreatmentThatOnceRepelled , F.D.A.Ruling , WillPickWhoProspers , FromFecalTransplants , F.M.T. , revolutionarytreatment , Clostridioidesdifficile , debilitatingbacterialinfection , eyeofcrocodile , tailofcrocodile , yellowblackbrown , TheScalyPredatorNextDoor , Crocodilesarefactoflife , Balabac , Philippines , someconsiderreptilessacred , otherswantrevenge , forattacks , countlessdogsandgoats , snatchedaway , PresidentTrump , TradeStatisticsRivetPresident , BoredbySpies , intelligenceagencies , focusoneconomicsandtrade , hisrepeatedquestion , Whoiswinning? , cloudsgivingwaytosunshine , breezy , cold
Craig Kauffman, Le Mur s'en va (The wall goes away) , Synthetic polymer on acrylic plastic, 185.4 x 120 x 22.9 centimeters, 1969, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: CraigKauffman , painting , acrylicplastic , sculpture , transparency , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , portraiture , youngcouple , pub , interior , pintglasses , Brighton , UnitedKingdom , brownblue , lights , AlexMcIntyre , 19 , affectedbybudgetcuts , inchildhood , turnedtosocialism , "Austerity" , "that'swhatIknow" , GrowingUpLean , GivingUpOnCapitalism , Britain'sBigSqueeze , AGenerationalShift , WelfareReformAct , NovaraMedia , "crisisofcapitalism" , youngvoters , LabourParty , JeremyCorbyn , VaticanCity , Italy , FrancisInvokes , 'All-OutBattle' , OnSexualAbuse , CallsToStop'Wolves' , VividSpeech , PopeFrancis , CriticizedForLackingConcreteReforms , PopeFrancisonSunday , Vaticanmeeting , greenvestment , whitecollar , goldcross , blurrypinkhats , abusescandals , threateningcredibilityofpapacy , Jerusalem , Israel'sLeader , StakesHisFate , OnRacistParty , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , cuttingdeals , artform , turnedtoextremistparty , OtzmaYehudit , JewishPower , mergeintomainstreamparty , JewishHome , Nephi , Utah , TheModerates , TakeaGrilling , BackatHome , LeftWing's'Rhetoric' , UpsetsConstituents , RepresentativeBenMcAdams , "socialism" , "anti-Semitism" , RepresentativeHaleyStevens , RepresentativeAbigailSpanberger , interpartytussle , betweenliberalsandmoderates , WashingtonDC , U.S.DelaysRise , InChinaTariffs , CitingProgress , $200billion , Chineseimports , tradetalks , PresidentXiJinping , NoHost , NoBigSweep , wide-open , Oscarsceremony , SpikeLee , bestadaptedscreenplay , "BlacKkKlansman" , "GreenBook" , bestpicture , AlfonsoCuarón , bestdirector , "Roma" , purplesuitandhat , elation , oscarstatues , stage , menintuxedos , microphone , speeches , laughter , goldredbackround , silverglitter , Warsaw , Poland , MikePompeo , Trump'sTopDiplomat , FacesChallenge , WorldPushesBack , on'AmericaFirst' , MikePence , denouncedUnitedStates'closestallies , BritainFranceandGermany , forcoddlingIran , renouncingnucleardeal , Europeanstryingtosave , mostlysunny , colder , 50mphwinds , winddamage , NYTimes
Janine Antoni, Unveiling , Bronze bell, lead clapper, fabric tassle, Edition 3/3, 53.5 x 33 x 33 centimeters, 1994, Irish Museum of Modern Art , Dublin, Ireland
Tags: JanineAntoni , bronze , bell , tassle , sculpture , installation , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , Ireland , NYTimes , silhouette , manbehindscreen , gauze , screen , anonymity , black , grey , taupe , portrait , 'ItIsNotaCloset' , 'ItIsaCage' , ASilentCrisis , forGayPriests , FearingBlame , CatholicAbuseScandal , unspokenstories , FatherGreiten , Milwaukee , Wisconsin , "Ireallyamgay" , "Itwaslikeadeathsentence." , Munich , Germany , RiftinAlliance , LeavesEurope , FumingatU.S. , RussiaandChina , MayExploitStrainedTies , trans-Atlanticalliance , seniorGermanofficialsays , "It'sbroken" , Russianforeignminister , SergeyV.Lavrov , "weseenewcracksforming" , "oldcracksdeepening" , SanFrancisco , California , HackingofU.S.Networks , TracedtoChinaandIran , RenewedStrikes , onBanksandAgencies , SeenasReaction , toTrump'sPolicies , NationalSecurityAgency , FireEye , Boeing , GeneralElectricAviation , T-Mobile , recenttargets , Sanders'sTask , ForBlackVote , FixingDamage , SenatorBernieSanders , preparestoannounce , anotherrunfortheWhiteHouse , campaignstrategy , socialmedia , handscrossed , greysweater , MohammedKhalifa , narratedbrutalISISvideo , CanadianFace , BehindaVoice , PromotingISIS , Hasaka , Syria , facelessevangelist , anonymousnarrator , LosAngeles , streetscene , SunsetBoulevard , Hollywood , CravinganOscar , Netflix , TurnstoTirelessStar , ANewStrategist , LisaTaback , "thebestofthebest" , Roma , AlfonsoCuarón , artfilm , domesticworkerinMexico , Netflixspent , estimated$25million , topromote"Roma" , cloudy , morningshowers , cold
Salvador Dalí, The Image Disappears , Pen and black ink on ivory wove paper, 647 x 508 centimeters, 1938, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: SalvadorDalí , prints , drawing , penandink , paper , TheImageDisappears , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , TabiatBridge , Tehran , bluesky , mountainrange , snow , mantakingphoto , womanwithballoons , viewovercity , streamoflights , dusk , redblackyellowballoons , TheRevolutionat40 , Thefervor , fourdecadesago , manyIranians , quietlyrebelled , againststrictrules , WashingtonDC , InCrypticHint , Mueller'sTeam , TipsItsHand , RussianSanctions , at'Heart'ofInquiry , PaulManafort , KonstantinV.Kilimnik , heavilyredactedtranscript , so-calledpeaceplan , forUkraine , persuadingU.S. , toendAmerian-ledsanctions , imposedtopunishMoscow , ShutdownLooms , AsBorderTalks , ReachAnImpasse , DiscordOnDetentions , TrumpMovestoDeploy , ThousandsofTroops , NearMexico , undocumentedimmigrants , BristlingOnBorder , ResidentsofElPaso , won'tallwelcomepresident'srally , Miami , Florida , Venezuela'sMoment , IsUpforGrabs , inMiami , AsDemocratsDither , G.O.P.SeizesCrisis , toEngageLatinos , showdowninCaracas , reshapingLatinopolitics , inSouthFlorida , Venezuelansralliedinsupport , ofoppositionleader , JuanGuaidó , Doral , yellowblueredstripes , whitestars , flags , cheeringcrowd , behindbarrier , SanFrancisco , California , HarrisResistsEasyDefinition , RecordasChiefLawyer , FacesChorusofCritics , KamalaHarris , TheLongRun , runningforpresident , "progressiveprosecutor" , againstdeathpenalty , KlobucharJumpsIn , SenatorAmyKlobuchar , joinedgrowingpresidentialscrum , Onancock , Virginia , InNortham'sYouth , CluestoHisViewsonRace , GovernorRalphNortham , "Wedidn'tseerace." , afriendfromchildhoodsays , Beirut , Lebanon , EmiratiPrincessTriedtoFlee , VideoSuggestsFailure'sPrice , SheikhaLatifa , "There'snojusticehere" , "Especiallyifyou'reafemale" , "yourlifeissodisposable" , portraiture , youngwomanwithsunglasses , reflectivemirroredsunglasses , orangerosecolor , ivory , tan , escape , freedom , mostlycloudy , overcast , abitofsnowlate
Charles Sheeler, Incantation , Oil on canvas, 61.3 x 51.1 centimeters, 1946, Brooklyn Museum , Brooklyn, New York
Tags: CharlesSheeler , Incantation , oiloncanvas , painting , BrooklynMuseum , Brooklyn , NewYork , NYTimes , TomBrady , Patriots , footballteam , winners , cheering , handsraised , stadium , crowds , redglove , cameralens , footballuniforms , #11 , #12 , redwhiteblue , YawnsTurntoRoars , PatriotsPrevail , lowest-scoringSuperBowl , NewEngland , Rams , 13-3 , record-tyingsixthchampionship , WashingtonDC , TrumpMayHaveTroops , InIraq , MonitorTehran , StrategyAfterSyria , CommentsCouldImperil , TalksWithIraqis , ShiftISISFight , "IwanttobeabletowatchIran" , Mr.Trumpsaid , interview , "FacetheNation" , JawadalMusawi , memberofParliament , Iraq , "ThereisdistrustoftheAmericangovernment" , Norfolk , Virginia , VirginiansSeeClearNuances , InUglyImage , GovernorRalphNortham , inhotwater , medicalschoolyearbook , blackface , KuKluxKlanrobe , StevePeacock , rememberedthetime , restaurantwouldnotservehim , "Theworstfeelingofmylife" , PushedbyTrump , DemocratsTrytoSetExample , ShowingZeroTolerance , forBadBehavior , inTheirOwnRanks , AShoePolishFarce , Wherewerethehistoryandtheshame? , Caracas , Venezuela , InVenezuela , InsurgentSeesPathtoVictory , TryingtoRallySupport , AbroadandatHome , JuanGuaidó , VenezuelaNationalAssembly , "Thiscan'tbeinvain" , forceNicolásMadurooutofpresidency , window , computermonitors , oilproduction , equipment , shaledrilling , PermianBasin , enabledUnitedStates , tobecomemajorexporter , 'Monster' , TexasFieldRevives , U.S.OilFortunes , EmpoweringNation , inTradeandPolicy , Midland , Texas , aggressiveinvesting , oil-richshale , onceconsideredworn-outpatch , world'ssecondmostproductiveoilfield , Berlin , Germany , AutobahnSpeedLimits? , VotingWithLeadFeet , CarlBenz , builtfirstcarinGermany , wheredrivingisbeloved , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , Ahighwayspeedlimit , "contrarytoeverycommonsense" , transportminister , AndreasScheuer , areasofmorningfog , partlysunny , milder