Olli Miettinen, Men from Hatjalahti, study , Charcoal, crayon, cardboard, 167.5 x 239.5 centimeters, 1943, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: OlliMiettinen , soldiers , Hatjalahti , study , charcoal , crayon , cardboard , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , AsWarRages , Ukraine , AgreesToTalksWithRussians , 'WithoutPreconditions' , crowds , Ukrainians , Industry , Gatheringemptybottles , Dnipro , Molotovcocktails , Tenacity , localmen , diggingbunker , erectingcheckpoint , villageofHushchyntsi , dirt , earth , Charity , cardboardsigns , handwrittentext , yellowtape , Offeringrefugeesfreerides , Polishborder , Polandandbeyond , ArmedorNot , VillagersRushToJoinFight , Khomutyntsi , grass-rootsmovement , mobilizationofcivilians , MoreThan350CiviliansHaveBeenKilled , Kyiv , Ukraine'sPresident , VolodymyrZelensky , Censorship , RussiapressuringGoogleandApple , seekstorestrictonlinematerial , Sidelined , Putindistanceshimselffromadvisers , couldberisky , InTurnaround , GermanyVowsMilitaryBoost , ChancellorOlafScholz , 100BillionEuros , Berlin , Putin'sNuclearArsenalRhetoric , PushesBoundsofBrinkmanship , nuclearforces , "specialcombatreadiness" , Americanforces , Defcon3 , TheWoodlands , Texas , AfterPartisanRedistricting , PrimariesMatterMost , RepresentativeDanCrenshaw , hadhisTexasdistrictredrawn , risingRepublicanstar , Baltimore , policecadets , takepartincourse , ethicalpolicing , PoliceTraintoStepIn , WhenPoliceStepTooFar , mostlysunny , breezy , cold
Tags: TanakaNasaoro , silkscreen , manyflags , abstraction , mid-20thcentury , Japan , nationalflags , athletes , Beijing2022 , WinterGames , marching , Olympics , closingceremony , CoveringStainsWithGlitter , BeijingClosesWinterGames , SpectacleShadowedbyPoliticalTensions , DopingScandal , Russia'sInvasionOptions , TestHowWestWillReact , StanytsiaLuhanska , Ukraine , RebelEnclaves , SitatStrife'sCenter , LuhanskPeople'sRepublic , DonetskPeople'sRepublic , Russian-backedrepublics , stagefor"falseflag"attack , SwallowingUkrainevs.NibblingatIt , TheBidenadministration , planstocounterapact , betweenVladimirV.PutinandXiJinping , portendingnewColdWar , WritersWonder , ifPeopleWantToCurlUp , WithaCovidNovel , HowSandyHookFamilies , EmergedTriumphantinCourt , Long-AwaitedVictories , OverConspiracistsandGunMaker , $73millionsettlement , Remington , InRedrawnDistrict , StatenIsland , ParkSlope , MakeOddPair , TheOriginalGoodfella's , well-knownStatenIslandpizzeria , barscene , bartender , customers , tvmonitor , once-in-a-decade , redistrictingeffort , partisanprocess , mostlysunny , noticeablymilder , LACMA , NYTimes
Guerra de la Paz, A Stitch in Time: Ghost Variations , 108 deconstructed garments, metal pole and wire hangers, Dimensions variable (approximately 9 feet wide), 2002-2016, Art Works for Change , Oakland, California
Tags: GuerradelaPaz , astroturf , green , whitepaintedlines , yellowbluewhiteuniforms , football , LosAngelesRams , FinalStoponPathtoVictory , wonSuperBowlLVI , CincinnatiBengals , defensiveplay , AaronDonald , BorderBridgeWillSoonOpen , Canada , ABlockadeIsCleared , AntigovernmentProtest , Ottawa , EntersThirdWeek , AmbassadorBridge , WindsorOntario , Detroit , automanufacturing , slowedtoanearstandstill , protestsigns , hundredsoftruckers , accumulation , AmidThreats , UkraineIsLedByOptimist , Kyiv , VolodymyrZelensky , PresidentofUkraine , formercomedicactor , Texaslawbanningabortions , 'Heartbeat' , MovestoCenterofAbortionDebate , ExaminingWordsandClaims , BehindStrictNewLaws , ForMcConnell , StealthFightForG.O.P.Grip , DraftingAllies , toFoilTrumpSenatePicks , SenatorMitchMcConnell , Kentucky , pilesofcotton , truck , laborersunloadingcotton , Kasrawad , India , Growingwithoutpesticides , producesloweryields , BehindIndia's'Organic'CottonBoom , FraudandFalseLabels , Atlanta , IntheArberyHateCrimesTrial , TheEvidenceIsLikelytoBeUgly , AhmaudArbery , federalprosecutors , federalhatecrime , mostlysunny , cold , brisk , StitchinTime , GhostVariations , deconstructedgarments , wirehangers , ArtWorksForChange , Oakland , California , NYTimes
Heidi Neilson, Fake Snow Collection , Artist book, Edition of 100, Publisher: Visual Studies Workshop Press, Rochester, N.Y., 22 x 23 centimeters, 2010, Massachusetts College of Art & Design , Boston
Tags: HeidiNeilson , artistbooks , fakesnow , fakesnowcollection , VisualStudiesWorkshopPress , MassachusettsCollegeofArt&Design , Boston , artschoolcollection , NYTimes , China'sAlpineskiingcenter , northofBeijing , artificialsnow , mountains , norecreationalskiing , TurningChina'sPeaksWhite , ComesataPrice , OlympicSnowMaking , ReliesonWaterUsedbyBeijing , 2022WinterOlympics , NewVotingMaps , EraseCompetitiveHouseSeats , Gerrymandering , BothParties , MayLeaveFewerThan40Districts , UpforGrabs , WashingtonDC , redistricting , Paris , PresidentEmmanuelMacron , headingtalksonUkraine , MacronTakesDiplomaticLead , InBidtoDefuseRussiaConflict , AnxietyOverClimateChange , LandsonTherapist'sCouch , Portland , "climateanxiety" , plastic , TraderJoe'spackaging , Sacramento , AMediatingForce , DividedCaliforniaCourt , LeondraR.Kruger , possibleU.S.SupremeCourtcandidate , SCOTUS , CaliforniaSupremeCourt , NewJersey , SchoolMasksWillComeOff , GovernorPhilipD.MurphyofNewJersey , Democrat , Omicronvariant , newcasesareplummeting , mostlycloudy , morningfreezingdrizzle , afternoonrain
Jim Leedy, Colorful Vessel , Stoneware, resin, 36.2 x 21.3 x 14 centimeters, 1954, Speed Art Museum , Louisville, Kentucky
Tags: JimLeedy , vessel , stoneware , resin , ceramicsculpture , SpeedArtMuseum , Louisville , NYTimes , trashtrucks , workers , plastictrashbags , TurningTrashIntoIncome , Senegal , legionsofplasticpickers , newrecyclingmarket , moundofdetritus , InnerCircleOfHard-Liners , HasPutin'sEar , SignsPointtoAdvisers'SwayonUkraine , Moscow , "conservative-reactionary"worldview , Russia'ssecurityelite , KetanjiBrownJackson , topcandidateforSupremeCourt , JudgeWithViewofJustice , ShapedbyFamily , PossiblePickHasKin , BothSidesofLaw , Miami , PoliticsFuelsSurge , CallsForBookBans , Tennessee , McMinnCountyBoardofEducation , votedtoremovegraphicnovel , "Maus" , PulitzerPrize-winningbook , Holocaust , AmericanLibraryAssociation , "unprecedented"330reports , bookchallenges , ElectionDeniersSeekStatePosts , ToCertifyVotes , EffortByTrumpAllies , WatchdogsAreAlarmed , OnceQuietOfficeAttractsPartisans , nearlytwodozenRepublicans , disputed2020electionresults , runningforsecretaryofstate , To-GoCocktails , WeretheToastOfNewYork , ButNowAClash , Albany , defeatofpermanentproposal , lobbyists , aggrievedliquorstoreindustry , RafaelNadal , woninAustralia , 21stGrandSlamtitle , bluetenniscourt , victory , Nadal'sMarkCapsTournament , ThatDashedDjokovic'sShadow , sunshine , patchyclouds , notascold
Kai Hügels, Silveride , Wood, screws, skateboards, PUR glue, hot glue, and paint, 118 x 105.5 x 115 centimeters, 2011, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden , Germany
Tags: KaiHügels , mixedmedia , sculpture , figuration , StaatlicheKunstsammlungenDresden , Germany , NYTimes , yellowblue , advertisements , WaryOfContact , luger , EmilySweeney , "Itjustfeelslikesuchabigriskjusttobeexistinginthisworldrightnow" , CoveringUp , NathanChen , nationalfigureskatingchampionships , hehaswornmasks , duringfull-speedpracticesessions , DifferentSchedule , snowboarder , ChloeKim , halfpipegoldmedalist2018 , satouttheXGames , VirtualCelebration , MaameBiney , speedskater , decidednottogooutwithfamilyandfriends , , 2022Games , Beijing , ToAvoidVirus , OlympiansBendOverBackward , ShunFriends , ChangeTrainingandSkipCompetitions , WinsMarredbyMissteps , Biden's1stPandemicYear , ErraticVirus , SpurredConfusingMessaging , PoliticsOftenStymiedAction , WashingtonDC , Dr.RochelleWalensky , "heartsink"moment , U.S.WeighsTroopDeployment , ThousandstoEasternEurope , mountingfearsofRussianincursion , RolesofF.B.I.andInformants , MuddleGovernorKidnapCase , GovernorGretchenWhitmer , Michigan , paybackforCovid-19lockdownmeasures , ObsoleteBulbs , FilltheShelves , DollarStores , lower-endretailers , lowincomeneighborhoods , affluentcommunities , storessellmoreefficientLEDs , AlexMulumba , criticalcarenurse , Lusaka , Zambia , consideringjobopportunitiesinCanada , PoorNations , LoseTheirBestNursestotheRich , RecruitmentPromptsEthicalDilemma , Covid-19pandemic , healthcareworkforce , drasticallydepleted , blendofsunandclouds , seasonablychilly
Purvis Young, Graveyard Warriors, Sad Day , Paint on wood, 48 x 96 inches, Early 1990s, Baltimore Museum of Art , Maryland
Tags: PurvisYoung , painting , figuration , abstraction , horizontal , BaltimoreMuseumofArt , Maryland , NYTimes , funeralprocession , coffins , blackandgolddrapery , victimsoftheBronxfire , takentoIslamicCulturalCenter , securityguards , hearsts , CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention , FastMoves , ScantData , PragmaticChangeofPace , StirsDiscomfort , Omicronvariant , ChinaLockdown , RampsUpStress , SupplyChain , NewVirusRestraints , FearsThatCovidPolicy , MayFurtherDisrupt , GlobalTrade , WashingtonDC , hazmatsuits , machinery , spray , disinfectingshoppingmall , Xi'an , westernChina , 20millionpeopleinlockdown , zero-tolerancepolicy , ForthWorth , Texas , TexasSynagogueHostageTaker , FlewFromU.K. , AuthoritiesSay , CongregationBethIsraelofColleyville , InsideFatalBronxFire , ScenesOfChaos , DesperationandLove , AsSmokeEncroached , Life-or-DeathChoices , WereBeingMade , FordhamHeights , amassfuneral , hundredsofmourners , 15victimsfromWestAfrica , AsAttendanceFalls , NowIstheWinter , Broadway'sDiscontent , emptyseats , theater , "GirlFromtheNorthCountry" , audiencesarevanishing , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , futurecompetitor , DeSantisLurks , TrumpStews , G.O.P.FacesLoyaltyTest , Ex-PresidentExpectingFealty , ofaProtégé , for2024Run , cloudy , strongwinds , rainearly , afternoonflurries
Tags: MartinWong , closed , metalgates , chainsandpadlocks , buildingexterior , acryliconcanvas , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , firefighters , residentialbuilding , brickfacade , fireengines , ladders , FDNY , Americanflag , firefightersrespondtoblaze , East181stStreet , victimsoneveryfloor , 19-storyapartmentbuilding , Bronx , BlazeDevastatesBronxHigh-Rise , TollIs'Horrific' , ARushtoEscape , asSmokePoursIn , TwinParksNorthWesttower , 19DieinCity'sWorstFireinDecades , malfunctioningspaceheater , Rescuersbattledthicksmoke , tohelpvictimsgetout , Susanville , California , 'NothingWillBetheSame' , PrisonClosureDismaysTown , abouthalfofadultsworkattwostateprisons , CaliforniaCorrectionalCenter , HighDesert , Chicago , InStruggleWithOmicron , OneConstantIsChange , NewWarnings , DismayDisruptandConfuse , Omicronvariant , I.C.U. , WesternReserveHospitalOhio , nurses , PPE , hospitalbed , patient , drive-through , Covidtesting , NewOrleans , backtoschool , LakewoodSchool , students , Dallas , gettingvaccinated , Mississippi , Kyiv , Ukraine , UkraineQuietlyTriesItOwnTalksWithRussia , FeelsSidelined , U.S.andNATOnegotiate , WashingtonDC , QuestionsMount , DeadlyChasesonBorder , U.S.Mexicoborder , WhatMeasures , ShouldBeUsedinPursuits? , caraccident , drivingwithundocumentedimmigrants , ErikA.Molix , U.S.BorderPatrol , partlytomostlycloudy , brisk , colder
Simon Periton, Smoke Screen I , Cut colored and black paper, 222.5 x 149.9 centimeters, 2003, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SimonPeriton , smokescreen , cutpaper , coloredpaper , blackpaper , landscape , abstraction , MoMA , NYTimes , soot , ashes , ashesinwinter , snow-coveredsuburbs , afterwildfireragedthroughsuburbs , Colorado , residents , facinglongroadtorecovery , ExtraChildBenefitEnds , AsCovidExplodesinU.S. , ProgressivesExpectedAidtoBeExtended , butOpponentsQuestionedtheCost , ThePaycheckProtectionProgram , portrait , DemocratStaceyAbrams , abilitytobridgepartyfactions , crucialinherrunforGeorgiagovernor , LeftandMiddleClaimAbrams , Who'sRight? , HowSheIsDefinedIsKeytoGeorgiaRace , voting-rightschampion , symbolofherstate'schangingdemographics , shadows , reflection , doubling , CivilianDeathsDismissedByU.S. , BasicInternetSearches , BypassedbyPentagon , IraqiSpringMediaCenter , Facebookpost , Siha , GoogleMaps , Wikimapia , SerbNationalist , PresidentMiloradDodik , PutsMatchNearFuseinBosnia , BanjaLuka , "peacefuldissolution"ofBosnianstate , forgedin1995inDaytonOhio , oxygenforCovid-19patients , meantforuseinindustrialmachines , ATribalPurge , ARareCallForFederalAid , Everson , Washington , NooksackIndianTribe , beingdisownedbytribe , bitterdisenrollment , InaPandemic , BrightStoriesOfResilience , MarkFinazzo , OhioStateUniversity , highereducation , hopingtobecomeresearchscientist , variablycloudy , breezy , cold , someshowers
Jan van den Bergh, After Giacomo Cavedone , Red chalk on paper, 293 x 205 millimeters, 1614, British Museum, U.K.
Tags: JanvandenBergh , Flemishpainter , redchalkonpaper , afterGiacomoCavedone , Bologneseschool , portraiture , BritishMuseum , London , NYTimes , groupofmen , camouflagejackets , MykhailoHiraldo-Ramires , leadingatrainingcourse , Kyiv , Ukraine , country'sdefenseplan , Ukraine'sCiviliansStaff , ResistanceinWaiting , TeachersAccountantsandWaitresses , PrepforanInsurgency , learncombatskills , NewVariantRisk , InNursingHomes , BoostersLaginNewYork , AmidOmicronSurge , SeaCrestNursingandRehabilitation , ConeyIsland , CadreofExpertWitnesses , HelpsClearPoliceinCourt , SameTightNetworkThatTrainsOfficers , TestifiesAboutDeathsinCustody , Dr.GaryVilke , establishedhimselfasleadingexpertwitness , cottageindustryofexoneration , expertshavetiestoAxon , makeroftheTaser , cowwithtag , strugglingranchers , sellingoffentireherds , BoominBeef , ButRanchersCan'tCashIn , Montana , cattleranchers , DubiousAdvice , FromTVDoctorInSenateHunt , Dr.MehmetOz , chiefpromoter , malariadrugs , hydroxychloroquine , chloroquine , fortreatingCovid-19 , wealthofevidence , noteffective , Dr.OzjumpedintoRepublicanprimary , forSenateinPennsylvania , DesmondM.Tutu , 1931-2021 , ArchbishopWhoseVoiceHelpedEndApartheid , powerfulforcefornonviolence , anti-apartheidmovement , earnedNobelPeacePrizein1984 , becomingmostlycloudy , showerslate , chilly
Nellie Mae Roe, When I Was a Little girl Looking for Santa Claus, Crayon, colored pencil and pencil on paper, Dimensions unknown, 1982, High Museum of Art , Atlanta, Georgia
Tags: NellieMaeRoe , painting , drawing , portraiture , SantaClaus , HighMuseumofArt , Atlanta , NYTimes , Lima , Peru , landscape , mountains , rocks , shrubs , nurses , PPE , blue , surgicalmasks , orangebag , orange , Sinopharmvaccine , offerszeroprotection , fromOmicroninfection , mostshotsusedabroad , maynothaltOmicron , AllSeemtoOffer , MajorShieldAgainstSevereIllness , ManchinSaysNo , DesertingBiden , OverPrizedBill , SenatorIsAdamant , OnInflationFear , WestVirginiaDemocrat , PotentialFatalBlow , Hits$2.2TrillionSpendingPlan , SenatorJoeManchinIII , citedconcernsaboutnationaldebt , DavidLevitan , listedasoneofNYC'sworstlandlords , SheltersRelyOnLandlordCalledWorst , nonprofitgroupsdon'townspaces , mustrentfromprivatelandlords , protectiveglass , separation , MariaEduarda , storewindow , Boston , SeasonalSnifflesPromptWorry , ColdorCovid? , EvenTestingNegative , FailstoSootheSome , panic , APopStar , WhoFeltTrapped , AManagerWhoBenefited , BritneySpears , JamesP.Spears , TRiStarSports&EntertainmentGroup , ownerLouiseM.Taylor , plentyofsunshine , seasonablychilly , alightwind
John Steuart Curry, Tornado Over Kansas , Oil on canvas, 117.5 x 153.35 centimeters, 1929, Muskegon Museum of Art , Michigan
Tags: JohnSteuartCurry , scenicpainting , landscape , portraiture , tornado , MuskegonMuseumofArt , Michigan , NYTimes , Kentucky , SurveyingtheAftermath , salvagingremains , destroyedhome , DawsonSprings , town , scoresofresidents , stillmissing , AmazonDepot , WinterPeak , AsStormsHit , Edwardsville , Illinois , alarmblared , "Ifeltlikethefloorwascomingofftheground" , AlonzoHarris , CovidHasKilled , OneOfEvery100 , OlderAmericans , DeathToll , Nears800000Overall , Three-QuartersAre65orOver , statisticalgraph , lightbluegreyorange , CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention , Port-Au-Prince , Haiti'sLeader , HadaListHisAssassinsWanted , ImplicatingPoliticiansandBusinessmen , DrugTrade , PresidentJovenelMoïse , portraitofthreemen , bluedressshirts , PresidentMichelMartelly , 2015photograph , LosAngeles , LitanyofCrises , ForNextMayorOfLosAngeles , crime , homelessencampments , drought , trash , RosyPlansFail , CompaniesPutOffReturns , DocuSign , Omicronvariant , FoxNewsAnchor , ChrisWallace , DecampsasRight-WingHostsSetAgenda , LeavingforCNN , LatestExit , NetworkWaxesConspiratorial , TuckerCarlson , recentdocumentary , "PatriotPurge" , objections , plentyofsunshine , milder
Vladimir Tatlin, The Sailor , Tempera on canvas, 71.5 x 71.5 centimeters, 1911, The State Russian Museum , Saint Petersburg, Russia
Tags: VladimirTatlin , sailor , portraiture , tempera , canvas , painting , TheStateRussianMuseum , SaintPetersburg , Russia , NYTimes , Ukraine , Ukrainiansoldier , camouflagenet , frontlines , pro-Russianseparatists , Donetsk , dirt , trenches , shovels , uniforms , rocks , PutinStaysFixed , OnUkraineClaim , UsingHistoryandTroops , toSignalIreatWest , Moscow , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , Kremlinthesis , Ukrainiansare"onepeople"withRussians , generations , linguisticculturaleconomicties , familyties , HowOmicronStayedaStepAhead , Undetected , BeforeItHadaName , VariantStalkedNewYorkEvent , animeconference , coronavirus , BobDole , obituary , 1923-2021 , SenateLeader , TenaciousSonofthePrairie , lastofWorldWarIIgeneration , towintheRepublicannominationforpresident , suitandtie , BuiltUponSyria'sRuins , ADrugEmpireFlourishes , AmphetamineProduction , BringsinBillions , fortheWorld'sNewestNarcostate , beige , pills , captagon , illegalandaddictive , popularintheMiddleEast , WithoutRoe , PathtoAbortion , WouldBeIntricateandCostly , Roev.Wade , SupremeCourt , arguments , MIssissippiabortionlaw , cloudy , turningwindy , warmer , showers
Simon Starling, Inverted funicular bridge , Mixed media, 768 x 278 x 254 centimeters, 2004, Museion Foundation , Bolzano, Italy
Tags: SimonStarling , bridge , mixedmedia , hempropes , resin , installation , sculpture , MuseionFoundation , Bolzano , Italy , NYTimes , RyanSanford , patrolofficer , Kittery , Maine , landscape , greenery , water , boat , portraiture , encounteredbruisedandshakingTanyaNeal , hegotherintoashelter , Tear-StreakedFace , ScrambletoHelpinMaine , motherdaughter , embrace , daughterJusticeStone , shedidn'tusuallyturntopoliceforaid , BidenExploresTalks , asChinaBuildsArsenal , SeekingWaystoAvoidAccidentalConflict , nuclearcapability , armscontrol , RacingToAssessHowShotsWork , Vs.NewVariant , 26UniqueMutations , VaccineMakersPrepare , ReformulateDosesforOmicronStrain , Pfizer-BioNTech , Moderna , 2300newdailycases , provinceofGauteng , SouthAfrica , VirgilAbloh , obituary , 1980-2021 , DesignerWhoBrokeBarriers , WhileReimaginingLuxury , Hehadhisownbrand , Off-White , artisticdirector , LouisVuittonmen'swear , bridginghypebeastcultureandluxuryworld , Honolulu , Hawaii , $4billiontransitproject , hasrisento$11.4billion , WhenU.S.BuildsBig , CostsandTimelinesSwell , AsU.S.HuntsForChinaSpies , ScientistsRecoil , AnmingHu , accusedofespionage , trialendedinhungjury , surveillance , universityprofessor , periodicclouds , sunshine , breezy , cold
Philippe Parreno, Fraught Times, FZRA January 1998 , Cast and painted stainless steel, glass, resin, 270 x 180 x 180 centimeters, 2018, Fondation Beyeler , Basel, Switzerland
Tags: PhilippeParreno , FraughtTimes , caststainlesssteel , glass , resin , FondationBeyeler , Switzerland , NYTimes , glassornaments , Christmastree , LockedDownandFrustrated , Austria , Christmasmarket , Vienna , newwaveofCovidinfections , spreadsinEurope , restrictionssettingoffbacklash , U.S.VirusCasesRisingAgain , AsHolidayNears , FamilyDinnersReturn , VaccinesandTreatments , LessentheRisks , AnxietyLingers , Chicago , virusrepeatedlydefiedpredictions , G.O.P.Donors , FlocktoBack2Democrats , SenatorJoeManchinIII , WestVirginia , SenatorKyrstenSinema , Arizona , WashingtonDC , HowU.S.LostCleanEnergyTreasuretoChina , RaceToTheFuture , SecuringtheWorld'sCobalt , Freeport-McMoRan , Arizona-basedmininggiant , DemocraticRepublicofCongo , essentialrawmaterials , Chinesepurchasedmine , TenkeFungurume , IsraeliAttacks , SpurUpgradeOfIranSites , HopesDim , forRevivalof'15NuclearDeal , landscape , greenery , trees , sunlight , rocks , moss , ToekTik , temple , PrasatThomcomplex , helpfindevidenceofartifacts , hehadlooted , Ex-PlundererHelpsCambodia , ReclaimItsCulturalRelics , Exonerations , LiftOneBurden , ForanAssassinofMalcolmX , MujahidAbdulHalim , NewYork , abitofmorningrain , someclearinglate , turningwindy
Tags: HaroldEdgerton , dyetransferprint , photography , footballkick , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , TheIrishTimes , SportsMonday , Bestvictoryyet , overtheAllBlacks , MalachyClerkin , Loweisoneofusnow , afterthatmemorabletackle , greenuniforms , cheering , victory , hands , UnaMullally , commonsense , needstoformradicalapproach , toclimatecrisis , ConorPope , 'Iamwritingregardinganawfulexperience' , EoinBurke-Kennedy , Couldonce-offwealthtax , payforbetterpublicservicesinIreland? , Goalscoringtrio , RepublicofIrelandfinishcampaignonahigh , orangeuniforms , ChiedozieOgbene , CallumRobinson , ShaneDuffy , FifaWorldCup , Governmentsettoadvise , workingfromhome , ascasessoar , Ministerstoresistanycalls , forwidespreadrestrictionsorlockdown , Taoiseach'extremelyconcerned' , highriseinCovid-19casenumbers , MicheálMartin , HSE , antigentesting , Hospitalsin'grimsituation' , Teachersunabletolistcontactsonportal , CompanyatcentreofQuinndispute , has'safetyconcerns' , QuinnIndustrialHoldings , abductionandassault , KevinLunney , 'Shadowypaymaster' , JohnsonhailsCop26 , despitecriticismofdeal , BorisJohnson , Activistssayclimatepact , willnotkeepglobalwarmingbelow1.5degrees , ChinaandIndia , Cop26Coalition , groupofworld'sbiggestenvironmentalorganizations , saidoutcomewasbetrayal , mainlydry , brightday , somesunshine
Graham Sutherland, Devastation, 1941: East End, Wrecked Public House , Crayon, ink, pastel and gouache on paper on plywood, 1030 x 928 x 148 millimeters, 1941, Tate , U.K.
Tags: GrahamSutherland , painting , paper , plywood , mixedmedia , TateUK , TheIrishTimes , Ireland , SportsMonday , Gibson-Park , MalachyClerkin , culturewar , football , soccer , uniforms , UnaMullally , Togooutornottogoout? , ConorPope , Pricewatch , worstorbestcustomerexperiencein2021? , Contractsofviruscontacttracers , extendedforsixmonths , Seven-dayaverageofCovid-19cases , rises51%inaweek , hospitalityoutlets , shouldfacesanctions , forfailingtocheckcerts , 'Atfullstretch' , Boostereffectiveness , wreckage , burnedcar , twistedmetal , SierraLeonetankerexplosion , deathtollrises , Freetown , DNAtesting , Localswalkpastburnt-outcarsandhomes , aftertruckcollidedwithfueltanker , 'Thefirewasalloverhim' , Crackcocaine'epidemic' , westTallaght , Dublin , warnsreport , TDATF , 'Mostpressing' , 'byfarthemostpressingsubstanceabuseissue' , rainwillpusheastwardsearly , gooddryspellsbyafternoon , moderatewinds
Rita Donagh, affirm/deny , Neon and argon tubes, 210 x 460 x 470 millimeters / 210 x 450 x 450 millimeters, 1972, Tate , U.K.
Tags: RitaDonagh , affirm , deny , neonsculpture , installation , neon , TateUK , NYTimes , Covid-19Vaccine , BreakthroughCases , chart , orange-redlines , blue-blacklines , datashows , vaccinesworkedthroughDeltasurge , somegroups , higherrisk , breakthroughinfectionsordeath , averageweeklycoronaviruscaserates , ageandvaccinationstatus , OntheLeft , NewScrambleOvertheRightWordstoSay , BIPOC , POC , EquityorEquality? , DebateOverLanguage , Latinx , HopeforFamilyLeaveLivesOn , TheQuestionIsHowtoDoIt , DesiretoKeepWomeninWorkForce , DrivesBothParties , 12-weekpaidfamilyandmedicalleaveprogram , centristsobjectedtocost , MilitaryJurorsRebukeTorture , MoralStain , UrgeGivingClemencytoaTerrorist , GuantanamoBay , Cuba , MajidKhan , formerprisonerofC.I.A.blacksites , Glasgow , Scotland , BidenInsistsU.S.IsReady , ToLeadGlobeOnClimate , TalksOpenInGlasgow , SkepticismAbounds , President'sOwnPartySlowsLegislation , Britain'sevolutionfromfossilfuelstocleanenergy , willbeondisplay , politicalsigns , redwhitecampaignsigns , bluewhitegreencampaignsigns , GlennYoungkin , TerryMcAuliffe , candidatesforgovernorofVirginia , speakingonfinalweekend , beforeElectionDay , Alexandria , UglyInfighting , VirginiaElectionFillDemocratsWithDread , FearsofPoliticalFlops , ThatCouldSnowball , WashingtonDC , It'saMerry'Fishmas'AfterAll , NoThankstotheSupplyChain , adventcalendar , redwhitegreendesign , CatchCo. , Chicago-basedfishingcompany , massivetrafficjam , flowofgoods , AsianfactoriestoAmericanstoreshelves , mostlysunny , seasonable , breezyattimes
Tags: MaryBeams , animation , 16millimeterfilm , whalesongs , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , ocean , clouds , bluewater , whalesharks , maninboat , 'TheyWillLeaveifWeDon'tFeedThem' , Conservationistsdecry , hand-feedingofwhalesharks , tourist-relianttown , Philippines , AFalteringShadowWar , AgainstSomaliMilitants , LongAfter'BlackHawkDown'Disaster , U.S.BattlesOffshootofAlQaeda , landscape , Mogadishuruin , Somalia'scivilwarin1990s , destroyedbuilding , Amazon , FlawedSystemLedtoLostPay , Amazonshortchangingnewparents , patientswithmedicalcrises , vulnerableworkersonleave , GreatFalls , Montana , FalsehoodsMeddle , HumbleBidtoHonorPast , SowingDoubt , DerailCivicPlan , toSpurMontanaTourism , mountainlandscape , SquareButte , FirstPeoplesBuffaloJumpStatePark , nationallandmark , SeaIsland , Georgia , RussiaRestartsCyberoperation , DespiteRebuke , S.V.R. , WhiteHouseblamedforSolarWindshacking , TheyGaveUpAJob , toAvoidCovidVaccines , sizablecontingentacrosstheUnitedStates , resistancetothevaccines , givenupcareers , Boston , TheNationalPastime'sChallenge , ProveItsTimeHasn'tPassed , YoungBlackFans , KeytoBaseball'sGrowth , sunny , thencloudy , warmer , rainlate
Unknown artist, Shrewsbury and the River Severn , Oil on canvas, 30.5 x 71.5 inches, circa 1720, Yale Center For British Art , Connecticut
Tags: unknownartist , river , landscape , oiloncanvas , clouds , sky , aerialview , eighteenthcentury , YaleCenterForBritishArt , NewHaven , Connecticut , NYTimes , Rowlesburg , WestVirginia , rawsewage , CheatRiver , heavystorms , sewagespills , exposedtofloods , mountains , aerialphotography , greenery , landscapepainting , Farmington , BlockingClimatePlan , HometownatRisk , ManchinProtectsCoalEconomy , AsFloodsSwampHisState , SenatorJoeManchin , Democrat , voteiscrucial , topassingclimatelegislation , DebateWeighsPrice , BigBillVs.NotActing , WashingtonDC , PresidentBiden , initialproposal , $3.5trillionover10years , PortAngeles , Washington , PublicHealthCrisisGrows , WithDistrustandThreats , NewLocalLaws , StripOfficialsAcrossU.S. , PowertoFightSpreadofViruses , Dr.AllisonBerry , localhealthofficer , DeltaVariant , maskmandate , Covid-19 , nation'spublichealthsystem , underfundedandneglected , Don'tCallItaColdWar , U.S.LaborstoNameChinaRivalry , generationalstruggle , "autocracyanddemocracy" , restaurantdining , groupofmen , ManyAsian-ownedbusinesses , Yumpling , openedinLongIslandCity , sinceMarch2020 , AsianInflux , ReshapesCornerofNewYork , QueensNeighborhood , ReflectsWiderShift , GangsGripHaiti , With'NewLevelintheHorror' , 17WithU.S.missionarygroup , ChristianAidMinistries , LatesttoBeAbducted , breezy , sunshine , someclouds