Nobuaki Kojima, Untitled , Painted plaster and strips of red-and-white cloth coated with polyethylene resin, 67 5/8 x 35 1/2 x 19 3/8 inches, 1964, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: NobuakiKojima , sculpture , installation , MoMA , NYTimes , flags , projectionscreens , portraiture , PresidentTrump , SaudiArabia , ExpelEvil , SidingWiththeSaudis , IranEndorsesModeratePresident , USSpurnsPolicyofEngagement , Isolatenation , fueldthefires , ShiftingTone , USPresidentSavesDarkWords , Faith'sFringe , wickedideology , humanrightsquestions , ComeyDrama , RodRosenstein , TestsRestraint , ShunnedStage , LaborShortages , SaltLakeCity , SlowingGrowth , USeconomy , WeNeedPeople , FyreFestival , AngerLawsuitsInquiry , MusicFestivalFailure , Bahamas , GoogleIsNotABird , PromotingInternet , TaradandIndia , worldleaders , menincostume , RinglingBrothers , Barnum&Baileycircus , TheGreatestShow'sOver , 146years , addressingthecrowd , periodicrain , someheavy
Pawel Althamer, Tezca (Rainbow) , Metal, cotton, felt, rubber, cork, and plastic, 120 x 185 x 57 centimeters, 2004 Centre Pompidou , Paris
Tags: PawelAlthamer , Rainbow , sculpture , installation , chariot , shoelaces , shoesoles , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , EmmanuelMacron , France , NewPresident , Champs-Èlysèes , Inauguration , soldiers , horses , militaryprocession , ceremony , Tehran , IranianElection , hope , EconomicPledges , YearsofJoblessness , OfficalCorruption , PresidentHassanRouhani , globalcyberattack , AftershockFeared , RealEstate , OwnersChoosetoStayPut , newnormal , RenovationOverSelling , Smyrna , Tennessee , FreeTuition , TutorNewYork , MonumentalYankee , DerekJeter , plaque , recognition , honor , breastimplants , raremedicaldiagnosis , delaysanderrors , GOP , U.S.Senate , EdgingBackfromPresident , volatility , PresidentTrump , protectpoliticalfortunes , traditionalRepublicanagenda , meninsuits , power , politicalleaders , sportsfigures , partlysunny , gustybreeze
André-Pierre Arnal, Pliage (Grand triangle bleu et rouge), Glycerophtalic paint sprayed on unstretched canvas, 220 x 440 centimeters, 1971, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: André-PierreArnal , painting , Support/Surface , France , CentrePompidou , NYTimes , Paris , LouvreMuseum , Frenchelection , EmmanuelMacron , CentristSweepstoVictory , MacronElectedPresident , ShunningFarRight , MarineLePen , PopulistAnger , PoliticalSkill , Luck , CampaignRivalManyCouldn'tStomach , RikersIsland , MonitorAccusedofSpying , AClaimofListeningIn , Informants , investigation , NewOrleans , ConfederateMonumentstakendown , JeffersonDavis , TempersFlare , AmericanHistory , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , GOP , FightOverHealthCare , FocusMovestoCuttingBenefits , AffordableCareAct , EnvironmentalProtectionAgency , ScientistsOustedFromReviewBoard , reducingregulations , reducingacademicresearch , ScottPruitt , deepbudgetcuts , rollbackObama-eraregulations , climatechange , cleanwater , redwhiteandblue , partlysunny , acoolday
Martin Pajeck, Subway Worker , Oil on paperboard, 28 7/8 x 22 1/16 inches, 1953-55, Hirshhorn Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: MartinPajeck , painting , portraiture , NYTimes , NewYorksubway , MetropolitanTransportationAuthority , strugglestomodernize , signaltechnology , outdated , underground , workers , MayDay , tracks , cables , switchequipment , 1930s , 6MillionRidersaDay , WashingtonDC , bipartisanagreement , governmentshutdownrecedes , FundU.S.For5Months , PresidentTrump , rallysupporters , Harrisburg , Pennsylvania , promisesmade , promiseskept , tradethreatscouldbackfire , Democrats , EyesOn2020 , NorthKorea , MarketsSpringUp , France , presidentialelection , PoorandDisillusionedMaySkipVote , HelpingMarineLePen , Canonsburgschool , poverty , shamingchildren , unpaidfoodbill , families , morningfog , clouds , sunshine , breezy , warmer
Gary Simmons, Everforward... , Boxing gloves, metallic gold thread, satin, 35 x 15 x 6 inches, 1993, Walker Art Center , Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tags: GarySimmons , sculpture , boxinggloves , text , textiles , WalkerArtCenter , NYTimes , Paris , Frenchelection , presidente , EmmanuelMacron , MarineLePen , VotersEmbraceOutsiders , partiesunify , tostopfarright , 'ThisIsDeadlySerious' , RunoffinMay , Huntington , Indiana , PresidentTrump , savedjobs , lostjobs , MovesProductiontoMexico , Uber , Leadership , WinatAnyPrice , riskydecisions , BuiltAGiant , PlungedIntoCrises , Teachers , SexualMisconduct , forcedout , rehiredelsewhere , cloudyweather , lateafternoonrain
Auguste Rodin, Flying Figure , Bronze, 20 1/2 x 29 1/2 x 12 inches, modeled circa 1890, cast 1975 (by Georges Rudier), The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: AugusteRodin , sculpture , bronze , portraiture , figureinair , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NYTimes , EasterDaredevil , streetperformer , EasterParade , NYC , 5thAvenue , crowds , Turkey , closevote , ErdoganTightensGrip , claimfraud , seekrecount , lastingautocracy , Istanbul , Texas , RepresentativeMikeConway , RussiaInquiry , WashingtonDC , NorthKorea , slowmotion , CubanMissileCrisis , Athens , GreekAusterity , BirthratesFall , GirlScouts , Troop6000 , fosterspride , QueensShelter , homelessfamilies , mostlysunny , cooler , comfortable
Tags: HelenAltman , sculpture , installation , firelogs , MFAH , Texas , NYTimes , Egypt , St.George'sCathedral , PalmSunday , Copticchurches , attacks , RexTillerson , WashingtonDC , Russia , HaltsAnyThawing , ReturntoDistrust , PresidentTrump , lonelyvoice , ShowofForce , USwarships , KoreanPeninsula , GOP , HouseRace , blursidentity , AmyKremer , BruceLeVell , Georgia , debate , cameras , portraiture , PennStationTie-Ups , KnotofAgencies , trainderailment , Amtrak , forcedcancellations , disruptedcommuters , SallieMae , Navient , LenderDupedStudents , studentloans , designedtofail , unrepayabledebt , statelawsuits , predatorylending , sunshine , patchyclouds , warmerday , rathermild
Tags: ElaineMayes , photography , landscape , highway , roadway , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , NYTimes , Uber , PushesDrivers'Buttons , videogametactics , timeontheroad , messages , achievementbadges , technology , WashingtonDC , China , PresidentXiJinping , MarALago , JaredKushner , pathtothepresident , riskystrategy , HousingCutsStirFears , PresidentTrump , President'sStaff , mixedPoliticsandPaydays , Conservatives , FloodofCash , superPACs , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , insularculture , hushedexit , MexicoCity , corn , bargainingchip , NAFTA , talksnear , mixofclouds , sunshine , heavyrain , breezylate
Tags: TomaszSikorski , 8mmfilm , MUZEUM , Warsaw , Poland , 1981 , martiallaw , NYTimes , Moscow , demonstrations , anti-corruption , police , arrests , crowds , cameras , GOPretreat , NewlyEnergizedDemocrats , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , pushtaxcuts , AmbitionsScaledBack , EagerforaVictory , ACallToHeal , ACA , lawmakerslookforbipartisanship , CarlIcahn , specialadviser , billionaire , raisesethicsflags , BirminghamEngland , linktoextremism , Bolzano , Italy , SouthTyrolMuseumofArchaeology , Iceman , newclues , coldcase , humans , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , makingcase , homelessshelters , crisisaftercrisis , calculatedrisk , cloudyweather , milder , rain , drizzle , soldiers , uniforms , boots
Tags: JackWhitten , painting , materiality , DallasMuseumofArt , NYTimes , curtains , holes , home , Killeen , Texas , drugraids , coverofnight , PentagonGainsPower , PresidentTrump , hands-offstyle , militaryincrease , SpyingClaimsIgniteDebate , privacy , SecretsAndSniping , Russia , meddlinginelection , topinvestor , boldbet , fourbilliondollars , WallStreet , brash , highflierstatus , JimmyBreslin , NYCcolumnist , AcidicYetEmpathetic , HisPenRattledtheMighty , brick-hardwords , activistfiction , racialissues , young-adultnovel , TheHateUGive , youngwriters , students , sunshine , patchyclouds , milder
Tags: VictoriaSambunaris , photography , TheBorder , SFMoMA , NYTimes , refugees , wars , Mosul , families , openroad , economicsteam , ratejumps , speedgrowth , JanetYellen , FederalReserve , tapsthebrakes , undersameroof , ailingschools , SouthBronx , dustpilingup , slowesttransitionindecades , StateDepartment , TrumpAdministration , keyoffices , cybercrime , leopardcat , portraiture , Russia , WashingtonDC , dossiers , sunshine , cloudyweather , cold , snowlate
Martin Kippenberger, Martin, Into the Corner, You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself , Cast aluminum, clothing and iron plate, 71.5 x 29.5 x 13.5 inches, 1992, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: MartinKippenberger , sculpture , portraiture , MoMA , NYTimes , FBIChief , rejectsclaim , wiretapping , WhitehouseRallies , PresidentTrump , Twitter , PresidentObama , conspiracytheories , StephenBannon , talkradio , OvalOffice , deregulation , WashingtonDC , boldpromises , fadetodoubts , AutoRollback , EPA , pollution , relaxemissionrules , anotherpowerfulwoman , KellyanneConway , sexism , Yankees , ClintFrazier , lushhair , baseball , sunshine , mixingwithclouds , milder
Miriam Schapiro, Fanfare , Oil on canvas, 72 x 84 inches, 1958, Jewish Museum , New York
Tags: MiriamSchapiro , painting , JewishMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , AcademyAwards , BestPicture , chaos , mistake , LaLaLand , Moonlight , confusiononstage , WarrenBeatty , PresidentTrump , budgetcuts , EPA , militaryincrease , freepress , enemyofthepeople , despoticcommunistgovernments , phrasewithapast , Moscow , CNNvsPresident , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , 2017election , statusquo , LosAngeles , Hollywood'sglasshouse , AssailingTrump'sWhitehouse , politicalpunch , performance , partlycloudy , milder
Tags: IgorSergeevichShelkovsky , painting , sculpture , relief , TretyakovGallery , NYTimes , beachweather , ConeyIsland , globalwarming , climatechange , PresidentTrump , Ukraine , backdoorplan , peaceeffort , sanctions , Russia , Balkans , lostrevenue , Iraq , Texas , oil , automation , reducesjobs , blue-collarworkers , JudgeMerrickGarland , oldage , dailydose , medicalmarijuana , sunshine , partlycloudy , breezy , cooler
Claes Oldenburg, Two Cheeseburgers, with Everything (Dual Hamburgers) , Burlap soaked in plaster, painted with enamel, 7 x 14 3/4 x 8 5/8 inches, 1962, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: ClaesOldenburg , sculpture , painting , stilllife , food , MoMA , NYTimes , DonaldTrumpJr. , EricTrump , TrumpTower , family , dynasty , pilot , empire , ThroughaTempest , Manhattan , expandbrand , ethicalqualms , Golfer-in-Chief , NationalSecurityCouncil , tension , chaos , foreignpolicyviaTwitter , MichaelFlynn , Russia , governmentinquiry , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , ICEraids , immigration , Syria , airstrikes , civilians , quietdefiance , corporateactivism , London , ticketscalpers , Hamilton , HarryPotter , theater , London'sWestEnd , Japan , agingpopulation , gourmetmenus , timesofclouds , sunshine , verywindy
Tags: RomareBearden , painting , collage , portraiture , families , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , DullesAirport , JFKairport , LAXairport , strandedtravelers , reunions , home , TravelBan , refugees , immigration , legalshowdown , obstaclesfromcourts , DonaldTrump , confrontations , judges , Trumpadvisors , voiceconcerns , rethinktactics , stumbles , TeaParty , RightwayforLeft , liberaltown , furyoverpolicing , Ohio , Superbowl , comeback , Patriots , TomBrady , football , homecoming , sunshine , increasingcloudiness , showerslate
General Idea, Cornucopia: The Birth of Red, White and Blue from Fear Management , One from a portfolio of eight screenprints, with hand additions, 32 15/16 x 21 15/16 inches, 1987, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: GeneralIdea , artcollective , collaboration , screenprint , FearManagement , MoMA , NYTimes , NewYork , JFKairport , airportprotests , executiveorder , PresidentTrump , Muslimban , immigration , globalconfusion , WashingtonDC , backlashalarmsGOP , GreenCardholders , GreenCardsexempt , HeadsofMuslimNations , conspicuouslysilent , familialdespair , artistsinlimbo , techworlddenounced , WhiteHousedemonstration , women'shealth , StephenBannon , AdviserSeizesSecurityRole , Generalsout , NationalSecurityCouncil , Yemenraid , AntiterrorOperation , constitutionalconflict , courtsblockexecutiveorder , courtcompliance , familyreunions , morningflurries , sunshine , colder
Francis Alÿs, Tornado, Milpa Alta , Video, high definition, projection, color and sound (surround), 39 minutes / 58 seconds, 2000 - 2010, Tate Gallery , Britain (video clip is hyperlinked in artwork title)
Tags: FrancisAlÿs , photography , performance , video , TateUK , weather , tornadoes , deadlystorms , South , homes , Georgia , NYTimes , Bangladesh , Islam , textbookrevisions , Cubans , Mexicanborder , USborder , migrants , AffordableCareAct , repealandreplace , DonaldTrump , rockystart , campaigntactics , Twittermessages , jeopardizesleverage , damagecontrol , MikePence , flags , WhiteHousestaff , WashingtonDC , Women'smarches , states , unity , disparategroups , dissent , nextsteps , againstpresidency , cloudyweather , heavyrain , windy , cooler
Tags: EricaBaum , photography , cardcatalogues , libraries , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , PresidentObama , OvalOffice , AbrahamLincoln , reading , writing , Michiko Kakutani , WhiteHouseyears , reflections , TrumpTweets , Inauguration , Democrats'fury , RepresentativeJohnLewis , CivilRightsIcon , socialjustice , race , keyplayers , MiddleEast , Two-StateSolution , SymbolicEndorsement , fastfreemoney , H&RBlock , taxchains , no-feeloans , taxrefunds , partlysunny , notascold , increasingcloudiness
Jack Gould, Untitled (men spraying fake snow onto Christmas trees) , Positive 4 x 5 transparency, 4 x 5 inches, 1960, Harvard Art Museums , Massachusetts
Tags: JackGould , photography , documentary , Christmastrees , fakesnow , drones , Santa , holidaygifts , glitter , gold , TheGoldenGlobes , Wikileaks , topplingpower , Tehran , outreach , tolerance , hard-liners , Kingmaker , Russia , Turkey , partnership , DonaldTrump , JeffSessions , Alabama , GOP , attorneygeneral , nominee , tarmacmeeting , Southernbelles , ruffles , bows , parasols , nineteenth century , eyecandy , feminism , buckingtheestablishment , bond , reformists , variablecloudiness , cold