Lisa Blas : Dawn studio | 2020 - present
Lisa Blas, Blink, a rose is a rose is a rose, Metallic ink and watercolor on Windsor/Newton cotton watercolor paper, 9 x 12 inches, 2020
Blink, weather event…today, tomorrow, Watercolor, dye-based ink, gouache, metallic ink on cotton watercolor paper, 9 x 12 inches, 2021, Private collection, Los Angeles
03 | 15 | 21, 6:18 pm, Watercolor, metallic ink, dye-based ink and gouache on watercolor paper, 12 x 12 inches, 2021, Private collection, Los Angeles
Dawn’s vroom, Watercolor, dye-based ink, metallic ink, gouache and pigment on panel, 12 x 12 inches, 2022, Private collection, Belgium
fields, poured blue into the shadows (after V.W.), Watercolor, gouache, pigment, metallic ink and dye-based ink on panel, 12 x 12 inches, 2021-2022, Private collection, Connecticut
Blink, on this lithe brown feather, Metallic ink on cotton watercolor paper, 9 x 12 inches, 2020, Private collection, New York
Dawn studio, Installation of paintings on paper and canvas, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, 2021
Lisa Blas : Dawn studio
I began Dawn studio in the early morning hours of 2020, when the pigmented night sky slowly shifts in color and chromatic intensity as the day begins. Dawn is scientifically categorized as astronomical, nautical and civil —graphically represented in shades of blue on a gradient scale before the sun appears over the horizon. Each morning, I wake up before 6:00 a.m. and place my inks, watercolors, paper, brushes and jars of water onto the dining room table. A candle is lit. The city is quiet, the room is compact and faces west over the Hudson River.
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