Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Flying Carpets , Stainless steel and rubber, 420 x 1300 x 340 centimeters, 2011, Guggenheim Museum , New York
Tags: NadiaKaabi-Linke , flyingcarpets , sculpture , installationart , stainlesssteel , rubber , lightandshadow , GuggenheimMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , industriallandscape , multicoloredcontainers , geometricshapes , 80000containers , stacks , PortofSavannah , Georgia , 50%morethanusual , PileupatPort , BecomingAQuagmire , turmoilinshippingindustry , crisisinsupplychains , BattleOver2Bills , StakesHighestforPlanet , MeasuresContain , MostSignificantClimateActionbyU.S. , WashingtonDC , PresidentBiden , "Thenationandtheworldareinperil" , LawlessnessInsideRikers , LetsInmatesFlexPower , AbsentandAbusiveGuards , WorseningDysfunctionatDecrepitJail , Correction , bushijacked , chaos , detainees , holdcontrolofpartsofNewYorkjailcomplex , CitiesReverseOnPoliceCuts , CrimeRises , Dallas , protest , "Defund!Reclaim!Reinvest!" , incitiesacrossAmerica , policedepartmentsaregettingtheirmoneyback , AfterNoteonRacism , SchoolDistrict'Imploded' , Centreville , Maryland , AndreaKane , embrace , flowers , lastdayassuperintendent , QueenAnne'sCounty , inemail , sheofferedparentsa"realitycheck" , afterGeorgeFloyd'sdeathin2020 , "Racismisaliveinourcountry" , yearlongfirestorm , CO2machine , measurespoorventilation , concernedparents , coronavirus , schools , IntoBackpack , PenTextbooksCO2Monitor , cloudy , partlyclear , breezy
Michel Nedjar, Untitled , Acrylic, oil pastel, and wax on brown paper bag, 12 x 8 inches, 1988, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: MichelNedjar , painting , portraiture , acrylic , oilpastel , wax , brownpaperbag , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , body , clothing , baseballcap , blanket , textiles , Mexico , 100000DisappearedPeople , acrossthecountry'sdeserts , mothershuntformissingchildren , NewYorkTimesphotographer , FredRamos , documentedtheirsearch , clothingfoundwithunidentifiedbodies , humanremains , identifyingthedead , longandarduousprocess , AlaskaDoctors , ForcedToPickWhoIsTreated , Overwhelmed , WorstU.S.CovidOutbreak , ProvidenceAlaskaMedicalCenter , Anchorage , ChiefJusticeJohnG.RobertsJr. , nolongertheswingvote , AbortionLeadsChargedDocket , CourtReturn , ChallengeForRoberts , JusticesDefendRecord , PollsShowDeclineinPublicSupport , WashingtonDC , Roev.Wade , SupremeCourt , increasinglyassociatedwithpartisanship , StudiesonUseOfPoliceHoldsAreChallenged , Face-DownRestraints , IgnoredinAutopsies , Greensboro , Maryland , AntonBlack , unarmedpeople , whodieafterbeingrestrained , Germany'sParliament , Isn'tJustNew , It'sYoung , AGenerationalShift , LedbyTwoParties , NowKingmakers , theGreens , theFreeDemocrats , HungaryRunsVastCampaign , ForU.S.Sway , governmentsaroundtheworld , seektoshapepoliciesanddebatesinWashington , foreigninfluenceinU.S.politics , aerialphotography , blueice , spotlight , whitelight , SpelunkingforClimateHints , Scientistsexploringicycaves , studyrelationshipwithglacialmelting , VietnameseAmericansMobilize , ToAidtheNewestWarRefugees , Afghans , mostlycloudy , rain , thunderstorms
Tags: OutiPieski , installationart , wood , thread , multicolor , MuseumofContemporaryArtKiasma , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , groupofwomen , masks , green , blue , yellow , red , black , wristbands , voters , Berlin , TheGreens , ledpollingearlyon , hope , NoClearWinner , GermanVoteForChancellor , EndOfTheMerkelEra , Negotiations , Forma3-PartyCoalition , MayTakeMonths , center-leftSocialDemocrats , Desperate , LeavingTexastoHaveAbortions , NewLaw'sProhibitions , DrivingWomenIntoNeighboringStates , OklahomaCity , clinic , TrustWomenOklahomaCity , riseinpatients , arrivingfromTexas , anti-abortionmovement , nurses , desks , phones , computermonitors , ChinaMovingToAvoidPanic , InItsEconomy , Beijing , financialworldwatchingstruggles , ChinaEvergrandeGroup , largestpropertydeveloper , mostindebted , theChinesegovernment , "isstillgoingtoprovideaguarantee" , forEvergrande'sactivities , WashingtonDC , PoliticalGame , IncreasesOddsofU.S.Default , NeitherPartyBudges , Debt-LimitVote , roilingfinancialmarkets , observersworried , capsizingtheeconomy'srecovery , fromthepandemicdownturn , team , redwhiteblueuniforms , goldtrophy , groupofmen , AFirmU.S.Grip , AmericanteamwonRyderCup , againstEurope , EsiasJohnson , MentallyIllMan'sDeath , SpotlightsRikersCrisis , InhumaneConditions , TiedtoLowStaffing , $380CovidTest , theLawThatAllowsIt , CongressMadeInsurersPay , butSetNoLimit , GSLabs , start-upcompany , sunnyskies , patchyclouds , warm
Tags: CyThao , oiloncanvas , figurepainting , landscape , MinneapolisInstituteofArt , NYTimes , U.S.BorderPatrolagent , menonhorseback , DelRio , Texas , water , bluereflections , Haitianmigrants , RioGrande , river , peopleinwater , plasticbags , triedtostopHaitianmigrants , fromenteringacamp , HaitiObjects , U.S.SendsMigrantsBack , about14000Haitians , willbeexpelledfromU.S. , encampmentformedinTexasbordertown , Haitianappeal , suspensionofdeportations , WashingtonDC , JoeManchin , powerfulDemocrat , WestVirginia , SenatorHasFossilFuelLinks , andaPotentPen , ManchinBacksCleanEnergy , CanAlterBiden'sPlans , crucialup-or-downvote , sharplydividedSenate , Mr.Biden's$3.5trillionbudgetbill , couldreshape , nation'ssocialwelfarenetwork , FirstLadyJillBiden , classroom , desks , students , raisedhands , Americanflag , TheFirstLady'sAgenda , AsPresidentBidentriestorestorebipartisanship , JillBidenisnotstandingonsidelines , ARevolvingDoor , KeepsTaxPolicyonClients'Side , Lawyers'BriefLucrativeRoundTrips , FromAccountingFirmstoTreasury , PwC , giantaccountingfirm , helpingworld'sbiggestcompaniesavoidtaxes , younggirls , AMerkelnamesake , SeaofAngelas , GivesThanksToChancellor , Wülfrath , Germany , HibajaMaai , gavebirththreedaysafterarrivinginGermany , fledSyria , "AngelaMerkelsavedourlives" , UsingVirusTest , WaytoKeepPupilsinSchool , "testtostay" , modifiedquarantine , VirginiaBeach , DemocratsLooktoAbortionFight , toMotivateSuburbanWomen , RattlingaVirginiaRace , Loomingin2022 , abundantsunshine , mild
Alexander Archipenko, Walking Soldier , 1917, Plaster, paint and wood, (enlarged cast executed ca. 1954), Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: AlexanderArchipenko , walkingsoldier , plaster , paint , wood , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , bluesky , windsweptsand , lightandshadow , golden , footprints , pattern , portraiture , MohamedouOuldSlahi , torturedatGuantánamoBay , nowlivesinMauritania , OneLegacy , September11 , ATorturePolicy'sStain , Nouakchott , Mauritania , nearly15yearsasadetainee , mind-numbingisolation , darkenedcell , withouthisQuran , G.O.P.Seethes , ButEveryStateRequiresShots , FuryatBiden , IgnoresaCenturyofRules , requireprivate-sectorbusinesses , withmorethan100employees , coronavirusvaccinemandates , California , ThrivingClaimsOfVoterFraud , EchoesOf'20InRecall , BaselessTheoriesBeforeElection , NewNormontheRight , Californiarecallelection , DemocraticGovernorGavinNewsom , LarryElder , leadingRepublicancandidate , AbortionRulingInflamesDebate , AmongMexicans , WellofPublicDissent , ProcedureIsNowLegal , butManyDoctorsWon'tProvideIt , MexicoCity , Mexico'sSupremeCourtruledabortionisnotacrime , Green-EnergyBoomTown , ButCantheGoodTimesLast? , Normal , Illinois , electric-vehiclemaker , Rivian , U.S.Open , SenseofRenewal , ontheCourtandintheCrowd , tenniscourt , net , crowd , blue , green , uniforms , tennisplayers , embrace , DaniilMedvedev , beatNovakDjokovicinthefinal , NovakDjokovic , ChrisEvert , "Thecrowdwasthethirdplayerthisyear." , partlycloudy , warm , humid
Ceal Floyer, Double Act , Slide, gobo, theatre light, projection, colour, Dimensions variable, 2006, Tate , U.K.
Tags: CealFloyer , doubleact , multimedia , lightprojection , installation , stage , TateUK , NYTimes , nightscene , redlights , glow , ambulance , EMT , medics , transportedpatientonstretcher , stairs , banisters , railing , fences , Houston , casessurged , 100000Covidpatients , hospitalizedintheU.S. , AsVirusSurges , AmericansDreadGoingBackward , 1500DeathsMostDays , MillionsRefuseVaccines , DrivingCasestoRiseSixfoldinSummer , OverlandPark , Kansas , flashbackto2020 , resurgenceleftcountryexhausted , lesscertainwhennormalcymightreturn , GrandIsle , Louisiana , AthletesMeetFiercestRival , PotentStorms , CoachDennyWright , GrandIsleSchool , "Noschool.Nopractice.I'llletyouknowwhen." , Managua , Nicaragua , NicaraguansAreLivinginFear , AsOrtegaComesforOpponents , PresidentDanielOrtega , questtosecurefourthterm , MedardoMairena , oppositionleader , TheWelcomeMatIsOut , forAfghanRefugees , ThousandsOfferAid , FromBothSidesofPoliticalSpectrum , donationsarepouringin , nonprofits , Limbo , TheTalibanhavelefthundredsstranded , awaitingapprovaltoleave , militarycostumes , nineteenthcentury , red , black , goldtassels , feathers , whitecoffin , Moscowceremony , transferringGeneralCharlesÉtienneGudin’sremains , toFrancefromRussia , NapoleonicGeneral , FailstoHelpFranceandRussiaMakePeace , LeBourget , France , HélèneCarrèred’Encausse , FrenchhistorianofRussia , “Itwasnottherepatriationthatwasoriginallyconceived" , Richardson , Texas , BehindaDriveInTexas , toHaltMostAbortions , LawReflectsCulturalandJudicialShifts , Abortionclinicsemptiedoutlastweek , Texaslawwentintoeffect , enactingnear-completebanonabortion , culminationofyearsofRepublicancontrol , conservativejudicialappointments , Texas"feelsanobligationtoleadandbebold" , JohnSeago , legislativedirectorforTexasRighttoLife , partlytomostlysunny , seasonablywarm , lesshumid
Antonio Fantuzzi, after Giulio Romano, Soldiers Marching, Armed with Slings, Etching, dimensions unknown, sixteenth century, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: AntonioFantuzzi , afterGiulioRomano , etching , soldiersmarching , sixteenthcentury , HarvardArtMuseums , Cambridge , Massachusetts , NYTimes , PayingRespects , PresidentBiden , firsttripinoffice , witnessthetransferofremains , reminderofthetollofwar , U.S.military , soldierscarryingcoffin , Americanflag , mourning , camouflageuniforms , blackboots , redwhitestripe , AmidTerrorThreat , HurriedAirliftofAfghansEnds , U.S.Drone , DestroysVehicle , ThoughttoBeLadenWithExplosives , civilianskilled , U.S.investigatingtheassertions , ReportsofDetentionsandExecutionsofFoes , DespiteTalibanVowofAmnesty , Talibanspokesman , SuhailShaheen , "Generalamnestyhasbeengranted" , "wearefocusingonfuture." , LeveesAreTested , HurricaneIdaSlamsGulfCoast , NewOrleans , Dreads'AnotherKatrina' , nation'smostflood-scarredcity , 16thanniversaryofKatrina , WidespreadLossofPower , fast-arrivingstorm , maximumwinds , 150milesanhour , streetscene , strongwindstoreoffportionofroof , FrenchQuarter , buildingdamage , YolandaDavis , doubleportrait , holdingpictureframe , Julissia'sgrandmother , longtimefosterparent , "Itookreallygoodcareofmygranddaughter" , AtBirth , SheAlreadyHadaCaseFile , AtAge7SheWasDead , Bronx , socialworkers , judges , caseworkers , socialwelfare , Jackson , Mississippi , Mississippi'sStruggletoHandleOutbreak , WasYearsinMaking , PatientsinHospital'sGarage , ReflectingVastGapsinCare , coronaviruspatients , "Wehavereachedafailurepoint" , LouannWoodward , UniversityofMississippiMedicalCenter , combinationofpovertyandpolitics , partlysunny , humid , thunderstorms
Lee Bontecou, Untitled , Welded steel, canvas, fabric, rawhide, copper wire, and soot, 203.6 x 226 x 88 centimeters, 1961, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: LeeBontecou , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , weldedsteel , rawhide , fabric , MoMA , NYTimes , Afghanistan , Afghans , groupofmen , wavingtheirdocuments , U.S.Marines , standingguard , walls , HamidKarzaiInternationalAirport , barricades , ChaosAtAirport , TalibanWorkOnCreatingState , FormerAfghanPresident , HamidKarzai , Russians , TakeOnMediatorRoles , BadOptics , Democratsfear , thepandemicorAfghanchaos , mayturnoffmoderateswingvoters , whohelpedthemwin , AlarmOverIsis , PresidentBiden'snationalsecurityadviser , warnedof"acute"threatofanattack , amidU.S.evacuationefforts , U.S.PassedonTalibanSurrender , 20YearsofWarFollowed , "Wedon'tnegotiatesurrenders" , SecretaryofStateDonaldRumsfeld , ScienceofVirus , KeepsEvolvingAndFrustrating , coronavirus , FDA , expectedtoformallyapprove , Pfizer-BioNTechvaccine , suburbanworkers , maynotwanttoreturntocommuting , DeltaCripplesFallRecoveryForNewYork , Septemberwassupposedtomarkreturntonormal , upendedbyDeltavariant , bigcompanies , postponedplanstocomeback , setbackforacity , 10.5%unemployment , Waverly , Tennessee , residentsdescribed"tidalwave"ofwater , overturnedcars , propertydamage , FloodingRavagesTennessee , KillingatLeast22 , 'NoOneCouldGetOut' , WaveofWaterHitVulnerableArea , HenriSlamsNortheast , stormpromptedfloodwatchesinseveralstates , RickeyLarkin , "Wecameaboutafootfromdrowning." , "Ithoughtweweregone." , HospitalData , RevealsSecretsBehindBilling , hospitalsarechargingpatients , wildlydifferentamounts , forsamebasicservices , sunshine , humid , showers
Jim Hodges, look and see , Enamel on stainless steel, 138 x 300 x 144 inches, 2005, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: JimHodges , enamel , stainlesssteel , sculpture , installation , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , TalibanCaptureKabul , StunningU.S. , A20-YearEffortUnravelsInDays , militarytank , camouflage , traffic , weapons , youngmen , flags , roadside , Talibanfighters , HumveeseizedfromAfghanforces , eightdaysintonationwidepush , insurgentstookcontrolofcountry , PanicSpreads , ThousandsTrytoEscape , PresidentAshrafGhani , fledthecountry , Americannation-buildingexperiment , inruins , Evacuation , franticscene , stoodincontrast , Washington'soptimisticprognoses , Diplomacy , Officialscontemplating , whethertoengagewithaTalibangovernment , AfterWeekUnderNewRulers , KunduzMayBeHintOfFuture , Taliban-appointedmayorofKunduz , GulMohammadElias , ForBiden , ImagesHeWantedtoAvoid , Talibanmilitants , displayingtheirflag , aftertakingJalalabad , scrambletoevacuate , Americanciviliansandembassyemployees , unfoldedliveontelevision , 20thanniversary , Sept.112001 , RecordRiseinFoodStampAid , AimstoStemHunger'sSpread , averagebenefitswillrisemorethan25% , Quake-RavagedHaiti , HordesofInjured , SeekScarceCare , LesCayes , magnitude7.2earthquake , doctors , PPE , tendingtoawoman , blankets , thousandswithgrievousinjuries , badlydamagedhospitals , makeshifttriagewards , somesunshine , lowhumidity
Tags: JapaneseArt , Netsuke , ivory , sculpture , portraiture , PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum , NewJersey , NYTimes , Tokyo2020 , TokyoOlympics , selfie , womenathletes , whiteuniforms , redblackuniforms , bandstands , cameras , phonecamera , AGlitteringFinish , Helpedbyitsseventhstraighttitle , women'sbasketball , U.S.endedatopthemedalcount , AHotterFutureIsNowInevitable , U.N.ReportSays , ScientistsUrgeImmediateSwitch , FromFossilFuels , toAvertGreaterPerils , humanshaveheatedtheplanet , by2degreesFahrenheit , sincethe19thcentury , byburningcoaloilandgasforenergy , significantjumpinextremeweather , WashingtonDC , SignalasU.S.MissionEnds , You'reOnYourOwn , AfghanForces , ReceiveScantAssistance , asIncursionsGrow , 3AfghanCities , FallToTaliban , InsurgentsMoveClosertoCementingPower , Kabul , Afghanistan , Kunduz , Sar-i-Pul , Taliqan , redwhitebluebuilding , roundabout , road , Talibanflag , blackandwhiteflag , flyinginKunduzAfghanistan , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sDeputy , ReadiesforCall , AsBossTeeters , deafeningcallsforhisresignation , outdoorscene , summer , Childrenracingon34thAvenue , Queens , closedtovehicles , togivepeoplemorespace , OnCar-FreeStreets , RethinkingUrbanLiving , ACityStirs , ALessoninQueens , 1.3-mile-longblockparty , LingeringCovid , DisruptsLivesOfYoungsters , post-Covid , neurologicalphysicalorpsychiatricsymptoms , partlysunny , humid
René Daniëls, Het Glazen , Oil on canvas, 200 x 130 centimeters, 1984, De Pont Museum , Tilburg, Netherlands
Tags: RenéDaniëls , oiloncanvas , windows , architecture , glazing , DePontMuseum , NYTimes , hospital , medicalworkers , medicalequipment , glassdoors , bluePPE , 'WhenWillThisEverEnd?' , waveofCovidcases , I.C.U. , SantaMonica , California , dashedthehopesofdoctors , whothoughttheworstwasover , OfficialsEnlistStarsofTikTok , InVaccineWar , TappingInfluencers , SteerFactstoYouth , WhiteHouseenlistedTwitchstreamers , YouTubers , TikTokers , ShortOnDoses , StrugglingToDeliverThem , ChallengesForCovax , Money , Bureaucracy , Logistics , ClipGlobalVaccinationPlan , workers , orangejackets , Covaxshipment , AstraZeneca , Madagascar , Covax , multibillion-dollaralliance , internationalhealthbodies , nonprofits , Biden'sClimatePlansHobbled , AfteranExodusUnderTrump , WashingtonDC , hundredsofjobs , climateandenvironmentalscience , acrossthefederalgovernment , remainvacant , RiotsShatteredIllusion , CoexistenceinIsrael , AcreIsrael , InArab-JewishTowns , ResentmentFestersOverInequality , citysquare , stonefacade , stairwells , bluedoors , archway , youth , InthemixedcityofAcre , Palestiniansaccountfor30% , populationof56000 , NewYorkPushToClearStreets , HitsHomeless , cityworkers , sometimescleardozensofencampments , broadereffortbyMayorBilldeBlasio , transferringover8000peoplefromhotels , FightOverRezoningBid , TestsCharlottesville'sProgressonRace , Charlottesville , Virginia , CityRemovesStatues , butBalksatMore , sunshine , lesshumid
Marsden Hartley, The Wave , Oil on board, 76.8 x 103.8 centimeters, 1940-1941, Worcester Art Museum , Massachusetts
Tags: MarsdenHartley , thewave , oilonboard , painting , WorcesterArtMuseum , Massachusetts , NYTimes , twowomen , frontyard , landscape , porch , home , RobertaMoses , networkofcanvassers , goingdoor-to-door , Shreveport , Louisiana , trytosignuppeopleforvaccinations , OfficialFights , ToVaccinateInLouisiana , RumorsandMistrust , MakeProgressSlow , conspiracytheories , conservativenewsoutlets , rampantmisinformationonline , Dr.MarthaWhyte , ShotRefusal , GivesVariantRoomtoGrow , MoreVaccinations , KeytoHaltingNewSurge , DeltaVariant , nearlyhalfofpopulation , remainsunvaccinatedandunprotected , Greensboro , NorthCarolina , NearingFourthGrade , HunterElementarySchool , students , RacingtoCatchUp , SummerSchools , TrytoClosePandemicLearningGap , MakerofPrius , NowResistingEmissionsPush , Toyota , opposingtransitiontoelectricvehicles , lobbyingCongress , betfuture , developmentofhydrogenfuelcells , ocean , seaspray , blue , bluegreen , white , MasteringOlympicWaves , CarolineMarks , , TokyoGames , BobMoses , obituary , 1935-2021 , QuietandRelentlessCrusader , ForCivilRightsandEducation , insistedhewasanorganizer , TopDemocrats , TurntoLikelyMayor , OverHisStanceonCrime , Ex-CaptaininNewYork , CommandsaPulpit , EricAdams , cloudy , somesunshine , warm , lesshumid
Nari Ward, Vertical Hold , Yarn and bottles, 271.8 x 76.2 centimeters, 1996, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: NariWard , verticalhold , yarn , bottles , mixedmedia , installation , sculpture , suspension , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , destroyedbyfire , storageroom , DarioSattui , winery , Calistoga , California , winebottles , rubble , burnedinterior , brown , black , "Wecan'tkeepgoinglikethis" , FireDroughtandHeat , ScorchtheLand , RedsandWhites , PuttingSunscreenonGrapes , DesperateNapaValley , St.Helena , wildfire , climatechange , vineyards , StruggletoProsecuteRapeEndures , Despite#MeToo , ChallengingCasesDroppedinManhattan , D.A.Faulted , DismissiveCulture , CammyDuong , "Ifeltlikenobodybelievedme" , TelAviv , Israel , SpywareReport , BringsScrutinyToIsraeliFirm , NSOGroup , Pegasus , surveillanceapplication , targetjournalists , dissidents , oppositionpoliticians , makeshifthospital , bluecurtains , ThePandemicHasANewEpicenter , Indonesia , suffering , deathssoaring , hospitalsoverwhelmed , oxygenrunningout , SoutheastAsia , ThrivingorNot , BlackColleges , SeizeMoment , donations , hirings , governmentmoney , chiefofstaff , RonKlain , portrait , reinstoWestWing , AfterDecades , It'sKlain'sTurnAsChiefofStaff , viewedasessentialconductor , administrationbusiness , surrogateforpresident , Seoul , FreeSpeech , PuttotheTest , inSouthKorea , APlantoCriminalize , ConspiracyPeddling , "GwangjuDemocratizationMovement" , conspiracytheories , spreadingquicklyinSouthKorea , politicaldivide , amplifiedonline , PresidentMoonJae-in , governingparty , rolledoutlegislation , stampingoutfalsenarratives , partlycloudy , seasonable , moderatehumidity
Tags: ChouPang-Ling , clay , abstraction , mixedmedia , black , rust , burntsienna , risingsmoke , rubble , twistedmetal , detritus , Tigrayanfighters , surveyingwreckage , Ethiopianmilitarycargoplane , shotdown , southofMekelle , Samre , Ethiopia , 'LikeaFlood' , TigrayansJoinFightForHonor , Guerillas , RoutedEthiopia'sMilitary , civilwar , markedbyatrocitiesandstarvation , feud , PrimeMinisterAbiyAhmed , Tigrayanleaders , smallethnicminority , ColombiansInHaiti , HadMurkyRole , Bogotá , Colombia , MauricioJavierRomero , 20-yearveteranofColombianmilitary , recruitedforjob , oneofseveralmenkilledinHaiti , aftermathofassassination , PresidentJovenelMoïse , ArrestInHaiti , Florida-baseddoctorisbeingheld , RichardBranson , spaceflight , "magical" , BransonReachesEdgeofSpace , SeekingTourism'sFinalFrontier , SpaceportAmerica , NewMexico , smallrocketplane , VirginGalactic , RationingCare , Last-ResortCovidTherapy , DilemmasforDoctors , WhichAilingPatientsGetShotatLife? , HoustonMethodistHospital , EMCO , intensivetreatment , Dr.DavidGutierrez , receivingEMCOcare , abouthalfofpatients , whogotthetreatmentsurvived , hospitalroom , doctors , bluePPE , Anti-VaccinationRhetoric , CreepsFromFringe , toFoxPrimeTime , CastigatingPresident'sOutreachEffort , prime-timeshows , TuckerCarlson , LauraIngraham , "forcepeopletotakemedicinetheydon'twantorneed" , Mr.Carlsonsaid , U.S.ConfrontsCriticalChoices , OnPowerLines , BigGridvs.SmallGrid , OutcomeIsKey , SpeedandScale , MovetoCleanEnergy , climatechange , PresidentBidensecured$73billion , forthousandsofmilesofnewpowerlines , GridDevelopmentAuthority , replacecoalandnaturalgaspowerplants , withlargewindandsolarfarms , humid , someclouds , afternoonthunderstorms , NYTimes , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum
Johannes VanDerBeek, Ruins , Life, Time and National Geographic magazines, wood, glue, 113 x 200 inches, 2007, The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery , Sarasota Springs, New York
Tags: JohannesVanDerBeek , mixedmedia , magazines , sculpture , installation , architecture , TangTeachingMuseumandArtGallery , NYTimes , map , Miami , cityplanning , urbanplanning , orange , paleyellow , grey , ConcernOver1970sand'80sHigh-Rises , residentialhigh-rise , collapseof40-year-old13-storyhigh-rise , ChamplainTowersSouth , intensescrutinyonhigh-risebuildings , BalHarbour , BayHarborIslands , Surfside , MiamiBeach , LaxEnforcementofRules , LetsTowersSkirtScrutiny , FloridaCondoCollapse , PromptsNewLook , HandlingofSafetyCompliance , emergencycrew , crane , inspectingChamplainTowersbalcony , DistressOverDemolition , remainderofbuildingdemolished , residentslosteverythingtheyleftbehind , U.S.Surges , ButPoliticsHoldFirm , PartisanshipImmune , toSignsofRecovery , PresidentBidenannouncedbipartisandeal , hundredsofbillionsofdollars , rebuildingcountry'sworninfrastructure , Farmer'sFamilyOwnedSlaves , HowtoAtone? , DirtTownValley , Georgia , StacieMarshall , MatthewRaiford , twodozenBlackfarmers , marketingseminar"CollardsAren'ttheNewKale" , DespiteDoubts , FrenziedHuntforDiamonds , womaninlandscape , rocks , searchingforpreciousstones , KwaHlathi , SouthAfrica , dreamedofaturnofluck , persistentstruggleswithjoblessness , BeatingHeat , GetsTougherForCampers , climatechange , JillLaidlaw , workedfor37years , CampCavell , Lexington , Michigan , hotterdays , warmernights , strongerrainstorms , RichardNixon , JimmyCarter , BillClinton , DonaldTrump , WhatYouCanLearn , FromOvalOfficeArt , theworksintheWhiteHouse , tellastory , aboutoccupants'viewsofhistory , partlycloudy , warmer
Jae Jarrell, Urban Wall Suit, Sewn and painted cotton and silk, two-piece suit, 95.3 x 69.9 x1.3 centimeters, 1969, Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: JaeJarrell , UrbanWallSuit , textiles , two-piecesuit , cotton , silk , BrooklynMuseum , NYTimes , sunset , beach , ocean , twowomen , sittingonthesand , books , readingHebrewpsalms , nearsiteofcondocollapse , Surfside , Florida , Over150peopleremainunaccountedfor , EmergingClues , SuggestCollapseBeganatBottom , PinpointingFloridaBuilding'sFailurePoint , MayRequireLengthyInvestigation , structuralavalanche , "progressivecollapse" , ChamplainTowersSouth , threeyearsbeforedeadlycollapse , consultantfoundalarmingevidence , "majorstructuraldamage" , FamiliesHopePrayandGirdFortheWorst , DouglasBerdeaux , "We'rejusthopingandprayingthatamiraclewillhappen." , NativeAmericans , FeelBruntofClimateChange , TheMarginalLands , ofDispossessedPeople , BecomeUnlivable , Chefornak , Yu'pikvillage , Alaska , Nativetribes , experiencingenvironmentalperil , exacerbatedbypolicies , crowds , flags , signs , protest , EndlessPride , peoplefilledstreetsofNewYorkCity , PrideMonth , QueerLiberationMarch&Rally , boxesofmedicine , naloxonehydrochloride , reverseoverdoses , AddictsGetAid , NottoAbstain , ButtoSurvive , Greensboro , NorthCarolina , harmreductioncenter , HowStart-UpsGotaWindfall , OnCovidLoans , astutemixoftechnologyandadvertising , Blueacorn , Womply , PaycheckProtectionProgram , processedathird , ofallP.P.P.loansmadethisyear , middlemen , CrossingtheRedLine , BehindBeijing'sTakeoverofHongKong , SignalsFromXi , WentUnnoticedbyPublic , policypaper , Beijingwouldwield , "comprehensivejurisdiction" , hot , humid , partlysunny
Romy Achituv, Camille Utterback, Text Rain , Interactive digital installation: computer and video camera, Edition: 3/3, Dimensions variable, 1999, Fundación la Caixa , Barcelona, Spain. Note: Video edit is hyperlinked via artwork title.
Tags: RomyAchituv , CamilleUtterback , TextRain , interactivedigitalinstallation , computer , videocamera , performance , language , videoprojection , FundaciónlaCaixa , Barcelona , Spain , NYTimes , EricAdams , front-runner , visitedBrooklynchurch , shakinghands , MayaWiley , hula-hooping , festivalinBrooklyn , KathrynGarcia , takingyogabreak , TimesSquare , AndrewYang , greetingvoters , cheering , festivalintheBronx , PilesofMoney , PavingthePath , ToaMayoralty , Billionaires , BuoyNewYork'sModerates , superPACspending , exceeded$24million , NewYork , TrailsRestOfTheU.S. , InVirusRebound , EconomicScarsLinger , BusinessesChallenged , DearthofCommutersandVisitors , changingpatternsofworkandtravel , 10.9%unemploymentrateinMay , Bishops'VoteAgainstBiden , RevealsReach , RomanCatholicChurch , WashingtonDC , guidelinesforEucharist , advancingconservativepush , todenyPresidentBidencommunion , overhissupportforabortionrights , WarBlotsOut , NobelHaloofEthiopia'sPremier , LeaderFacesVote , AmidFamineandClaimsofAtrocities , AddisAbaba , Ethiopia , PrimeMinisterAbiyAhmed , awardedNobelPeacePrize , TheWest , eagerforglitteringsuccessstoryinAfrica , desertlandscape , drywallstuds , JuanGutierrez , struggleswithArizonaheat , constructionsites , ForBuilders , HotPhoenixMarket , FeelsLike115degrees , HousingCrunch , KeepsCrewsToilinginSun , subdivision , DesertOasis , "Yourskinfallsoff" , "youhavetocoverupeverything" , undocumentedworkers , OnceRoyalty , RepresentativeLizCheney , G.O.P.'sLonelyWarrior , RepublicanofWyoming , "Thisisaboutbeingabletotellyourkids" , "thatyoustoodupanddidtherightthing" , warm , humid , partlycloudy , muggy
Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.001, hanging seven interlocking double trumpets) , Brass wire, 30 x 36 x 36 inches, 1958, de Young museum , San Francisco, California
Tags: RuthAsawa , sculpture , brasswire , installation , interlocking , doubletrumpets , deYoungmuseum , SanFrancisco , LATimes , NaftaliBennett , politician , podium , speech , bluewhiteflag , goldfringe , handsinair , addressesparliament , 60-59voteofconfidence , Israel'snewgovernment , thehard-liner , YairLapid , centrist , splitprimeminister'sfour-yearterm , Bennettwillgofirst , Anepochends , Netanyahuispushedout , unusualnewgovernment , ejectslongest-servingprimeministerofIsrael , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , 120-memberKnesset , rulingcoalition , Motheranddaughtervanish , husbandspillsabizarrestory , Anallegedkidnappingin2019 , continuestobaffleIrvinepolice , ChengZhang , Uberdriver , AmberAiaz , MelissaFu , parallelinvestigationbyFBI , SongGirlsinquiry , hasechofrom2016 , USCprogramanditslongtimecoach , subjectofTitleIXinvestigation , LoriNelson , famedcollegiatedancesquad , cheerleaders , whiteuniforms , redpompoms , footballfield , maroonyellowuniforms , USCSongGirls , raceontofield , Trojans , schoolofficialsdeclinedtocomment , TitleIXprobeoftheprogram , Dr.Dre , mogultostartmagnetschool , L.A.UnifiedSupt. , AustinBeutner , campusinLeimertPark , couldbe'thecoolest'inAmerica , JimmyIovine , musicindustrymogul , Dr.Drewantstoreach , "theinner-citykidtheyoungerme" , rareinvestmentbyentertainmentelite , Withouttrust , apost-COVIDnormalwillnotbepossible , coronavirus , emotionaljourney , PresidentBiden , G-7allies , condemnChina , criticismforitsuseofforcedlabor , andotherhumanrightsabuses , Downtownfire , destroyedstudios , Artistsmayhavelostmanypieces , inlastweek'sblaze , theystillhavetheirspirit , 19thGrandSlamTitle , trophy , kiss , FrenchOpen , NovakDjokovic , celebratescomebackvictory , mostlysunny , warm
Heidi Bucher, Banister I, Obermuhle (Ancestral Home) , Latex, cotton, bamboo, and metal, 78 x 235 centimeters, 1980, The Israel Museum , Jerusalem
Tags: HeidiBucher , sculpture , installation , banister , TheIsraelMuseum , Jerusalem , LATimes , streaminglight , holes , architecture , lightandshadow , rubble , destroyedroom , MahmoudKhdeir , detritus , agriculture-product , storagefacility , burnedbuilding , 11-daywar , Gaza , Gaza'seconomy , smokingruins , GazaCity , businessowners , seelittlehope , forswiftrecoveryafterwar , scorchedhusks , singedmetal , meltedplastic , horsecart , smoke , bluetarp , carryingdebris , pilesofrubble , upscaleAl-Rimalneighborhood , fourdaysaftercease-fire , betweenIsraelandHamasmilitants , Gascón'sScrutinyOfPoliceKillings , Sputters , Delayinhiringspecialprosecutor , narrowstheD.A.'soptions , forchargingofficers , GeorgeGascón , LosAngelesCountydistrictattorney , SherrilWells , harvestsvegetables , plantedbyherlatehusband , RodneyWells , AfricanAmericanFarmersofCalifornia , farmland , Fresno , ReapingwhatRodneysowed , Awidow , neededareasontocarryon , founditintillingthefields , givingfoodtothehungry , L.A.inmates , getaccesstolifesavingdrug , foroverdoses , OpioidCrisis , fentanyl , naloxone , drugreverseseffectsofopioids , basketball , whiteandblackuniforms , ClippersAdvance , KawhiLeonard , L.A. , withstoodLukaDoncic , Mavericks , Game7 , Manchinrejectskeyelectionbill , overhaul , U.S.votinglaw , Ethicsconcernsraisedinrecall , GavinNewsom , Astheheatrisesthissummer , canCaliforniakeepthelightson? , morninglowclouds
Lisa Hecht, The Other Side of the Mirror , Screenprint on wallpaper, Limited edition, 72 centimeters, 2011, Victoria and Albert Museum , London, U.K.
Tags: LisaHecht , TheOtherSideoftheMirror , Screenprint , wallpaper , limitededition , V&AMuseum , London , patient , hospitalbed , hospitalgowns , PPE , medicalmachines , nurse , LisaCraig , struggleswithsicklecelldisease , echocardiogram , VanderbiltUniversityMedicalCenter , Nashville , CaughtBetween , SickleCellAgony , WaryMedicalSystem , TheErrantGene , AWoman'sInvisiblePain , willingtotryjustaboutanything , tostopdeteriorationofbodyandmind , "Liveasifeverythingisamiracle" , framedquote , livingroomwall , rareinheritedblooddisorder , WashingtonDC , AnEasierPathForForeigners , InBiden'sPlan , ImmigrationOverhaul , UndoTrumpRules , "D.H.S.PlantoRestoreTrustinOurLegalImmigrationSystem" , foreignerswillhavebetteropportunities , tojointheirfamilies , morechancestosecureworkvisas , Jerusalem , UneasyAlliance , MayGiveIsraelNewLeadership , BenjaminNetanyahu , NetanyahuFacesPeril , ARight-WingNationalist , JoinsForcesWith , aSecularCentrist , NaftaliBennett , ultranationalistpower-broker , YairLapid , formertelevisionhost , voiceofsecularcentrists , EmployersRacetoFillJobs , America'sTeenagersCashIn , ShaylahBentley , 18 , workingatKennywoodamusementpark , Pittsburgh , MayorHopefuls , VietoWinOverKeyLatinoVote , EricAdams , AdrianoEspaillat , Intherace'sfinalweeks , pressingtheircases , advertising , Spanish-languagephonebanks , Latinoaffinitygroups , ralliesinheavilyHispanicneighborhoods , photo op , ShaunDonovan , FutaIslamicCenter , Bronx , notfarfromwherehebeganhiscampaign , groupofsupporters , selfies , mobilephones , HeHastheRésumé , andtheMoney , ButVotes? , ACampaignforMayor , PitchesLeadership , veteranofObamaadministration , formercitycommissioner , underMayorMichaelR.Bloomberg , strategistBradleyTusk , NewYorkers , "wantthecompetencyofBloomberg" , "buttheywantsomethingthat'smoreprogressive" , cloudy , becomingsunny , warmer